msiiX November T3, 1928 THE DAILY NZWB PAGE FITS COLOR COMBINATION IS THE EMBARRASING MOMENTS . FEATURE OF THIS WINTER ARMISTICE DAY youiieeth ore MODEL BANQUET HELD chese Com fritters Event Last Night Attended With Usual Fervor and Enthus- mm 'Jifril nnrl Pnrennol 1.1 .11111111 n thin morn- inji to Calgary. .'in-lair extradit-i r-Keedinf this 1 Judge P. jlcB. an extradttion charged in .-. this morning i ,t' McClymont 'i'-uor to an In-nf m Metlakatla. il this afternoon 14 Cigarette "fT' MH.O. v -- - In tU BLUE pqckogz ' wth CARP PICTURCS) T doesn't matter whether your teeth are those that Nature gave you or those provided by dental art. They will go through these tender, crispy-brown Corn Fritters with most pleasurable sensations. Corn Fritters are simply grand as a side-dish at luncheon or dinner. Moreover, they are as wholesome as wholesome can be, provided your doctor hasn't barred fried foods. CORN FRITTERS 1 can corn 1 cup pastry flour 1 teaspoon Magic Baking Powder Chop corn and add dry ingredients, which have been mixed and sifted together, then add yolks ofxeggi, beaten in till thick; fold in the stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Cook in a deep frying pan in trtsh hot lard. Dram on paper and serve on a folded napkin. NAGIC raWDER The original British Consols which created a new standard of taste "nd quality. 'Sofa tfowiown MKING was taken t the request of Dominlon Constable A. J. Wst- kinson. Ilasketball tonight. Exhibition Hall 7 o'clock.. Three game. Admission 25c and 10c. George Haldene, Indian, was charged in city police court this morning for dreakeaneee, the case being cdjottraed until this afternoon. The retrular fortnightly meeting- of the city council will be held tonight, being postponed from last night on acount of h? holiday. Engineering department affairs will be one of the chief for Fvery Taste srxf M'srwtrnya: mszs . t iffaw i mt i l.i i m i i. - rr t. u r- i m ri ..AiMIJa wZJrAmJ a'fiJtrMfl San vltllfT.H bbbbm. i slT I r 1 teaspoon salt ti teaspoon paprika 2 eggi unify topics of discussion, it ts expec ted. Kenneth Ferguson, , the well known insurance mantis visiting hj the city This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3.30, was recoiled this morning to be on time. Douglas Lay. resident mininK engineer for .the northeastern mineral survey district with head- marter? in H Melton arrived iv. the city trom the interior on Sun day afternoon's train and sailed the same night on the Prince Ceorge for Victoria In the GREENpackage (no card picturcs) EXPORT - Milder and made from only finest selected imported Virginia tobaccos. SO Sharp $eior contrasts arc much favored fashion designers this season TWs is particularly so in regard-to winter coats. Take this oue, for instance. It .i of Copeflhvreft blue a bright hade and is t-immei with gray fcrimmer. the color scheme being Ufee important not? of the model. Rl'J3lue and gray, then, is a favo- ttjtc oorabinattan, as Is blue and . . , . '1 1 1 -1- V' ' J 1 DitoCK, ren ana owe, rea ana -ray, and beige and Mack. Most effective models reeelt. -. - M This Ensemble is Syllable for Fall or Winter Vear " i ,-' . ? I i'linted velvet costumes, made u suit fashion, are an ideal Fall h-ce They can be wem without a co it on warn days, and r.ay still be worn in the winter. Here is such a frock. It is of irune-colpred transparent velvet 'ith a lavender print The satin )iouse is of the lavender mmi is hurmingly made. The lavender ctin is repeated n the lining of the ;-vit riiROiIGH SLEEPERS TO THE SHIP'S SIDE Tiie Canadian National Rail-v y have made arrangements to operate .special trains nd through j bleeping cars from the I acifit Coast to the ship's side at Monti al and Halifax in connection with sailing for the Old Coun . ry during November :md Decern 'r. Full intormatinn from Cit Ticket Office, &t$ Third A-enue I'rince RuH;rt Pnone 200. 232 Owing to the Thanksgiving holiday, there was no lecture before the Naval Reserve but a basketball practice w;ts held Instead. The i.ext lertnre will be in Friday evening. A ,1 ; Now 25c. xPr wJ Always Take This Great BREATHEABLE Remedy for THROAT & CHEST ""'iasm. 114 Present One hundred and fourteen veterans of the Great War and their' friends gathered last night in the Boston Hall at the annual Armistice Day Banquet under the auspices of the local Canadian Legion to renew associations of the overseas service days in France and to honor the menjtprie of eomrades who" these ten years have lain in Flanders Fields. The usual fervor and enthusiasm attended the event. The proceedings opened with the observance of two minutes of solemn silence and "The Last Post" was sounded by Bugler Sergeant William Ranee, being fol lowed by "Reveille." M. M. Lamb, president of t he- Canadian Legion occupied the chair, the principal address of thr evening was by J. C. Brady M. P. Other speakers included Col. i. W. Nicholls, Lieut Col. S. P. Mc-Mordie, Rev. T. H. McAllister and Rev. A. W. Robinson (Terrace), j The prngrirr aluo included I songs by William Murray, Frank Morris. J. A. Teng, Thomas Dlack, Vic Houston. Morris Blott and R. Burgess; monologue and song by A. Cracknel!, and cornet solo by Bandmaster Thomas Wilson. There was community singing and wartime airs and presiding at the j piano during the evening were Sid Thomson ,W. Vaughan Davies and AI Smail. The sale of poppies resulted ir. 130.30 being realized. HIGH PRICES ! FOR HALIBUT "-- were hr.libut sties on the local Fish Exchange both yesterday and this morning; i lesterdny 54.500 pounds were sold, the high bid being 18Jc 'and 7c. Today, with only 32,600 'pounds offering, prices soared up to 20.6c and 7c. Sales yesterday were as follows : American L'tuys. 7.00 J pounds, Canadian Fish &. Cold Storage Co., 18.7c and 7c. Estep, 11,060 (teands, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. 13.6c r.nd "c. Anna J.. 18.000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 18.9c and 7c. Normi Jane, 4,000 pounds. At-'in Fisheries, 18.3c and 7c. Betty, 8 000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold torage Co, 18 A: and 7c. Canadian Kaitn, 2.000 pound. Atlin Fish eries. 16c and 9c. Lose Spit, 6,600 pounds. Cans-ian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 16c and 9c Today's sales were as follows: American Excel. 7,000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co ttkfc and 7c. Onah, 10.500 pounds. Booth Fisheries, 20.6c snd 7c. Canadian Oslo. 10.000 pounds. Canadian Fish & ( old Storage Co., 18.9c and 7c. Sea Maid. 5.000 pounds. Booth "is!. cries. 18.1c and 6c. HE NEVER COULD DIGEST HIS FOOD "FRUIT-AJIVES" Brought Perfect Health Whst miserable yesn Mr. Lro Godin pent when bit etomich wu 11 uaet snd he wu deathly cick witi Klious stUclu. A ho wntM from Montrwil, "It deemed to me that I was alwayt bilious and nerer digested ray foal. Finally, an old friamJ toM nw to try "Fruit-A-tivea." Since takiug thru, I hare txsea so well that I want to concrattilata you on thu wi.idrful medicine." This is tl wuy it PeojJe sufffr for year with foes. luligastion. Bilious Attacks, fain in the Hack, Bladder Trouble, Jlheuto.4-tism. lUadaohes and never realise that the CAUSE of these troubJoe is weakneM or poor action of the bowels, kidneys and kin. "Fruit a- ; lives" restores tlieee three M.iod . Eurifying ajtrntsoftheUnU-to i. .mal, ! eallhy iwtlou, sweetens tne umiu - makes dieeetion nhiikI, eeial !' - you to est and sleep and enjoy life . V. and oOc. a Ikjx at d- nlers ererr ' wIuk. ' EMBARRASING " MM iriiiiM, uRAIN SHIPPING MEN PMM FROM SOUTH Representatives of Shipping Con tern and Pilots Here to Spend Winter Fred H. Ciendenning. who w. here last winter and will again represent the Empire Shinning (' t this port during the forthi-om-ing grain shipping reason, anivt ., from Vancouver on the fatal Sunday night Captain Lun Thomson, representative of th. Federal Pilots of British r..h.a) bia, also arrived on the same vessel to take up his station here after having spent the summer in the south. While no definite information i available, it is expected that the first grain ship of the season nay be here in about a week's time. Fastotrg Naklmu Caves Near the summit cf the SMkirV range of mountains in British ' "olt-mbia is one of the most re- markable series of subterranean ; "assiges found on this continent. 1 These passages are the Nakimu , Caves in the Glacier national park : one of the scenic areas adminis-j tere.1 by the National Parks of j Canada, Department of the Inter-'or. Market Prices rrlres current are as 'ollow: vSplUgenburi M.TS Winter Bananas II.U Jumble pack IS.10 Orwn ook!n apples (B.C.) S lb, ate nttir Ora&tas, Valencia, down , ... eoc to ate Lemon. Sunklst, doaea , . . 400 to 69s Imperial Vailef TtpemM .... a tor 3 Bananas S lb. . . . . . .. .......... iie ExUatted noneftr H ...'...... soc Oomb honey .. Sic Dates, bulk. 2 Km tar M Ra'sina. bulk, per lb 15c California Dalntt Oatea, pack tat . in Cocoanut Tokajr Orape lb. No An Inn Pears, down Mel Box M.TS' I'uiuKrHiutr each 10c' bttTTtlt j MOMENTS l r'wn"v; wy w THE VEfit'E.0P V0VTWT0 DiVfcTHAr wa Ml. Vouch VOU AOTtC&Th'AI" PAinrl Sodium Sulphate in ( nada The production f sndium sulphate from the natural deiosits of Western Canada is still i:i its infancy. There is a f:iir!v strudy market for aro'jnd 40,00! tons of salt cake in the pulp and na)er industry, but the largest consum-ng centres are in Eastern Crnnda and the present freight rates from the deposits to the market are an important factor. -tlulld ll.t'." B. C. ALL THE I JVAMaaTlt I WAY As an industry of British Columbia Pacific Milk is something unique in one very important respect the owner? live here and ever . its production down Wfce nails in the boxes is spent in the province. It is 100 loyal. Further than this a product can not go. PACIFIC MILK I art or lm at Abbntxford and Ladner, U.C. "Ilulld H.C."