fnnday, July 28, 1928 OOL INDIGO riyu, reg. $05, nnjj illllS iv er.fl .ri'c, rcjr. TjfCO,' tiov? J.-() .M-t'c, reu. $S0, now SHI i l ine Worsteds, Sui;j ,r,l. Foxhound Tweoa i li or Scotch Tweeds, ll finest quality ma it astonishingly re- prices. A i t 1 1 ' , in touay nnu let uh iur measure. Rest . : ii.-hiji and fit guar- Ling the Tailor .connd Ave. Phone G 10 toiL'i't our steam .Hid clejining ser-iits called for and i to any part of the I HONE US TODAY S2S II. s. WALLACE CO. LTD. LADIES' Bathing in JANTZEN UNIVERSAL and PENMAN ma ken . HVTIIINt; HHLTS II.S.WallaceCo.M I'hone 9 :rd Avenue and Fultnn Ciiy Meat Market Selvig Dros. "i'h.rd Ave. Phone 705 MOT risk KOYHAKIl Mle sorter norsk rrst ' . Kc fi.sKckonservcr i" kc Mikkerknvringcr v ;r ke hveleskonrokker Vtr-4c rutfskonrokkcr Vrkc knekkchrnd i ke flnthrod MjUrr oj.v. ' ky. vnrcr. WUIgc prlscr. Hurtli! umhringelse Bathing Suits with Skirts I 'ir Hoys, (llrln and Children THE JERSEY WOOL Uvular $2.50 fl.SU Montreal Importers J. Ik Miller. Proprietor, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, CUAL "Vour choice LDSON CARSIDY . WEI MNT.TON TELKWA wo Ilulkley Hny nnd drain, f ir Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 ice Kupcrt Feed Co. i Question lie I in; Jowoat prices . our history. new iiazelton ggHflHmgHB Hev. T. II. Wright, from Howe Sound new United Church pastor icr HxmV.o:.'. held nil opening servici here yesterday. ! Many thousands of feet of cedar pole sre still toeing hauled to New IIhwIUm. from the Nine Mile Mountain flection and hauling will oontlnue all It Is expects tbftt a number of Vii-w jiaincb mil mi. w.i. ut, ojwta up in the :iie New Hazelton baseball bovs have nwenuy received their uniform In! fly wnich they appear very smart. They will make a trip to Terrace shortly. After spending week renew. Ing acquaintances la the district. Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Wlltan and son left Thrday morning on their return to Vancouver by motor. Dr. and Mra. u. W. Irving. Ml Evelyn Irving and Mrs. McKay and Hon motored up from Kamloopa and are pending a holiday In the Hazelton Bernard Albrecht and family left at the first of laat week for Vancouver. Extensive improvements are belne made to the main highway between New lUsdton and Morlcetown. Th road la being widened and many curve and pitches are being straightened out. There la good ftshlnc both for sal mon and trout in Hagwllget canyon Just now. The native are reaping: a rich herrtat of fth. Ml. II. E. Thornton and son returned iMt Wednesday from Prince George where they bad been spending two or three weeks. The annua! meeting of the New Hazelton school wm held last Friday evening. Camp buddings re bejne erected at the Silver Cup mine to accomodate the larger crew that will be necessary after the ralU to installed. SMITIIERS Boy Scouts of the local United Church are In summer camp on the west side of lake Kathlyn with Rev. Joseph T. Smeeton. the pastor. In ebarga. News om reached Smlthers or the sudden death In Nsoatmo recently of Mrs. C. Hertei who, since leaving Smith-era six yean , bM been residing at Weill ngUo. VanoouTer Island. Smithera receives 1827 from the pro vincial government aa It share In the distribution to municipalities of motor license fees. Sandy and Bud OaeJsy returned to Bin liber laat week frost a motor trip to Kamsoopa. Mr. and. Mra. A. B. Mclnnea of Nortn Bulkley were vWtora In flmither last week. Mra. A. U Oreenhalah, who has been liter April t KoksUah. Vancouver In land, where her husband is employed. Is paying a brief visit to Smlthers. Baray MulNuty and Sam Marsh rf Burns Lake were visitors In town Inst Mra. U M. Trick of Calgary i visimu; bare with her daughter. Mrs P. O Russell, who also has as her xuesl Mis Joan Ilrreron of Xewlona. IJURNS LAKE Newton Newklrk of the Boston Tran- aerlpt nawsp-per staff Is a visitor in this district. He la looking more particularly Into the possibilities of the "Clrl-Trlp" M the Ootsa, Wbltraall. Euuiuk. IoUbnah and NataUtia Ikes. Ji KrtlyV Vetitwn pioneer Ooa VStkM Burin Lake IMpttwl l M4y. The body was taken to WUUrU for Interment Mra. J. M. Oowana and daughter returned to Burns Lake on Thursday from a trip to Vaneouvar. Mrs. Ed. IUrrtson of Wistaria underwent an operation In the Burna Luke Hospital laat week. ' Mrs. Kenneth Warner and infant son. Jsmes Bemief. returned home last Tuesday. J II. Irla. R. Ashwell and II. Webb, of ChUllwack were vlaltora last week in Burns Lake. A. II. Ik has been elected a school trustee here, succeeding Mra. J. II. Kerr resigned. Many local people have been guest at Franeols Lake Lodge recenUy. uVberlhuraday ri;riAi. ismtemiat ,, b vnunir woman vlsl- lOiUmy, mm ' " not come to our "why tor at his home, Sunday sahoolt Soveral of your Uttle friends have joineu u. .. . . mnmitnt. Tnen. Tommy neiw kid by suddenly: "Doc a red-headed Brown go to your the name of Jimmy school?" "Yes. indeed." replied A. the. new teacher. ... "Well, then," rcplIM Tommy with an . . .. . tii iw, there ivcxt Bun day. yot. het re been lookin' W where W for three weeU and ner knew to find him." ft f; :' THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE FIVE To win a prize as high as $1,200. You can win in only your spare moments and YOU CANNOT LOSE. Every active is GUARANTEED either a biff prize or a Cash Commission. Call in today of this evening for full and complete information you obligate yourself in no way when asking for the completcdctails. Nomination illank in The Prince Rupert Daily News "Everybody Wins' Campaign Good for 5,000 Votes I hereby enter and cast 5,000 votea for Mis., Mr. and Mrs. .' aa a candidate in The Prince Rupert Daily News "Everybody Wins Prize Distribution. Address Phone t Note .-Only one nomination blank will lie credited to each candidate nominated. Send or Bring This Coupon in Today for Yourself or a Friend You Are Invited to Participate Questions and Answers QUESTION Is there a separate (ist of awards for each of the two districts? ANSWER Ym. Each of tbe districts ia assured one of the two big encioed automobiles and just as many cash awnrds & their are active . QUB8TI0N How fl the territory divided? ANSWER The territory covered by The Daily News has been divided into two separate districts in order to insure an equitable distribution of the many big gifts. One of these districts is in the city of Prince Rupert and the other district comprises only the territory outside Price Rupert city limits. The candidates in one district are NOT in competition with the candidate in the other district for the district prizes. QUESTION How many active condidates are now entered in the campaign? ANSWER At the present time there are not as many active candidates as there are big prizes. Question May I secure subscriptions outside of my own district? ANSWER Yes. You may secure subscriptions and votes anywhere. QUESTION Since I am allowed to secure subscripttoc anywhere, why are the prises set aside for different districts? ANSWER The priies are set aside in different districts to make less competition for the respective candidates. In order to win one of the big enclosed cars you do not have to have more votes than the other other candidates throughout the eatiro territory covered by The Dally New. You only have to have more votes than the few contenders In ycur own district. QUB8TION How are votes obtained? ANSWER A certain number of votes are given for subscription payments, as shown in the vote schedule, and by the coupons which appear in the paper. t 1 QUE8TION May subscriptions be taken from persons now subrsdbln to The Daily News as well as from new subttrlbere? 'ANSWER All subscriptions, whether new or renewal, count a certain number of votes as shown by the vote schedule QUESTION May I take subscriptions to be started at some future date? ANSWER Yes. Simply make a notation On the stub In year receipt book to that effect. nriMTIfltf tlnu, n T sulsr lha ntv niairllinlion? ...... ANSWER Simply by fUIIsg out the nomination bjank appeitrlBg vgn Ulft.Tftjp fSfend or bring It to this office. quiiU.N-wneB it we ui n w emerf v,, ' ANSWER Now, while subscriptions count the most veN Mr'x)teBreknfnth -.v-' campaign than will be given later. QUE8TI0N Will wlscriptions be worth more to me later In the campaign than they are now? ANSWER Subscortptious are positively worth many times more votes during the early part of the campaign than they will be at any other later date in the campaign. QUE8TI0. Is there any danger of the campaign being extended or called off? A N8WI4R Positively no changes will be made in the campaign. The fulldetalls and particulars as published will be strictly adhered to and not altered in the least. j QUESTION Am I assured any compensation for my' time? ANSWER Every active participant who falls to, win one of the big priies is GUARANTEED a cash award equal to 10 per ctnt (ons-tentti) of every dollar they turn In for subscriptions. . i I, QUESTION Who will .win the two big enclosed automobiles? ... ..... ANSWER The two people who realise that the good things of life have to be gone after. Nothing worth having was ever gotten vyitbout some effort. If you have the determination to enter and say te yourself, "I am going to win," your hattle is half won: QUESTION Where and how can I securi ally further information or aasUtnuco regarding the campaign? ij ANSWER The Dally News has secured tko services of a Circulation Campaign Manager who is thoroughly experienced in. this lrne of work. He can be found at The Dally News office each day from 9 a. m. Willi 8 iun. nnd Is here for the sole purpaie of, aaslstlng each perm who desires informa tion and assistance on thb campaign. Phone 034, For full and complete information call on, 'telephone or write CAMPAIGN MANAGER, The Prince Rupert Daily Campaign Headquarters located on the second floor of The Daily News Building, 213 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, arc open each evening until 8 o'clock. PHONE 531. ACT NOW! Everybody Wins ACT NOW! KaakMal