Ki New ayser Hose Slipper heel, half heel, twin heel and lance heclj full fashioned. ... ers THK IIAINTIKST KltKAHI'ASr MMIti' Smoked Dally b Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. 'rime Kuperl. B.t. in all the latest shades 88x slipper heel, silk to hem, same. service' weight, per pair :. ' SI.KTi 4x Chiffon Slipper heel. Silk to the top. Per pair .... SI.IK5 Umce heel and twin heel, per pair Sji:l.00 FRASER & PAYNE Universal Trading Company Canadian National Steamships . Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating (i.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Cn.-iiiicera, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patttrn makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOIIK. PHONES 43 and 385 If "7th Heaven" has been brought to the screen and will be shown for the first time at the Capitol Theatre, tonight, Wednesday and Thurs-jS day. ' This picture, based on the play by Austin Strong, is said by all critics to be one of the finest productions of any tjlx; ever screened. Taken from every angle it is perfection, and more than that it has lost none of the appeal or beauty of the original play. The characterizations of the 'players are said'to be inspired, par- ever written. The play created a j ticularly that of Janet Gaynor, 3ensation When produced for a rec-who appears as the winsome, ord run on Broadway, and the pic- frightened and finally glorified ure is surpassing the reputation "Diane," and Charles Farrell, wh$ established by the play, is the handsome, egotistical, gen?' ' rous and thoroughly ' lovable j..; ' ' Chico." ' "7th Heaven" is the story of two Lhlv AT 1 1ILA 1 Rhb if the lowest tvres of Parisians. a: Tuesday -------- - . I Worker in the sewers of Paris and . waif of the Paris streets. But ' becaue of the glorious doctrine of j courage which it preaches and the I marvelous things it does to both : of their characters It has been ! called one of the 'greatest and one of the most beautiful love stories In. Barg Everyday Something Different argams i Bargains i ains! Ihuschold Linens DreSs Goods Hosiery Corsets Hrassicrcs Gloves Curtain Net Cretonne, etc. Your Opportunity Now. at "Hie Nobby" J i .1 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in . buying and selling Mining Stoks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Cnpitol: "the Seventh FORMER LOCAL NURSE Heaven." . Wcsthdlme: "Clancy's Kosher Wedcjing." Wednesday and Thursday Capitol: "The Seventh Heaven." ' Westholme: "The Count of Ten." Friday and Saturday Capitol: "Ruse Marie." y sv." Westholme: "(Morious Bet- Miss Betty Weller Become Bride of Basil Keoh; .Oauple Will Reside In Victoria I The funeral of the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dyer, 1647 Sixth Avenue East, took place on Saturday afternoon at 2:30 in the chapel of B. C. Undertakers. A brief service was conducted by Rev. A. Wilson of First United Church, after which Interment was made in Fairview Cemetery in the Moose plot. WINTER SCHEDULE C. N. STEAMSHIPS AND RAILWAY i Change in schedule on coast i steamships is effective week com mencing Monday, Nov. l'Jth. After) that date the S. S. Trince Rupert Stewart and Anyox 10 p.m. same night, returning C a.m. Friday, and sail .for Vancouver each Friday 9 a.m. The tri-weekly service on rall- !way is also effective lame date, trains leaving Prince Rupert each Alonday, Wednesday and Saturday !for the east, and arriving each Tuesday, Thurnday and Sunday it the same hours as at present. Full particulars from City Ticket Office. Phone 270. Tuesday, Nnvrmt, PAGE EIGHT TUB DAILY NEWS "jor i : & Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre .MONDAY AND TUESDAY 7 and 9 1 M. Matinee Monday 2.30 p.m. Sl'ECIAL THANKSGIVING PROGRAM Geo. Sidney Star of "TllE COHENS AND KELLYS" in a Comedy Supreme "Clancy's Kosher Wedding" BOBBY VERNON COMEDY "HOLD 'EM COWBOY" "KRAZY KAT" COMEDY "RACING BLOOD" No. 2 "THE WAGES of the SYNTHETIC" FOX NEWS 35c and 10c S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. East. Flume 83- Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Rate Repairs USED CARS . We have several excellent bargains In used Car a. Easy Terms if desired. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" "7ih Heaven" Acclaimed By Critics as One of the Great Screen Dramas Courage, Theme Exemplified by Two Youthful 3 Players, Janet Gaynqr and Charles rarrell -One of the Most Human of All Pictures TONIGHT THE PICTURE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THE SCREEN'S TRIUMPH with CHARLES FARRELL and JANET GAYNOR ON THK STACK (a) i Seventh Heaven Prologue. , (b) Cecelia Prest, "The Little Girl With th Hi Vole.! Jack de Jaussemnd and his Rupert CapHolians Vaudeville, BOTH SHOWS First Show 7 p.m., 50c and 15c. MARRIED IN SOUTH maamssmmsMMm Many local friends "will be interested to learn f of the recent, marriage in Vaniouve'r of Miss Eliaabeth (BetHy, Weller, R. N., graduate of ' the' Prince Rupert; .iopital Training School fo.j Nurses, and Basil Keoh, former.)-identified with the bridges ana, building department of the Cana-1 nan National Railways in this (in ' trict. The bride, since leaving Prince Rupert two or three year., ago, had been nursing on the staff of the Tranquille Sanitarium, near Kamloops. She served as an ambulance driver in France during the Great War. Mr. and Mrs. Keob are taking up residence in Victoria. INFANT'S FUNERAL HELD ON SATURDAY Service for Infant Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dyer Conducted; by Rev. A. Wilson Try MOTORING at once Plain or .Milk, you'll like it. ROWNTREES HOCOLAT Plain or Milk Chocolnln Avilli Altvinnrl ntifl 1i mi itwiiiii mum i im mja "1 K22 Th i- - 0 e Daily News? Who do not subscribe Tor the paper but who purchase occasional copiew, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. AJ1 the News of the North, coast and country, fijin our 'flVpfecial forrogptindcrirB, as AVtMl as World fevents will'kTep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of ill