PAGE TWO Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 268 N.W, One oiitbf.every fjv pounds of tea used In Canada Is "SALADA"r the reason It is more satisfying and better value than any other tea. Saies are the best proof. Brown Label Quality, 80c per lb. Orange Pekoe Blend, 85c per lb. Sold everywhere. The Daily News PRINCE RUPKRT - BRITISH COLUMDIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. I'ULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUKSCMPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $6.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $3.00 Or four months for $1.00! By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year .... $G.O0 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line 25 Classified. Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Lefal Notice, each insertion per agate line 15 Contract Rates on Application Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1928 ORGANIZATION OF FISHERMEN The salmon fishermen of Prince Rupert are organised and they plan to appoint an agent here who will look after their interests. They met in convention here recently and have forwarded their recommendations ;o Ottawa. This is an age oi u jranlxation. The canners are organized, the halibut fishermen have !i,.?r union and practically every other social, political or industrial vroup hn jte organisation. The salmon fishermen were slow in ji-ninv together. One of the difficulties in the salmon fishermen keeping in touch with each other is the width -tattered ! .ttion of their camps, many of whi.-h cannot If re;.-h-d eM-ep- !, launch. Now, however, the advent of the radio is mt.tinjr ... ilde v ha; until now has been impossible. There i hi , ,,,,1. a . j ,,y m ,n,. cjty an(j jf the fishermen could make arrangement-; they ni ght easily keep their numbers p.. -ted a' the !. i, r. :.. . . n n-- l. means ot it. Many llshermen are now buying v -I'. ;ng set; and every fish buyer couia easily install one and set it up n 'hat the messages may be received. CITY IJROA WASTING Ket hikan hai a bruatkaotinK radio station which keerj the country informed of the doings of that city. Possibly something of we son may be kept up here before long as a public institution. This paper suggested it several years ago but possibly it was then too early in the day. Now it should be lens difficult. HALIBUT VlHIIINO IlRfilNNiNtJ Halibut fishing begins Wednesday and already the larger boats are away to the banks. It is a' hazardous and strenuous occupation but those who have once engaged in it feel loath to give it up. It has In it all the elements of sport for sometimes the catch is large and sometimes small and as the boats all now operate on the share system the fishermen lose money or make it according to the fortune that is theirs. It is to be hoped that conditions will be such this year that the fishermen will do well, for they are the people who bring the money into the city. WILL INCLUDE PRINCE. RUPERT Any scheme for opening up the Peace River is pretty sure to include Prince Rupert within its scope. This is the natural port for that country ind as such must be recognised. -AH proaspter thai 'discuss this matter include Tfince Rupert in their plans, and there are i numtier of -prtltffv befhg e'btved many of which will die aborning. At any rate Prince Rupert people do not need to worry with any idea that this port will be shut out, as long as one of the big companies gets it we shall be included. It is to be hoped that the Canadian National will undertake the work. -HEINfi TALKED TO DEATH Parliaments are in season practically all over the English-speaking world. Those of interest here are the Dominion and British Columbia houses but they are not the only ones sitting. In each there is a lot of political talk by those who have to preserve their political lives or advance their political fortunes largely by mean of their pecche. It is talk, talk, talk, day in and day niit. However, most of the oratory takes plnce at the beginning of the sessions a opportunities come seldom after that. Hot meals without work Help the whole family to better health Save yourself time and trouble Serve it with hot milk MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS Fygaim fiUTHIIIE TQTJtE KOBE St. Lawrence inal 'lfcport not yet Made l!ulilff 'Immigration is id oe invesugaiea By B. J. Deechatan) OTTAWA. Feb. 14 What did th old ccv.-n do laet.week to dftoe dull care away Heap of things I , Thl as a busy world if you are busy in It and interested la tbe things about you. Away from Ottawa, there , afey not be tnurh to hold attention. eseep automobile accldenta. companionate mam&g? and the current murder story, tout here there are tewal things and they all happen at once. The dally papers print endless pages of debutantes. The num- j ber who have mode their tint appearance thla year, la too great to oount. The reat ni the page are given over to parliamentary gossip and (octal eventa. ;:ertalnlng to the families and friend of the members. Here and there an obituary appears Ottawa papers are good on his. No datitat this I to ImpnM upon ! In a xiddy world, that lire la a narT.ii valley between the peaka of two eternities. We are In the busy throng uday and tomorrow like the tired ffberman. rowing boots rowing borne. Now tbla was a big week. We bad first, lir. Bennett, new style, and Mr. King, old style. Then we bad a hot discussion sa to whether Mr. Bennett was better, old atyle or new style. There it a keen debate on this question In Conservative circles The leaders favor the new, but toe rank and file are not an wen planed. They want pep. fight, action. They hope to see tbe time came when tbe Wade leaps from tbe scabbard and the gay knight enters the tournament. In other words, they are looking for the old "Bennett." But :o:t nd by responsibility. mellowed by the changing year, fearing that the old form would not suit tbe changing circumstances, Mr. Bennett has decided to strike a softer note. Taking it all and all. it seems to the casual observer, that the new style Is better. Governments are never burned up by barrage of glad oratory. The opposition should always attempt to Instil Into tbe government, a tired leellng- that la much better than trying to waken them up with a stimulant. Briefly. Mr. Bennett's argument may br summed up as foUowa: 1 The country is not prosperous 2. If !. is prosperous. Mr. Kins la not responsible for the prosperity. 3. We are not getting as many Immigrants as we should. 4. Some treat plan must be devised by, which we will get Immigrants 5. We have not chanced our colonial surtus. 8 If we have changed It. then we have drcpt-ed out of the orbit of the Empire. To all the charge Mr. King makes the following reply ;. We are prosperous and the supporting array of !lgure. la astounding. 2. What dlffetence does it make where good things come from so long as you have them? 3 You could hardly expect as many immigrants from Great Britain and Europe in vie of tbe fact that the beet blood of these countries, tbe adventurous spirits, passed out a few years ago in the Pentecost of calamity. 4 We are not asleep at the switch and fair progress Is being made. " and 6. There Is a change In our atatua and we are developing along the lines,, which have always been associated! with British developments, in tbe lines laid down by such men as Sir rNvardetf 4a the 'first H,Jges of Han-"rd. Thee two speeches give a very clear idea of opposing viewpoints in 'annciun political thought. On the 8t. Lawrence Canal question, Mr. King was particularly clear. He pointed out that there waa a report of tbe International Joint Commission, which wss later considered, by s joint board of engineers, the members 01 which differed among themselves, necessitating that the matter be referred back tc the engineers for further examination. The government had appointed an advisory committee. The advisory committee had reported, but It was unwise to submit the details at the present tune. Thla was an Important matter. It Involved delicate International negotiations and it wss not tbe Intention or the government to proceed rashly upon the question The local aspect of the question was also under consideration mid this must be decided before anything definite cu-ild be done. It appears as If the Premier's speech had postponed action on the waterways 'luestlrjn for some time st least. The country can afford to wait. ... Mr. Outhrle. the runner-up for the Conservative leadership. Uses a high position as a public speaker. There is about him. something of the Victorian tradition. He knows whst a rood arjeech - " MMvugi, n iu iua first effort this year, some of the members on that side of the House would 1 have culled Mr Bennett out of the box j and put Mr Outhrle In. Incidentally. f In finite DOM'.ble that some of thnu ho thought thl.s might have been quite glad to slip in themselvea. If there are 348 members in the House of Commons, then there are precisely that num-' F ber of men who know the name ot the man who would make the best leader for a political party. Mr. Outhrle specialises on the discission of the national debt and on the equally interesting aub)ect of taxation and; bow to reduce It. After listening to htm for awhile, you must at least come to tbe conclusion that there are several different ways of approach - ing the question snd that Mr. Outhrle can thread bis way theoogh many of them with amaslng deftness and pre- ing match Is s contest between two1 oeauty parlors IP you borrow trouble, thinks of asking it back nobod" OIRL8 are always fond of a hand- figure, especially if It Is hi bis bank account. THK deeps tehee tell of a man who hot hie partner for a wrong play st bridge- I have seen many a woman eisloo and at tunes there la a touch ! wbo would have done the same if aba about him which auggeeta the days ofl;id only had a gun but aha used her his former viewpoint. He learned the :ci with good effect. art of polities under Laurter. ' I mct a man on the street the other The department or Immigration la to day who said he propsssd to a girl, be Investigated by a Itouee of Otamaaoaa Hmhiiwm agreeable so he mar- commniee. u parliament decided to rfd hsr but she wasnt bring before this committee all tbe food people who have offered a solution 1 omr immigration ueobUm during the ought te keep out the pewktle of certain te the Sanpreea Theatre teat night a rvtiaiHac, ww u us 111 jMp?win rmws with no religion la tsefc if e Judged by public opinion end the erftleism that are offered, it wouM be much easier tor s rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for a man of even eseep-tlooal ability to handle the affaire of the department of Immigration. Man in the Moon m caught the political bug So a hole in the ground he dug To bury all oppoMuon To hu own pel it ical mug. It wsi s political game Tbe political rupe to tug. So he dangled on it a political bee Which la nothiiiK 4we than humbug. THERE are some younstert around this city so sick that nothing but an operation will aave them. It la performed with a paddle or a etftp on tbe fleshy part of tbe body. ALL tbe old Ford Jokes were out of date so it wee necessary to get either a new set of Joket or a new oar. THEY also serve who only stand and gape. JAXE has become g student of fashions. He says the 1st est models on Third Avenue hsve streamline bodies. nice duco finish snd sa jnany speedi as you wish to order. THERE are ssld to be girls In this city so dumb that they think a curl- Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert There wae n Indignation meeting wine it, wa MkM uat ft ststsgation ' should go to Ottawa ivsVmhd immediate reform In salmon fishery regulations tor the Beeena River Mayor steOlymont presided and speakers included Bob Hanna. T. L. Maolannon. O W. Nlefceraon, Cspt. Peter Horvlk. Fred Stork. Aid. O. B Casey. D. O SUwart and J. O. Oavlgan. A praaa cjmmittes consisting of Fred Stark. O W. Mlckefson and X. r. Doyle was M. M Wells, late of the firm of Stal ker A Wells, having been invalided home from France following participation In the battle if vimy Ridge, returned to the olty y. - dsy and waa given a royal welcome by l la friends. Mrs. E. F. Duby srrived from the south, yesterday She md Mr. Duby will take up rcJdcn:c in the Frank Mobley house on Fourth Avenue East which they have rented. Mr. Duby is manager of the sawmill at Baal Cove. NOTICE. Re-0rtlftcate of In tie No. 3004 1 to Lota JJr?d 81 o" nineteen (19). Seotlon sU (8). Re-Oertlflcate of Title No 3S01 1 to Lota seventeen iioimm tw ISeflKU. . 17) and eighteen 3T). veeuon eight it), rriwt nuDsn. mib bbb AM), section f. Brew ten ioi. iw. an 11 Re-pmtfiowte of TtUe No. 2417 1 to T.t. forty -three !. forty-four and forty-five 4S). Block twenty-seven 3lty ot Whereas proof ot loss ot the above Certificates r-f Tills Issued in the name of Ira E. Mahon, haa boen filed in this office, nitlre Is hereby given that I shall, at tie aspiration of one month from tM date of the first publlostlon hereof, Urue a provuional Certificate of Title in lieu of each of the nald lost Certifies tea, unless In the meantime Tuesday, F.-i THE DAILY NEWS KING-BFMTT OTTAWAWEEK Correspondent (Jives Impressions 1 of Debates Sums up in Arguments Parliament and HlOU are invited to YEARS Robert Borden. Lord Bryce and other il" b00,a aleJOTf. There see the great teachers of constitutional his- SEwtlOiu WWaastiigaaitot. tory. It you want to balanoe the-two ar guments, read them Werd bj word, ;jm The resonsuoos are tee sever . The re strietism are not aster, itough. We IN OUR SHOWROOMS ON February 16 The New Car will fulfill the promise of a singular achievement in light car manufacture. S. E. PARKER, LTD. Third Avenue East Otic Heal Canadian Car- M PUBLIC PR.E F E RE NT past year. Ottawa weald have tbe biff Canadian National Qfo LargeSl T&ilway Syiltm in Amend STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sellings from rRINfE UtTF.KT for VANCOPVER. VICTOHIA. SEttTU and intermediate points, etcb FRIDAY, 900 sa. for HTEWAItT and ANYOX. eaeb UEPSESiiAV. 10 00 p no POT SOUTH and SOirril WEEN rilAUl.OTTR IHLASne, . r r' ' lASe.riElt TRAIN LEAVE I'KI.VCE u I PERT Bach M(!Y. WEIINKSUAY and MTI RIHY as 110 m QEORfJR, EDMONTON. WINNU'EO. all points aatrn C State. ritJMl AOr.NCT A LI. OCEAN STEAMSIItr LINES. Use Canadian National Eiprtss for Monty Orders, rorrlfo !: etc., alM for yoer next shipment. ' riTY TICKET OITICE. StS Tllllll) At E PRINCE RLFtKT r3M UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from mire Rnptlt. lor VANTOl'VER, VICTORIA, IliKrdale, Alert Hay. etc Turd.i Far VAXCOI VKR, VICTOHIA. HMann llsy. Alert Itty. e. . a.m. For PORT SIMPSON, NAAS HIVES P'JINTS. ALICE ARM, 1 - STEWART, Wales Wand, Hiintfar. S tun. . Itl tnd Avenue. R. M. SMITH. Agent Prlnee Rope'1 Throagh tRkrtt sold to Vlttoila and Sralllr, and baging tlirougli to destination. In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. RUPert' BC ' thU Jnur' lM ' II. F-. MaeLBOD, 83 Registrar of Tttlea. IN IMtOHATE IN THE NITItKMK t'OI RT OF I1KITIMI COI.I.MIUA In the Matter of tbe "Administration Act '; and In the Matter of the Estate of Alexander uameron. Deceased, intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order ot Hh junor. r. IUB, Young, the nth da February, AT) isaa. I waa spool ,y of hted Aominiatratur of the estate of Alexander yameron, deoeased. and all parties hav mg cisims against the ssld estate, are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 10th dsy of March. ATI- 1MB, and all Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. rnnoe nupert. li e AN VOX, . iiffte To Every Woman who is eager for new ideas in home decoration 1 combinations for the sun porch, new color schemes r room, new color beauty everywhere in the house- 1 " ng Lacquer comes as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 Demers lire now sh'itvii x , Billie Burke Sport Dresses Phone 27 i.o. n 527