PAGE SIX wfrrrprBBPii ore me for Vital Tilings More lime for mothering more lime for your pleasant household tasks more lime .for .happy living.. All these we give you in addition to doing your washing and ironing. Decide to-day to exchange your family bundle for these better things that we can offer you! Arrange now to have our routeman call ho that you can add two days of leisure to next week's calendar. THE LAUNDKY DOES IT HEST CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners l'hone 8 For Those Odd Moments A complete range of Fancy Work Boudoir Sets, A prom, Centre, Runners, Cushions, etc. Boil - proof Embroidery Cottons, D.M.C., Corticelli, and Wildspur in all shades. For up-to-date Embroidery Work come to "The Nobby" Demers For your Smart Wool Suit Phone 27 P.O. 327 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EAKLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone G57. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone S75 DENTIST CHICAGO CUBS SHOWING FORM AUK NOW IN SECOND l'LACE IN AM Kit I CAN LEAUIE YANKEES LOSE TO WHITE SOX . NEW YORK, July 23. Veteran pitch trg seem to nrove fatal to the Yankees! rlnntnp streaks. They lost 'another t Hie Chicago Box yesterday. .' Through Faber's wily pitching',. B Ixmls picked up after their Philadelphia disaster and moved to third place in the American League while Washington moved to fifth. In the National League, the Chicago Cuba strengthened their hold on second place by defeating the New York (Slants while Cincinnati Reds made It three straight over Boston. Week-end scores were at follows: American League Chicago 0; New York 2. Ruth hit thirty-ninth homer. Cleveland 25; Boston 6--1. ' St. Louis 2--S; Philadelphia. 8-7. Detroit 2; Washington 4. National Lrugue Brooklyn 8-2: Pittsburg 7-I0. Boston 4; Cincinnati S. Philadelphia 8; St. Louis 8. New York 1--4; Chicago 26. Coat League Suliirdiij Seattle 7; Sacramento 10. San Francisco 8; Hollywood 2. Portland 1: Oakland 2. Los Angeles 8; Missions 2. National League Pittsburgh 0--G; Brooklyn 5-5. New Yrk 2; Chicago 4. Boston 4: Cincinnati 5. o LAND ACT NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE IJVNU In Prince Ituert Land Recording District and situate adjacent to AUiford Bay. Moresby Island. Skidegate Inlet, (jueen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOCICE Uvat Pnrifl vtnu Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation i'ulp and Paper Manufacturers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the JTh water mark of an iii.nri uhnr foilowlng the high water mark around the Island to DOlnt of enmmAnrmnt and containing one acre, more or less. PACiriO MILLS, LIMITED, Applicant. Donald Wilbur Hodsdon. . 4fat t0T Pacific Mills. Limited. Dated May 3. 1D28. Form No. 13, Section 3D) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO ITKCIIASE LANK In Prince Rutcrt Land Ifrenrriinir ni. trict and situate about 5 miles from the uiuuin oi nnuuse mver. TAKE NOTICE th.t. h r,t-,i. Western Mining Company of Vancouver. occupation Mining company, intends to apply tor permission to purchase the following described lands: Coinmenci'.a at a post planted one oot distant from the Wltress post on I" West side of Lot 172; thence westerly 60 chains; thence southerly 20 chains; ;henee easterly 60 chains: thence nor therly 10 chains, and containing 100 WW, IUJC U JCS3. P. PARDOE WILSON, Agent for Detroit Western Mlnlne Co. Dated 18tb April. 1D28. JAMS Jams New pack of Strawberry Jam on the market now. Why use your own make yet, when you can buy freah stock? Pure Strawberry Jam, 4 lb. tins 75 e Pure Raspberry Jam, 4 lb. tins 70c Ked Currant Jam, 4 lb. tins 70r IHack Currant Jam, 4 lb. tins 750 Apricot, Gooseberry and Loganberry Jam, 4 lb. tins rc Plum Jam, 4 lb. tins . . . (100 Crab Apple Jelly, 4 lb. tinB 50r (While they last) New Potatoes, 9 lb. for 'SU New Potatoes, per ack jji;.;5 Fresh Beets, 4 bunches li5c New Carrots, C bunches i!5f Fresh Peas, 3 lb. for. . U5f Lettuce, 3 for 115 p Green Onions, per dozen iVi? Green Onions, 3 bunches 100 Vegetable Marrow, each 100 Spinach, 3 lb. for t!50 Radishes, 3 bunches ... 100 Tomatoes, Hothouse, per lb. 2T Tomatoes, Hothouse, per basket 1)00 Plums, per basket 750 Lambert Itlack Cherries for preserving or eating, per lb tr0 We believe this will be the last of the cherry tea-. son. Order them npw! Red Currant, Black Currant, Raspberry and Gooseberries are in good condition. Order them from Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. 417-423 5th Ave. East "Build ILC." A Patron For 111! Seven Jmporateb Years city iflFif ttdr "jiftt deceived! "says: "I have used Pacific Milk for the last sevijn-years. We are a family of four adults, and for quality and economy it goes further than any other milk we have ever used." Pacific is the richest milk packed in Canada. PACIFIC MILK I iictorlrs at Aliliotsford and Ludner, ll.C. "Build IJ.C." Philadelphia 7: St. Louis 8. American League Chicago 6; New York 4. Detroit 2; Washington 8. St. Louis 8: Cleveland 5. Coast League Los Angeles 12, Missions 77. Portland 1-6; Oakland 4--0. Seattle 43: Sacramento S--8. Bap Francisco 48; HoUywood 3-2. LEA. It STANDINGS (American) W. L. Pet.. New York 60 36 .717 Philadelphia 50 34 .61B,yt 8t. Louis 4fi 48 .500 Chicago 41 49 .456 Washington 44 80 .444 Cleveland 39 82 .429 Boston 30 49 .424 Detroit 34 83 .331 National St. Louis 87 82 .640 Chicago 54 38 .587 New York .'. 47 .566 Cincinnati 81 560 Brooklyn 47 41 .534 Pittsburg 48 44 .404 Boston 28 89 .298 Philadelphia 21 56 373 LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Prince Rupert Land recording District and situate adjacent to Alllloro. Bay, Moresby Island. Skidegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Pulp and Paper Manufacturers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the high water mark of an island; thence following the high water mark around the Island to point of commencement, and containing 0.23 acre, more or less. PACIFIC MILLfi, LIMITED. Applicant. Donald Wilbur Hodsdon, Agent for Pacific Mills, Limited. Dated May 3. 1928. LAND ACT. NOTICE Or INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Smlthers Land Recording District and situate adjoining Lot 8180 on Bast side of Skeena River. TAKE NOTICE that Christina Corley. of Pacific, B.C.. married woman, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the wutheast corner of Lot 8180. Ranae 6. Coast District; thence north 80 chains. thence east 20 chains; thence south 80 chains; thence west 20 chains, and containing 100 ac res, nvire or less. CHRISTINA CORLEY. Applicant. Dnreft Ml v 28 1928. 'it nil ill.aV illli1JI FROM MONTREAL To Liverpool tAug. a, tAug. 81 Moutcalm Aug. 10, Sept. 7. .DuctNK. of BedJoM 1Aug. 17, tffept. 14 M outdare Aug. 24, Sept. 21. .Duchess f Atholl tVla Glasgow To Deirat-UTnHgow Aug. B. Sept. 6 Minnsdosa Aug. 28. Sept. 20 Metlta To ClierlMMirK-hoiitliainpton-Antnerp Aug. 1 Aug. 29 Montrow Aug. IS. Sept. 12 Mctagama FROM QUEBEC To CliHiHiurg-hDUlliaiuptnn Aug. 8. Aug. 29 . . Empress of France Aug. 18, Sept. 8. Empress of Scotland Aug. 2B, Sept. 12 Empress or Australia To ('lierbiiiirK-Houthumptim-llainlturg Aug. 4. Sept. 1 Montnalrn Aug. 18, Sept IB Montroyal Apply to Acnt rvervwhert or J. J. FOKSTKk. 3.S. General Pass. Agent, C.P.R. Station, VancouvC Telephone Seymour 2(30 LINDSAY'S : Cartage and Storage Phone C8 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furoltura Moving. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Louis Arrol and B. Dalgarno are leaving this afternoon on the Prince Charles on the round trip to the Is lands. Mrs. Jean Smith and Mrs. J. R. Bod- die are sailing on the Prince Charles on the round trip to the Islands this afternoon. . . . '!'. i of threatening and badviroad conditions the St. An drews' picnic arranged for Sunday was postponed . i. and will not take Place. ...... 1UU August. The coast freighter Famous loaded cargo of salmon for Vancouver yester day while the Eastholm la In port to day ,wlth a cargo of coal tor Thomas Trotler. ' Miss E. M. Anderson returned by this morning's train to her home In Prince Albert after visit in the city as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Malr, 893 Borden 6treet,, Corporal 0. B. Cameron of the Royal-Canadian Mounted Police returned to the city on ttv Prince Oeorgs this morning atttr baying escorted s ship moot of liquor to Skagway for the Yukon Territory. The Prince Rupert Board of Trade has also been advised by Hon. J C. El Uott, minister of public works, of the intention of th- federal government to call in the near future for tenders for the removal of Ripple Rock in Sey mour Narrows. Returning-' Of Heer E. H. Mortimer re ported this afternoon that he had not received the reports of polls from seven amaU points in this riding which have not et been beard from following the provincial election last Wedtoes- day. Market Prices X' Prices current 'are aa follow: LAUD fur 24i Compound aoe Ei(lS B.C. fresh pullets 40c B.O. fresh firsts 4Ac B.C. fresh extras , 50c Local new laid 00o FISH Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered salmon, lb 26c Smoked black eed. lb. 2uc Finnan haddlea, lb. 25c MEATS Fowl. No. I, lb 38c and 40c Roasting chicken, lb 4v Broilers '.' 44c Ham. sliced, first grade 50c Ham, whole, first grade 3le Ham, picnic, lb 22c Cottage rolls, lb 29 ft Bacon, back, sliced 50c Bacon, side 45e to 8Se Pork, dry salt S5c Ayrshire bacon, lb 35c Veal, shoulder 25c Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg s&r Pork, shoulder 28c Pork, lain .....! 4uc Pork, leg 35o Beef, pot roast 15c to 20c Beef, boiling Ufec to 18c Beef, sVeak 30c to 4S Beet, roast, prune rib 32c Lamb, chops &oc Lamb, shoulder 85c MUUon. leg 40c IN PKOIiATE IN THE MTKEMR COtltT OP I1UIT11I COLUMBIA i" the Matter of the "Administration Act"; and In the Matter of the Estate of Oeorge Edwards, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His H' nor. F. McB Young, the 28th day of .lune. A.D. 1928. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Oeorge Edwards, deceawd, and all parties hav- imk claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same prfr-j.eriy verified, to me on or before the 6th day of Auxust, AD 1838, and all parties Indebted to the estate are re-(i u l red to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NOftMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 8th dej of July. AD.. 1888. IN PRORATE IN THE til l HEME CO! KT 01' 1IK1TISII COI.U.MIIIA In the Matter of the "Administration Act"; and In the Matter or the Estate of Bdwsrd LtndBeth. reeeaed. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Ills Honor, F. McB Young, the 11th day of July, AX. 1096. I was appointed Administrator of the estate ef Edward Undseth, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish anine, properly verified, to me on or before the 12th day of August, AD. 1SB. and all parties Indebted to the estate ate required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. s NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B O. Dated the lath day of July. AX). 1936. IN PRORATE IN Tilt! Jl l'UBMt: COI KT OF UltlTISH COLUMBIA In i the Mutter of the "Administration Iri the Matter of the Estate of Peist, McDonald. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor. F. McB. Young, the 11th day of .Titlv A n lain T ,i a anrvklnLMl Ad- ' mlnhtrator of the estate of Peter McDonald, deceased, and all parties hav ing claims against the said estate are hereby .required to furnish same, pro perly verified, to me on or oerore me 12th day of Ausruat. AD. 1928. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pav the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Dttteft the 12'h day of Julv, AX. 1028 priiics Hypert, B.C. ill fJH DISTRICT READERS Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.1)0 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. All the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. I Send the postal order today while you still think of itl .uub. leg 48c .lutlon. chop 40c Mutton shoulder joo ni' rJraokileid. Shamrock and Woodland, lb 60c 2.C.D., 2 lbs. for 9ftc rJapltol. 2nd grade, lb 45c1 No. 3 grade. 8 lb. bricks 11.40 Franer Valley. 2 lbs for 95c Alberta Creamery 45o! Vew. Zealand, in bulk 48c prints, 2 lbs for &Sc CIIEENE Cauewbert cheese, 8 oz. pkg 85c Kraft Lunbergef. 34c Ontario solids 36c New Zealand solids SOc Stilton, lb 40c Kraft 4Se Norwegian Ooat e5c IHpoleon Limberger 70c ftoquefort 7$a Swifts' Broskfletd. lb. 45c Oorgonaola, lb 76c McLaren's Cream, ;ara ... 45c and 8 Be Brookfletd Swiss oheese. ft lb. pkg. 33b Oreyere 45c Broskfield Oaaadlaa oheese. ft Jo. pkg. 25c OsMen Loaf, lb 46 Jatk. lb 60e Romano Sard, tb 76o Oammetost, lb. se HOAR White, per 100 fg Yellow, per 100 t74 FLOUR nour. 4s, No. i naed wheat .... 2.83 Pastry flour, 10s 06e Pastry flew, 49s fljo VEGETABLES New beets. S lbs. for 35c Beets, sees: g.T Carrot. New Oaltfomta, lb I0c Old potatoes. lbs xec Sao t2M Mew potatoes. lbs lie 88J8 OariM. antported. per lb 28c labbage. m 16e Kew green onions, per bunch .... 6e Yakima turnips. 8 lbs. for age fepanswc ersted onions. 4 lbs. .... He Local Vancouver ladlabes be Up-river rhubarb, t lbs ate Bunch carrots, 8 for age Bunch beets. 8 for sgc Runes white turnips lec Fresh mint gc Long English seedless cukes Its White spine cukes tic Vancouver local lettuce, s for 28c Spinach, new crop. 2 lbs 26c California celery too and 86 Anastrmig oetery, 8 lbs 26c Qreen peppers, lb 40r New summer cauliflower . . 38c and 80c Hotnouee tomatoes, lb 28c New eabbage, lb I0c fitUIT California assorted plums, lb lee Per bHkfcet 76c to 90c California peaches, dotien 40c St. John Freestone peaches, crate MM California apricots, lb 16c Terrace Strawberries, basket 20c Oranges. Valencia, dotien . . 40e to 86c Lemons. Sunklst. doaen .... 49c to 60c Imperial Valley grapefruit 2 for 28c Bananas. 2' lb as Bstracted hooey,, pr Jar 80c Comb honey tie Dates,1 bulk, 2 lbs. tor 28c Raisins, bulk, per lb lie Sweet potatoes. 2 lbs. for 88c California Dainty Dates, paekage .. ate Yellow Newlons "C grade 88JO Fancy $4.00 Batra fancy 4JS Cantaloupes 16c, 20c and 26c Coooanuts ac Blng Onerrtta, lb 0c DltlEI) IKUITH Lemon and orange peel 300 Iron peel 500 lack cooking figs, 3 lb 36c bite figs. 2 lb rri.,'S6c 'ants, 2 lbs 350 PP 25c hes, peeled ate prloots. lb. .T as, 80-100. 4 -lbs 36c 26 lb. box .. 61M , Prunea, 00-70 lb 2 lbs. for Sec 30-40, Jt. IS 40-80. S lbs ate as lb. box i8 60 Evaporated pears, halves, lb a&c 36 lb box .... I5.J0 NUTS Almonds, shelled Valenclas 06e Brasils a-Jo Walnuts, broken shelled (on ot The Daily Netys ' WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY and Tt'ESDAY. 7 and it i.m. M ilton Sills and Doris Kenyon "The Hawk's Nest" A Sensational Drama of the Underworld. AlONTAfs'UE LOVE, MITCHELL LEWIS, 8TUAKT HOLML-v SOJ1N AND OTIIEIIS Admission COMEDY "SAY AIPIP PARAMOUNT NEWS DEMAND "Rupert Brand" "THE DAINTIEST Smoked Canadian Fish & Prince Canadian National Ofo Largcfl Railway Sylcm in America STKAMSIIIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from l-KINIJi: Itt ll.UT for VANCOtlVrit. VKTOHIA, NEATTIl M(MAVH, Tlll ltHllAVM. 4.00 p m . HATl Mil AVN. 6 00 m, For ANYOX and HTMVAKT. MOMl.tVH. I'KIDAVH, 4.00 For MAMKCTT IM.l:T, M(IXH.V. 4 00 njn Por MIHTH qt'KKN CIIAKtUTTE r.s fciif lllll'IV as a-s. ....... w r.nnuiii.1, V ali.rinili 1 M. in - 35c and 10c ippers I1IJEAKFAST KOOD.' Daily bj Cold Storage 0. KuperU II.a I8MMM, nartnlchUy. aasas s , A fan f n m PAHSr.NOnt TltAINH 1. 1; AVE rillM'E KI'lT.ilT ItAII.V KXCI.l'T NDMIAV at 11.10 a.m. for I'KIM'E OKUIKIE, EIMSTU.V WINNlrTO, all points Eastern (Uinuda, Hulled Mates. AOENCY 4U, OCEAN NTEAMHIIIP tlNEH. CITY TICKET OFFICE. BM TIIIIIU At E.. CKINCE RUPEIIT. Tbun w 1'HEIJ VOTINK COUPON Good for 100 Votes In the Daily Newtt "Lm-ybody Wins" Grand Prize CamptTiRn I hereby catf lj)0 FItEE VOTES to the nvuit Miss, Mr. oj) ilrt neXty CLIPPED 'oTjnnrno and udil'"' of the candidate filled in, and mailed or delivered i" tampaiirn Department of the Prince Kupert Daily N '1: count aa 100 FREE VOTES. It does not cost anythim? cast thee coupong for your favorite candidate, and you " not reatricted in any ene in voting them. Get ull 1 can and aend them in they all count. Do nqt roll or fold; deliver in flat package. NOTE Thia coupon muat be voted on or before B 1 m August 8, 1028.