Save Money Y:b ueapest way to buy the C Hews Ik to subscribe by the tiic coat is 15.00 and your iieiiverod to your acldreaa f';, cniiu Just figure out the tm,!i ,.,st to you for this dajly c,' ,. fur twelve months! ' v f. Boston Grill . , , , , ,- IMMIGRATION URGED VIEW TO SETTLING LAND X III., N. 37. ' v VIGOROUS fef if on 5ir Henry Told Canadian Club 1 1 u'c- Vigorous Immigration Policy and See Mining Source of Wealth to the Whole Country; Total net Earning Large I (i;oNTO, February 14. That the net earnings of the Can-Mitimial Railway lor lat year were 142,100,000 was an-. .m b Sir Henry Thm-nion, chairman and president of the .Mi an National Kai!way, in an address to the Canadian Club In making these lijrure.M public Sir Henry pointed out that '..I'iniial Railways in ciimmiin with other carriers had faced I '.i7 increased operalinK cost, that the wages increase alone . 'id to $6,000,000 a year, and that the reduced freight rates in main, coat the .system a loss in revenue of $1,500,000 per - - - ea; rum MARCH TAKES BACK MOTION Will not nk for Severing of Ite-t.tuon With Mexico Kewult of Persecution OMHTIONS CilAN(iEI) New Furta Have Come to Light, thr Member Say, in a Statement Made to Haute Feb. 14. -Hon Char.' M i-iid withdrawing the motion i u discontinue relations wuh ifinly fWell mi the policy of rrcuti,n!Kinljillon.. Roman Cathultra ha bee: i-.emeut la the House. Mr. Mar-1 have nc-thln? t:i take back I rum what I have aald In my : iruteal on the st.-ti-ment Dj hi consul a'. Toronto or in Hut since that time new fact ii,. my keioaledge snd a ne !i developed In the beat In : the cause t have a, heart. I hided that no good purpoae - ned by the debate, which ..el In mlMnnMhrir ' n both i abroad." JONES ATTACKS FINANCE BUDGET H im Statement of Minister Did Not Represent Condition of Province ': '"HIV Feb 14 J. W. Jones of iikitnagan Waa Uve only speaker ' i-udgi-t debate yesterday. He ' 'ini that U showing of public ' " in the speech of the mlnlater ''p did not pixipwly repreaen' ii-i'ion Instead of being an ex I - apiul assets over llsb'lltle -I'uation was reversed. The Oov- iiii :,i etumssM the asset In several ' "- high snd kft out Pat if 1? KuMern bond to the extent ol ""' minion dollar. AFTER FRESH HERRING FOR HALIBUT BAIT ' " il nh packer have left for ""-iii irran uerring o" '"'ui which- ore awaiting a ' "I'l" '"'"re proceeding to the fishing ; ""1"ls mi their first trips of the ''-ui wiurh opent tomorrow. I'iKht the Pschena, Oapt Harvey ' left tor Pe'creburg to take on s (' ' 1 "i sit. the Berths O., Cspt. Ales 1 """ vihg left Saturday night on ' -iimiur mtuion. STRIKE VOTE OVER DISMISSAL OF MEN NNAIMo. Feb. l,-The mlnera em- "Veil y the Western Fuel Cor pora - "I III ""ve decided to take a atrlk- vote '", 'lire men ,o wrre dismissed "inttated. I .1 Shtnton, InsnecUir of mine. lvitK .nent u,, p(ll)l frw (,y '"iiland canal district on offi- ""'" returned to the city on the '". .in;- from Stewart. ill 5k Thornton Iii commenting Un the wage In-cii.ims Sir Henry paid a whale hearten tribute to the flue work being done by employee of the Canadian I can aaaure you." he said. "That I have no complaint to make aa u iiic-w increases, aor do I think the llle ( Canada complain There are i.o m irr loyal, earneat and enthualaa-tic ihan those who eerve the National ayitem and when It I re aiemberrd that the net earning! ot the ralaays have been Increaaed im-uugh the efforts of the Canadian Kauotai staff fro H.OOBHW tTt Mtt to more than HfJMP ta'WwT. MM we the smntsl reajyifillnn rarred. bfA WtTeV"Wae recognition for the exoellent work done would have bean destructive to thr i which charaetertaea the ui- air Henry further pointed out that daring the year there had been not i'l; a reduction in groaa revenue, bm iue e-.)?i.r'.iiure Incurred In msln-trnance and equipment. "In the early .., .olXwing the amalgamation, we tied to prnced cautiously," Sir Henry .'tided 'until the organisation found Hi feet and at a remit many Improve-.i.ent hd tu be made to give tlx ervue which the peop of Canada demanded " 3 r Henry drew attention to the fact il. a', the; rates In Canada wen i. il t average IH per cent lower than ilio; prevlaling In the United State i.d likewise, lower than ai.y country i Um world. "When It l consldere:'. I., it traffic in the Dominion mul be ..n-cd over great dls'.unces. Sir Hrnrj ominwd. "lower freight rate can be Justified but had they been tn an ivctugv with the United States, thr net earnings of the Canadian Nations'. would have been increased by Maooo.- ooo " MIMMI IIKttl.OI'MKNT In speaking of the mining development- air Henry auted that what mn h;.d been looked upon a a natural ; iirr:r bctaeeii the caotrrn Caiiad i i md the went had pioved to be our ol j Canada' Kreetest aaaeu. Commencmti 1th a relatively email activity In nailing m Northern Onuir.o and Quebec. It develiipmeir hiui wept throush :hc two iri'Mirrs and luto northern ManlK I" w"cn- in three properUea in the rim lt-t : lot alone, ore bee bcrn bl irkul mil with value caceed-ing MM ,HK (HKi We are now con-'trwtnm a Hi"' HS "" lon to tap ihe rlcb Flm Mini territory and serve he aiinlii'. iui I- i" lav capacity of more man :t."0 U'a 1HT day.' aald Sir Henry, but bl a I till development lt'l t prevent wniill to what . mav expect In the future. The Pre- CaBibrian Bhleld running from Ubra- ,lcr t" Alaska Im been lounu io am full of mineral wonllh and wc have iv -ratched the surface With the by puce la mlnlnii development, pace the development of the pulp and pulp word industry What this means to the people of Canada and particular,, the national system may be seen by th, shown made by our Cochrane "f ' t -"-tal division. I-- line which was at one time gener-.lly wu.Hldered s "a white elephant. me division had an Yet la-t vea. opersttnit rallo f Pr nl In dealing with U.e queatlon of pop-ulatlon. Sir Henry .tres the tces- ii...,a nri amireaalve lty for a co-iiiu-"""" Imm.Krstlon ,rort , ,11V IMUMiltUION brought Canada "i veiir e 154IKI0 lnimlitii' t and as our popula- mure tnan w,uuu.u lion is is a a un-. ihii "--lopl. only .deled on. snd It show, we cent to our populs-(c.utiii'ied tenth per mi pait ') Northern and rtuv. mhh : hi ut. im coMPi.t.Ti; MIMVIKK IVMHVCKM 4 Hou. Charles Dunning an- 41 nour-ocrl in 'lie Houts of Com- mon that the eurvey cf th? Peace River Pass had been Oampletrd ard thst he aaw no 1 reason why tli report of the ernlr.etr.i should not be laid on the t?bli in the House of Comrr.ora. Tlie report ha been In the hand o! Sir Henry Thornton ar.d - waa pasaed on by htm to the Minister of Ball-ways. IS SENTENCED Judge Ssya he Will Hang on April 27 for Murder of Marian Parker l.m ANtim:. Ira. II. Wllllara t:dwnrd lllrkiuan wax thl mo.-nlng; kentrnrrd to l.a 'g un f'rldav. April ti fur fl,Ht tli-grre mnrder of Ur!an Parker, lbe -eulinee a Isapei.rd by Judge Trabueeu alter he had denied llkktr.onv mullon for sew trial. WERE ADMITTED Only t7-r in ail Came to Canada During the Year Including 115 Adult Male OTTAWA. Feb 14 Four hundrec snd seventy-five Ji.pmiese a-erc acinilt ted to Caiiad d ..i t ie tiscxl ca. 1996-27. Of thtie 1 IS were aduli males, 230 adult fcmulet, and IK children under e: ;!r. en yers ol e III I a ! all III I SI II III I "II is ill ll -I -mi ui FLOODS () KK. (i A i K To SI'OUT IN KM il. N1 : ltnsslyn ncfiinir S .Inline. Camhridifc, in fnut Ituirliy nt Kithmond. A St. Jolin'- Ci'llciff playi-r side-sleppinir a runiiinir tackle. FINLAND WON SPEED SKATING Cnnndians Some Distance Down the I.ixt or Winners nt St. Morltz ST. MOOTS. Bwltaerlsnd. Feb. li. Thunberg ot Finland won the 1400 meter speed skating sweat fit the Muter Olympics today, 'ills time )yas 81.1 secodd', , .), J,kx'l Chsrlei .porinuu of St. John, New Brunawut. osAje fislhosB Roblncou of Toronto seventeenth, snd WUlle Logan of St. John twenty-first. GOVERNOR GENERAL COMING TO COAST VICTORIA. Feb. 14.-fhe visit of Viscount and Lady Wlllliigdon to the const will lake pluce late In April. It wa stilted beie. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TL'KSDAY- FEBRUARY 14, 1928 WII.UAM V. HICKMAN. the nurder of m iiaii Investigation Made by Sir Henr Thornton With View Iferchase of RJLE, Railway OTTAWA, February 14. Sir Henry Thornton has been requested, it was announced in the House of Commons, to investigate the railway problems presented by the several provinces including British Columbia in relation to possible acquisition by the Canadian National. The announcement came in answer to a question as to whether negotiations were in progress for the acquisition of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway. IIR.IV IVTHOtlt CKH A ' llll l. Ttl AIIKMI TIIK lUNKIU I'TI'V ACT T OTTAWA, Feb. 14. A hill to amend the Bankruptcy Art was given Its first readlnn In the House of Commons last num. It Is sponsored by J. C. B-ady of Skeens snd plans to relieve debtors who have made assignments from the necessity of appearing personally before the recorder ! in cases where the debtor reside st a great distance from the official. POWER TO CANCEL 1 PARK RESERVATIONS j VrCTORIA. Feb. 14. Under an' amendment to the provincial Park Act Intindured by Hon. T. D. Psttullo. the cabinet would be given pi wer to ran-, eel any park reservation II de.-' es J rcft'ivt-'l lii.- sentence for I'.-nkcr tins morning. , HVIIL Of lM)llll AMI 4 ; AMU 1111 14 HVI.VU ! - SUTTON COURTSNAT. Feb. 14 Late thla afWuibon it Was anuuunced that the condition of the Earl of Oxford was pre- cenoiis. He Is atlll losing streiiRth slowly and the family is remaining st his bedside. All ho;e is abandoned by at- tend, iic physicians who said the 4 ci.d we only a question of how long the enfeebled heart Of the 75 year old auteamau could lM.kl out. MABRITONSOON READY TO SAIL Sixteenth (irnin Ship of Season About to Leave With Full Cargo for U.K.-Contlnent Ckid prog re sn is being made at the elevator In the loading of the British steamer Mabrltoii with a full earro for the United Kingdom or Oootlnent snd thl vesMl. the flflaenth of the sesson should net away today or tomorrow. On completion of the Mabrlton. load- IhK of the Ahby. the sixteenth ablp of the sesson. will be rushed. Up : thl morning, no further grain ships for the ort had been rejiorted WILL INVESTIGATE BANKING SYSTEM IN CANADABY COMMITTEE OTTAWA. Feb. 14 Improvement In the banking system of Canada will be considered by the Banking Committee In the House of Common. A resolution to that effect psised last night. J 8 Wood-woi :ii ruined the Issue sttli a motion that the time hsd come ror the establishment of s national system of bankl.iK The motion was . ii.eiuleil ,u- above. SKI RACING JASPER PARK Annual Winter SporU to Commence Wednestay of Next -Week JASPER. Feb. 14. -His honor Dr. William Egbert. Lieutenant Q iVernor ol Alberta, will officially cpen the Jasper niter carnival on Wedneiday. February -2 , .. rding to woid receive! here from Kdiii- :tan. He will be accnmpanled Irum the capital city by W. A. Brown. , . . .al su .crtnteudent. Canadian Ms-t:u:iu! Railway. One -y'. the mo it apectacular 'eat urea ot thr carnival the year will be the crjas country kl race, probably the longest aud most difficult ever sltempt-tu , .th the exception cf three mile, the entire course of 32 miles will be over a mountain trail that cllnga pre-can. in ly tt the of the Colin ni.,e The atari and the end of the ra.-. are at Part Lodge, the runner going through Mallgne Canyon tc Medicine Lake and return. Shorter ski rj ?4 lcr boys snd girls, si well ss the t-lder folk, skijoring, skating race, d race1-, hockey matches, s parade ; cf floats through the village and a j fancy dres carnival are a lew ot the events which wilt be crammed into the two days' holiday. of men have been employed in clearing Ice of! Lac Beauvert. for the transforming M s lovely lske Into s useful course for skating raots, hockey The apeed sad fancy skating of Marion MeCarMsf aC Kdmoatoa. aenloc shaa plon for the province, win be one of the drawing cards snd of course the crowning of the queen of the revels, who wUl personally present the prise will be the ci mix It is still in the lsp of the gods who will be queen. Miss Dora Jobems of Edmonton or MJs Orace Irene Poole of Jasper. mMTIIEK IteroKT. Pr:ncc Rupert.--Overcaat. light south wlr.d: temperature. 39. Anyox. Clcudy. calm. temp. 14 .Mice Arm Cloudy, calm. temp. U. Alyansh. Cloudy, calm. temp. SS. Roeswood. staowlng. calm. temp. M. Terrace. Snowing, calm, temp 34 Haysport Cloudy, calm temp. S6. Harelton--Cloudy, windy, temp. 39. Sin it hers (Slcudy calm. temp. 36. Burns Lake. Clear, calm. temp. IS. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, calm. etnp. 34. Pert Simpson -Cloudy, calm. temp. 40 Atlln. SO below. 8. wind. Whltehi:re. Clear, south wind. ternp. 31. Selkirk. Cloudy, calm. crro. itr.roitT. 8 sjh. DIOBY UUJMO Overcast, light south wind: barometer. SOU: temperature SS; sea smooth: 6:40 p m spoke tearaer Noroo, 410 miles from Vancouver, bound for Vancouver, 6 44 p.m pjn apoke ateamer Admiral Roger. 40 miles from Sitka, anchored DEAD TREE POINT. -Cloudy, calm: barometer. SO JO; temperature. 41: ses smooth. NOON DEAD TREE POINT - -Overcast, calm barometer. 3034; temperature. 43: sea smooth. VANCOUVKIt KM IIANCK BM. Asked BC Silver 1.60 Big Missouri . . .50 53 Coast Copper . 53 00 63 00 Cork Province . .40 Dunwell .37 t, Oeorge Copper 4.S5 500 Olsdstons) .... M'i .00', Ooloonda 60 .75 Independence to .30' i Indian MS .10 L, and L. M Lradsmlth .... .08 Lucky Jim MS 3 . Marmot Mctato tni premier 3,74 3.75 Porter Idaho . . .64 08 Richmond .... 16'. ailvercreat .... 0S 11 Sliver Smith .. 19S .11 Bun loch SJS Terminus .30 Torlc 4.00 4 3R Whitewater . . . 3.20 333 Wheel 14SH Ailvertlee lu The Dally News La rife Upstair Ditiln? Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The ratest and best for the least. Phone 457 Price Fiv Out? PLENTY MONEY BRITAIN FOR THIS COUNTRY (J. 0. McfJcer Write In Regard to Prospects in Old Country for Financing VANCOUVBB. Feb. 1. That there la abu:-dance of capital In clritaln for safe at.d sound under aklngi In western Canada and Rr.t'ah Columbia la staled by O. O. MoCioer in a letter to his bother j. MoOeer. from London. Commenting on the Pacific Oreat Eastern Mr. MsOeer says: "You have got to remember that we mu t bring -jur pr-.-posaU over here sad keep British Columbia always be 'ore the Investing public F. A. Paul.ce, agent general, l d-lng exceptionally weU with the limited fund at hi dlipoaal." and declared it would be a good policy for the prjvluoe t j spend more in publicity. OTTAWA PLANS RESEARCHWORK Fitxt Wing of Building to be Erected at Ottawa Experimental Farm OTTAWA. Feb. 14 WlSbout dividing the House last night approved a resotu-tufa uius t a ts4jE)J(4MggJj2fj gtevriu the establishment of a natloaal research institute by the Dominion gov-eminent. Hon. James Malcolm announced that the government intended to proceed with the building of the first wing of the National Research Institute on a ten acre plot at Ottawa experimental farm. Hn. R H. Bennet urged that care be taken to see that there was no dupli cation of activities in the research work. PEICE RIVER MAN RE ACHES VANCOUVER !' ON MURDER CHARGE: VANCOUVER. Feb. 14. Lee Aloyd Pscker. charged with the murder of his father on February S at Rolla. was brought here today aad lodged lnOksl-1s pending trlsl at Prince Ocorge June SO. ROYAL COMMISSION WILL MESHGATE -HOLLJNGER DISASTER TORONTO. Feb. 14. Premier Fergu son announced today that a Royal Ccmmusvon would investigate the itol- linger disaster. SEPPALLA WINNER OF THREEDAY DOG RACE NORTH CONWAY. New Hampshire, Feb. 14 - -Leonard Si-upaUa. Alaska, wen the three dsy dog sled race. Emil St. Ooddard. Earl Qrydges. Shorty Rus-slck all of The Pas came second, third n-i fourth respectively Brppalla's time was 13 hours 40 minutes. PRINCE TO BE MASTER OF MERCHANT FLEET LONDON, Feb. 14 The Kin); has asked the Prince of Wsles to ssiume the title ol "Msstet of the Merchant Nsvy snd Fishing FVeef In recognition of the spiengta aervioes uit merchant lit IitlKT Tilt ItJill.W. OTTAWA Feb 14. The budget Will be brought down Thursday by Mlnlater of Finance Rob. Premier King an nounced last night. MMHIMtd AT NT. LOIIH ST touts. Feb. 14 Colonel Und-I birg landed here today, completing a lUuo mile fligi.t from Havaoa. ,1 ''' T5 1 KM 11 id A