Lday, May IS, 1928 K MOCT pvam V V 00KS" i of AMI n.- n i 1 - i YOTJR T IM). iiuieuair. ,iitt MAW These Things iia.iur ires(ippn filled at Ormes is to know that . dit ntri are exactly those your doctor ordered, that they purest and freshest obtainable that the measurements uti iy correct, inai tne dispensing is done at all times lified pharmacist. IJHING VOUIt PHESCMPTION TO OUMBS Oraies Ltd. yfic Pioneer Drugrtels MIRD AVE V SIXTH ST. TLLEPIIONES ft? 6 200 I K1 Canadian National Steamships Co. Umited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating (..T.I'. 20.000 Tun rivaling Dry IWk Engineers, Machinists, IloilerwMkera, Illckt.sltlM. Pattern maker. Founder. Woodworkers. Etc. ELKCTKIC AM) ACETYLENE WKLDING. Our plant it equipfied to hardle all kind of MARINE AND COMMEW'IAI. WOMK. PHONES 4S ami 586 Canadian National ftJie Largcfl TKailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AM) TRAIN SERVICE :u PKIM'K HI rURT for VANCOUVER. VICTOSItA. MMTTI.B. .nnniilt poirts. each Till ItMlll (ill HI "SOW St 11 pjn. i'iKAn and A. -.iih n i:ii:iiiv. 4 p.n. : 11 till m h HAIMtliAV at !J pa. N. i. ill .mil SOI Til Hi m I IMSU-OTTK Ixl.VMM. PotlCUfhUy. rfHEN;n 1KAINM I.KIVK fUtXti BIIPRRT '"MMV. Ml OMXitV and All KlMV St II SO m. ft rHIM'fc "i: .; IliMON'Tns uinMPWJ. all polul Kastern Canada, Halted '- AflBKfV UJ. WEAN Tl;MHMI' u f ' Canadian NsIWmmI Ess VWmwi iliilm. FmHiu Cbewnea (' a.i-Q for tniif uitat shlaaeal U'T Ki KET lirilCE. tt TMIHI f. rtHM r NI'MillT rbe bcsse" ' H 8 bbT Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coaat Services Sailings from Prince Rupert ' U i mcrll. Juneau, ami ksg Ma) Z. I. U. i IMorla and Seattle M S. IS. it. I'HIM'KM ROIAL .liir. itriKi Hells. reon fall. Naiaa. Alert Mfcf. i Ittier and tanciuver every rrsss), iw .rfsw ill Meamslllp I lm- lSIVJUet f W. C. KrilRI. General '" r mi Slrett ssd Srd Vtniue. Frlnre Raprrt. B.C IImbsc St UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED L Ten III. Hailing" i rum Pvlwij Kupf". MClORlA. jwmi-on HS. II. VH TONl.t. Itiile'lair. Alert Hhj. He . H:ituray. r a.m. 1 imi m, and !..a RIV R WMNTs. rrWS. 1 ' VI1M, ANVOX. NTfcWAR.. W.tMCN ISI..M. PHT HIMIHtlN. x I1 in. .Wnur it it mmiTII. Atenl. 'i tiikri wild to Vlilofla and nutlle. and t il III,)! nis! Frlnre Kspert. I Hi. nagiage tneeaeu TP 0 1 ennisj SRR OUU NKW RACKETS .$7.no to $I0.W) 1028 Italia are in Kaien Hardware Co. Telcplvone .1 CLOTHES KVIUYONB KISE D0B8 if xtotk of Iliifh Crude Men's Wear is now here. Union's finest woollens from whiih to choose "it"- by Canada s foie-l)ii -tailored to your measure ilders "Society brand." Oliey That Impulse Do it Today THOR JOHNSON Local and Personal Ladle' Tail Service. Phone 239. Dentin. Dr. J. R. aoss. Phone 8. okatlng dally, 2 to 4 and 8 to 10. tl Otl the Big 4 JbUbrnthubiln of aTaxff phone":"""""""" tf Come to- the RebekafcsfWldge, whist no aance Wednesday. May lfl, at 0.30. Special prise. 50c. n Bsrt Morgan returned to the alt on' uihui hum morning following a onaf rsusln trip to Stewart. Aid. Frank Dlbb returned to the city on the Catala thl moraine from a brief business trip to Stewart. R S. Allen, district foreitcr, toft on yesterdays train for Hazel ton enwute lo the Bablne national forest on offlctal dutie. R r McNaughton. C.N.B. district Onion stsamsr CstsJs, Oapt. I. A. The report of Fir Chief D. B. McDonald for 'the month of April, pre sented to the city council last night. tsted that there had been six alarm during that period, toss amounted to fully covered by Insurance. In s at the Cfclvstton Amy living quarters. Salaries of the department for the saonth assounted to aim. The equipment had bean regaiarly inasMoted sad had been found to be In good or der. The annual clean-up of elty pre mise, includinf isnss, was reoosamend- sd by the chief. B. B. Campbell, formerly assistsnt msnsger of the Qrsnby Co. st Anyos and for the pest five years In charge of the mintng interests of R. W. Wood. president of the Premier Oold Mining Co.. has been appointed general msnsger and conmlting engineer for the Old Colony, Mines Ltd. snd will leave hi present post st Toronto soon tor Kingman. Arlon. to start operation st th company's properties after shleh he will make a trip to Newfoundland. Mr Cnmpbell l well known in mining circles In tills district. She Could Not Work HEADACHES Were So Severe Mr. A. Bieht, rturstall, Haak., writ! ''I wss troubled with rery severe hrsdache. and sometimes I couiil not do my wort "One dav a friend ti.ld me about THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE For a Taxi Phone 290. Oscar Hanson Bland. Central Hotel. ttf Moosetiesrt Tea at Mr. Skattebol's, Third Avenue, Wednesday, May 16 from 3 to 6. ' V i" 114 This sfterooon's train, due from the Esst at 3:30, wa reported thla morning to be on time. Blks take notice four aumroona for a Spears nee on Tbuiaday should read VTedneeday, May 18 114 Ex -Aid John Ourrle returned to the city on the Oatat Ulis morning from a brief bualneas trip to Stewart. P. M. cabeldu of the local Royal Bank stsff sails thla stternoon by the Catala on s holiday trip to Vancouver. Miss NeUto Smith U by the Cststs this stternoon on holiday trip to Vancouver and other points In the south. C. I. Hodgson of the local Bank of Montreal staff aalla this afternoon by the Catala on a holiday trip to Van couver. passenger agent, returned to the city! Ansllcan Cathedral tea and isle of! on tne catala thla morning from a trip home cooking at the home of Mrs. 3. w Anyox ana ntewart on omclal duties. A. West, Fourth Avenue Weat on Frl- jday, May 2S. At the office of Sheriff 8. A. Kicker-! son this afternoon, Grand and petit o. E. Oullck. local msnacer of jurors win am named lor the session of Swlft-Canadlan Co.. returned to the) ens supreme Court Assises which opens her oa Jims IS. Tommy Prsssr toft senterdav for itoselton where he will take the place at ssslitant forest ranger of Herb Han city cn the Catala this morning frassu s business trip to Anyox and Stewrtk The report of the auditor for first three months of the year ttht adopted by the elty council last night ku pending the tatter- rsoovery from on motion of AM. Collsrt. seconded bar ibim wnien ns rsoenuy suffered Aid. Tinker. Mr. and Mrs. oJhn Dor and Mtes j-uwaaon, murnea to port at u:o thiiiNcida Hllditch returned to the dtr saornlng from Anyos, Stewart and on the Cauls this nMmlng after hav- otnsr northern poiato and will sail at ing made the round trip to Acyos and ocMcx ims aiternoon for the south. Stewart on the A report from the finance committee on MeLsrnln vs. atandsl tight wiu start coming through about S:80. lit An amendment to the Building providing that the city can order a lopped tbs construction of any buud- tng If a permit hss not been taken out for tew asm was pais through It initial readings at last nigbta council nesting, sucb power hst, rscantly been given by the legislature, stated the city solicitor, and tt waa in order to have It formally Ineorported In the bylaw that the amendment was now offered. A committee condutlng of Aid. O F. Tisksv. obstrsaaa. aw A. J. Prud Bxsmsa and MS. P. B. Utasw sad th nVyar, a -officio, waa sppbttitff at last ntahis meeting of the elty council to arrange for th entertainment of the rersonnel of Hal 8. Durban on the oc eaalsh of the light cruiser's rtoti hsse from July 1 to July It a totSsr from O. J. Dssborett. deputy minister of Nstlonsl Defence, formally i r.ourord the coming of the rsssst. Passengers sailing this afternoon on raeommecdlng that tas sale certificate the Catala for Vancouver win Include "gnu In sn to lot It. Mock 36. sec- A. A. Prsaer. E. Johnston. Mrs. K. 11 Uon . b trsnstsrrsd to Annie Kasakiolmonds. F. M. CsbHdu, C. I. Hodsson 4. . . k - m a .a , . ..... w iwwimibiwi w am hub m ww.w ana MISS JNeuiS aSttlul. by the city council last - n- r. 3. Croastond. Vansouver mlntns ; engineer, who hss been paying s vuit Soxlng Grand Teraslnsl Club, Msy to the Woodbine mine st Stewart In a IT. at 740 p-m. George Srd v Ned conaul tins caDacitr. la a nassenaer Byrns, St rounds. n goad prellmln-! sbosrd the Catala today returning arles. Bsstmd ssaU now on sale SI M south. each. Ringside reports by special wire C. A. Banks, manager of the B.C. Sliver, is s psssengtr sbosrd the Catala today returning to Vancouver after hav tng spent s day or so at Stewart on bualneas in connection with the company's operations theirs. toy Snyder, one of the owners of the "M" mineral group th the Salmon Rtvwr valley, which hss beta boetdaa to th Hen ton Interest of Taooasa. Is s passenger s board the Ostala today going south from Stewart en bualneas. Wallace C. Orchard, general agent heiw for the Canadlsn Pacific Railway, will sell tomorrow afternoon by the Princes Alio on a misuses trip to Vancouver, He will be sway a week or ten days and wni be aeoam panted by Mrs. Orchard. A. C. H. Oerhardl. managing director ox the Hnmsatsk Mining & Develoo- sstnt Co.. Ltd.. u a pumnasr on the Ostala today returning to Vancouver alter having spent s week at Allot Am In connection with the reopening of operations at the Toric mine. Hot asbe Ignited the bsaetnent wall of the building on Second Avenue, oc euptod by the Hyde Tranafer and own de by' William fc Manson, and the fire department was called out st 10 -.SO yesterday morning. Damage was slight. a few boards having to be puUsd off Oeorge O. Shaw, who arrived in the elty tost week from Vancouver, where he had been In business Mr the past two or three years. 1 now in Stewart where he has decided to open a new drug business. As an adjunct there, s blanch of the local Qrotto ctgaf store to also to be established. Reports from th utilities committee recommending that an old 7 h.p. en Sine be sold to A. H. Mcteen for sou snd sn old t h.p. two cyole dray en- tine to R. Wilson for ess we adopted by th city council last night. Aid Brcwn explained that iielthsr were now needed by the department A request from D. c Pstsrson. a reisry of the local branch of the Navy league of Canada, for persuasion to held a tag day on June 2 for the pur-pore of raising fund for st. oadeta work was compiled with by the eft council last night on motion of Aid Brcwn. aeoonded by Aid. mker. Pnaienircrx going through' aW VaAOOU- ivcr on the Caul today from tiktttherli point include: Dr. Motxmald. P. J, Crosslsnd, Xdward SUrk. 0. A. Banks, Ray Snyder. A. Hontman. and W. E. i Miller, from Stewart; Mr. and Mm. Rtb- Ktt, Mrs. Durte and Rev. 0. D. Clarke. i ircm Anyox; A. c. H. oerhardl. Paul Zrdrick. Uo Smith W S. Mweett snd W. Newton, from Alloc Arm, and L. O. 1 1 ?'2Ju222i. Anyox to AkrDajr. j Th city council ve psrmtssion to Paul Alvssoff laat night ot Itutal an ill tank under the ground In the lane lo the rear of tlve new theatre building cn Third Avenue, the tank to contain ami iiihiMil imi to jjivo it a trial. I I ror " our"'r 111 the build- iIiyi Iml to do o, and after taking a l"'K C"V Solicitor Joiyp Stated that ffw iniiili' I found It had done m a 1 a "llowed In VHiwouver provld- world of gtiod, snd I haven't had say irn; the city waa relieved of R liability hosdsoh or s Ic-.i: time bow." m npect of diinm. Aid. Prud- lfsnufsetured sal by Ths T. Uiibura '""'": id lu- could -c future trouble b. Lloltsd. Tore&U. QaL I in .uih matters. I BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME NOW AT LITTLE EXPENSE genuine Congoleum. lONG J. A. Morris, locpl broKer returned to the city on tne Catala this morning from s bualneas trip to Anyox, Alice Arm and Stewart. CPJl. steamer Princess Alice. Cap Thomas Cliff, southbound from Alsska to Vsncouver. Is due In port about o'clock tomorrow afternoon. R. H. Control 13) M i USUs 8 less tiian ever Sweeping price .reductions in genuine .Congoleum Gold Seal Uugs in every size are responsible for the lowest prices ever offered. Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to exercise real thrift dress up one or several rooms with any one of the new colour scheme suggested by the interesting range of new Con goleum Gold Seal Kug patterns. . It Is surprising how little they actually cost; for Instance a9x 6, room size rug, now costs only $7.00 The new "Multicote" surface All genuine Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs . . . with the Gold Seal on the turjace . . . are now nude with the new "Multicote" surface, an Improvement (hat builds longer wear right Into the felt base and throughout the whole durable surface . . . only obtainable with OLEUM Wullsm Oold bloom returned to the etty this smoratng on the Catala aboard whtett vewel he made the round trip to Anyos snd Stewart. M. M. McLachtan. manager ol tlx Hr&ckman-Ker Co.. returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a bualneas trip to Stewart. Ley, auditor for the Liquor Board with headquarters Victoria, arrived in the city oa the Catala this morning from s trip to Anyox on official duties. Bee. C. D. Clarke. United Church minister st Anyox. to s psasss sbosrd the Catala today going through from the smelter town to Vsncouver where he will attend conference. Responding to It second storm for the day. the fire deportment was called t st S o'clock yesterday afternoon to s grass fire at the corner of Sixth Avenue and Pulton Street, near the Llnaey Davie grocery store. The blase wss put out in short order and no damage was done. Passengers arriving in the city from northern points on the Catala this morning Included: J. A. Morris snd H W. Brown, from Alice Arm; W. Oold bloom. Mr. snd Mrs. J. J. Dote. Miss Nelda HUdltch. R. F. McNaughton. O Oullck. C. I. lmcson. C. R. Bletaoe, A. Pool and R. H. Ley, from Anyox; M. t. McLachlan. T. O. Oarrett. John Currle. W. J. Hanry. William Bellas' tvne. Prank Dlbb. Pete Boacofh. Louis Pcrvach. Bert Morgan, A. MacAulay. L, King, Mr. Johnston. Mrs. Prank Mc- tchle, R. Becker. C. Becker. I. W Team and W. Burke, from Stewart. Mttttttt tMH A IS IS OUN CUM KNITS Women of Moowbenrt Legion Child- en Masquerade. May '8. Ars You s Maaon?" by Players' Club, Mty tl snd M In West holme. Canadian Legtofl Picnic June 10. Moos Plonk:. June 34. Ml added to omelettes gives them a wonderful snd makes them more nourishing pf OOlD SCAL II CWLASTtS 11 JoswawjaijVl,f l Wiltt" ConaaUum Goid Semi Run . 57t. m mIm. did 1'ernmu tnm ml Daltt ril 1M .A hertwilk. The coupon will bring; you a folder bowing ihs complete sMortment of rut pattern In full colours and ei- Slslnlnft thofiold a I Gaarantca of SalMactioa. SEAL CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL "CATERPILLAR" Tractors for the FARMER, LOGGER, ROAD BUILDER, MINER FREIGHTER, AND IMUNICIPALITY Wherever rugged power and performance are demanded. .... Literature and Prices on Request SOLE DISTKIUUTORS FOK RC: MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., Limited 132S STANDARD HANK BUILDING VANCOUVER, B.C. holt m&&cmiiimmm best Wkat Has Happened. WILL HAPPEN AGAIN We recommended Porter Idaho at 5 cents a share; Silverado at tents. What are they worth now? NOW WE RECOMMEND Silverbell Mining Co., Ltd. AT MARKET! Idlest Vancouver quotations, 15c hid, 25 abketl. Situated on the New Premier Hill and bounded on two tides by Premier holdings. H. W. M. ROLSTON & CO. Ltd. Stewart, ll.C. Direct wires Vancouver Stuck Exchange STOCKS BONDS REAL ESTATE CORSELETTES SPECIAL Lifht Weight Corsclelte Fancy'i garter supports, 2 one-piete elstjc inscrU Each - Siies 82, 34, 36, 38. Each . . n,fffmwws' Satin Stripe Couiil CoeIel(ea, 4 garter supports, 2 one-pieee elastic inserts. All sizes C-fi P7C MAll CJ Fraser &. Payne Universal Trading Co.