rai. taW- Monday, July 23, 1928 cArUDIANj VAciric trctonnw A I e acme 1 rapery IMI'tmTKI) IMPUHTKD mponers Backward elioin 0528 9 ( ! Ill I J Ends on Tuesday Night If you have not yet visited the Acme Store during thoir Backward Season Sale, there is still an opportunity to fill your requirements of Real Quality Goods at Real Sale Prices before Tuesday night. THE ACME IMPORTERS Third Avenue N OW IS Kodak Te KODAKS, KODAK SUPPLIES FILMS Developing and Printing for Amateurs Six Hour Service. .Films left before 12 nuon, prints ready G p.m. game day Oifni.es lid. yw Pioneer I)ruc(iss Ttlinn iwr - rivru ct t r i riunuicc u" - onn 1 1 nun ii v r i. -m a i i -v i i i r ' im t n sii (;ooi) FOR 10,000 EXTRA VOTES Pint Subscription Coupon V . ompanied by the nomination blank and your first rab- ':.'!, this coupon will ,-t.iri you in the race Sr . 'rut Daily New- riti. with 4he jrrund toUi of moM) tkan .000 votes. This coupon may be umiI only once and it valid when accompanied I y a subscription remittance. Naair of Subscriber '-"didate'a Name . . t unt Enclosed ....... . Tin- cuuiton will count 10.400 extra vote when re--i'::rd to the Caaiu.iiirii Manager at the campaign office of Pnneo Rupert Daily New.-, together with the first sub-'r.;!s.n you obtain, it n.ut-t be accompanied by the cash, en.' t i. subscription must be for u period 'of one year or ' The 10,000 fr vote are IN ADDITION to the num- br given on the subscription as per the. regular vote schedule. B.G.Goast Sleamsliip Services Sailings from Piince Rupert J Ketchikan. Wranirll. Junrau ami vk.icin July 1S. I" lancutitrr. Vliiurlii ami Heslllr Jul ; ul .'X .. I'ltlM KKft K l r llulrdale. Kal ItHIa I Vila Ih.i I mIv Nsnu, Alrrl luy. nit ..II 1.1. . ... Lrl.l.lt 111 II. m. lncy"fV,V .,;;,,,:; , i;,Sr'" Ku.. InVcrms. frem- . IV. '. OUCH Mill. Urnenil enl. lorntr of dtli airrct and Srd Umat. Prlswe Ku-ti. 11.1'. r"' ' New D - Fabrics Cliinta. Damasks and Sunfast Fabricn A" . .i... fiorai ruZ:.!i...r 'eVifiis, uer yard. vard exmiifttr a, fast last VUlUin tulwii, OAiIllirixr- ---' per ,., -I, 8(1 in fvt ""ro, Univcrsfli TradinK Co. iir 21 mi -h French iad''nWI''f''riited CVelonncs us.orted dt- ins and coloriiiira. iwr yard Wf. lA'J, inch silk Damaaks, fadeless fubricn, heavy weiht. Per yard Fraser & Payne Local and Personal 4 a Tutl l'lione 4. Hlg 4 Taxi. lAllee Arm t tf Dentist. Dr. J. K. Oossa. Phone 68S Among those returning from Vancou ver on tne uatala last evening were Mr. and Mri. w. B. Oorrush. )j3 E. Jack and Mlu Blrdell Jak returned from a trip to Vancou J Vj. Dlfekey, 'pkify, Catala last, evening. Bye, Eear. Norn and Throat Office Hotel Prince Rupert. Hours. 10 o 6 pjn.' Evenings by appointment. 185 Indian Agent W. E. Oolllson and Miss Joyce Oolllson were passengers north - bound for Klncloith on the Catala last evening. Rev. Manley P. Eby, who has been working among the Indians on the Skoena for the past month, was a passenger north on the Catala for Port Simpson. Now then folks) What about tbat double load of boa cuttings? The kiddles like to handle It.- Can you beat It at 3.60 per load? Hyde transfer! Phone 580. tf M. 8. Whlttler. assistant customs collector from Junrau. who arrived Here Saturday alu-inoon on the I'nn'ss Alice was a pussenger to Hyder on the Catala last evenlnc. B. W. Hsggen. well known Vancouver mining engineer, arrived In the city from the south on the Caiulu las: evening and proceeded to the interior n this morning's train. Colonel Victor Spencer of Vancouver and Mining engineer Wurnot were passengers on the Catala last night bound for Alice Arm. where Col. Spencer nan extensive mining Interests. Mm. P. J. Jones arrived in the city from Milwaukee on yesterday afternoon's train to visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Peterson, S19 Second Avenue. James H. Thompson returned to the city on - afternoon's train after spending the week-end at Terrace when Mrs. Thompson and son. Archie, art new in reams nee for the summer. John R. Morgan arrived in the city i the Oatala last evening from Bute- dale to pay a visit of Inspection to the glees of construction of the Blll- saer Spruce Mills new sawmill near the city. Cadet Justice J. A. MacDonald. of the Brlttah Columbia Court of Appeal and Mrs. ManDonstd were essainisrs on the Princess Louis, southbound on Saturday after having made the round trip to Skaaway. Eileen Hamblln. pupil of Way. who took the music examination In Vancouver, is reosivlag congratulations on passing with honors the In-Voductory Examination of the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Mrs. Robert Oordon and daughter. Miss Olive Oordon of the Prince Rupert General Hospital student nursing taff. will sail tomorrow evening on the CaUls to spend a holiday visiting in Vancouver and other points in the south. C. M. Mclntyrre. who took the hallo evening. for the resent provincial election into Telegraph Creek, arrived in the city from the north on the Princess Louise Saturday afternoon and pro to Anyoa on the Oatala last T. W. Falconer, defeated Conserve tlve candidsto for Atlln riding In the recent provincial election, arrived h the city from Stewart on the Prince George Saturday evening and proceed r1 last night by the Catala to his home in The finest summer trip. in the world via SS. Prince Charles, Stewart, Any ns, Massett Inlet. Leave Prince Rupert MondHy. return Thursdsy. Or a wesk end trip to Terrace or Sin 1 then. Very low faros. Enquire City Ticket Office rhone 300. m Pawngers embarking at Prince Ru pert for the north on the Catala which Mi about midnight last night were: W. Pawchuk. Anyoa: M. McArdlc. a lew- art. D. W. Pratt. Stewart; Mrs. Yard. An vox Krnest Love. Stewart: Mr. Rob ertson. Anyox: J. Laurenson, An vox. To start workmen the new gymnasium to re pi my the one destroyed by fire in the spring at Anyox. Alderman W. I.. J. arerr was a passenger on the Catala last evening. This work will take a couple of months to complete. Mr. Greer won the contract in competition with Vancouver tenderers. Passengers on the Catala arriving In port last night at 8. the vessel being delayed by fog and heavy .freights, iu- THE! DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE i ( I ( i i i TT t r I aaaaaaal Ti 1 I 3 sum wm. -mzw&ims I V.'A aW rHTI V HH.'ftJZ SBaVjjBiLaalsW-.SsaaaWV I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British . Columbia Mrs. P. S. Walton aid child returned to the city from Sautters on Saturday afternoon's train. Violet Taylor, who has been spending a two-nceiS4 vacation at Prince Oeorge, returned'' o the city on yesterday afternoon ttsin. The CfXi. sssswsrPrtnc&s Lowrtse. Capt. Arthur Slater, -was in pert from the north on aatusday from 4 tUl J0 with a pssmugsi list wT tea. CJi H steamer Prince Bapert. Cspt. O. Donald arrived on time at 10:30 this morning from Alaska points and will sail at 4 pjn. or Ocean Falls. Powell River and Vancouver. Sergeant T. Van Oyk, officer in charge of Game Act enlsreament for the pro vlnclal police, returned to trie city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the Interior on official duties. CPU steamer Princess Alice, Cspt. Thomas Cliff, arrived at 9 o'clock this morning form Vancouver, sailing at 11 x,. for Alaska. The vessel had a full list of round trip tourist passengers. end 4 the week. Kenneth Dtson. son of Arthur Dixon, district engineer for the provincial de larunent of public works at Prince Oeorge. arrived In thr city from the interior on yesterday's afternoon train to Join the staff of the CJtJl. superln- undent's ofBces here Mr. and Robert Hemming sailed Sat urday evening by the Prlnoe Rupert for a noiiday trip to vancesmr. victoria. Seattle and other points In the south D. McCorkindale is taking Mr. Hem. miags pi as on the composing room staff of the Dally News. Blrgstcln Thoriiem.won. who I been on Uu- teac:i:n .' taS of the Any ox HIkIi Bchol '! tlx- past year, will Join the High bciiool staff at Powell River alter the umnir holidays, lit 1 Mrs. Thorstetnsaou are spending the summer Ui vancouvm tuded ,J nM .O,,iDvmit,.,m)Aiii Anyox Vivian Whltehurst, R. N.. of Vancouver, who was on the graduate cursing staff of the Prince Rapert Oen erst Hospital for a whs during the l ast spring, Is in chsrge of the United Church mission hospital at Burns Lake lor the summer. W H. To bey. C.N Jt divisional sup- rnntendent. returned to the city yes terda) afternoon from the Interior, hsv lug accompanied the party of Sir Henry Thornton, president of the system, pert way over the dlvisleo at the 4a, Njpui;J,lneAaaanHlUt. );s,lIflfy.,mornM.g sii for Ujsa.u, u. w. Vancouver. Magten. Mr. .AdMna'. from A. C. McLennan, formerly second officer of the ship and more recently pilot on company vessels on southern runs, has assumed duty as pilot aboard the Union steamer Catala In succession to W W. Mounoe who has been transferred to the freighter Clillllwack wiilrh Ik due In port this week from tllL aJUt! C.N.R. steamer Prince Charles. Capt. Noil McLean, arrived on time at 10:s0 this, luurnuK lrom Vnacouver and wUI sail st 4 o'clock tin.', afternoon., for tf afternoon. and MeaaatJ. , laiet here at W, ThUfS- Passengers on the 1'iiiioess Louise on Saturday dlsembarkiii. at Prince Rupert Included: Alex tirael, EmUe Orael niinera. Alfred Mow. UfljA. Army; Henry Bell-Irving, merchant; Ohas, Mo-Intyre. engineer; Maurloe Whlttler. U. S. Customs; aud Lee Parry, Marie Van AIM Ollberi Van Alst and Oordon Van Alst. members of a theatrical group en Lacrosse tonight at 7 o'clock. Kalens vs. Maple Leafs. Fred. H. Smith of the Bank of Mont real suit returned lrom bis vacation in the south on the Princess Alice this morning. In the city police court before Mag istrate McClymont this morning, uiai Nerland was fined $33 or' 30 days for Intoxication. There. ls.iSr consideiabte, .number pf. orientftlsjon.itba i Prince Q)ric , today, enroute to . Shannon , fay and, .Watun River canneries. . A. J. MoU of the UJ3A. government service of Skagway went east on this mornlne's train to his home in New York on vacation. Mrs. O. L. Dunlop returned on the Prince Charles this morning from a holiday trio In the south enroute to her home at Port Clements. Mrs. Desroslers of Saskatoon arrived in the city from the East on yesterday afternoon's train to pay a visit to her mother. Mrs. Cur-.'n. Borden Street. Mrs. H. L. Keenleyslde and child ar rived on the Prince Charles this morn ing to visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Plllsbury, Mrs. Keenlysldt's parents. Frank Moore left at tne end of the week for Prince George where he will spend a two-week's vacation. Mrs. Moore and family being alrsedy there. Gordon II. Harris, who was on the run of the Booth Memorial School during the last year, has resigned, having obtained another position In the south. After an absence of two years In the south. Arthur McCorkindale returned to the city from Vancouver at the end of the week and will probably locate here. Mr. and Mrs. Alex MeRae returned to the city on this afternoon train from Terrace where tbey spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Mo- Rae. Miss Alice Spencer returned to the city on yesterday afternoon s train from a holiday trip to Melville. Saskatche wan and other points between here and the prairies. The OanooUm, cruiser of the American Can Company, which has been visiting Skeena River points, arrived hi port last evening and la attracting considerable attention on the Returning on the Princess Alice this morning were Mr. and Mrs. James Farquhar. (nee Miss Etaad Marsh) who were recently married In Vancou ver and who will take up rectdeewe en Fifth Avenue Esst. .NOTICE TO rCBLIC The Kalen Island Highway from Prince Rupert to Oallowsy Rapids will be closed to traffic until surfacing Is completed, beginning Monday July 33. J. A. BALLOCH. 172 Acting District Engineer TIMBER SALE X9238 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria. B.C.. not later than noon on the 6th day of August, 1S38. for the purchase of Licence X9238. to cut 10.380.000 FJJil Of spruce. Hemlock, and Cedar cn an area adjoining tne west ocunaary oi 3.TX 8139 p. in the vicinity of Skide gate Lake. Moresby Island. Queen Char iotte Islands Land District. Thirty (SO) years will be allowed for removal oi tunDer. Further particulara of the Chief For ester. Victoria, u.c. or District tweeter, ter. Prince Rupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X9691. There wUI be offered for sale at Pub He Auction, at noon on the Eighteenth uumi aay oi jury, ivw, in tne oil ice oi District roreeter at rrinoc ruik the Licence X8841. to cut SJUd.l F.B.M. Spruce. Balsam. Hemlock and Cedar on an area covering a portion of Lot 90S at the head of Kraoch Laanen. Kynoch (East Mussel) Inlet. Usage 8, ooast District. Three (3) years will be allowed for removal of timber. 'Provided any one unable to attend the auction in person may submit tender to oe openeo at ine nour oi auction and treated as one bid.' Further particulars of the Chief For ester. Victoria. U C . or District Forester. Prlnoe Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X7(M Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria. BC, not later than noon on the ath day of August. 1938. for the purchase of Licence X7091. to cut 3.68&.000 T.BM of Spruce, Hemlock, and Cedar on an aiea adjoining North Boundaries of Lou 899 and 843. South Bay. Skidea-ate Inlet Queen Charlotte Islands Land District Thirty (80) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For ester. Victoria. B.C., or District ftorester. ter, Prince Rupcft, B.C. TIMBER SALE '92.i: Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands st Victoria. B.C., not later than noon on the atn day of August. 1938. for the purchase of Licence XB237. to cut 1.01B.OOO F.U.I of Spruce. Hemlock, and Cedar on an are adjoining Lot 1317. vicinity of s&ndsolt. North end of Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Island Lands District. Thirty (801 years will oe aiiowea ior removal of timber Further particulars or the cnier For ester. Victoria. B.C . or Dlstrlc' Forester, ri, Pnuc Rupert B.C. Every-day lynairs inawiiop. urTOrrtT...finv?fic Lady Assistant HEALTH FOLLOW CWMftJKTK comers rntsvitoit snsAi SCBVEl IN DISUStJ OP merouowiNooiuici enKS tru i lltsir V.tN'MM MsFtivt ifr-ll"1"" smii f Wfv 'SVIIIM VStASttS OjaulUMuaiiLmu lto beds. Over Ormcs Magic sT.iu lauisuci long for you. Daylight anyightpst b'pujmmg a button. A stream that never stops till you turn off a faucet. Any voice you wan talking to you from a cage on your desk or" waltr Actions of yesterday, of people miles away, going on on a curtain before you. Stilled throats singing to you from discs; distant throats singing to you from nothing! Uncanny, daily magic this, due to national advertising. Advertisements have given- you flashlights, telephones, typewriters, automobiles, cold creams, motion pictures. They have given you new eyes, new ears, new hands, new fectnew faces, new emotions. They have urged such wide use, so low--ered prices, that almost wishes are autos, almost beggars can ride. Through advertisements you've laid down the shovel and the hoe. You can buy a whole harvest ready-to-eat in cans. You've hung up the fiddle and the bow, for a radio. There's little old-time work left in this age of amazing short-cuts. HEAD THE ADVERTISEMENTS They keep you to the fore of modern life. w e Know Now! That the Political spine is adjusted, and that the Province is assured of good health for tho next four years. Can you say the same thing about your spine and "Health? if not, Consult R. EY0LFS0N Chiropractor Phone HIuc 85 . G23 Srd Ave. W. Better : Dentistry PLATES that give you a natural appearance and lead beauty to the contour of the fate. r. Mapire Phone S25 1'hone (Irtcn 211 or Black 283 W. C. ASPINALL CHIROBIUCTOR S C and 7 Exchange Block, I'rjncejtrjt B.C UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hailing from Prince Rupert. For VANCOUVER, VICTOKIA, Swsnson Buy. Iluledale. Alert luy, etc Tuesday, S p.m. For V.lM'Ol'VKK, VICTOKIA, llulrdale. Alert Ikir, etc, Saturday. 7 a.m. lor POUT SIMI'MON and N.t.tH ItlVKIt 1-OINTN, IrldiJ. lor I.ICK A KM. ANYOX. NTEWAlll, WAL1XS 1SUM). I'OKT SIMPSON, SutiU;i) , 8 p.m. UJ and Avenue. R. M. SMITH, Agent, Prince Kuf.ert, U C. Tliroush tickets sold to Victoria and Seattle, snd baggage checked through to drstlnatlun