L.. February 14, 1928 OUR ANNUAL -jWiWbv JIJ on Thuray, Friday and Saturday This Week Two articlex for the price of one and one cent Climes Em. Jfic Pioneer Drug (tela HMD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES K?t,200 Canadian National Steamships Co. L'mited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AMI SHIPYARD Operating (J.T.I'. 10.000 Ton Planting Dry Dock Enointera, Machinists, Boilermaker. ItlmkMMilh. I'niirrti maker, Founder. Woodworker, Etc. ELECTKIC AND ACETYLENE WKLDIM.. Our plant ia equipped to handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 4S and MS 5'M) Yard Best Grade SPUN SIL zuarantwjMr quality be absolute! fctiBe. i in fillfntr z9 f3cW iriderth' !0opuWflEtki n.l White, for yard 75c silk ad Fraser & Payne tch Whisky Gusasaami RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Cmi r v. v, i ,,,) (j,l.:, . .4 N ' UiaSttl Ital'lirMa sTallb City Meat Market (SELVKi UK OS.) id V.fnue Phone 765 MEAT- FISH. VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and immediate delivery t : -AM articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. A 1 Sweaters, Macldnaws, Wind Breakers REDUCED 13 PER CENT I' liilKRS, Hixc, e and 7. regular 12.25, now Shoe Sale Continue. Every pair ut . THOR JOHNSON I Best PfocuraMe Q 1TH ORIGINAL! hi, Y"iv"-tiHment i not published or diI'v.,! Iv 'he ""1 ontn.l Board or ly in.' ( .ovenine Uritih Columbia ST A jGEsbw Loql and Personal B O. Cndertskers Pbons il. Dentist. Dr. J. ft. Oosss. Phone 688 Skating dully. 2 to 4 and I ta 10 ti Toatny', TaxpnJnTV) O' Um Big 4 hablti Vthcn oi t Taxi, phone i JThU afternoon train, due Be ANNOUNCEMENTS Wrmeu of Moosehesrt Valentine Whlat Drive February 1 1 Linking aa at a:ao. la reported to befcn time Our equipment for aline f rpalr- , ng It the tint in Northern ILC,'-It sprils expert Murk.' Mac.trtnur's shoe More, as CPA. steamer P;ince8 Mary. Cast Arthur Slater. aouthiiound from Alaska porta to Vancouver imd Victoria la due here tomorrow. We rebuild tnur uld xhun like Bra by modern titu-hlne. Try uu for scrtk-e ami ..tiufartlon. Mac-Arthur' Mine More, as mre. i j i.unni ii, i is leaving on the CanleiiH th.s .iftcrnoon for a three week' holiday with her daughter. Mr. L. E. Barnes, in Seal lie. W. H Tolxy, CNR. superintendent returned to the city on thla afternoon 'a tra.n following a week's trip over the dlvlaion a ftr ax Rod Pan Junction cn official duties. Union steamer Cardena. Oapt. Jamas Ptndlay. returned to port at 10:44 this mcrning from Anyox. Btewart and other northern polnta of call and will sail at S o'clock this evening for Van couver and way porta. P. O. Ruaaell. assistant superintendent for the Canadian National Ball-ways with headquarters at Bmlthcrs, reached toe city from the Interior on this afternoon' train and will return to Smllkers tomorrow 8. C. Gordon of Alyanah, .who has been a patient la the Prince Rupert General Hospital lor the past ten days with an Infected band, waa able to be out yesterday afternoon and will soon be sufficiently reaoearod to return borne. The regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital was held In the hflftnttal la&t wnlna TVw .m t were Jitna n inompson. president; Aid W U. Brawn. Leo Wsugh, Mrs B P. Olsssey. Dr J. P. Caste, J. L. Chris tie. H B. Rochester. H. W. Birch, man atjsarattry, j; sun. R-M.. lady superintendent. "Sweet Innocence, demure and young. Greeted 8ir Chivalry; Hesrt spoke to heart, yet Hps were shy Of love dear courtesy. But Cupid prompted Chlralry To further hla design. And true love voiced Its message la a Romance Valentine." Doug Prlosell sole agent for Romance Cltoclales. Phone 19 or 4. t7 Reporting for the Ladles' Auxiliary at the meeting of .the hospital board last night Mrs. H P G latter announced that the Auilllary was pre pared to include In its work for the ccmlng year the care of the surgical and medical wards on the woman's floor In which It bad already been decided to lay new linoleum Sewing and mending work for the hospital wculd alto be undertaken. Mrs. Olaasey reported. Legion St. and Dance. C N R Annual Ball. Frtdsy. Pebrary 17 M i -. 1 ' up Year Whist Drive and Dance Fel'iusry 29 Ai;;lu in Ciithedral Tea Mar' h 17. Cu""l c Women'a League spring sale if work April 13. Clk Caharet Aorll 90. Royal S -rlety of St Oeorge Whlat Drive and Dance. April 23. SALT RHEUM All Over Her Hands and Between Fingers Mrs. Walter Winner, Ml.lville Branch, N.S., writes: "I had salt rheum ail over my hands, ami wperially between iiv tinkers. It was impossible for me 'd put them in water, or do uiv house wink. "After trTinfj Dae.lii-iiiee and salves, srhirh did me no (rn,..i, I heard nf Mini: ' iii'iulorli.:. iiinl after taking Imitlen I am . 1. 1 1 rely relieved nf m ti.nilile." M .uH.-l.i..-. , x ! v T'.... T. Unburn ., Lamiu d, Xuriw, Oat. THE DAILY. NEWS BiGE THREE " -1 ' :" Basketball tonight. Exhibition Hall at 7.30. 26c a&d 10. Anglican Cathedral Tea and Sale of Home Cooking at the home of Mrs. aorle, Fourth, AvetMie E., on Saturday. March VI. William Goldbloom returned to the City on the Cardena this morning after IS s the round trip to Stewart on b&lnesc lleadiiuarterA for nhuere- irlngfc' !e(l .theui to u for "value, -kertlte. ana aathfaotlmi. Mae.lrtltuf's Klioe Blore. 33 1 Mrs. WUJriU QHwbtl' returned to the city on tip '9sfdsiia tai morning frotn Premier vim ahe has been visiting with herUattlfter, Mrs. Araenau. R. M. Halnas, post omce inspector. U aboard the Gardens today returning to - Vancouver after having pent a few dssa at Stewart and Fre- tulsr on onVslal duties tassengecs going through to Van couver from the north on the Cardeni. today Include A. O. Pearson. P. J Crcsslsnd. I. B. Stlveis and E. M iiaines from Stewart, and H K. Wick from Anyos. Keiltsl wt Oraloriu Mush- In St. Andrew's Cathedral. IVedneMlay, I'etiruaif li at t.l.". under the aospiecs) of the Ladle' Madeal Clab. Ollrt llon In aid or I lie organ fund. as P. J. Crosslsjnd, well known Vancouver mlntuc tnglhaay. la a psasenger on the Cardaaa today returning south after having saant a week at Stewart making an Inspection of the Woodbine property for wtolen he is consulting engineer. A meeting of the United Church presbytery of Mac Rupert district will be held In the local church, opening on Thursday of thie week. Clergymen from various pern of the district, wbleh la an extensive one. will be in ati 1. R. Stlvsea. United States customs officer at Ryder. Is a psasenger aboard the Cardena today going through to Vancouver enroute to California on a holiday trip. During the absence of Mr. Stivers. R. W. J. Reld from Nome is relieving at Hydar. During the past twenty-four hours. U carloads of gram hare arrived from the prairies for the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator. Railway offices this moratfg reported MQ cars n the division west of Jasper Park bound her. A. CartwrlgfVt arrMM tn the city on ; trToin t Sf lcdsT afts! ST UTCahs4ian "atknjal Ibrprass ca neiueading jiaaes Atherly who recently moved to Calgary where he will be Joined shortly by Mm. Atherly and family. Passengers arr)vlag in the city frotn the north on the Csadetla thla morning included Mrs. WUfrtd Oratton. M. flemlng. A. Dunger. P. O Elder. T. J. Shentsn and P. Lobb from Stewart, and Mike fleallk. WUllam Ooldbtooaa and R. C. Dagg from Aayoa. The flaal aaaaton of the 1M civic court of revision is being held this altemeon In the city council chamber, having convened st t o'clock thla afternoon to render final decisions and adopt the assessment roll for the year. adjustments la which are of a minor nature. Arrangements for the annual gradu ation exercises cn March as were let. In the hands cf Miss Jean Harrison RJf.. lady superintendent, by the hospital board last night. The graduates this year wlU be Ulae Winnie DIbb. Miss Mlluosnt Osborne and Miss Alice Nelson. SPORTSMEN'S ENGLISH SHOULD BE CORRECT AS ARE OUTDOOR LIVES Oenerally spesklr.g. the majority of men who are keen for sportsmanship arj unusually clever: they are clean -living man whose ei joysneut comes from Mother Nature and the fact that she furnishes them with pleasure, be It on the golf greens or the hunting lodge, a trout stream or s farm only tends to prove the gulden worth of she Chinese i.rverb "The happy-hearted man car- Joy for all the botjieboid.'' The ingenuity of our portessaa. Is per haps. Illustrated better by the use he puts the B.iglish language to In deslg :iat:ns certain groups of anlmaU The following is a crllec.lra of terms picked a randwn and heard hare and there tm lend and sea. ! A covey of partridges; a wisp of snipe: a flls'.it of doves or swallows: s siege j i.r herons; a building ef raoka: a flock I o teeee. a swarm of bees; a herd of aivine: s drove of oxen; a pack of j wolves; a plump of wUd fowl; a skulk I ot foxei; school of whwlea; a mutter : u: prac3oks; a nule of pheaaanu: a herd f rattle; a sounder of hogs; a bevy of quells: a stand nf pi u vers; a cast of hawks; a brood of itrouse; a trip of Id.-tterei; a watch of nightingales; a j iirtod of guinea. hen; a shoal of her-I rings. IIRMAMIS I.OOKIMI INTO "Are you really H bunk examiner. Mi Tompkins' n.-k id Hie hostess. "Yes. madam. I l.uppen to be." I "Then I hope you wlU have time to j "Minilne baby's hank No matter how iniieli KlutKt' it nothing will come! ' : !" 1 e'M .1,. Ui-ialU. jlut Save the "POKER HANDS" Sk that are packet! with j VALENTINE SOCIAL BY YOUNG PEOPLE OF UNITED CHURCH With a large crowd In attendance, a very eoeccMtul snd enjoyable Valentine soclsl wa.i held laat night by the Young People Society of First United Churchy The hall was tastefully decorated with valentine favors and various games were plsyed. the prise winners being Ml" K Dunn. Miss May Thompson. Oordon Hitchcock and Miss Catherine Harvey. At the close of the program of games, refreshments were served The comm litre n sensible fcr the success of the evening's proceedings ronalated of Mrs. E P. Jenner. convener. Mlaa A. Oeri'et Mies P. Rogers. Mlas K. Dunn. Duii.m' Miller and Oeorge H Stocks. TODK PLEASURE IN TORTURING DOG AND HAD YIOLENT TEMPER I Our Dumb An mala) Had William Edward Hickman Joined "Band of Henry in hia early days and 'cen taught lessons of kindness to snl-mala he might have b-:i spared from the atrocious crime for which he waa armted. The report ..'ine thst s neighbor llviux on a farm adjoining the Hiokmen huine-tcaJ In xrkur.ias a..ys that the moulded y i": toik iippnr-1 ent delight in tvlat.ng the necki of her pet kittens snd pigeon unci in torturing I her dog. The streaki ef v olent temper: of that early period wen- evidently un- j rt strslned An oun. e nt humane edu- ; e.ttlnn In the .t.hu 1 .irl m the home. 1- w iilli a tea jf p.i.i . -anient when ia iio late Mm lie C, RllMell M rilriia t!il j 1: 'i.ll. Slli I'ii will 'lal! by a'le! . i foi .i ii- MILD VIRGINIA CIGARETTES and exchange them for VALUABLE PRESENTS .very-day RITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end ol December, 1926. Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $7IW) 18,548; Lode Gold, 1126,7218; Silver, $80,787,003; Lead. $106,976,142; Copper,. $209,967,068; Zinc, $50,512,5577; Coal und Coke, $284,699,1:43; Structural Materials and Miscellaneous Minerals, $50,175,407; making its mineral production to the end of 1926 show an AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,170. PRODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDING DECE5IIJER, 1926. $67,188,812 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown grant. Fall information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addrusajng THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINKS. VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. K B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. .Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable source of information. Ef ports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. magic Chairs that flop into beds bags that suck up dirt tiny ticking things that count all day long for you. Daylight any night just by pushing a button. A stream that nevar stops till you turn off a faucet. Any voice you want, talking to you from a cage on your desk or wall. Actions of yesterday, of people miles away, going on on a curtain before you. Stilled throats singing to you from discs; distant throats singing to you from nothing! Uncanny, daily magic this, due to national advertising. Advertisements have given yon flashlights, telephones, typewriters, automobiles cold creams, motion pictures. They have given yrjii new eyes, new ears, new hands, new feet, new faces, new emotions. They have urged such wide use, So low ered prices, that almost vni beggars can ride. Through laid down the shovel and the straff,: SflSK. iTTk. 4 . ' noe. itogl'Yirfobst e'mehtajiitfve You can ray'lT" whole harvest ready-to-eat in cans. You've hung up the fiddle and the bow, for a radio. There's little old-time work left in this age of amazing short-cuts. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS They keep you to the fore of modern life.