I PAGi. EIGHT nip daily news Thursday, frpUn,.,,,, . , I tm Westholme 1 eaire NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. j " WEDNESDAY and THUHSDAY at 7 and t p.m. Richmond's Louvre SMITHERS LOCAL GIRL WEDDED George Wall has b&i under j QUIEFLY IN SOUTH the doctor's care for the r'ttjars OLORES COST two weeks as a result of beinif Jl'ss" Rliona Saunders Beeerue struck on the knee with a ham- Bride of Robert Ainsworth mer. A slight operation was ne-j and Will Reside in in cessitated. i South America "Old 5an t GLOVES DISTINCTION can only be attained by QUALITY! A select and attractive variety of Imported Fabric and Kid Gloves: "Novelty" "Pull-On" and -1 Dome" styles in a lorel) range of colors. Per pair $1.00 to 83,00 "Hie Nobby" COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA AImo Rulkley Hny and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone G57. rancisco COPIED Y and "FELIX" THE CAT. Admission 10c and 35c MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on oar stock-list board dally. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Storks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for ati-eDting Wheat order. on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D.Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY BIRCH JACKl'INE AND CEDAR Single load l&M Double Load $6jM Urge Sack 59c COAL PJ1ICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg 512.0 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootiest Large Egg I12J0 Alberta Sootles Egg J 12.00 Alberta Lamp J 13.00 Also all other classes of coal Hyde Transfer AND COAL CO. Phone 5S0 139 Second Ave. What About It ? ? Macintosh AppV-are the best Apples on the market for flavor. Try box today. Macintosh Red?, fancy, per box SU.." Grade "C," per box $'2S0 Jumble Pack, per box .SIMS Crab Apples, 40 lb. box, per box St!.tW 4 lbs Prnnes, per crate $1.10 2 lbs 25f Corn on the Cob, 3 doz. $1.00 Beets, 6 lbs. -Zr,f Hubbard Squash per lb. 7? Vegetable Marrow, per lb. ."c OUR MEAT SPECIALS Home Made Sausage, per lb. 20 Home Cured Bacon, per lb. 4Bc Pot P.oast-, hot or cold, per lb :J3f We carry a full iine of Pickling requirements. fiiussalieni Grocery CO. LTD. Real Money Savers Phonies 18 and 81 H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd. RAIN COATS Our New- Line of Mandle-berg IMPORTED COATS Is now complete. Kubber Coats, Silk Coats Aviator style and Children's models in a nice variety of colorings 3rd Avenue and Fulton St. Phone 0 Would yuu like a fur coat? And would jrou Ill.e t K"t it at one third leat than ' the regular coat? Of course you would. I Who woiildn'"- ine 'hlng to do, then, la to vLMt Ooldblcum'a the old reliable i fur deulor. Ooldbloom la having a aale l of fura before lie lejvea for New York, j He g'.es next week t arrange for hla purchaaet of raw fun and until h leave, every article in hla store la bt-Ing offered at real n' .irica -one-thud below the ordinary pruc. After being twev.y vtara In bualneM George Little of Terrace was a business visitor here last week after having attended the convention of the Associated Boards at Trade of Central British Columbia in Vanderhoof. Jim Port eons has a fractured arm and Pete Berg wrist injuries as a result of an accident last week when the ear in which $hey were riding jumped over the bank at the sharp tarn at the foot of Bulk ley hill while coming into town. Local milk dealers announce that the price of milk locally this winter will be 17c per quart The price of cream is set at 30c per pint VANDERHOOF George Snell shipped a carload of oats to Otway last week. A daughter Was born on Thursday at Chilco to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams. Dr. D. L. MaeDeoald of Shawn-inigan, Quebec has been visiting jhere with his brother-in-lanw and j sister, Dr. and Mrs. W. Ross 'Stone. The United Church Ladies' Aid1 met yesterday at the home of 1 Mrs. Jaraes H. F. Lacey. j Two ears of Keehako Valley stock were shipped last week to Edmonton. Charles Seaaefer of Stratford, Ontario, brother of the late Wil- ,Iiam Seaaefer. is staying with Mrs. Seb&efer in the Lakes dis trict. C. W. McKelvey of Stuart Lake is back from a tea day hunting trip iato the Takla Lake coun try. He was successful in bagging a large black bear as well as a deer. Next season he will make a trip into the Thutade Lake country. atta-3irar all TIMBER SALE X-10SI6 There viU be offered for ule by Pub-lie Auction a, the office of the District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C.. it noon on October 3rd la. the Licence X 10445, east of Shames fMsUoo. CR S. to cut MOM feet of Sawloga. and S.000 lln. ft. of Pole and Piling. Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in person may submit a salad tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated a one bid. Three rear wUl be allowed for re-motel of that timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. DWUIct Forester. Prince Rupert, and Ranger S. D. Cooper. SEALED G0LDBL00M' S SALE OF ISKKTS? TENDERS aadreahed to the nd endorsed Tender for ITharfhead. Port Slmtwon. I fllFv PI1R ffiATQ ". Thnrdjr. Kober II. im. for Li .I11m 1 'Jl tiVnlO .renewal ol the wharfhead. at Port Simp son, oaeena uiairici. Bt Plana and forma of contract can be acen and peclflcat'.on and forma of tender obtained at thli Department, at the ofileee of the District Bncineer. Poat Office Building. Victoria. B.C.; Victoria Dulldera Exchange, 3609 Prior Street, Victoria. B.C.. The Building and Conatruetton Indue lea Eichanje. 816 Weet Haattnaa Street, Vancouver. B.C.. also at the Poet Office. Prince Rupert. B.C.. and Port Simmon. B.C. Tendera will not be considered unleea made on printed forma aupplled bjr the vepartment taa in accoroanee wren eondttlona contained therein. Each tender muet be fcecotrleenled by' an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to, the . order of the Minuter of In Prince Rupert o -lrtDloom prldoa J5T TcJTfJf OT ;nt IV?" . 'CilT I I i iv avwuiiijiuii ui vatuitua us uvuue vi hlmaell on the ni ;nixr nf hi aatlafled the Canadian National Railway Com-custoanera. He guaraatees every article i Pnjf will alao be accepted aa aecurtty. ha be ,aelU taeila tn to he be a n rrnrrnnnt.i1 represented anH and to tyil 0T d a Cheque If required to malw up ,n vount. give aatiafnction-with a money back I NOTE. Blue prlnu can be obtained guaranty And mo one can do much!' thli Department by depositing an belter tli;ui ilvi 9u ht-f Gi;uh! Uiftt fur ''oat '.' .mi t his week about U f oce he leaves for the tnat. H.M. (.OU1IU.OM.M Hie rinnrer I'll r llenlrr Advt 335 ccryiTO vuvque tor uie awn 01 eiu.w. payable to the order of the Mlnleter of Public Works, which will be returned If the intending bidder submit a regular bid. By order, S. E. O'BRIBH, Bretry. Department of Public Workn. Ottawa, Btptember 17, 1028. A quiet wedding took place at St John's Cnureh, -anc.uver, when Rhona Doris Farwill, youngei daughter of Captain and Mrs. F. T. Saunders, of Prince Rupert, became the bride of Robert E. Ainsworth, of Los Angeles. The bride wore a i harming French model of beige n:non with decpe; toned velvet t-i minings, handsomely embroid i tHl in gld applique. She wort' a corsage bouquet of sweetheart roses and lilies of the valiev. Her hat was a French felt with side trimming of feathers and -tie wore a brown oat trmmed with fox fur. Miss Marjorie Boyd acted as brides i uiu, wounnp Msruit colored georgette with inserted medallions with small fitting hat to j match Her corsage bouquet was of Ophelia rotes. I Frank Saunders brother of the bride, supported the groom. Later a buffet supper as served at the heme of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. jP. Walsh. Marguerite Avenue. 1 Mr. and Mis. Ainsworth left for Los Angeles for a six weeks' visit before leaving for Venezuela, South America, where they expect to remain a year. MOTHER OF EARL : BIRKENHEAD DIED ! EASTBOURNE. Eng.. Sept. 26. Mrs. Elisabeth Smith, whose devotion and sacrifices helped her son, the Earl of Birkenhead, to reach the. Lffifl Chancellorship, died yesterday Store and office space on the ground floor of the new Capitol Theatre on Third Avenue has been taken by Theo. Collart, Horace DuHamel and K. W. Cameron. Week-end opecia Is "duality Rifht Price RiRht." Quaker Corn Flakes. 3 pkgs. 'Sit Keller's Pep, pkg l."n Horseshoe Salmon, Ws, 2 tins I5? Brunswick Sardines, 4 tins . . U."c Heinz Pork k Beans, 2 tins 'Sic Royal City Pea, tin l."r Icing- Sumr. 2 lb. pkg 1M Nabob Tomat.jes, 2's, 2 tins UoC Del Monte Tomato Sauce, tin 10. Small White Beans, 3 lbs. . . 'Jftf Ghirardelli Ground Chocolate, Va's, tin IWp Chateau Cream Cheese, 2V& lb. box Tea Garden Spieed Firs, jar ."Of Aunt Jemima Paneake Flour, pkr yor Casco Potato Flour, pkr. . f Royal Crown Soap, 6'a, 2 pkgs. IT.f Snap Hand Cleaner, tin .... '-'Of Abbey's Effervescent Salts, bottle :trf Bayers Aaperin, tin -Or Fletcher's Cantr.ria, bottle . . V? Miller's Milk of Magnesia, tattle :wt Alberta Marke! P. GAMLLA, Pioprietor Fifth Street. Phone 20 " TnrTi Dr. Alexander rilONE S7S nrfNKH iu.orK DENTIST ON FRIDAY MORNING FROM D TO 1 O'CLOCK We promised to put on our Clock Sale as a regular feature of our . every month and once again we have pleagure in announcing this m event to take place on Friday first, bo many of our customers haw- . waiting for this monthly sale we know this by the number of cnn.; made at the store that we expect our store to be a busy place tomon. morning. We would therefore advise you tc be on time. Come early whatever you require of the bargains listed below. 150 yards Pongee Silk, natural color. Children's Hose. Pare wool. Clock Sale Price, 8 yards for j J QQ Clock Sale Price, 6 pairs for J qq Children's Voile Dresses, hand embroidered. C only, Ladies' Pi-fated Voile Dn Clock Sale Price, 2 for Q1 nil up to 40. 8Wevelee, nrfl clock Sale Price, eea 4 only. Ladies' Raincoats. Colors: Red. 2 only. Hand Tailored Ladies' Sur Blue and Black. Regular price $14.60. de-Chine lining. Regular $24.5 .., . Clock Sale Price, each 3,95 Clock Vrtet' 3 95 t only. Indies' Crepe-de-Chine Dresaes. Re- Crepe-de-Chine, 18 indaM wide k.v . , gular (18 value. QO QC value $L60 per ys4L Q-p Clock Sale Price, each VO.VO Cock g,,, per yard . L Beautiful Silk Nightgowns, trimmed with 2 only, Ladies' Tweed Cosjta. Su- .' 1.95 cl"k $3.95 Eadb s,,, PrJce FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPE IAL ALL OUR .LADIES' COATS, 1TATS AND DRESSKS Goinp at one-third off Only one article to each customer. Cash only. No. C.O.I) Richmond's Louvre THIRD AVENUE. ra ii sraammTi arr in ill a aw i irtiiit iin i PRINCE KITEKT IN DISTRICT READERS Ot The Daily News Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. thevNcys,of the Jiorth, coalt and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of itl .'WJWWIRWlaMIWiatllgBIWIMIUItW