September 27 1928 THE DAILY NEWS ' i iifci MiMr- " "'in nin BRADY SPEAKS TO GYRO CLUB Took National Anthem as Unique-Subject at Service Organization Dinner Lait Night 1 1 0 . 1 Departmental Service is provided by the people for the people! 7-1 r oros. Ltd. FOR INFORMATION REGARDING British fohmbia jjjines apply to .Department ofJines 1. - 3 V, Victoria, DJuW. imav. Daiuruv. luumiav ' Sept 28, 29 & Oct 1 LADIES' DEPARTMENT and Wool Bloomers, Peach ana Cream. Sale $1.00 .i ;htRowr.n, good quality, reg. $1.45. Sale $1.00 MIk and Wool Vests, very Rood quality. .Sale $1.00 Si. I, and Wool Hose, all colors reg. $1.35. Sale $1.00 l":u;k ani Brown Cashmere Hose, reg. $1.25 each. Sale, 2 for $1.00 i dozen I-adicn Crepe Housed rewe, nicely trimmed, all colors, rc 1.45. Sale $1.00 " YARD GOODS DEPARTMENT short ends. White Cotton, very good quality, ranging f rom 3Se t 40c n yard regular. To clear, C yar.s for $1.00 urud Pillow Tubing, short ends, ranging from 75c yard and up, 10 to 16" wide. To clear at 2i yard .,.. ". $1.00 Uh te cr Striped Flannelette. Sale, 6 yurls for .. .',y $1.00 Wn.le nr Striped Flannelette, 36' wide. Sal, 4 yards for . $1.00 Hljehird Flannelette, 3G" wide. Sale, 3 yard for $1.00 .rod (Quality Kitchen Towelling. Sale, 6 yards for .' $1.00 .!.'. Linen Towelling. Sale, 4 yards for . $1.00 -.ley Ottcn. good quality. Sale. 8 yarls for $1.00 short end Sheeting, '70, SO and !)0" wide, good jualliy, rf. 7Sctu $1.00. To clear, 2 yards fer , v... ........ . $1.00 ( (ton Crepe, White, Fink, Hone, Itlue and Fawn, rag. Sic jmrd. Sale, 7 .van's for ......... . $ 1 .00 .Krds Cretonne, rep. .13c per yHrd. Sale, 4 yards for $1.00 wuiltng Print, reg. 75c per yard. Sale, 2 yards fa $1.00 BOYS' AND MEN'S DEPARTMENT H v' flannelette NiRhtshlrta, reg. $1.45. Sale ..' $1.00 j, :vk' Flrcce-lined Shirts and Drawers, up to size 28, 2 foe $1.00 IV nr. an's "J.V Shirts and Drawers, reg. 1.5I) each. Sale $1.00 Men's Cashmere Sox, all colors, reg. 75c. Sale, Z for $1.00 Men's Heavy Working Sox, reg. 15c Sale, & far I $1.00 WOOL DEPARTMENT SI.etland Flos. Sale, 8 ball fer $1.00 lluhle Knitting Wool, all colors. Sale, 3 akeln far 1.00 wealerdewn. Sale, C balls fer ......c.r .. $1.00 Scotch Fingering. In Mack. Drown, White aa4 Stay, 3 Me $1.00 KXTKA-SPHqrI.w..rlV --v- . - boxes Crayons, 7 Pencil, 7 Scribblers, 1 Rubber, Ifakdl Baa, 2 Drawing (tacks. All for .?' $1.00 (iirls' Bloomer. Rood weight. Sale, 2 fur J.. ......... . $1.01) (.ins' Vests, reg. 65c. Sale 2 for $1.00 t.lrls' Nightgowns, ajje 6 to 16. Sale $1.00 .irls' Heavy Winterwelght Vets, u?to 80c regular. Sale, t far $1.0! (iirls' Cotton and Wool Combinations, long sleeves, reg. $240. TO clear nt $!.(& SHOE DEPARTMENT 13 Fairs l adies' and Girls' Felt Slippers, ranging froat $1.30 to $2.00 regular. To clear at -. $1.00 Men's Uubber Hoots, knee length, quality guaranteed, to clear at $1.75 Hoys' Rubber Hoots, knee length, sizes 1 to 5. To clear at $930 Youths' Rubier Hoots, knee lenith. 11, 12, 13. Te clear at $sri We have numerous other bargains In' the stare which face doe net permit us to publish. It will be worth your while lo cess In sad see them lor yourselves. Phone 615. Jabou 3rd Avenue anil 7t,h Street 107 Heiwrt now available. Special Itollctirui, Annual Reports, etc., furnished free of charge. I Taking as his rather unique subject the National Anth-rr. "God Save the Kin," J. C. Br .dy, M.F., before the Prinee Rupci Cyr iClub last night, gave an n.terest-ling account of how that hymn !had come into being and took-occasion to deliver a brief mrssafre of Imperialism and Cai: uii miam to his hearers. The address prov ed rnther novel and for that reason, together with the speaker's usual eloquence, was mu ! appn'-jciatcd.. The dinner, whhh took I place in the Commodore ('.-iff ami presided over by L. W. Waugh president of the Club, in honor of the sint'lo members f thv 'organ' on, beinj? the ,.!-(.-rv-0f s basel'all m:itch ov v v. ytr ago when the b.vheh'i- "f th qub defeated thi; benei H. Donel Jioltby. wJ:o n 'us cap acity as umpire, was S o .throwing the rame to 'ii - sinjr'e imen, occupied a sent ( honor ;with the president and the sneak-'er. During the dinner there were ,seleetions by Miss Irene Morrison at the piano, and .Hmrr.v Currie, with the ('rums, and imirunity sinking w?s led by Movri Hlott Guests included George Cam-.hel' f Premier; J. B. Dou 'h rty of Vancouver, and Fred St"' hens' 'Alex. Connon and Paul Aivaz-ff. Opening his aVr?83 '. . humor- nus vein, ? he Gyro Mr. Bredv ' thrtt Cub and s'ch -nr.' nida tions 'were necessarf'v ci 'noni;tl and rituali ;tic !n nrtun Therefore, he ha i dpei led to . !e t for ,his subject "God Sow tv !;" 'the, origin and development of which was n t generally known .Peculiarly trouph, the National Anthem had no particular Tithe- jbut had been develoned fi-npov-tely down terou-h the. .veara. It ,was the oldest of the nr jonal an-thens, all of which Xntre of mors n modern coravnsrUon than might ,e nmnsmed, "God 8e tfce Krng- was first used in itsj.iesent forrr during the latter .years of the ,reirn of V'illiam IV. c1 at the accession of Quaqb 'ietoria. Cer I tain parts of it. however, had been devised many years previous. For instance, during the days of Henry VIIL, one ship in the Navy would signal the words "God Save the King" while the others wou'd reply Long t: Reign Over Us." Other Hnes hav be-n written by Dr. Joajh BH t-the days of the Jacobites. Words snd lines had beer -iddsd and revised until, finally, the antherr came into its present form. TYPICALLY BRITISH Mr. Brady explained in some V. . Mm fill KOlMirj , CUll UeW nr of the three versus of the an them. The anthem, ho declared, was part and parcl of British developmert, typ?fvg the virtues and Weals of th nation. Not I personal to any Kir or monarch, '.. Li.--sBg pressionhte of fidelity to the Throne nnd being sung In vail Beaammamsjsiaassssa , t arts of the ftmpirc. wis emblem atic of the bonds whi h held and would hold, .together the various portions of the Emidr" as long as the sun ahono. Withul, Mr. Brd declared, thare was no; thing contrary to Canad-:nniai In the jsinginnT et rv part oi "Uod save Uiet King" It w-s a VntbWi which th&Gvro Clu. tkI other v S. Wilson Is Re-EIected Presl-! drnt Presents an Interesting Report of Year's Activities The i.nnual meeting of the ('l-iiH-e Rupert Teachers' Associa tion, branch of the B.C. Federa- on of Teachers, was held last I'.eis.'w: in the Booth School with he president, J. S. Wilson, In the h'vr. Several new members were nnd indications are that the ensuing year's activities will b" even more successful than last v ear's. D-irir.? the evening Miss Grassie eli'hted the members with pianoforte solos. Miss Halliwell rendered the vocal solos "Where Cor. Is Lie," and "Winds in the Trees," very pleasingly. Ir reviewing the year's activities, the president commented onihe value of the Federation to the individual teacher, and the need of the Federation for the individual teacher. If the Fed eration was to be of the greatest use the teachers must support it and for that reason he was glad to see that there were new members present. The program for the past year had been most valu b'" at r' 'nst-uctive. The papers had all been of marked educational value. H- also expressed grat-'fication that members of the Board of School Trustees had found it possible to attend on two occasions and meet the members. The value of the annual convention held in Vancouver at Easter was a point of interest in as much Mr. Wilson expressed satisfac mi t th wav in which the ; Brafiy wu thtnfw his the executh aMrwi,by rresident V.'aflim-from ffutttra date. rnd f)vd Prevost nllrd b-- lows for Indian Agent W. $tolHwi:. Pr d-nt-J. S. Wilson. hs morning and wetcmwgrd, 'V:ctf-pre! dent Miss IS. A wih dBunknne on xm reserve 'Mcrew. VotlsVstls. The cUM- ware Sectvtiay-Treusurer -W. W. ( WINNIPEG, Sept. 27. Addi tional orders for locomotives have . CLOCK SALE AGAIN AT RICHMOND'S LOUVRE announce their monthly Clock Sale for tomorrow morning, from 0 to 1. Judirinir from nrevinim Clock Sales, this means a crowd ed store tomorrow forenoon when these special bargains are offer d. The merchandise offered con- is it was the biggest assembly sl8t" of real bargains, as you i will of teachers that had met in th Province und the benefits from associating with other members of the profession and discussing mutual difficulties and exchanging views were vsry real. Hope was expressed that Mr. Charles-worth, the secretary of the B. C. Federation, might be able to visit the city tHs autumn. The Htr-.ry committee presented a list of books that they recommended be purchased for the educational shelf of the Public Library. Action was back to the executive. ee from some of them mentioned in the Louvre display advertise ment in another column. You are invited to take the op-ortunity of securing what you would like at these special prices but you will have to come earl. advt. J. B. Dougherty, o Vancouver, is paying a brief visit in the city with his son, M. J. Dougherty. He arrived from the East on last referred ; evening's train and will sail for me sou in on me rnnce uupert tonight. He was a guest of the Rotary Club luncheon today. such omaritsat'on eoriroud ot ran.f rr th n(i..stcls. Miss the- ImRarllil'S'n an I Jaahdian-jiot?T,.,t of the 8alary of one 0f lawv artuH alwavs he' M to hr mBmhpltu of the staff. yajnt witn fullness or naart an.d, In concluding his report, the, Ww. - M I president thanked the members " of i ... i . Rothwell, - . I nifli IfttAfl mill a l, ,.Aa,lnM a ve tor tnetr assistance "VJV" m"v Miss Tierce, Miss MacKay. Convener of the refreshment committee Mrs. Walker. Plans for the year were then throuirhout throughout the vear and the care- considered lor tne outlining of ijwha. he aiptod an.ajivltation fuj attention to the various prob- the program of meetings. Details rtfc iiISmu th i-lnh nL-.'iM at umt 1 1 1 j..h ..,nu I were left in the hands nf the an- r- . w v.w r- - 11 r ihuh i i , , hii i i f i i iimiL mill. Once aafain Richmond's Louvre . A vith such co-operation his duties eeciue- aau been liwrht. I The r meetings will be TJ ,, , v'X . I . , , , . hem on the first Tuesday of each I Thnn of thiH.R. di-! A hearty vote of thanks was' onth from now ,.. ihnt t. TWWWVtiltgn'IB i passed to the chairman for hla;next mffetin will be arranged for (yenaiwi nwwpy i ujaspi w-ih -.own as presiuein unu " a date to be set bVthe executive. f the. Oklnaj aoaBiry, Bronif'it hi to town 't?ninIon Cpnstable A.. J. W.Vkgtton J'ev njtehs'eat respondent, to which he Wrlefly ni lied. Ek.tion o Officers Refreshments wre served and the meeting adjourned. Other members present in ad- The t'.'ttion of officers lor the dition to the officers were: Miss hnvv nfferneoh, Jchflut" Rysa1 'o"thcomlng year resulted as fol-'Grassie, Mr. Halleran, Miss 1 . . . . V ' . r til., ti M. Martin, Miss B. Leitch, Miss C. Mitchell, Hiss McArthur, Miss M. Palmer, Miss Uushforth, Miss E. Viohers and Mrs. l. 'adjourned nuli! I 'nwv n; rn- CN''iH. I j, 1 Kctutire committee (J. II. Read the Louvre nd. Read the Louvre ad. pHeTfivb Distance, so far as the Canadian Pacific Is concerned appears to be measured no longer ;n miles. Time is the important factor and, at least in respect of package goods, the Canadian Atlantic and Pacific coasts are drawing closer each year. Here, Captain Brintnell is signing for Canadian Pacific express packages to be carried over the airway between Winnipeg and Calgary. For several months the Company has operated an air service between Rimouski, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto. The new link in the air chain was forged under auspices of Premier Bracken of Manitoba. ANNUAL MEETING LOCOMOTIVES TEACHERS' ASS'N FOR RAILWAY Local News Notes been p aced by the C.N R. with w Tobey divifK-mnnl 8Uper Plants In Canada. The Canadian jntendent, left on yesterday Company at Kingston, ternoon's train for Smithers. to uiuano, toaay receivtu an oroer fiom the purchasing department of the Canadian National Railways for 15 locomotives of the Santa Fe 2-10-2 type and ten 8-wheel switch locomotives. The Montreal locomotive works at Montreal received an order for ten 8-wheeI switching locomotives, this latter order in addition to an order previously given for 20 locomotives of the northern type known as the 6100 class. Orders thus given amount to a total of 53 locomotives intended to implement motive power for the freight service. In addition to the orders for 55 locomotives referred to, the National system is making Inquiries for five lo comotives of a modified design from the mountain type used on main line passenger and freight service. attend a meeting of the divisional operating department of the Canadian National Railways, wnith will be held tomorrow. R. F. Mc-Vaghton, district p:aenger ug- -' M. A. U;jrS-n', division engineer, H. McEwen, division v .ght agent, and other officials left this morning. All will return to the city on Saturday af ternoon. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST. Small purse containing Poet Office keys and small- sum ef money. Finder please return to Daily News Office. RYF,Y'i This advertisement is not published or displayed by tho Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia wm Off M- TONil, ALB or STOUT Builds Up Yom Health