PAGE FOUR THE :AILY NEWS RINGING UP FATHER By George McManns "You SAIDTO I "WlH I HAD U . 1 f MR' CRAMP S -flHiBlN VEV I WANTED WEUl-M'oJLl. NEVER WHAT'S I HEARD -oaMO-YOlfVE VJHAT THOUGHT ONCE- sitting omthbUIIJS TO B ALONE. HAVeA CROWD 'tup porch' go c$$i you m04t sit ) $OI'M SITTING AROUNO YOU WHILE Matter? OFFCNDED HIM -TOO IDIOT TALKTOli OP NIGHTS -fOU-RG.,rVu- j WHI HAD THOUMfl ' HIM- I RP I THINKINJ' UP TWICE BEFORE I MARRI&O 'J Transfer fl. 1 1 DI6ACREEA8LE TO -OT K I thing for METOOO:, Fifteen g&rs' expo ricncfrln 'FURNFTURR AtfnTtftTkNO MOVING We sell 8 kinder Coal Any kind of Wood 10 any quantity t TEMRNT SAXn RlfAVPl. - Our price, welghb and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. LADIES DRESSES, , Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Hoofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Itoll Hoofing Building Papers nnd Felts Everjet Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones lift nnd 117 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Colli C17 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, H.C. DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAH Single load $3J0 V! I Double Load SC.SO rW I ' Largo-iiack-.-.-,. ROe COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootlcis Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone E80 139 Second Ave. GOOD PLAY IN TENNIS FINALS AM. MIAMI WIN'S MEN'S RINT.LES I.ADIKS- AND MIXKI) IMil IHXS ALSO I'LAYtll The finU of the city tennis championship on Saturday produced me of the finest tennis ever seen In Prince Rupert. In the men's singles, Oarl Brand won over Poll Howard In five sets after a series of very keenly contested games. Scores were 3-6; 7-5; 6-1; 6-4. It was anybody's game tlU the last. Both players revealed an extensive repertoire of . ... . . , . Reward's backhand being a frequent rTflrat winner. Howards, got in urn nrt till wm th iMkMt rvart .,. " . ... . brunrul of baseline drives and close hJn ture of our athletes in sport-have k. been a . much m.h i.r larger gallery n-re . to see M- ina w , Ing events Wt have the contest. Both players are to be congratulated on their excellent play. In the ladies' doubles Mm. McMordle and Mrs.'Shadwell were too strong for Mia. Davles and Mia. Vera Smith and won in straight seto fl-4; 6-1. The , greater experience of the winners with Mrs. McMordlc's steadiness snd Mrs. Shadwella fast court work and net play , , "-" n.l.lThre u nothing against a was th. the HwiM deciding factor. Miss xt. Davles boy or and Miss Smith would do much better if they had more eon! klcnce as they ! have a big variety of shots. They put up a splendid game all through and are to be congratulated on their plucky fight. time while taking In the MrsJ0f part sport The mixed double were won by Smith and Poll Howard. All players were somewhat weary after their previous i games and this told. Secret were 6-' ' 6-3. The pleasing feature of this series 1 was undoubtedly the way In which Miss Smith repeatedly returned Brand's first . service and at times volleyed splendidly.! Mrr 8i,,uweii at tne net was cnecuv Both Bmnd and Howard were good but, bvtously weary. II SPORT CHAT The wholesale suspension of 400 play ers and officials alike in amateur as sociation football In the north-eastern rea In England calls to mind the jf some of our you.iaer athletes in Prince Rupert. The payment of money plnt. Drying of hoMs fhd other pre-prises for particlpatlOB in any form i parstory work to going km today and of sport professional Ires a boy. Tto4t is the central fact, In isolated place, like Prince Rupert this may nat seem of any Importance but what happen when this boy grows up and takes prtl In sport in some other centre where the rules are adhered tot And what will happen if starve of our present or future athletes qualify to represent their country in Olympic Osmea? This woud be the greatest possible honor that could" eome to any individual in the sport world. But this honor 1 only for those' who are amateurs The, lw , In .ooAnectlov wit amateur football In England is as follows: An Amateur Player may have paid for him or have refunded to him- (a) Railway, motor, tram, boat, etc.. fares, or other necessary expenses, actually incurred ; by him In travelling from and to hls'en. Vancouver, V. A. Laddon. Toronto, home or work for the purpose of playing in a match, (b) Hotel expense, i.e. niceary meals during the day and PRINCE RUPERT TIDES .. MONDAY -41XY 3 Low High liOW High Low High Low Low High Low 5:48 pan. 10.0 ft 18r89 pjn. 17.9 " 11:81 am. 6.2 Tnl'AY. 4I LY 21 '. . 0:54 am. 15.4 ft. 10:34 p.m. 17.0 " 0:42 ajn. 7.8 " IJ8 p.m. 7.8 " Hi:iNr:MAV. jily n 8:10 am. 14.7 ft. 39:31 pm. 17.6 " 1:4 ajn. 8.1 " IS A3 p m. 0.0 " -Tilt ICSKAVr-JI LV-aC -. 041 M. 14.8 ft. 31:1 Pin. - 17-" 3:00 am. 7.8 " 14.-a pm. 03 " ' HllliAVi 41I.Y 27 0M ajn. 14.0 ft. 23:08 p.m 18.3 " 4:04 a m. 7 3 " 15:35 pm. 10.7 " 1 SATl'IIHAV. JI I.Y 2H. 11:17 ajn. 15.0 ft. 33:61 p.m. 18.7 " 4:57 a m 0 3 " 16:38 psa. 10.1 " HIII1. Jfl i I Kiel W2 Tjri I f- O IMS, by lol l mere than the day, during the actual and necessary absence from home, for the purpose of playing in a match Extravagant or unnecessary expenses mutt not be paid by a Club, and every Amateur Player must give the Secretary sf bis Club a detailed statement of ex penscs Incurred, with a receipt for the sums paid to him. It is the duty of the Club Secretary to ask for such statement and receipt, and to keep the lame for production at any time, if required. Payment lor less of time. compensation, consideration, or remun eration of any kind, other than the items included in (a) and (b) automat cally makes a player a professional and renders both him and his Club liable to punishment. In some of our local sport meetings money is paid direct to the boys and this makes the toy a professional. This . . . . , . J?J 1 2 ,. . ' " 603tln rtn e Place. It would seem advisable !tr aU those who ,v,.. Z " 7w. r . " generally. also seen the case of one of the greatest of pre sent day tennis players where "B!g d,en hat,been " b7 '?r wrlUn. ,rtUJ'. tor P" " l'nnU COm "T Z? petitions in England. As a result he does not play for hi country in the man becoming a professional but the point is this that If he wants to re tain his amateur status, an athlete must " n for part In any form of sport or for loss FINAL GRAIN VESSEL HERE AMIM).,.;U vnN. .miuvnS ,KM Rv,s. .v AVII , In. ,. l . K. AMI I'llN'TINKNT The British freighter Anglo-Peruvian Prince Rupert's final grain ship of the season, arrived in port at 6 o'clcok last evening from North StrMds, England, and immediately took up her berth at the Alberta Wheat Peol elevator where she will load a full oaryo (or the United Kingdom or Continent, clearing out Pcueaiiy au ute gram Wt in the local "pecieo to saan .ajkflusg the ship 'tomorrow morning, as wtU probably be ,MdJ to all by Saturday, ( The Ar.glo-Peruvian left Horth Shields Jun Oaptl Jfcn W. Eno is in command and there lav crew of 38 man. Of 428 feet In length. SB ft. beam and 36 ft. deep, the Anglo-Peruvian Is already mostly lined. 3hc is of 3,331 tea register and la owned by the Nitrate rVcducera Company Ltd.' of London, ''ipnglatkd' : HOTKL AltitlVAI-H v., 1T11KT llirprrt" P. Winning, Mr. L. M. Burrows, J. E. Btepheneon, II.O. Wilcox. M. Ksgnoff. H. ,SeHelmn. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. 8torey. T. Ksye, J. T. C. William and R. W. Hog- $3H FtatuM Servic. Iftc Cmt Brio lit mrvct M. S.Whlttler, Juneau, C. M. Mcln tyre, Anyox, Alfred J. Mats, Chllkoot. Barracks, T; W Falconer, Alice Arm, O. H. Get, Port Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Wlckman, Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Qlttens, C.N.R.. It. Brealy, New Westminster J. R. Morgan, BuMeVale. Central Mr. and Mrs. William Knitter. St. Louis. MO J. Wagner. Vnnarsdal. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Wlckman. Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Van Gilbert and son. Chicago, L. P. Oagne an.d H. MoLeod, C.N.R., J. M. Oraham; Port Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. U Q. Donald, Regius, J. Toltermann Edmonton, A. Anderson. 'city, C. Bour- que, Blllmor, P. Dupols, and D. Tew- frey. Vancouver. ' Savoy II. B. James, Amsbury, J. Evans, Stewart, J. A. Murray, H. Malby, C. Ka- lvarson, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Brans. Prince Rupert. John Anderson, Oona River. Mr. H. O. Hansen, Kaysport, J LJoJt. New Hazelton. PRINCE GEORGE With six small polls to hear from, last reports on the provincial election In Fort George .riding gave P. P. Burden Conservative candidate a majority of U9 over H. J. Perry, M.L.A., the total ote being 1427 for Burden ana 1366 or Perry. Prince George, the Urges! poll in the riding gave Burden 517 vetes and Perry 474. The Cjue&la Lake Rod & Oun Club ia ulldrng a tfabboute at Clucula Lake which will accomodate fifty anglers at a time. Rev. TVS. DsPencler. Anglican Church dergymL' here, coadueted services at Woodpecker yesterday. - St. MIthaeTa Anglican Church here is undergoing extesstVf enlargement and interior deoratlon. Jacob Lelta IT receiving compliment upon a fine garden which be ha made adjacent to his bud neat premises. The Prince. George school board held a special meeting last Thursday night to ceneMer important bustaaas. Aid. Alex Moffatt who ha been re ceiving medical treatment in hospital at Edmonton, returned heme last week much improved in health. INDIANAPOLIS PARTY ON WAY NORTH TODAY Prominent (!rup of HnslneM and Pri- fpMlonal Mm Abuaril ITliirr AL.x Among the pesastigne going north aboard tne steamer Princess Alice this morning was a Quill tour party consist ing of thirty-flee prominent business snd profcs!otMl men from Indianapolis inaiana, and tneir . wives ana mentis, who will make the round trip to Bkag- way, return1 ng south en Saturday. Tne par, u in coarge oj . ku.ii. nisww P-rier axea e naianapoiui. ior snoijwa Ton Truek, Chassis only, Pannsylvanta RftUread, arid Includes C, L Kirk, pretklent of the Ottlcefu Oas Co.. FranklM'' Vonaegut. 'prominent hardware dealer, John J. Btarkweil, un dertaker, etc, Glacier National Park '" Mil 5 7 1 iC- V a tted For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in WANTED WANTED. Second hand baby carriage - In good condition, light weight and large wheels desired. Phone Miss Dibb at Oeneral Hospital before noon. 171 exoaVatino wanted rock or any kind, by ' day or by contract. E Rosang. 183 GIRL WANTED for "Good Bat" kitchen. Phone Black TOO. 17 FOR SAKE FOR SALE FIRST CLASS ROOMING house: twenty-six rooms fully furnished and in good condition. Excellent opportunity for a couple. Apply T. Mcqyaont. U OLD NEWSPAPERS MAY BE USED IN stead of building paper or to lay be. neath esrpets on the floer. Get special price on , larfe quantities. Dally News. TOU SALE LAUNCH CJW8N, POUR Horsepower aasthope engine. ' all coMplete and in good rtamnlag con dition. Apply Pultee. Daily New, tf FOR SALS. Oflere wanted on one two-tan Trail lc Truck; and one one-ton Ford Truck. Apply T. MoOy-mont. tf , . FOR SALE WALNUT DINING BOOM- suite. Phone 783. ttl FOR RENT 1st X3R RENT. CLAPPSRTON HOUSE, Ninth Avenue Baal Rent reasonable. Apply Clty Treasurer. City Hall. tt OR RBNT- PIANOS. PLAYIB-PIANOS, Phonographs 'and Sewing Machine. Walker's Music Store. tf FOR RENT. FURNISHED POUR roomed apartnent with bath. Water paid. Phone 147. u TOR RENT. FOUR ROOM APART- ment. bet water heated. Apply Smith dt Mullett, Ltd. tf FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART. menu. Apply Mueaallem Grocery. FOR ItSNT. FURNISHED ROOMS: alee small suite. Phone Green 884. HOUSES FOR RENT BSALE HOUSE NEAR CATHOLIC Church at W0.00; 818 sixth Avenue West at 26 00. Ninth Avenue. rooms, 115.00 and another These are all modern. 314 Sixth Avenue West for oale. F. W. IIAUT USED CARS FOR SALE powi Ton Truck, panel body .. le 00 effrter type lM.od Ferd 4le4ter deUvety, 1038. good condition i-.. ..,.,. tlM.OQ Oakland Sedan, 1931, four wheel lnn MOO.OO Terms can be arranged on above ears k.iik.n tiAitiai: Phone 83. AUCTION SALE Auction Sale will be held on Thursday July 38 on the premises at 383 Second Avenue at 3.30 pm. House and Lot. Double barrelled shotguns. 12 gauu. Machinists' Tools. Anvils. Gramophone. And miscellaneous articles must be sold. GEO. J. DAWES. Auctioneer 173 party: ! Mr. and Mrs. Riley C. Adams. Miss Martha Adams, J. las Sarah T. Adams, iv- f-i. uaenman, i.ia Dtfplune , uindiey. Mr. and Mr. John, J iOiaek- iwsll. Miss Mary Dlackwell, Miss SB race I CUelmell, ..Ml Eadl ttriUMleJbi rMJlss ' wsry uwyer. Mrs. W. D. Poster, m" 9 end I Mrs. H C. Hsnning, William II. H ahntne-. I Mr. and Mrs. w. P. lUnsman. John Horuff. Mr. and Mr. iYank j. Horuff, I Mr. and Mr. C. L. Kirk, Mr. Caroline Vnana Bw.iui. v ..... ... . wullli MWtl Grace Rcrer. Mr. and Mrs R. w. Spiegel Mr. and Mr. H. W Spenrer. Miss Bthel Thompson. Mr. nnd Mrs Franklin Von-neijut und Mfsd Mary C Wars. AdvertUs In Ths Dally Ntws rou!70 ' Ton TJZm.-r,' Trm Truck, ' l' new . visited .u In he h. course has alreiidv been i of the tour. Following are the members of the1 HERE IS SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN: The Interior of the newly-invented portable dome-shaped solarium or nun-bath, made of wire meih with a light linen surface. Thi .sun-bath retains the ame temperature mornintf, noon and night, und provides the beneficiaLra violet raj-3. i fiii fjjjiy ! NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c SALVAGE AM) TOWING Trlnce Itupert Salvage & Towing Co. Ltd. HAS BAISnAIN'S IN OAS HOtTS Small Safe and Typewriter for Sale Agents for Basthope Engines, Coolldge Propellers, and Tuxlube Oil Boat of all deorrlpllon for t'hartrr Halt I-aVe lrry. Thone Ml SUMMER ItRSOIiTS IyKEI5E HOTSIMMNGS LODGE NOW OI'KS 1-tltfil.ST IIOTSntlNGS IX CANADA (Utala Water) Trout Fishing on Lnkelse take now open flOnil Aff OMMOI1ATION FOR FISIHNO I'AltTH.S noon jouMnoNB. MaMfff, lAkelse Lake. Terra. D O AUCTIONBBKH. PKINtE Rtrr.KT Al'OTlOV MART Frdrrtl lllwk Furniture of sU kinds baughti soM or exchanged. CraUng and packing dens. Goods sold ea CommtMton G. J. DAWBS, Aurlliinrer. mam f FURNITURE AND RANGES Fawceet Ranges. Slmnwns' Beds and Bedding enelttding the Oetensnor Mat- trees. Dining Boom Suite. Bedroom Suites, gettetfltld Suite. Window BUntf. Unoleukt and Unoleum Rug. We sen 4S very rsawnabte prices sff It will pay you to give us s call Watch our Window. A. MACKENZIE, liirnlture. I'liene 733 CHIROPRACTIC it it. K. F KYOI.IXON rhlrnpratlor 833 Third Avenue. Telephone for appolntavent new Ua Blui 86. Residence phone Black MS. Acute and Chronic nmnbH fully treated. Established 1834 J!TMJRANTS "oon ictTs cm: Mrs. Unger. ProprletreM Third Avenue. ntt ft.w4' Good Horne- Cooked Meals and Heme Baked Bread fpwlal Chk km Mmirr nvery Hunilay r.tening from S0. STEAMSHIPMOYEMENTS Fnr Vnnromrr Monoay as. iTine Oeorge .... 4 pm. lueeoay as CsUIa ( pia Wednesdayas. Prlnoes Louise or Charlotte 8pm Thursday ss. Prince Charles .' p m Ffldar-ea. Princess Royal or Alice 5 pjti Satwdet es Cardene 7 m 8st.iruay ss. Ftl)ea Louise. viuiwiw r Alice s p.B1. u j . iTince uupert .. e pm July 11-es. rtlne John am July 34 at. Prince John ajn From VnnroiiTfr Sundayei. Calais 4 pjn nionoay ss. princes Louise. Monday asTTrtnte Cnarfes 11 in . WMmkim. pr. xiMit io so 4jnr,r8v5Wvtfwhrr Friday es. Oardena FrMay at. Princeas toulse. viianunc or AIIOB R an Frldays. Prince nupert 1030 ajn! Friday--. Princess Royal 4 om rnncc jonn pjn Rltrr- gundl, 8 D.m. Prldsy Oardena , m From Port Wmpwn and Nnn Itlvrr Tuesday-. Catsla H 30 a.m. Saturday- . Cardeiia 0 mm lor Anyox niul 8lfwnrl Bundiy-M. Citala 8pm. Lot and Found,4e Monday--. Pm,,, Prlday as. Pr:m. I'roni Anyex and st Tuetday as. Ciu.., Thursday ss Pr.i. Saturday as Pr i, . I'r Norlli (uren Charl!' Mondays as. Prin-e Item North (Jueen th,r Thursday--. Prun- Fur Mouth (Jueen rii.ui, July 16- a. Ptiiic. ; July Jo- as. Prln 1 : August 13 ss. Pr.i ) August 27 es Prn. 0 September 10- -sn 1 From South ()uern Cli:, July 11--. Prliu? 1 July 26 -. Prin. August 8 a. Prim. August 3S as. Prut September 8 es. Pr. lur AUka Monday-. Pri:: , Charlotte or Al Wednesday es. Pr n , PYldsy us. Priii' Chariot 'e or A, Itnra Alk Monday m. Pthk Wednesday as Pi . Chsrlotte or Al: Saturday a Pnr Charlotte or Allr. MAIL SCHEDULE llBr.lJie rt- Mondaiu. Wedoeschv ctos Itwn the lkil Monday. Wed net. d mall due T Vaaruuvrr "urdayi . Mondays .. Toe4av . . . WeilneMtays ... Thursdays Saturday Saturdays Saturdays I'rnm VsiimiivfV- Sunday Mondays Wednesdsyt Fridays Saturdays For Anjiu ami Mr;ir Sunday pi Mondays Frtdsys Frwi AnjHX and flu Tussdsys Thurwtays Saturdays To Nsss Itlvrr Points frlday Ff9m Nsss niter Pnln:s- Saturdays Tn tlxika Point Mondays Aldsye lYnm Aljk.i Points Wedneaslaya Ssturdayt To North tjurrn Chariot' Monday lYpni Norlh tjuren Clun Thumdays lr Huitlh queen C'harlotf July 16, 30. Aim n I'roni Hnuth IJnrrn li:ii July 11. 38. Aur m 6 1 IT-.;, .w.v 11. 1 1 r, Tinv 't llil inf.i e "i""' , it 1 Graham Si t'Ua Ave Ut Av. At I th St. th Ave. tt fulton St 8th Ave. As Thompmi llth Ave. At Sherbrooko I lth Ave. At Oonrnil 6th Ave. As Hays Cow 6th Ave. As Hays Cove 8th Ave. tt Cotton St 8th Ave. At Green St id th,Ave ft McBrldc 8t Piov. Oovt. nuildlnR OTP. station M N Jnd Ave. At 2nd St 3rd Ave. tt Fulton at . 3rd Ave. 8th St . 8undye One collect u p.m collection. C.N.R. TRAINS For the liit Dully except Sunday ' I'roni I lie 11 Dilly except Tuesday "