?AOE SIX We Eat No Meals; Ride No Gars WHEN" Wu hlreW to do the family washing, you are not put to the expense or bother of feeding us. AVe eat nothing! Neither do we ask you to pay our carfar. Instead we call for ana deliver your washing. We buy our own soap, starch and bluing. Heat our own softened water. Use our own electricity, too. There's no "picking-up" after us. We take all the messy work out of your home, giving you an extra day to do the things you like to do! Yet you'll find our charges most reasonable considerably less than it would cost you to do the same work at home. Try us, and see! the LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 HEAITHF01L0W5 cwwwuaiccomcTj rausuBcoNsniui XCXVU IN DQUStJOF mrOUOWMOHM.'tt: ran .ww jJ-fL STOMACH yyy ttwostrs r toJv "" HEALTH is a Healthy subject to talk about; if you are interested, consult W.CAspinall CHIROPRACTOR 6 Exchange Mock Green 211 The New Spring Models of Ladies' Hats Coats and Dresses arc arriving daily Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue COAL Prices DOWN I'emblW Peerlstf fciAl2.00 PembiM? Washed tfift7)11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 , Alberta Lump $13.00 These Coals are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTranster AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT Legislature Hears Speech of Con AHnlt.. f 1 , i DCMc iiicmoer lor men-mond Prince Rupert figured in the anoech of the Conservative member for nich- mond as reported in "the Victoria morning paper aa follow: Opposition to further building of the P.O.E. Railway if that would preclude the construction of a railroad from Alberta through northern British Col umbia, was expressed In the Legisla ture dv o. A. Walkken. Conservatlva Richmond-Point Grey. After referring briefly to the oto- poaal to build a road from Alberta mrougn Brltlah Columbia to Stewart. and after touching unrm th nut. spoken antag-on'um of orflclala of the ranee Rupert Board of Trade to what tney were reported to have termed Vancouver's practice of "Erabblns everything," Mr. Walkem declared that ne nopea the time would never come when he would favor the building of the P.O.E.. if that would head off the building of another road through northern British Columbia. In this connection ha also referred to the move ment In the North to form a northern province separate from British ITTIKE NOT PAST Mr. Walkem stated that he was in favor not only of limiting the speeches In the House to forty minutes, but also of barring discussion of any mat ter that happened more than elaht years ago, unless that subject ware one of very special urgency. He had not oeen sent over here to atudv anetant history, be said. He was Interested In' rinding out what the Government was doing now, or was going to do to It) the foundations for the future sreat- of the country. PRINCE RUPERT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NOTIPF la Hrh .In.. . ance with the Statutes, that all assessed taxes on land levied under the "Taxa- ni ana an acnooi taxes levied under the "Public Schools Act" are due and payable on February 16th, lose. i wiuai uu ymonsi propeny ana income shall h ten t k ..? payable on the date on which the notice of assessment thereof la given to the taxpayer. x All taxes due and collectable for the r"w muperi Assessment OMtrtct are payable at ue office of the Provincial Collector. Court-house. Prince Rupert, This notice, in terms of law. la equivalent to a personal demand upon all persons liable tot taxes. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., February ISth, 1828. NORMAN A. WATT, i Collector. i Hum i i i i id More GROCERIES AT REDUCED PRICES EXTRA SPECIAL TWO DAYS ONLY Swlffa Premium Lean Rack Haron In the piece, per- lb R.C. Fresh Pullelt Errs ..3 dozen lots for $I.2S Tea We now have our Puller's Tew at the highest possible standard. None better in the store. Will compare, with any $1.25 or $1.60 tea and we are selling it for per lb !)) A discount of 10c per lb. if included with any of the following specials: Tomatoes 25 cases large tins, while they last. G tins for nr. Corn Flakes Quaker or Western, 5 packaues for r.r. (Junker China Oats Regular 45c. On sale, 3 for $1,113 Unions California Sunkist Per dozen .5r 1 doz. Lemons and 2 dozen Oranges for Sjil.OO Ruder in Hulk 3 lb. Fresh Crwamarv for ttl ! Coffee Our Fresh Ground Coffee Is becoming more popular. We are now sellint? 500 lb. per month. On sale this week, 3 lb. for $1.15 Heinz Catsup 3 bottles for n'tt With each pound of Fuller's Tea or Fresh Ground Coffee sold this week at regular prices we will sell 5 lb. of Granulated Sugar for See OurWindow Circle (S) Picnic Hams Per lb jNt B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 43 and 571 Rub a little Zam-Buk over your hands and arms to check and heal all roughness and chafing. It's wonderful Zam-Buk contains valuable herbal extracts which lubricate the tissues, soothe pain, allay Inflammation and grow new healthy skin. Cold-sores, chaps', frost bite, chafing and similar troubles are quickly ended by Zam-Buk. It provides the handiest and safest antiseptic dressing for all injuries and skin troubrcs. COLDS For cold io the head, smear a little Zam Buk over the palms of the hands, and inhale, I or colds in chest or bsck, rub bmsly.uiili slightly-warmed Zam-Buk oigbi and morning. SOOTHES PAIN - Fein Naptha Squpt per carton Royal Crown, 6's, per carton Sunlight, 4,s, per carton White Swun, 12 bars Mother Hubbard, 4 bars Ivory Soap, 3 bars Palmolive Soap, 10 bars .... Lux Toilet Soap, 10 bars . . Lifebuoy Soap, 3 bars Raby's Own- 2 bars WASHING POWDER Gold Dust, per paclcage .... Pearline, per package Lux, II packages . . Princess Flakes. 2 nackn van Clothes Pint, 6 u Wash BoiAt oah BT,. Old Dutdp&ncanseiv Snap, pwrtin Ideal Silver Polish . Crasno Polish rs." 4 UMAfe PREVENTS DL0QD-P0IS0N. S0a box i J ftr tlU. Of ttl i,iti,l, MUST HIT OX ALL SIX SIR HENRY THORNTON TOLD CANADIAN CLUH (continued from page one) tlon," 8lr Henry declared. "This is not a good showing and it is not indicative or our powers of economic absorption. We should set an economic value on each immigrant an Immigrant Is a good national Investment and we are not Investing enough in him. There la not enough co-ordination In the wark and overlapping is Inevitable. I should like to suggest four things needed, leadership, administration, an aggressive policy and the co-ordination of various organizations under on: head. When immigration reach th proportion It should, we shall find agriculture and agricultural production increase In greater proportion." "Prom the standpoint of Agriculture, manufacturing, banking, transportation and marketing, Canada baa everything any country in the world would require. AH we need. Is fundamental Intelligence in working out our problems, courage in their execution and tolerance, one with another, whether we live in the marl times. In central Canada, on the prairies or on the Pacific coast, we require that co-operation and teaxnwerk which springs from tohr-arce. We are tco few to indulge In the luxury of private exertion. I Believe the future belongs to Canada but we have got to hit on all six cylinders ind hit on them all the time." "HAVE .THE SI RK.tCK H.VVK A IX" Ida Is It true that statistics prove women live lonser than men? Ada- -Well, you know paint Is a great preservative Strand Specials 12 barn of Classic Soap 2 tins Clatmic Cleanser 1 package Quick Naptha Soap Chips 1 cake Wool Soap 1 Fancy Rubber Apron Total value 2.C0 All for .$-0 80? !!Tf ro 7."r 7."C :v,t :v? I.-C 10? 200 t 2.1? Alberta Market P. GAMl'LA, Proprietor HHh street. phone 208 .the; dailx news Tu- d; v rr;,j POSTALTUBE LATEST LINE London's Smallest Subway Just Opened Recently in World's Commercial Centre UNDOJ, Feb. 14.- Although neither .i.ipuuan - nor urobdignaglan, the London mail "tube." which was open, to the post office lately, has a distinction all Its own. There isn't another rall- road like it in all the world. London's smallest subway line doesn't exceed two miles, but the postal "tube" will be the next shortest stretch of "railroad." It Isn't the length, however, which will make this subterranean pussage unique, but lis construction, for n will be automatic In Its working. The trucks will be operated without an engineer, or even a conductor, and there wUl be no passengers simply ma Us. As for rolling stock, there will be ninety cars, with a maximum capacity for dealing with forty-five tons each hour in each direction. No fewer than 760 horse-drawn and motor mall trucks were used In London. When the underground postal train is m full commission the rr.sll traffic on the roads will be ro-' cluccd greatly, much to the Joy of tired business men who mot-jr In every day uvm the suburbs ol Kent and Surrey AFGHANS STUDY ENGLISH POLICE Visitors Will be Guests of King George in March Next BIRMINGHAM. Feb. 14. A party of six -Afghans frptn Kabul wUl shortly begin studying the organization and methods of English police. They will be given opportunity to see at work, the police machinery of this great provincial city, from the detection of crime to the control of traffic and the preservation of public order Later tbey will tpend some time in London and probably wUl extend their study at Scotland Yard and will be shown something of the working of the Metropolitan Polite system. The visitors are all young men of good family. It u intended that they shall become officers In the Afghan police, which is a civil force of long standing, and undertake Its training on lines similar to that of such bodies In the West. Their vn:t is toother Indication of the rapid progress being made in the International organization of Afghan tatan untWi King Auianullah. wuj Is to be the guest of King George in March next, j SECRETARYHOOVER GAINING STRENGTH REPUBLICAN NOMINEE (tdmonton Journal l Tde Hoover boom for the Republican presidential nomination appeara to be steadily gaining in strength. Her.ry Ford Is advocating the selection of the secretary of commerce and an eaaterr. editor undertakes to describe his quali fications as they appear to the auto mobile manufacturer. He possesses a powerful engine, a perfectly welded body frame, a fine gas control and faultless gear shift, along with suffi cient upholstery and decoration. These, it must be admitted, are attractive assets in a candidate, and Mr. Hoover undoubtedly possesses them all. Cash and Carry Grocery Corner I'ulion and SUth Ave. SAVE THE COPPERS Sugar, Granulated, 10 lbs. . . 7tf? Milk, any brand, per tin lllr Tea Malkin'a JJeat, Dlue Ribbon, or Nabob, lb 700 Hulk Tea Excellent quality, per If ."Of Coffee Great West, Malkin'a Rest, Nabob, lb Coffee Fresh Ground, per lb. Ilf Creamery Dutter, per lb. iH(-U.f 3 lbs. in one block $1.25 Salt Pork, per lb iVlf Racon, Swift'a Premium, back, special per. lb Ill Mi? Picnic Hams, per lb t!J(-l? Eggs, strictly fresh, 3 doz. Jjil.lN VEGETABLE SPECIAL 10 lb. Carrots 10 lb. Turnips 10 lb. Potatoes (Ashcroft) 4 lb. Onions 34 lbs. for l);l? Tomatoes, largo tins, G for . 0."5? Pineapple, Singapore, 7 for l)5p Canned Fruits, asserted, 3 for HO? Soap, Pels Naptha, per bar . . K? Royal Crown Soap, per carton 2."? Fresh line Green Vegetables every boat at attractive prices FRESH MILK AND CREAM IN FRIGIDAIRE Pure Mc Compound aoc j cutis B.C. Presh pullets 0c, B.C. fresh firsts 4Jc 8.C. Fresh, extras soc Local new laid -. Mc HSU Smoked kippers, lb ltc Kippered aauuou, lb. 35o Smoked black cod, lb 30c f'Lunan baddies, lb 24c BeeU. sack MIUTN Fowl. No. 1, lb S8 and 46c Boasting onieken. lb 4s. Ham. sliced, first grade We Ham. whole, first grade Me Ham. picnic, lb 31c Cottage rolls, lb 29 Bacon, back, sliced fioc Bacon, side SOc to 60c Hork. otf salt 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb. 3Jc Veal, sfeoutder 35c Veal, lota 40c Veal, tog 3e ior. shoulder sac !ork, lain 4ou k. leg sjj Beef, pot roast Ite to 30c Beef, boiling ifce to ISc Beef, steak Pastry flour, 49's vi:(ikt.iili;s Beets. S lb. for Carrots, new. 8 lbs. tor .. Carrots, sack Potatoes, 8 lbs Parsley, bunch Cauliflower. B.C.. head , California bead lettuce ... Garlic, imported, per lb. . . llaialns. bulk, per lb Sweet I'jtotoc.i. 2 lb ttr SOc to 45i Beel. roast, prime rib S3c umio. coops 50c Lamb, shoulder 85c Mutton, leg 40c Iamb, leg 8c Mutton, chops 40c Mutton shoulder to iiunta Brookfield. Shamrock and Woodland lb 5oc .OD.. lb . aoc Capitol, tad grade, lb 4tc Praser Valley, lb SSe New Zealand, in bulk 48c pnnte sec Alberta Creamery 41c CHEESE Caneaibert eneeee, 8 ox. pkg c. Kraft' Ltmbergef, H's 35c Ontario solids ysc New Keeland solMs gOr Stilton, lb. 40o 450 Norwegian Ooal fl$c Napoleon lintberger 70c uoqueion 751 swuur tt root Held. lb. 40 Oorgonaota. lb 750 McLaren's Cream, Jars ... 45c and 85c BrookMcM Swiss efere. lb. pkg. 30o Brookfield Canadian cheese, ty lb. pkg. Orujare 45, Oolden Loaf, lb 45- Jack, lb 5oc Romano Berdo. lb 7 Oaanueloat. it lb. JOc sio.tn Whiu. per 100 Yellow, per 100 w,n I'LOUK Flour, 49s. No 1 hard wheat S1.7B Pastry flow, lea nt 12.75 . Mc ,133a . 3ftc . 10c . 40c . ISr 40c Spanish onions, par lb ioc ess, Duncn jo,. California oriery. head lOo i lac spinach, local, lb BC. Cabbage, lb ROooklng onions. 5 lb for . purnlps. 0 lbs for 1 nar uric . . raruaaels SurouU." ber lb Hothouse Rhubarb, lb t'KUIT Orrnges. Valencia, dosen. . ,40e to li no Lemona. Buiikist, doxen .. 50o and 0Oc Imperial Valley Orspefrult. . . 3 for 3ftc Florida grapefruit, each isc Bananas. 3 lb ' S8o Batracted honey, lb . . . , , a8c Red grapes, ib uaies, bulk, 3 lbs. Tor .. Sc .. 25c .. 35c MM r: 35c .. 3c m ii in' iiii mi in !! II Hi IM Sill I II W I IB lTl WITS DISTRICT READERS Midi Ot The Daily News Who dp not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $,J.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. All the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of it! Market Prices I I WESTHOLME THEATRE M ICANADIANjf 'tSllSTX TONIGHT ONLY. 7 and 9 p.m. onte California layer figs. pr brick... . 30c California Dainty Dates, package . . 35c Bpltaenberga, "C" grade 5350 rMC- M.7& Extra fancy ,4 00 Borne Beauties, fancy ... 13.35 atra fancy H to Tellow New tons "C" grade .. t3i0 y w.m Ixtra fancy Wlnesaps, -er grade . . MM PriCJr S3 .76 "V" oranges 40c to II. W DItll;i r'KLlTS Lemon and orange peel Citron peel Black cooking figs, a lb! ago wniie figs, a lb Currants, a lbs Apples Peaches, peeled 2Sc Apricots, lb. 3S). Prunes, 80-100. 4.11 5 bo 11.50 Prunes, eo-vo, Ib 1 Prunes, 10-40 . 1Bo -50, 3 lb. ..." '." jje lb. box Kvsporated peart, halves, lb asc 2o Ib box 5.M NUTS Almonds, shelled Valenclas .... " Braxiis Wslnuu, broken ahetled . . . . . . . Walnuts, shelled hat res Almonds Peanuts Uanchurian walnut California walnuts . . . No. I mixed nuts New filberts 7.7.7.', I'EEII uaw Brxn 1 5c Cracked corn . . 23-, Fiiir rornmoul S6c St: 60 OSc See 30v 24r 40c SSr 30 100 lbs Wheat. No. 5 i9fio MO 18.00 "" II lh .7.7. nIm Dr' HIS Poultry mash .V?J0 lc.ai eggmash t3e0 Oyster shell ., Scratob food ,Jao S8' ""P 7. ii.00 around oil cake M M Baby chick feed .7 .7' uM Pine oat chops 29s Crushed oate . . . . ! '.. iM Pine barley chop ,3,90 3c Whols corn 53.30 13.30 3.30 in "Wolfs Clo Blue thing" PATSY RUTH MILLER, JOHN MIIJAN. DM M - Li HARD, LEE MOHAN. ARTHUR Mil ! ! il and others COMEDY "A CARELESS III PARAMOUNT NEWS Admission jjc and lOi vnnniiiriii Hi ii ir iihiiwi B. C. Coast Service O 1 r n v callings rrom rnnce Kuper Tn Krlrhlkaii. IVrancell, Juneau and Hkaaaai Januur. - 11 To Vanromer. Vlrlorla and Seallle lM nary I. is. u.,,i fii Pk ,?1,'' rl", mx- nmn r'". " taiiipbell HtTrr, and Vanrouter etrrr ' Haturdai. 11 an. tfene, for all Steamship Unea. "Ull lafunu-n.. ft m ... . wssviinntl. V-It-TBII VIII I .".nrr bi sin sireet and 3rd Avenue, I'rlnre llupm. u 30e SSc tf1 BTJT nifl 11 si u ;'v Sheet Metal Works Maiiut.. Pitch and Vn I Galvanized R"" Chimney Top-Have Trouiffiin (inductor I 'i Roof riashiim Warm Air 1- ui " 1 -Stove Pipe an.l 1 ih" Metal Roofs ami i'lns . Phone 310 "IIUILD R.( .' England Likes Pacific Milk Go where "' there is no In" dairy cows m you sec in tli- To us, hoir, i" herds Is com'"" F""tfhWI'fan to valus to Urili-li i Pacific Milk i demand in Ki'1'' in nu l lull an" flavor. 1 M , I'iWI l' ... vJ !.. i..u i i, , . u u ,i.,.'' inil'i ,,,(' PACIFIC m Head Ofi." luriorlrx nt Liii"" '" "ruild n.