rt if ii -iTnrm 1 The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIi published Every Afteinoon, except . Sunaay, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. I'ULLEN - - Managing Editor. DAILY EDITION SUBSQftH'TION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advanc $5,00 For leseer period, paid in aavance, per nwmu By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 13.00 Or four months for 100 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the Uritish Empire and United States, paid in advance per year .... $6.0i' By mail to all other countries, per year $7U Transient Display Advertising, per Ineh, per Insertion $1.40 r .lf AJfarHtlntr nn Front Paire. rjer illth $2. SO Local Readers, per insertion, per line . . Classified Advertising, per Insertion, per word Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone . - Member of Audit Bureau f Circulations CABINET TALK RIFE IN SOUTH C.OSSIP SETTLES MI.MK POIUl'OI.I( HIT OTIIEKH A HP. IN IIOUIT VICTORIA. July 3 All prognost testers seem to be agreed that R L. Malt- lend, youthful Vancouver barrister, will In all probability be the new attorney general in the Tolmle government and there is also agreement on Joshua Hlnchcllffe of Victoria as minister of education. W. p. Shelley pi Vancouver as minister of finance. Dr. L. E. Borden of Nelson a provincial secretary and minuter cf health and W. A. Mackensle of Slmllkameen a minister of public works. Those close to Dr. Tolmle say there Is no doubt that W C. Shelley will be of fered the finance portfolio but there l.i not so much certainty that he wUl accept it on account of his extensive business interest and financial ventures from which he would virtually nave to retire if he went into the government On the otter hand, he la so doubt, the man experienced man , in financial aifalrs among th OeWWhttve tnean ben-elect. railing Mr Shelly taking the portfolio. T. H. Kirk VwOHeer la mentioned by many aa a possible finance minister. The nam pf J..W. Jones of South Oksnagtu Is also heard In tbta connection. "Pat" Maltland. Respite Ma youth, is the general favorite fcr the post of attorney general though It. H Pooley. former Conservative bouse leader and leug a member of the legislature, for Btquimalt. is also mentioned. Though Mjr Pooley is not as popular throughout the province e he la in his ewn riding. It is generally felt that soth. Reward is due him for the rownan eW0b be has given his party. ifeJWWf'jspejly boosted as a possible $rlit4t fP tary ' With Dr. A. M Banford of Mew west-minster defeeted. there 1 little opposition in Conservative ranks at least to the mantle of minister of education falling upon the shoulders of Joshua Hlnchcllffe, already eight years n member fir Vlrtorla. NeH Loujjheed Is conaldered the favor, lte for the pcirtfclto of minister of lands though W. P. Kennedy of North Ofcana- gan ! ulm spoken of The only handl 95 86 .25 2 .15 Monday. July 23, 1028 from his PremleMhlp. it is pa lbs the portfolio may go to William Atkinson, ai experienced farmer who defeated the former Liberal minister of agriculture Hon. I. D. Barrow, in Chllllwack. The only prospective rival for the public wcrks portfolio against W. A. Mackensle of Slmllkameen appears to be B W. Bruhu. the naturalised Scan dinavian, of Salmon Arm. With both N. A Walltnger of Cran-brook and T. W. Falconer of Atlln de feated, there ts much speculation as to who wUl be given the mines minister ship. J. H Srhofleld. the dean of the legislature from Trail, has some claim to honors and it is possible he may get this post although he has never been an '-outstanding legislator. It la more likely, however, that Dr. L. E. Borden 31 Kelson will receive the portfolio. Dr. Tolmle Is known to have express ed the opinion that there should be a separate mlnlstery for labor. Adam Bell of Revelstoke and Capt. M. McLean of Pernte are understood to have been slated for this portfolio but both were beaten. There Is considered a possibil ity tbt C. F Davie of Cowlchan-New-castle might be offered the portfolio He has Interested himself a good deal In Oriental exclusion. For the Important position of Speaker a number of names are mentioned including those of T. P. Burden. Port Oeorgc; Col. C. W. Peck. V.C., the Is lands. Col. Fred Lister, Creston: Michael Manwru. Mackrnxle. This Is also the p:st where many friends of J. H Seho-firld cf Trail would like to see him placed. , Meantime, cabinet speculation Is rife but Premier-elect Tolmle Is silent on the matter. He has said that be will not make any announcements until he has been formally called upon to form a government, possibly alter August 8 when the official. counts are made. VAUDEVILLE ACTS , ADDED TO PROGRAM Ymi and (filbert Variety Troupe Mill Xupplnnrnl Movie lllll n Wrdnra day and Thurmluy. In addition t the regular moving picture program, the Weatholme Theatre will offer a vaudeville entertainment between show- on Wednesday and Thura- day evenings. The program, by a traupe which nrnved from Alaska at the end cap in the latter' way Is that too many or tne ween, win induce muiju wmrvwuii. cabinet posltloni could not go to the 'by Lee Parry, patter and songs by Oll-Ofcani!ii;i district whence J W Jones ten Van Alls' unci Msrlc Ollbert. lis-and W A MackeneU' already n;ine. : wailan daiunni one act comedy, sooord-If Dr. Tolmie Heparates aurli ulttiro inn number n m wiilstlings. otc. Important "these hot days ! E Playing children and working grown-ups require this light but nourishing food ! Delicious with fruit Eaoy to digest TRISCUIT A Wafer that's good for everybody VISITORS WELCOME TO ALL FACTORIES PUT THE NEWS IN EVERY HOME, CAMPAIGN PLAN v ii'TOMi?r.iiHi""ANi'" mf V.iin,',:ttV.fi'll11iHWEn"i,ran llKI.'flN Till' MTtWtsB """ Th Hrlnc Kupert Dally New In ?r i3Ui in ibis Action." PraenilUi a dxizling rray of awards. . h Dally .ev. announces the Inaugura tion t ton of th moil stupendous auto mobile and cash campaign conducted In .ins section. And the purpose ol me wnole gigantic gilt distribution Is the placing of The Dally News In every .mine In this section. More than ,000 in gifts, including two ol the latest model enclosed auto mobile both purchased from local dealers; hundreds of dollars In caah prise Xu Jaet, just as many gifts a tners are active participants will be distributed among the wen and women and boys and girls of this territory within the aett few weeks by The Prince Rupert Dally Newa. It is predicted that me either now or later, to participate and secure any of the gift. The only stipulation that The Dally News makes in connection wUn entrant I that no employe m the office of Th Dally ews or member of their tamed-late faaalUes ean enter. The liberality of The Dally News efter the act that everybody wins something and the ease with which even the biggest of the gilts may be won Just a little earnest application and vote-getting during spare moments will do It Is expected to create considerable In :ereat among our people, and there should be many entrants. The char acter and th eelan of the automobiles and th? fact that EVBRT one who ac tively participates will win a prise la ixpecteel to attract candidates from every asction of the territory of which iTince Rupert is thehub. ; Anyone would be proud to own either )f the automobiles which The Daily Mews is giving YOU the opportunity to Btatn free. And anybody can certainly use any of the suuis In CASH which ihe News will distribute to those who do .jot win either of the two prize cars. To become a candidate in the gift Jlstrlbutlon is an easy matter. To win. ven the biggest of the cars. Is Just aa :ay. ir you apply yourself during spare .ncmenta. NOMINATION IILANK Cleewhere In this lieue there appears -n entry or "Nomination Blank" which raeii properly filled out and mailed or Drought to the campaign department of The Prince Rupert Dally News will start you in the campaign with 5000 votes. Vddltlcnal votes are obtained In two sys: One by clipping the free vote coupon which will appear in every Issue )f The Dally News, and the other by .btalning new and renewal lubjcrtptlcn iayments. the number of votes depend 'ng on when it is turned In and according to the length af the subscriptions. Kadi free voting coupon now will be rood for 100 votes, and must be brought or sent Into thr office of The News efore expiration of the date printed hereon. Thus It will be seen that the lanlnatton blank, together with 10 cf be free coupons clipped from The tew will start a candidate right eft vlth 8000 votes Pull Information as M ust how to esmrt will be furnished upon troest or -receipt of the DomMev oupon. It makes no difference where a candl-late resides, so fsr as his or her chances r winning a car or a caah prise are con- erned. The distribution cf the autonomies and all the CASH prlMs has jeen v arranged that each eandklste rill have an equal opportunity. The campaign department la located n the second floor of The Dally News iuildmg. 343 Third Avenue, Prince Ru-.ert. Tljr phone number Is s4S add the ampalgn office is open from 0 o'clock ach morning until 8 o'clock each 1UCHANAN BOYS TO BE HERE IN AUGUST ifty rut-. Nnanrrd by lrtrolt Capital-M, tVUI Makr Trip to .Uanka... .! The annual party be here enrQUJr Ull t steamer Ifi1e1W ust 10 T oys from is nan coya aboard he United States making an educational our of the West financed with the assistance of Oeorge I. Buchanan. De-roit capitalist and philanthropist By vir. Buchanan's scheme, which he intituled in 10M. some 00 boys of ten years of sge and over have had an opportunity of a summer vacation at only a third of the cost. To make the trip, '.he boy must earn lias himself, another USA fceinK wddnl to this by the parents While Mi Buchanan putx up the third 4 ' , f tg J HEKlf-llT "MKSTII01.MU (Monda&iul Tiie(l:l.V) Milton ffm in "Th. Hawk1 . Nest.- ? Comedy: Ab'h" Paramouri'News 'flWrAlH ami Tk."f UWmi in xW,?rs.--,i: Review, ITIday iiml Hstiirrfay Ulllan Dish. In "Annie Laurie." Comedy:. "Thr DatUf of the Oeatury." : Metro-Ootdwyn News. CHINATOWN SECRETS DISCLOSED IN NEW satlon In nis role as the myatenou Hawk" leader In the shadowy pre- cincts. Doris Ken yon has th feminine lead ing role. D1X ROMANTIC MEXICAN DON IN "GAY DEFENDER" Prom the cool patio, centre of bis hacienda, a Spanish don ruled a sun drenched CeUiornla rancbo. Serene and peaceful, ttfe flowed smoothly un der his gentle guidance. There was. hewever, one Irritation lor the old aristocrat. He could not get his nephew and heir to shoulder the responsibilities that were bis. "You are but an Indolent guitar player," the old man exploded. .But his words drew only shrugs and lasy smiles from the youth. Life was too pleasant why should he worry about administration of the rencho's affairs? Especially when he was busy wooing the American girl, whose father was commissioner lor the United States in the newly acquired territory. That was youth's business. But suddenly the pesee was shatt ered. Crime and vWenee entered the life of the native Mexicans. Oold dis covered near the raneho, drew deeper adoe and ruffians as buzzards to car. rlon. Thefts on the raneho. Pistol shots at night. Drunkenness In the village ean Una. Violence and oppres sion to the natives. Finally, murder of the Coram Is loner himself, with the :rtme charged against Innocent youth. His home burned, his sweetheart turned against him. his people oppressed, his gold stolen, the youth was uraasfomed into a terrorising, night- riding bandit the savior of the people and aleaions and the scourge of the Amerloaacs. How he Checked-the Oiin-goea' depredations, brought peace to the riotous raneho and finally delivered the real mitfdertr to Justice to win beck his girl 1 the ctUnax of the youth's story sruch is Oay Defender mount starring picture which somes to the Westholme Theatre Wednesday and Thursday Dix portrays the youth a character drawn from early Cailfor. nla history and based on the colorful exploits of the Mexican bandit. Joa quin Murrleta Thdma Todd Is the American girl, and red Kohler "wolf of the screen" the villainous American. LILLIAN GISH STARS IN NEWPRODUCTION ItOJIANTir KCOTUtMl COMBH TO hCntt.N IN JI-C1.M' "A.NXIK -Annie Laurie." LtuUn Olh' new UMWrOoldwin-Mayer starring vehicle oomea to the Wtetholmc Theatre at the end of the week. It la a mighty story of the fierce Highlanders, Hi their war, their clan feuds, their hales and their love. They' lived-dld those sturdy Highland folk and got the most out Of we. They fought aa no Others did their hesnrsni gave the world t"n example ealBnlce arid Wallace. 'Their romance has echoed down In Burns and in Scott. Their song wrre sweet their warfare grim. Lillian Olsh plays Annie, the historic daughter of Sir Robert Laurie. In the letary of the Olenoa Massacre a m. aeottteh heroine who lnpirea m i- mou song, she enact the role oi Boottlsh Jean of Are In a mighty speo-tacle. Thousands of bearded Seota. in tartans and plaids, battle In the rugged Highland Stately castles rr their towers amid the heather Through a mighty epic of warfare .. MILTON SILLS FILM The habits of Oriental who live In their own quarters In American cities are always of Interest U the Occident! greatest gilt distribution-U liberality , " mind. San Francisco's Chinatown has which surpasses any previous attempt (always been a. Vleoc for tourists, and n thu section -will be the most sue the same In e York, where Mett. in of useful in the annals new.paperdom ; ! " " " MeeM ',w .lu. vicln.ty. ItEJI T.ll'E UBST to tne rssyaii wsrreB. w - There Is to be no red tape connected doorwayr Afleet. by the Celestials, ! Seb eceoea afjerd much of the back, with the campaign i'be p.irs-eaab and automobiles -are to be dlatrlbuted 'growd for T Hawk Nest " Milton acutely free. Any man or woman. tat "'T' lwhleh U ewnjg to the We.tholmt boy or girl, married or single, rertdtw m thu vinnitv i eiKlkOe to seoui one Thetre teaMht and tomorrow. H the gifts. It U not even necessary ! Rival faeUana among the evook ti alblg whereto the Chinese are In-lU.hih be city, that the candidate or participant af The Dailv News. And ! vol red, afford gMmpses into the atrange I ndKI. OoQtrastlng scene, show .very acUve participant 1. absolutely guaranteed a OA6H gift or one of the night duo and private home, got-big enclosed eutomobile. according to geous or stately aa the ease may be. the rules of the distribution. Benjamin OhUstensen directed tne cent. I picture whWH jgea euu a cnaracien Ntr doe It coat a candidate one Departmental Service is provided by the people for the people. a niM insf Jin 1 isV o' i!ti (. HOI'1 ! battle and patriotism rans Uie glori ous romance ef a love mat aeuoa centuries of convention and the stern rules of tribe. Norman Kerry plays the leading male role as Iaa. fierce blrftatn of the MacDonakU. sad Hobart Bos worth en- tcts the historic "Welf cf oienoo. Others In the cast Include Orelgbton Hale as Donald, the plotter; Russell Simpson, as the eccentric Sandy; Bran don Hurst, as the villainous Breadai- aane: Patrice Avery, a the lovable Enid: Joseeh Striker. David Torre noe tod others. Mhheadoee Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert -tt Large numbers of men are In the cltg lrom Anyox where there Is s strike on ever non-payment of a bonus oenee- ouent on the Increase In the price of cepper. A box containing war trophies has arrived from Lieut. Oat. Peck and these wUl be on display n the city hall . The second battle of the Marne has caused a big Oerman retreat and the t reneh claim 30.000 - prisoners. The engineer at Seal Oove sawmill v ere refused their demand for an eight hwr day and were permitted to return to work on Saturday at noon. Young Joe Seett fell over th side walk and broke bones In his wrist. R. E. Allen, district forester, return d from a trip to the Bulkley Valley ftatrict. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strachan of Sixth Avenue est. fflOUNTAINEERS AT JASPER NOW MKKKA NEVADA CtTll Ol' r.ll.IIOIt- Mi to toMi; iitm: m:t xk iJASPBR. July JS.After camping for a wees: in that famed Tonquln Valley ilt Jashet NaUenal l'ark in the Oaaa o California moved out at the week, end to take up their new quartrra at Jteuat Rtbsea and Beesj Lake. At lHtt i rnebibef rtteibed the piettlpUoue hetghtc in the district. A party In one ease had the thrill of going over Drawbridge Pas Olaeler. Those who have oome out from the valley, having conquered Bastion are MIn Jessie M. Whitehead. Oarahrtdge, Mass; Miss Irma Mill, J. a. Denning. Bewell Adams and Ml dele Bell Bar.tiuMw. Los Angeles. ' Jehn Dura. Oaklana. Ernest BasmU. Charles OUmore, J. Wi ltoomb, San Bernardino. Mia Helen Lamont, Mis Dorothy Muggins, Berkeley. Miss Josephine Egbert, Pasidtna. Ms Margaret Hearst. Riverside. Whele climbing was the ambition of most of the party, hiking was the prin ciple reason for many Joining the simp and the result was the largest hiking party ever to enter Jasper National Park. After a day at Jasper Park Lodge, they took their Canadian National Railway train to Oeikle and hiked In 12 miles to Moat Lake tt the foot of the frowning mass of reck they were to tackle Bastion wa the graduating climb for the club Of. Canada several years ago and is a peak to teat the mettle of the herdieat. One of the hardiest wax the guide. Leslie Huher. who climbed Bait ion four days in succession, starting out at i o'clock in the morning, the climbers reached the summit an hour before noon and reeled for an hour and a-half. Mount Robaon which I the highest peak rn the Oanadlan Rockies will give battle to trerhap half a doven of the most experienced climber. The Sierra Nevada will be In camp in that rer.i'm until August when they v -ii: proved t Prince 'Kupert and Mcnda v. ) THE D4ILY NEW3 FOR .INFORMATION UKRAHDING"- ritish Columbia ffjines apply to tf v Department of Mines Victoria, B.C. 1027 Report now available. Spo cial Uulletins, Annual Reports, etc., furnished free of charge is hero atrain, with its cal1 to the Great 0utM. o the course of the next few weeks, thousands of will forsake the cities to seek rest and recre:n lake and stream and in the depths of the cool. Forests. MeiiiDen This is the month of July when the Fin- Ha at its height. Be rigidly careful with Fire. O camp fire permit; have it always with you and fu. its simple instructions.' The consdoirsness of your part to Protect the Forests will add mat.' " to your enjoyment of them. B.C. Forest Service m r or '7l WBS" SSSBV Ml SSSVfnssV- l c7iic(neal Canadian &r J I i We are pleased to announce that the Ford Clanal i lory will noon be in full production. The exceptional value in the Model A car has Immm waiting for. Tbe follavYiBK jntstlglg will be on display at our grikri Winjttd alter July 17 for a m days l'Oltlioii AND TUnOU SIJDANS. I'HAinON AND IIUS1NKSS COUI'K, IVt TON THUCK. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED I CURE mil ixrnvi: vision. DHi'iurnvi: in ak IN. CATAIUIH and other organic troubles by naim methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Phone 131. Wallace Block. Open Evcninp Wnshca and Drfen Without a WrlnRC' THE NEW SAVAGE 59 per cent Faster From hamper to line in, 14 minuti" Wuihed, lllued, Itlnned anU Dricl. Sold on easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3