THKY Oh Ell FIVE MILLIONS j According to the word received from Ottawa at the week-end j the brewers and distillers are now paying up a sum of something like I five million dollars they owed the government. What it is difficult I to understand is how they could have got behind that much. Most i people feel that they have to pay their taxes and do so promptly, but here is a case where a great deal of latitude was allowed by official of the department, much more than seems reasonable. In I'rino Ruifi- v.- find tlw Dominion government is pretty keen to ir, ! its taxi'- paid up. li tl.t-v are not uaid. a stern reminder is given, and righ'iy -o. IVnpi.- do i;ot mind having to pay if all are treated ali -e. V. i:a; annoys is being forced to pay promptly when ethers are al'nued all ki:;ls ill latitude. BOMBS IN SEATTLE Bombs arc becoming r.ili.t r common in Seattle. Why t hey arc made and di.M iiargc.l poi.odv -i-.-:n- ,. know but doiibtlc.-s there is a direct reason. What i- cii ar i tiia; th- ii:di-ate a spirit of lawlessness in that ci'y uiiici: i: da!igiinu- to allow to continue. I. is somewhat .Joag ti.e Ik..- of ihv i;iw ie--ne of t'hieago. The person who will -i ' ioiiih- which doubtless are designed to kill in- injur .-"rt:r particular t-ritii or person.- and may also injur many other- i.- ,.ot n't to be allowed his libera . GRAIN THIS YEAR There is e ery pro-pe-t that trie grain crop this year will be larger than last 'I m ai I'eagf -ow n i- nun h large)- and even if the crop is no! as hea , '.nei-e -boiild In as much to market, unless something happens to it. i.e-t year as a result of the late spring the area o grain was reduced i onsiderabh . This ear there is not only wha- wa- lacking l is; cai '.lit iitei.'a- .1 areas o! newly broken lands w: ith .old t.. t ; i pt rni.iiient ,o reage i tne larni-. Tin- early report- indicate that -ceding ha- been done under good ondnio:.- ,,nd ;le beat i- i -lining up well. The lack ot moisture in some di.-1r,.t- i- nothing iinu-nal at ibis time of year. MAKE (.OOI) (HAKGES Modern method- an- making' jt more diftnult for people to make statements again-t polit i-ians ,'ind other- w ithout the neces; sary information in LacK it up. Hi Arthur t'uriie's libel case ii fixing i iiagj to those who taave'ibsjea the -butts of irresponsible1 people uuo are continually broadcasting general charges which in inai y cases are without foundation in fact. Recently one of the Regina aldermen Made a statement that members of Parliament had been trafficking in immigration permits, lie was summoned to appear at Ottawa to lay his evidence before the committee of the House which ia just now hearing evidence in repard to immigration matters. While we realise that it is difficult to always back up statements with proper legal evidence, we are also of opinion ' that charges should not be made without a very clear chain of evidence behind them. To make statements that members of Parliament are doing something irregular, reflects on all the members. We do not believe our own member ia guilty of any such thing as trafficking in immigration certificates and the chrages made by the alderman should be cleared up so that his name may be cleared in connection with this. PERMITTED TO POSf SIGNS ON BOARDING AROUND NEW THEATRE In response to a request made by a delegation of adjoining business men consisting of Steve King. Max Hellbroner and Joe Brown, the city council last night decided to permit the posting of sip iui on the boarding surrounding the new theatre sue on Third Avenue providing the owners of th boarding are wUllng. Steve King pointed out that the b-.arrt'rit ijr-tmdlng Into the road, ob jured his premises and he waa desirous ;t putting up a sign so that people would know where he waa. He did not wish to put up advertising matter. City Solicitor Jones knew of no bylaw which would prevent this being done providing the owners of the boarding were willing. Joe Brown stated that, although be :ad the permission ot the owners of he boarding to put up a sign, the city engineer had ordered him to take It town. It wai decided, on motion of Aid rudhemme neennded by Aid Rudder-m. to allow the posting ot the signs squefVd providing there waa no of the bylaw. 'HfhAe stme of the mining contpsiJifeB of this province, such as Britannia and Granby, writes Dr. Victor Plmdge of the Geological Survey, tue American cdmpanies and white tne controlling interest' of other companies, such as Premier are held by Americans, stil! the money now being spent ;by these 'companies in an endeavor to develop new deposHs comes from tha, profits of their present tocai mining conditions and might, therefore, be oroperly considered as of local origin. Conceding this and taking into account the large amounts being spent on new development by these companies, it wauid appear that of the money now Portland Canal district. the property going Into th mineral resources of .was arlftnejly bonded by Sir rjoaald British Columbia tit largest proportion i Mima an the mength of few eaaks is of local origin or. In other worts, .ol ir srhteh gave valuta of a detsv u might be ttated that the mialnj. par .pofad, La; year an option wa !ndu.-iry cf British Columbia la now taken on k property by W. M. Tolln well Fast nal1 av P'nt 00 tne ,hM UW.ntly turned It or to Pat road to becoming self-supporting The Daly. Nell Mathlen left Stewart last ah' l British capital which Invaded week With r-fw of men to enlarge the province a few year aga ha been to some estent curtailed but by ie means al:u(:?U;pr withdrawn. The British, more than any HUsr .uvestvrs. have r.iways bx:: rcluAant t.; Invert. In any 'nit well urjc:i ni.nts and eonu- of their ii u u ex-oa- to' . . con-, .,on until - - wea trier, how-:,itunately situate! oeen operating muiep which made shipment to Trail matter during the past month: 8Uvr Cup. New Hazelton. Mohawk. New Haael-lon. Dutble. Saithen. crreipondents have been appointed to raver the different sections of activity in the province W. B. Bull represent Stewart ana L. tt McOUl. Bmlthers. The Pat Daly Mining Development Co which is being organised in Montreal N the la vast mining promotion affecting the Portland Canal district This is s s result of th well known Pat DalyV ucnw in pnnlnn the value of the Mountain By mining property on Amer- v tea test lean Creek and hi abllin tj interes the capital neceosn In its dt-veltipmei.t The Mountain Bey wiu lixat'! (,.: after 18U8 by Pup" 8tnrt uirl Br.lit-.'11. among the i-nt! e-' i ; .r r.- .n the camp and continue development wsfk on Snore ambitious scale. Be-s.des high grade showings, tl-ere la a large tonnage of milling ore It Is the lntenttor. to block out and later treat with mill on American Creek failures to become pmfl-.ably established The Montreal capitalists have appr In the industry may be af.nbuted largely pmMd approximately SsO.OOO lcr this to this conservative tendency. Oppor- :.u:n'i development and It l espeeted mltles are, however, plentiful and aew that another pr.duclng mine will aoon j.j, : i ! t- are continually arising to brjught tn. Pat Daly la expected to : , ;. Is keen with the arrive Ui fMewari about July 1 to take : ntly on the aid of are willing to take -er opportunity may representatives on i thor-jughly famlllur conJltlon.H and have ulckly and indtpen- uear Lake Kath-developed by vnera. ThU i ii, property i -.-"velop- psraonal charge of oparatloaa. The Cantu group, adjoining the Alaeka bmaMlary near the foot of Salmon River glacier. Vhtab was dMscovered three yean, aga Sy T W.,M3Donald and 1. . Cro&hjtn.. has baen taken aver by U. J. Lee of Portland! Oregon, and as-'socbtea and will be put mto operation uils year, air.- Lee is now at Stewart and Will take supplies into the f roper ty s. soon m climatic oondltiana permit. The Cantu was under band to Premier iwa jean ago but was thrown up by I that company However, the owners obtained ore which gave good returns da- front a well defined and persistent the 1 galena vein and It is exported the pro- Men petty can be put into prsductlan as , yet -oon as work aiarts There are said to ; --f tasusa&& of tons ol high grade ore m be taken ou; with the expenditure; .1 e llttk- drilling and powder Jacuita. manager of the Portland Canal Mining Co.. left Stewart teat week with a crew of tour men and camp these cqulpmint for the Lucky Strike group. .1 i .he Marmot River Oold. the: a tew mikes north cf the mouth of the v...:v.toa. the Engineer. Porter Idaho, nectgla Five. Development work will i'loeperlty, Red Reef. Ukevlew, Qre oamod out- i Mountain. Terminus. Dalhousie.. Oearglk I . . i i-r River. Premier. B.C. &iver, Sebakwe Busk) Consolidated and Woodbine. The following are among lite rahtse,. Mining Co.. with capital isation of. MoC.OOO. la pre par Jag for an actl season of development work onl district pragmas m the Slbola district diueov- " a and owned by Oeorge Seel of Wis-;a. The claims on Swing Peak Moun-1 Utn. within a few mUea of the Sweeney i Mountain and, SMoia dlecoeeries, have; I high valutas la silver and lead with grey A new provincial muting Journal has , copper, the width af the main vein be-put in its appearance in the shape ol,Juj nine-and-a-half rest. Samples hart' the British Columbia Miner, brought out bain :aken from the property wy Capt. by Oordon Black Publication Ltd. 'John Irving. Barney Mulvaney and WD-publishers at the British Columbia ' Hath Dawson, and assay as reported Lumberman and the B.C. Municipal to have run as high a 1.000 ounce of News. The first number. Just to hand.;'Uw. Conilnwoue wot, it is provided. 1 well printed and Illustrated and al- I shall be done on th ctaiana which are together most readable. The main por- known as the Svannell group. Capt. Ion of the Journal appears to be neoe&- John Irving, well known British Col am -tary technical but one section Is de- bla pioneer, u tha sole promoter of the voted to market news and another to the enterprise It Is uroposed to take in ubject of mining equipment Special uppl.e and ultimately bring out ore ij nsvigBti.-u of the Tahtsa River. After hardships and difficulties, the mining outfit whlah left Vanderhoof two winters ago has finally bean delivered nearlv two hundred miles to the Manaon Creek placer area at first estimated to be a two months job turned out to he two yesrs' work mid thr plant landed at the creek stood an expense uf around SM.S00. The obstacle overcome was the .tretch over ttie top of Baldjr Mountain. '. w iter p ri nf h:eh had to be hnv-llecl by hand, the noW being ap- pn x mately nuie leet deep and making t d.fiirult :r eatrpillan and teams shere arc over 1000 C.C.M. Service .Stations in Canada, carrying C.C.M. parts and giving C.C.M. Service You cannot get this Service on imported bicycles. m BOYS! Choose Your Bicycle BOYS! Today at Tom Ballinger's, Fifth Street Joy-Cycle for the little ones Accessories in stock All Linen Weft Towelling, reg. 25c. on Dollar Days, C yards for SI. 00 Near Linen Dish Towelling, reg. 20c, on Dollar Days, 7 yards for , $1.00 Linen Huckaback Towelling, reg. 40c, on Dollar Days, 3 for Sl.00 Hemmed Tea Towels, reg. 40c pair, on Dollar Days, 3 pair for M0 Face Towels, 30" x U", reg. 40c pair, on Dollar Days, 3 pair for -S1-U0 Colored Bath Towels, reg. $1.35 pair, on Dollar Days- $1.00 Hemmed Linen Dish Towels, reg. 50c each, on Dollar Days. 3 for $1.00 White Hemmed Face Towels, bargain, on Dollar Days, 4 pair for $1.00 White Canton Flannel, reg. 50c yard, on Dollar Days, 4 yards for f 1.00 Floral Crepe, good quality, on Dollar Days. 4 yards for $1.00 Plain Crepe, all colors, on Dollar Days. 6 yards for $1.00 Bordered Scrim, on Dollar Days, 7 yards for SI. 00 Checked Gingham, reg. up to 30c per yard. Sae. 6 yards for $1.00 White Flannelette, 30 wide. reg. 30c per yard. Sale, 5 yards for $1.00 Colored Sateens, all colors, reg. 40c per yard. Sale. 4 yards for $1.00 2S5 Yards Sheeting Retttants, 72". 82", 92" wide, good quality, from 75c to $1.26 reg. Sale, 2 yards for $1.00 ;o face It It li- expected ttut It will :ily require a lew days' operstlon In the gravel to recover the large sum expended In taking the machiluery in. SURPRISE PARTY FOR MRS. SID HAMBUN Tha Ladies' Aid and friends of the Baptist Church paid a surprise visit last evanlna to th home of Mrs. B. What waa mbUn Fourth Atenue Bast, about i ad lea comprising the party. Mrs. Hamlin is leaving for California soon to "pend the summer and the ladles or-isntced this handkerchief shower to -. Ish her "hou voyage." Dainty reiraahmants were served, af-tr which Mrs. Price, on behalf of that present, expressed th good wishes far pleasant holiday and a safe return. Man in the Moon Powtbly there will be an election in Inn. That wiU be a Jolly thing to happen Just whan we ought to be tak- ling holidays. I McLean will be la. the June brides. He will past th. ruble in during th very bast part of the wi.i . year. O what Is ao fin as l:n -in in June Then If ever the vo:is .. a happy Then will the pollt cian-i cuss round Shake handa. be rhrrrful and c til me "old chafp.'a.-' I'll vote for the man, who can proii-me moat. Who can tell the best t,ry tnd dlnk ttlS most beer n tali In June la the thin. I .don. L(MsamAasds. igjt .Lh Iuluw t' A lot Of young men think themselves clT because they kr ho to injure thsnalre. Tlisfa no cleverness. It's lunacy. Whv la It Uiat th. .,,,.... j-uiik man me i parenu nae is tiv. m( t),c oBui)t.r gives the air to. Pew Kopit aie re ii: preteud in be. " Ituil an they Sign painters should make s chare l to the ians who Muml l,v IU wutrh th,- Kuine. They, ;,mir ...,. Tuesday, Slav ik 19 PAGE TWO IHm 'TISH I iSJSii BMSSajSS a The Daily News PRINCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published livery Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. l'ULLEN - - - Managing Edkor. J ma " -Kin&enijfrioN rates Cityyffinrery, bjfin'jBflr carrier,- yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For $pr perfoif, (aJtsMn advffnce, per month 50 By niltio all parts of Northern, and Central British Columbia, paid' in advance for early period $3.00 Or four mouths for $1.00 By mail to all other partes of .British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year ... $6.00 By mail to all other countries, pet year $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Tflephone - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 98 86 Tuesday, May 15, 1928 News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT B.C. Mining Industry Now Becoming Self-nupporting Pat .Haly Forms New Company Slhola District to Receive Development :: JABOUR BROS. LTD. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday May 15, 16, 17 Hemmed Pillow Slips, reg. 36c eath. ShIh, 4 tor ki.imi Spectsi-r-Goou quality Shettinr. nr. C yard. Sale, Pa yards for -(ti.u, Hllosr Tubing, 42" wide, good quiiiiiy. 75c. Sale, 2 yard fur :;.- Yards White sod Grey Cott.m. , Sale, f yard tpr XI.iki Ladies' Cotton Vesta, reg. 35c i-aid. ,.,. lar days, 4 for xl.ui Ladies' Vesta, god quality, iff. ;.". . on 1 1,4. lar Days, sate, 2 for xi.mi Ladies' Bloomers, Mauve, White. IV a h. ! ; reg. 65c. Sale. 2 for SI. 10 Ladies' Dimity Nkfktfowns, reg. X, df. . XI. is) Girls' C'rejie Pyjamas. 1,1 " reg. $1.50. Sale Kl.ixi Ladies' White NigthgoWBS. nicely tr:nm,. 1 reg. $2.00. Sale Sl.t Ladies' Crepe House Dresses, rn- $1 1 Sale Sl.i)S Girls' Bloomers, White. Pink. Nav in Sale. 3 for W.m Children's Wash Pajitle Dresses, g m 2 6 years, reg. $1.31. Sale s 1 . S5 pair Mfrscs' Buoniag Shoe", -l l i in White. Brown,. Fkaet Foot. t. ,.r at i' 1 Boys' Blouses, Khaki and Blu-. n : - V Sale Xl. Men's Heavy Woiking Sox. . I : for xi.m Men's Silk Socks, sale. 2 pair for I.M SALBS FOlt CASH ONLY. NUMEROUS 0THKK IJARfJ.MN'S WATCH 0UI WINDOWS Phone 615. 1 aoour Bros.. Ltd. 3rd Ave. and 7th St DEMAND "Rupert Brand' Inalffnia Af mmrm i ih. kit.u When s ttrl says she has "ii. or eourse you know it la a date h ia referring to. We rsttulste our oonriurt h ih. n.... sain ad, but object to the preaching we una in we editorial columns. CEMENT SIDEWALKFOR THIRD AVE. BETWEEN 6TH ANDJTH STREET At the request of certain property owners, Aid Coilart had introduced at last night's council tme4lng a local Improvement Initiative bylaw providing for the laying of a twelve foot cement sidewalk on the north side of Third Avenue between Blkth and Seventh Streets. Motto will be sent out to the property owners concerned and another bylaw .provldlnn for the actual con-'tniitlon will le brought in t'r. pers TUB DAINTIR8T HIUJAKtMST FOOD." Smoked Dally bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., W richer than they are today. I'rlnce Kupert, B.C. The modern girl la one who refuses to look upon the wedding ring as an Radio Ra 1 The Radlola l' the bet r. : t Price complete . Cannot be ."!'' ; : ! SIX I'ORTIItir of yourself for Wlnalpeg and V' r F. W. t HANDLtKj l-MlgWP'"-' Mg SIMh Hlreet. 1 ' ' LINDSAY'S Cartage and Phone 6S Cartnge, Warehousing. Distributing. T.-mor Motor Service Coal Sand and We SpecIalUe In V Furnltuw M,in'