FAOB FOUR See This Diamond Ring $75.00 i f.C Hi We h:pptWji-,p ITdi tunte purchase from a diamond importer who offered a special inducement to clear out the balance of n package. We are having: the stones mounted up in white gold rings to sell at $75.00, and you will nay they are beau: ties. The stone has quite a large appearance for the money and is of good color. This would make a nice moderaa'te priced engagement ring, but we have others with larger stones at higher prices and some as low ns $15.00. HIE STORE WITH THE CLOCH (vie GiveVova coal is pick YOU FACTS NOT HOT AIR MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.(10 Cash price tickets. McBride Street stor sow closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th ftt. TeWphone 6S7. ! We pass our coal over a screen four times larger than any other coal screen in town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and beat prepared coal. We make It a point to get coal for you that will give the most heat with the least waste. Let us have your order for delivery now. Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 Radio Radio KADIOLAS AND HADIOTKONS Antl AccerworleA r F. W. CHANDLER Exclusive wholesale agent fur Prince Rupert and District AGENTS WANTHD P.O. ISox C45 318 Sixth Street. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage,' Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Fumitum Mrvhig. BRINGING UP FATHER -i . , ; : - . L mother-OESiR- j , vouLDNJ-rvou'RBj) Bfc, " h j i Ln!N i ini!N INCLINED TO WEAR I zmn m ' CAR MY V TOO MUCH- 'I K ' 1 UJ J ill II I.' II III J-5s. f Mk. tW3l I V NEW OFFICERS OF QUEEN MARY .Mr. D. C. Stuart Elected to Head I.O.U.ti. Chapter During Coming Year Quern Mary Chapter, Imperial Ordr, Daughters M the Empire; at 1U annual meeting yesterday, elected officer a follows (or the year: Honorary Regent Mr. p. H. Du Ver-net. Honorary Vlce-Preildent Mra. 8. P. Mellordle. Recent Mr. D c. Stuart. Plrat Vlce-Prealdent Mra. W. H. Wilson-Murray. Bee and Vlce-Prealdent Mrs. Thorns Andrew. Secretary Mrs. C. J. Norrtnfton. Treasurer Mrs. Prank Moore. Ichoes Secretary Mrv David Thom son. Educational Secretary Mrs. A. T Parkin. Standard Bearer Mrs. William Bra The report of the secretary for 193" showed that it had been a very suo-' cp'ful year, both :clally and finan cially. Mter the meeting there was a social hour. A solo was sung by M". Wllllairi Millar and re fresh menu were served. ORATORIO MUSIC AT CATHEDRAL A recital of Qraiori Music wtU b. given at St. Andrew's Cathedral tomorrow night, February 15. st 8.11, undVai ttie suspkMs of the Ladles' Vtuele Club. I'KOdlUM 1 Organ "Oiientls Parttbus' Miss Lancaster t (a) ReclUtlve. "Thy Rebuke Has Broken ills Heart" (b) Aria. "Behold and see If There is any Sorrow" (c) Aria. -Thou Dldit not Lsavc Soul In Hell" (From Handel's "Messiah") John K. Davey Ladles' trio. "Uft Thine Byes" (from Msndelssohn's ' EU4h"i Mrs. Muldooo. Mrs. Allen. Mrs. OuUln . i Organ. "Largo" dUndelf Mrs. H. C. Fraser t. and aria. "But the Lord l Mindful" (from Mendelr.ohn's "St. Paul' Mn. E. Anderson -Organ (a) "Dead March' (Handel's "Sanson (b) "Dead March" (Handel's "Saul") Miss L. Lancaster Alia "Lord Ood of Abraham" (Handel's "Elijah"!, .A, MpPoeraon S OMSt (a . . "He Shall feed His Pldck" (b "Come Onto its' (Handel's MmsHbi"! ' UM OSWl Uaa 1 it ul-d I &imk (Handel's MmsUiV'T Miss Lancaster (Cut this program out and bring It with you). INTEREST KEEN IN WHIST TOURNAMENT Mra. II. J. Itratlhiir? ami Thorns Pr1el MlHtter wf I'risen t N'lfhl In :ik' f'umpHilleii. With but hair h down or more s- elons to go, imrrest Is now becoming keen In the winter whist tournament being held by the local Elks' Lodge There was a good -Used crowd of Dlav- srs In attendance at last night's games snd the prises .were won by Mrs. H. J. Bradbury, with a score of 303, and Thomas Priest with 108. The average of ladles' scores wss much hlnher than the men's last night. Leave of absence for six months has been granted H. W Birch, managing secretary Of the Prlnrr. Rupert (general Hospital, who will io.ivr .rly iB AprH on a trip to Bun is rid The hospital board laat nibt deridtd to eaH for applications to relieve Mr. Birch, starting on April l. and st a salary of ttU per month. HOTEL AltlllVUX ftavny C. J. Morris, city; Mrs Ooetlkunpand daughter. Lewis Island: v. c. Mllltr. East Bay M C Nelson. Edmonton. Advtrtus in tn Dally News. 1 ' lie has roup Rubbed on I throat and chest, .the effect of Vicks in reliev ing spasmodic croup is two fold: (1) Its medicated vapors, released by body heat, reach air passages direct; (2) At the same time it stimulates the skin, thus helping the inhaled vapors ease the difficult breathing. ways at onco rjVAPOR LJ R Oyer &MuioNJAitsUsED yeaiu OFFICERS OF ADAIR CARSS Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod He-elected Regent of I.O.D.K. Chapter for Cuming Year Adair Cans Chapter. Imperial Order, laughters of tt Empire, has elected fficere for trie -year follows: Honorary Regent Mrs. Alfred Oarse! Regent Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod. Firs Vice -Regent Mrs. 8. V. Oox. Second V4c-Rgnt Mn. W. Davis. Secretary-Mrs. Thor Johnson. Treasurer Mrs. 8. P. Self. Educational Secretary lrs. , W. W. 0Nill. Echoes Secretary Mrs. H. J. Brad- Standard Beafsr -Mrs. W. A McLean FIRESIDE CLUB HAS A VALENTINE PARTY A Valentine social was the even of the evening at the Fireside Club last il(ht in the Baptist Church. Osmes and songs with contests were the cause f much mirth, and f he arrival of Cupid Tith mall for thbe present was the miss of unite a Mt of anaculatlnn. A lenerman ST - a ween in the country -a crossin 4 Mm 111 BY BY COUU COUU - - JUT JUT COOK COOK HOW THEM WOMtN DREWS' IT AvWFUUl WHAT1 TH WORLD i --.i.' iWV iLasTsjn.fi l sam i usssv va mm .1 rufi:i::.::i rv rw as W W " 7 " " ' -w THE NERVE TO REFLOOR WOMEN'S WARDS IN HOSPITAL Mote In Kltrhrn lUlsed a Heroin -. nieniled Case Kimhii Work la Aid. W. M. Brown, chairman of the house commute, reported at the meeting of the hospital board last night .hat In compliance with recommenda-lon of the fire marshal, the stove In he kltohen of the Institution had been raised from the floor to give required Ur apace beneath. It was reported by Aid. Brown that the noon In the medical and surgical wards of the women's floor were in bad shape and requiring repairs. The board decided ' to call for tenders for uew floors. lhe larger water main to serve the hospital, which had been requested by he board, It had been decided by the :ity council to lnstsl. The report of the house commlttte .ilso announced that the replasterlng of .he case room, as announced by the board, had been completed by John Hremner and would soon be ready for n In ting. SPORT CHAT A sacosasful masquerade carnival was .cltttly staged st the Prince Oeorge kating rink. There were many excellent oostomss and the judges awarded he prttes to Miss Vera Foot, for the sent dressed lady; Shirley Ouest. best dressed girl: Flors HoughtallnK. best ladles' comic; 8. McLean, best dressed sn; O. Ferguson, beat dressed boy. and Harry Perkins, beat men's comic. Winners of racing prises were H. Tart. Mary Binds!. L. Harper, Lois Dlien. Ing Anderson, Frank Perry and Peggy Carney. Sheiks and Eskimos were in s deadlock last week for the leadership of the mlthers Hockey League. Each team had won three tames end there was a tie during the play of the sea-vn. Quality of play Is gradually Improving and the boys are getting down so fine combination work instead of solo efforts which featured the earlier part of the season. The past few days soft Ice interfered with the playing of games but tbere has been an improvement this week and reeun.ptton of the schedule Is being looked for-ward to with keen interest. Last Thursday night was an interest-lng evening at the Smlthers skstlng rink. During the skstlng season. Rev. luet by Mr mitn ana Mrs. Nortnover j oeorge Turpln, United Church pastor was well received. Refreshments were m the interior town, has brea holding Uten served, a happy tadlng for an en- j regular hockey games between boys' Joysble evening, I teams of various ages and the plsy- J. H, Collieon wUI address the club alls took place on Thursday to deter- neat wetk. . : .' . , ., . , MM shsmgasns at the ON deck, after Lrcakfait, the aiiiher suiiihins of an Allaiic morning, greets jou. iweeri seas codreeliy . . . sell wind whips your cheeks. From then until midnight, Cuiiard hospitality makes your day one long deliphL Yet it twts u more to go on these ships. Weekly Cahin Class .service from Montreal and Quebec to Plymouth, Chcrbonrg and London by the Auranla, Aluunia, Ascania and Autonia . to Itcl. fast, Liverpool and Glasgow by TourittTbird Cabin and Third CLiM ecronituodstion is of a corrrpom!inklrliigliUinUrd on all theia steamers. me miirma, lyCiuiu, juhmuih CANADIAN SERVICE S your tooal tltmhipotnl or rim t'IN.Udt HTCAMMIII CAl. MMIlKII. ti llastliigx Ht. IVrnt. Vanrouirr ion BY COLL.V- A CIGAR BAND VOIJLO MAKE A DR5S TO DAY P THOt6 ARE EVEN I Ni' CLOTHED WHAT AR BATH IN' 'oUiTfc COIN' TO BE? ... f7'- V anted For Sale For Rent Prince Rupert Crtbbage League results last night were as lollows: Cold Storage 11, C N. Mcchtinlct IT. Moose IS, Prtac Rupert Hotel IS. C. N. Operating 12. Sons of Canada IS. Knights of Columbus la. Oranr Orange ho c. Cold Storage 4, New Empress Hotel. 4 Prince Rupert Hotel 4 Canadian Legion .. S Knights of Columbus a 'Bona of Canada a C. N. Mechanics ... a. Moose 1 Grotto i annum. W. JnMs ptok 3 Oeorge Scott j Oeorge Abbott a A. McLeod a J. Watson : j II Cameron j Jack Frew i C. Taylor j Jack Watson o n. Divts o N. MiDonsld o Tom westue n L I av-a a a 3 4 4 4 5 5 L 0 0 0 i 1 1 3 1 3 3 Admtlis in The Daily News PIS, . '4 JAMES DICK RINK LEADS IN CARPET BOWLING TOURNEY The rink of J. Watson won over'that of Charles Taylor in the St. Andrew Society carpet bowling tournament iu 1 night while Jamas Dlok's won over Tom Seattle's. Tomorrow night, the following rinks will meet: A. McLeod vs. Jack Watson, and R. OaflMvon vs. Jack Frew. The standings to date of the varlom rlnka in wis eonipetitvan are as follows; Pts. 6 2 2 0 0 0 0 I ' N T O WJS. by lat'l re.lur. ServM. Ic (ffl'BI I'M By George McMaPU FOR COODME'b'i 6am how MAMV "Times MUST 1 TEUt-YCX , TO 5T AROuimi IN THAT VUI.CKR MANNER- ' fNOT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c AUCTION SALE INSTRUCTED BY THE OWNER WHO Is leaving town, I wiU sell by Public Auction 'on Thursday. , February' IS. t 3 IS pjn. on the premises of the Beauty Pari ore over the Louvre. Third Avenue, the following articles, consisting of: One beautiful Steel Enflrsvure of ECOO HOMO, tin so by 40 inches; barber ohalr. mirror, violet ray machine, a lass top table.-sight day clock, two scrrensy Columbia Orafonola. three dressing tables, chest of drawers. Toronto couch, sofa. D. -R table, oak chain, two beaters, two bookcases, Congoleum rug 13 by 10, curtains and kitchen utensils, etc. Phil pott. Bvitt Co.. Auctioneers. Phone ate. SB l visions. There were tour gamt in he tournament Including a tut between the tiny tots as an amusing -urtaln raiser with games between boys of Juvenile, junior snd senior inaa following. Line-ups for tonight's billiard future between the Cold Storage and Q rot to vlll be as follows: W. H. Long (Cold Storage) vs. Oeorge Waugh (Or otto) A. Murray vs. Don Brown. J. HlllmsiY vs. Jack Judge. A. McDonald vs. R. Young. J. May vs. C. L. Youngman. TENNIS COURT FOR NURSES REQUESTED I'roiHx-al of Indy Hiiprrlnlrndrnt lt-frrrrd by Hospital lumrd In (Irounil Committee ' I was requested at the hospital board meeting last night by the lady superintendent. Miss Jem Harrison, RJ4., tlist s tennis court be provided for toe nurses on ground adjacent to me nursse' home. The matter was referred to the grounds committee. CRIBBAGE LEAGUE Orsnie lHlje New fating In 8ermu Half of CninjM-lillun WANTED MAID WANTED FOR OCNBRAL Housework. Phone Red 3S7. tf GIRL -APPLY GOOD BATS tf FOR SALE FOR SALE. HULL SUITABLE FOR halibut flahlng or seining, just built. Price 11.000. Apply .8. Uye4s. boat-bullder. Port Eeslngtnn. B.C. 4T FOR SALE. 11600 BUYS A NEWLY finished house, s rooms, bathroom, pantry and basement Hsndy to sawmill. Phone Black 821. tf Low High FOR RENT FOR RENT. WAREHOUSE 3S by 40 with full basement; front and rear entrance. Apply 227 Second Avenue. Phone 840. SB IOR RENT FOUR ROOMED HOUSE fully modern: splendid marine view: Fifth Avenue West. Apply Theo Ool-lsrt, Ltd. tf FOR RENT ONE OOOD APARTMENT with three bedrooms. Down town. Stork block. Apply Stork's Hardware. FOR RENT ROOMS WITH OR WITH-out board. Central location. Phone .Blue I S3. tf HOUSE FOR RENT. 8 ROOMS BATH- Appty Muaro Bros. Two Cash Registers in ttask. CHIROPRACTIC Nt'MlAY, 8:38 am. 18:18 pjn. I l llltl AI1V 19 AND U FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE Apply 21ft Fourth Ave. Bast. tf II UMTI HE AMI KANOES WE HAVE IN STOCK BEDS. SPRINOS. mattress, unoieum and linoleum rugs, carpete. window blind curtain rods, curtain goods snd drapes, dining room suites Chesterfield suites, chairs, tab Iss. floor lamps, blankets, sheets, bedspreads, quilts, ranges, skutUea. kitchen hsrdwsre and mostly at) household articles. All new goods. A. MACKENZIE. Furnlt'"- iW 775. CHIMNEY SWEKl H. J. ZlfMKF.IIIt fleneral Handy Man nirnsces snd Stoves Cleaned and Re. paired Chlmnlea Swept. Cemetery Plots Csred For. Phone Red 341. Prints Rupert, n C EXCHANGE .R.UIJ. T.HlK , t ' ' - Hiyer pan, snd . nr. it. k. r.voi.rxov Chlroprarinr OM Third Avenue. Telephone for appointment now to Blue as. Residence phone Black 183. Bvenlng sails made aa arranged. Make your appointment now. S - .,, e, Low High Low High Low High Low PRINCE RUPERT TIDES WEhXBMW. rttllltMKY 18 '"S" s:4i sjn. ft. 03 p.m. i s i - l.-ss a.m. io.7 1S:SS pjn. 7.8 Tiit'Rsiiw, ri:iii(i'AitY in 0:43 s. 18.8 ft, 38:03 pm. 1A 3:08 am. u.o lfl:87 pjn. 8.8 rnii)Y. i t:nnri(v it 10:38 a.m. 38:83 p.m. 4:18 a.m. 17:80 p.m. riMIMY. I Tltltl'AHV It 10:88 a m. 19:69 p m, 4:18 sjn. 17:30 pjn. SATtHDAY, IKIllll AUY H!h 11:38 a jn. 180 ft 1B.8 " lOB'f 5.7 " I 1B.9 ft. 163 " 10.8 " 8.7 1R STEAMSHIP M0YE11 l'r Vancoaver Tuesday as. Cnm .:. Frldsy ss. Prince 0 Saturday-! csrdrm " ss Prlncpsj B Feb. lftM Pm,, . M Feb. 38 as. Prm. . M 1'rom Vsnroover Sundsy ss. cim-Wedneaday- a P: k Saturday, a Came; Ssturdiy ss. princm Feb. 11 as Prirx.v ,; Feb. 3ft as. Prlnr- .- U for Tort Simpson and Niai His. Sunday aa Canvi n IVmh Port Simpson noi n.u tiw.1 Tuesday ss. Csm r lor Anjox and s(e .n Sunday ss. csm. . Wednesday- ss - from Anjoi and xtriuii Tuesday ss. Csuvxir, Frldsy ae. Pruir. ! lor Queen ttarloiir Feb II ss. Piiiki Feb. 38 as. Prince ram Queen Charlullr Feb 9 es. Prim .' Feb 38 ss. Pr:n Or AUtks Feb. Ur-ss Prince , Feb. 3t--ss. Prinrc-. Irom AlinkS Jr. Feb 18 es. prlllle. Feb 34 es. Prmre,- Tuesdsyi Pfidsys Bjaturdayt O.P.R-Feb. IS Trains, Mondays Saturdays t'rqm Vanmnvrr Sundays Wtdnesdiys rridays CP.R.eFfh. II ami Trains, Sundiys. Tu day Ts Anyos,1 A I Ire Ann Premier Sundays Wednesdayt io n ft. I lands: 10.0 " 4J w 0:18 a.m. 88 18:84 p.m. J.y V. V, MAIL SCHEDULE ror the tst rrniu tin Medsy4. Wednesdsys ateses r Hie Pout Tuesde). Thursdsy ' 'S due To YsnroiMfr from Anint. Alice Arm, iTMUIer Tuesdays rrwsjB To ss Itlvrr Point Bunds ya Iron) Vas II I Iff Point TueawSf To AWkj Point Fsa. il and as rrom Auka Points PSb tf-and 20 To tjurVil Charlotte Mnd Feb. 11 and 2S. rrom 0iien rharloit" Mi"' Feb. 3 snd 38 C!I.R. TRAINS For the r.m--Msndays. Wednendw st 1130 am. From 'hi" fas:- -TUeedats. Thursday st 3,30 p.m. iNOTICK 1 lAwn town .1 Of LAND A( T fit IVTt'VTlO irs s " " .. to m:am; " Ossslsr Land HI Dtlfc bf Tf l t the north' Ut 40 in Hi' Atlln. In ah"' jlengttvids. and abmn v '. lalltudf. I TAKS NOTICE it"' ' tmlUi(, of Olscly ! B.C , oisupatlon Trap!)-' for s lease of the (" 11 Comlnenolna st !" northwest end of oi' 1710 fett north nf "" Lske River: thenw v tii. i" 0:33 am. na ft !r.M one mll mile south: ,ll, thence one mile " pm. aoJl ,840 Sores. mor. (lr i, (Bid.) JOHN DsUd Oecembn 8 Article, Lett ini round,, Sll 8!ur:isil r' - i.il i;i;' l il Slfssn j Ml "I s.taulf1 I is'l in . ,1 I "'.'H