V Save Money The cheapest way to buy the pally News U to subscribe by the year. The coat la $5.00 and your copy U delivered to your addreaa em evening. Just figure out the imsill coat to you for this dally service for twelve monthal : ' f.B wver neau oi im thief to LommiissionerB NCOUVKR, May 15. Acting Chief of Police Dan Leatherdale iit the police inquiry yesterday said Chief Long told him the .Mayor uia not want (. Mflese lottery joints raided. Further h. nlalf said h- understood the Mayor "did not want to close in town. I did not like the idea of these places running but I ; .! (insider it my place to report to the police commission over hu t's head." mmixaioner Lennie treated G. G. McGeer's attack on him-,!! ! u subsequent apology as a closed incident. Uion Alex. B.C. RAILWAY PROBLEM MAY SOLYED SOON 110' T l I'tTTILM) HIST THAT iIAt.;tV HTUKMI.NT MUX HE tAVOHAilLE , wi I uiu a. May la. With the retwea I O Plttulk) Premier Mae- . (i mil- of the first full cabinet i "niio. when iifK'-d regarding Oreat Bater:i K; :ly. said .roper time I have no douot on thla important utrct ! by the Premier Let me i. that I (car our railway :-rlng a aolutlon ." SEVERE QUAKE Vr REMOTE JAPAN I'lM: III Mllll ll IIHT I.IVEH AM) CIHIMI MI'ATION ( I T Oi l' III KINO NTOUM i srEB. H.B.. May 15.-New ' earthquake. In the remote region of Japan was re- cirly today by Stuart Davie. : radio operator, who Inter-iiM'tsage from a atatlon be-in nt Twalki. which aald the rt Baturttay during a heavy :)mt at leaat 100 Urea were .r said communication had 'I mid a relict expedition or- AMERICAN GIRL lath BEATS CHAMP. ""'VV f'OI.I.KTT MTIIJ. IV III S- N,M- IS OMKVH ('HAMI'ION-MIU OOI.I' i ANTON, England. May IS. 1 n tt. the long hitting Amert- ' "Her eliminated Mile Slmone 11 u Chaume. the defeiuUng "" n the opening round of .Ml Women champlonahip. "i tlie draw put the two "i In th tlrat day. the ')c. up mid one to play. EIGHT MEMBERS P1TYDR0INED AI MH si-IUNd A I.KAK AMI SANK OMA M) I'KIIHON WAS KAVMl ijai.. . "WJD. Maine. May 16. Bight oi a tuning party from Brock ';. '" m Buddln of Oreen "". were drowned Sunday "" "' nw,tor boat In which Buddln u,kll'K them to Tomehagan Camp ' " leak, sinking. Chief Charlee ' ,r Br'ckton Plre Department 'i P'::cn snved. liitderaun. K.C.. counsel lor tbe Mayo making reference to Mooter's remark the Utver repealed tbe apoiofy verball. declaring he hod "loai his bead" an eked that tbe remarka referred to b "expunged l rem the record." Lea Uk. .-dale confirmed the evident tbat Chief Long bad told htm tb Mayor wa objecting to a polieema. t tending in front 'of Joe Celonl' reaon Ibe deputy had not told conatab: Thompson to keep amy from Oeionl place, merely instructing the office to uee hie own dlacrttloo . The deputy chiei aaM the raeoru o the oily oould be etceed ha it wa neotaearf t beef) after them aa the. niiimiiii.i: ir.tut ij;it IM IIHIIV TOiVAHIl iltKi;.MtM KtNOV BAT. May 15. dlrtilbl lulla thla afverneno on rolar flight of the aeaeen. ieav- tng here on a westward eourae in the direction of Oreenland. r Pine weather favored the trip. Lakeview Leadamlth . . Lucky Jim .. Marmot Metala National Silver Pend pretlle . Premier Porter Idaho . TUchroond Ruftai ArgenU HutH Hope Silver Crest Silverado Silversmith unlock Sloean King Terminus Whitewater WoodbMw Cotton Belt . Oeorgla River Orandvlew . . Duthle Subscribe lor at The 1 SO f T ' K)M UPHILL CHOICE OF FERNIE LABORITES IN COMING ELECTIOI PIRN IE May 10 - Thomaa Uphill ML A. who has reprenented Pernle 1. he Leglalature for a number of year waa yeaterday the unanimous cholor o the Labor party of Penile to again eon teat the constituency In the Labor In trreaU here. STOCK QUOTATIONS NiHMl t1w4ng I'rlree Twlny on tanww (OourUwy 8. D. BX3. Silver ... ayvlew Big M-sourl . Oork Province Dunweii George Copper Glacier Gladstone Olasalr Ooloonda Indcpjidenoe Indian kootenay Ptorence L. L M-sioa Oo. Ltd l Hid Mar 140 1-TO tst M . M SS SO .15 m .os' JW -il" .n m ' s -MV M- M low .y i7jw n.w IJS SJO M . M .. m v M SI M 3j60 J7 .13 SJM 340 M m m IJS 1.4 aid the Dally Newa. GYPSY KING IS RACE WINNER NBWMARKBT. England. May 16. lypay King, owned by J. S. Leigh, won to Newmarket Handicap tod.y Blcbo am second and Mia Onalow third. IHtOWM Il AT ( llll.l-IWAl K OHrLLlVVACK. May 16 Wallajr Bar. ett. the seven year old son" W Mr. inel Mm.. 3. T. Barrett of Card Is wa wieidantaQy drowned Saturday when be fail oK a raft. Adair Oars Chapiter. Imperial Order. bers of tbe dire department were opened at last night meeting of the elty council and referred to the utilities committee for report. The bid were: Stev King, ech; Sam Wood. t8; Thor Jofenaon. ta. 40. S37. HI AO. Anger, 45. Well Known Hockey Hefercc and Fox Farmer AttncKed by Witnesses SEATTLE, May 15. F. J. Ion, lx.tter known to hockey fans as "Mickey" Ion, the referee, reputed to I a' wealthy fox farmer, is at liberty today under M,()00 bail. Ion was arrested after his automobile had severely Injured n twelve-yeur-old girl. Infuriated witnesses of the accident attacked Ion but the police intervened. Ion is chanted with driving while drunk and with failure to stop after an accident. The girl is recovering. SURPLUSES FOR APRIL SHOWNBY UTILITIES (lain of Klnlrlr Light Urjuirtinnit IVas t.lt anil Telephone, HI 437 Aoeerdlng to reports preJantad by the auperlntendent of utttntaa, J.. 4. Utile, at last night's council nssatlng, Use elec- Daughters of the" Empire, at K regular heic light department oaanthiy mdtukg wnf nigm. dote tr Hold tbe rtocftaiTYpras Day ta-M Mae last Saturday of thla month. Bus- Isee at tbe meeting waa otherwise of a routine nature. Mm. D. Orebard Mc- Ued, regent, presided. Tender for eva uniform for mem Surplus Trleilninea Batlmated revenue Expenditure Surplus eod a aurplua bf M.198 during the esaoth of .S1 while the gain on t telephone d partment during the Sam period ws I1JST. The figures were aa follows: i:irtrlc Light Estimated revenue Espendtture ,. 10.117 .1 . . . 63.666 ajM 61.967 PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper name la n.t Hated either in the city or ! telephone directory and inquiry among UKATIIKK ItKlfOHT. tr.e clergy failed to reveal his Identity. Prince Rupert Raining, fresh wind; II I rmt ion. however. Indicates that be emperatur. 41. u ofud steamship passage here. Paid $50' a Month for Protection by Police States One of Partners in Gambling Concern in Vancouver .May 15-Thr first definite intimation that VANCOUVER.-.' money had been paid for police protection of jramhlinj,' operations in Vancouver was given at the police inquiry late yesterday. Joe Yem, Chinese, testified through an interpreter that a gambling syndicate operating at 816 Main Street, of whlcih he had been n partner, had paid $50 monthly for police protection. When about to name the persons to whom he had been told the money had been paid by Chow Wong Lum, "bess" of the syndicate, he was stopped by the objection of IL I- Maitland, counsel for Detective Sergeant Mclaughlin of the morality squad. "Just a moment," said Maitland. "Surely this Is a case where you need direct evidence?" -Well, this Kurely is direct evidence," said A. It. McNeill, counsel for the commission. Thereon a verbal battle based on the admissibility of this evidence ocupied the remainder of the session, which adjourned until this morning. MICKEY ION IS ARRESTED REV. DR. DUVAL, WINNIPEG, DEAD ! WINNIPEG, May Id. Rev Dr. F. B Duval. 81 years of age, pastor emeritus of Knox United Church, died sucideulj today. He ni inuderktor of the Presbyterian Oeneral Assembly In IPOS. Born lu Maryland. VBA. In 1MT. the Doctor was a xraduat of Princeton University and theological seminary and cam to Winnipeg la MM, being aetlve pastor of the largest Preabyteriaii Church In the city for many years. DOMINION WILL SHOW FRUIT AT MANCHESTER OTTAWA. May IB. The Dominion department of agriculture has decided to participate In tbe Imperial fruit bw In Manchester. Bnglaud. in October by staging an eiSlMt of Canadian fruits. It It announced. colonelI g: holmes died at victoria VICTORIA. May 16 -Colonel Joalali Oraawwaod Uolmea. the last aurvlvlng err t the original neratanent force M Oastada, M dead bare sged M. He wdai botn la St. Catherine's, Ontario. li.Vll.V TltVIX SEUVICIl. Ut Al. It.llilU ST ll KlN Ill.tltS IKOM MOKKISKia The local SOT amateur receiving .station w- In communication Lcten and lu o'clock with the schoLner .0 M. Morriaaey. which la bound fir tbe Arctic Ocean with tbe Stoll-McCrarken Scientific Expedition The ve3l, which left here Just two weeks ago today, waa at the time off the Sebuml-gan bland and all on board were repcrtcd well. A couple of message were handled by tbe local atatlon for the party. O. H. Stotl. co-leader of the expedition, and hi' wis are now on their way from Seattle to Mb Us MM tug north. FISH PRICES LOWER TODAY 10T.ll, OK ifiUVW I'OlXllS SOLI1 AT tt IIA.V'il; THIS MIIKMMI- iii(iiii:sT mo .; ami ar Canadian bailout best which declined to sell their catches yeaterday on account of low price took still lower prices at the Plan Khrrhemsje this ncrning. Four vessel which held over received ha If -a -cent I for first class fish than they were offered yeaterday. A total of SglJMO pounds waa sold today, five American vaaaala receiving from gJc and Be to B.Tc and 6c for 113.000 pound while ten American ves ts were paid from 7 7c and 4c to Be d So f?r 14S.503 pounds. Afflrala and aalta: AM till CAN Venus. 37.000 pounds, Atlln Plsheries, 9c and 6c. Yukon. 36.000 pounds. Booth PUberle. 3Jlc and Sc. Wilson. 11.000 pound. Canadian Plan At Cold Storage Co.. t.7c and Sc. Hilda. b.OOO pounds. Booth Plaherles. 6c and Sc. Orayllng. 31.000 pound. Pacific Fish eries. .3c and Sc. C'.WAIHAN Covenant. M.000 pounds, Mlln Plah- rtes. 7Sc and 4c. Melville, at .000 pound. Canadian Pish Cold Storage Co.. 7Jc and 4 .Sr. Prosperity A . 17.000 pound. Cana dian Ptab Cold Storage Co.. Be and Gc. Teriicn. 14.000 pounds. Pacific PUber le. 7.0c and 6c. Caygeon. 0.000 pounds. Booth Plshtr-s, 7Jc and 6c. Oslo. 10.000 pounds. Canadian Plah Coltf Storage Co.. 7.7c and Sc. Assistant forest ranger aa follow Th dally train service will com Into have been appointed tor the fire season effect nest Sunday after whioh train in tnt district according to announce will arrive from the Bast every day es-cept Tuesday and will go out every day except Bunday. Mulls will arrive ment at th local office of the Forest j Branch: George Graham, Terrace: A. S. Tor- ! Boston Grill Largo Upstair Dining Hall, with -newly laid dancing floor, for hire NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 ,, " xvni. No. ni. -'a,. ...u i . ,i , , ... , - , I'KINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1D28 Phf Fivvi ' .. " T l . . , ' " " LA WYER STOPPED EVIDENCE JUST AS Deputy Chief Declares Vancouver Mayor Did Not Want Closed Town Did Not Like Chine Lotteries Running Hut Would Not Report MOST INTERESTING OBJECTION TO AIRMEN GIVEN TWO MISSING Charles Woodward Not To Be a CHEAPER FRUITS OR VEGETABLES 'II..MIU.KH OF lAltl.l AMIAT I lt(IK ihmim.nu ikiim: to 1'itorwrr (IKOUKItH THIS-( 01 M (V OTTAWA. May H A motion to go into jmmlttee of supply bruught a renewal I tbe House cf Crtumone debate on ice nit-dumping traue ralaed by Hon 8. P. olmla is an amendment to tbe aupply notion The amendment asked that tbe overmnent take s'ei t- c-mlr.il th jvportatlan into Canada of tbe natural rcducta of the cuua prjduced In Cauda. Speaking for the amendment. Mr. Aii-araori, Conservative of Halton. urged hat it would be a calamity. tragod; the fruit and vegetable lntereet of he country were Jeodardlned. Onte Sttrllng of Yale. Conaervatlve eld that It waa a fallacy to aay the Dectlon of the dumping duty meant f naoaatlty that tbe conaumcr paid .ore. Hen. i. A. Robb. minister of finance marked that what waa really sought by j a amendment waa an increase in the snn. The debate continued until the Hous djourned. 5100 EACH FOR PERMITS PAID HiV W. apcoMi niM i;viii:mi; or UIXIINA dUKHMAN (lii:. AT OTTAWA OTTAWA. May 15. Alderman Ooid-ell of staglna. befsre tbe parllametttar sasmlttee inveetlgaUng immigration lo-iy. stated that Hja. Bobert Porto had .dteawA to him that Hon. S. J. Mc-.urray, former ajllcltor general, had waived S10O eaeh for immigration par-IU. Ooldwell declared that be had re-aivod Use information from Pork dur- a eoaveraatlon in Porkes office in .arch . last year. There waa also men-loned. he said, a f rimer member from te Marttlmea but Ooldwell could not member the name. PrseaeB to give the words used b otke. Ooldwell aald: "Mr. Parke told e quite definitely that Mr. McMorrat ad obtained those permits in large umber and that he bad obtalnes ".fflclent to pay his election expenses 'id 'you know election expenses arc rse In a city like Winnipeg." WINWEO. May 18 oo B. J cMurray, former solicitor general oi anltoba, characterised aa "utterl) Ue the aUtameat that he had ever eta engaged in obtaining immigration cnnlts. '1 don't believe Hon. Bobert orke ever made any such statement." e aald. FINE WELCOME FROM STEAMER i OSLO. May 15. CapUln George WU- T.EHflYMAN AMI HAMILTON MAN kins and Carl Ell-ten. who flew from Point Barrow. Alfci t-. s.,i HVHved at Trutnaoe.'Nory. early this morning on th steamer Hr.hby. Residents of tbe tewn tarr.rd out in force to give them an eatbuslastic wclcjine HEATH NOMINAiED MACKENZIE RIDING OPPOSE MIKEMWSON I All, TO AltKIH; AT I1UISKOW ON MKI.ITA KATIIEIt MYSTEIIIOUS MONTftBAL.. May is.- Tbe star aaya! Woodward states that friction between the government and wuiiain Mackenzie of Haaniton and Rev. i himself in regard to the policy toward the Vancouver chief is the W. A. Wllaui of Vancouver, both of whom were supposed to be passengers ;n Hit.- Cai'iUlan Pacific steamship Menu, which sailed frjjn Monlrenl to Olatgo where It arrived on May 9. arc ille-.edly missing. Ne.tber disembarked at Oiaxg w, acc rd'ng to the Star. POWaXL RI'EB, May 15. W. J. , Official vi the . learn, hip announce ilenth ol Ocean Palls was nominated as . that Mackenzie's relative In Hamilton r erU cand.eUto f Markenrle riding. ; ha e tctn notified of hU disappearance which include tbs. paper tawus of I but would say noth ng concerning Rev. owell Ul-.m- and Ocean Pail nd a Mr. Wlla. n. lumi.er nf iLggtng csmjn ard the Bella , VANCOUVBR. May !. Rev W. A. Govts farming aettwout The Mtting Wi'am. r orictl ulaalng from the ncmber theu u Michael Mauaon. Con- ; Reamer MellU. I unknown here. HU ervatlve. Liberal Candidate at Election Owing to Differences on Policy May 15. Charles Woodward hau written to the VANCOU'VEK, city Liberal Association and to Premier Mat-Lean saying that he will nol be a government candidate at the coming elections. .eason for the decision. He also states that he cannot consistently .support the policy of the government in future any more than ho did in the past. JOHN McGRAW IN ACCIDENT sKKn f HANTS LOSK AMI TIICN CiETS I.Kli IU KT: III TM HIT NINTH nou:it YFSTEHDAY'S IJASEHALL NSW YORK. May 16. Chicago Cuba, nwontedly docile during tbe first ontb ol the National league season, tare eome from tbe depths of the cond division two week ago to aeond place today, one gam back roaa Cincinnati. The victory aver tbe llanu yeaterday trUbd tbdr etc-ortaa to nine atraigM, the Met tame over New Tort, which, came watt lead- leagu as 1 jno..l fourtb Tbe ffed retained the leadership glv- irg the Phillies their tenth straight .de feat. Ruth hit his ninth homer In the sever th Inninif In the New Yirk Dj- troit game and Is now four ahead of last year. John McGrsw. manager for tbe OlanU. after teeing his team lose, suf fered slight leg injury when be wa struck by an automobile. HUGE CANNERY CORPORATION I'AClVtC AMfclllf'AN COMMNV TO lit: CAI'ITALIZEII AT fTJBfcMW MATTU, May 15. The formation of a seven and a half million dollar corporation to acquire and operate the Pacific-American Plsherlaa and associated properties la announced. The new concern, whleh It the larsjast kbnon packing concern In the worid. will be known aa the Pacific-American Company. B. B. Deeming, president uf tbe Paelfk-Amercan Plsheries. will be tbe exetutive of the new company. The cjmpany owns the Port Bdward cannery which is to operate this year. JUDGE DIES ON A GOLF COURSE IS 1M.AYIMI AT SEATTLE WHEN HE lOI.LltS LKAV1NU llllllli; A WIIMHV EDMONTON. May IS -Wrrd ha been received here of the death In Seattle M' liday of Mr Justice N. D. Beck of neian. i.nw pounoa, ana nuoa. M u,e annellate division of th aunreme pounda. Hoyal Pish Co.. Sc and 6c. court of Albertu who aliddenlv collanaed Unome. 11.000 pounds. Canadian Plb,Wh,le puying golf Cold Storage Co . 7Jc and 6c. , Tne Jud((3 WM mKrried on April 10 Nautilua. 4M0 pound. Atllst Plaherlea. to MlM jMne Tllky of v,ncouv(.r Br and 5c. I ASSISTANT FOREST RANGERS SELECTED TwnM!(ry OtllrhtN fr lire Svomhi Ap- hIii(mI Iit l'tirr-4 llraiitli BREWERY PAID MRREARS M M OVKIt SM,MI fOLMiCTKIt 11Y (iOVKIINML'NT l'KOl HUITISII AMKIIK'AN IIKRMIiid OTTAWA. May 15 The British Brewlnft Company of Windsor the cl.iim of the department of on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays dine. cedarvale: Murdo McDonald, I customs for anvHruKes In gallonage and go out Mondays. Wednesdays and Telkwa: C. V. Harrison. Topley; H. T . i tnx A iJlmenieut to this effect was Saturday. iNlcholIa, Buru Lake. n ad Monday by the minister of Ha- 1 1 J- M. Cummingi of 8ml them I ap- jtloiuil revenue Eurer. The amount In- Advertise In the Dally News. 'pointed patrol man. 'vrlved slightly more than MQO.000. I