Our " ;heat 14. 1028 PAIN from jf ATAF A RIP iDlduuci iiiiiuuvu soon ssssd by SANTAU MIDY .p of ImlUtlonii Look for ths word "MIDV - jd hv H druggist Rl !) b caning Prices n,' ,n i Ken. Ut, 192 I mikI pressed 7." .. .1 -.nil llMBBUil JjWi.00 .,1 .,( Jj5!.2.- ' $1,0(1 unci and 7.V n il and pre- 81.75 ' ' i . ..;it . . S2.0( ode 1 9 I. III! ! L(d. I'll .t 1 IH :r? 7 of1 nr,c ir.f 7,"c ieer Laundry v MXACK CO. Ml). am Coats Miidt' ly Mun-M.,nc-hcnter, Eng-' or Rubber ' .-ing color. 111.50 anil $12.50 :S.WaUaceCo.Ltd. t hitne 9 nue and Fulton ley're Here! 1111 MODEL I11' '' ' K AM) IlKTTEIt Chevrolet i'en lit the s aien Garage '" ' 'H M'ni-ral Motor ' '! ollUftH B.m. to 10 pjn. (liiily W'reckinf Service ''hone 52 LOSING out SALE 1 i '"Tins,; AND FUUNISH liMiS Mtill on Montreal sorters i, V."!".a Avnue "upiiclor REPAIR JOB Extent of Damage lo Coaxter Ko-vealed n Visit (, Vancouver Dry Dock Where Reconditioning Going on (Vancouver Province) With the drum fire of rlvettlng Vmms" and th huu, of blue flame, an ' al ar'isuna at Burrord Drydc-k is clewing away the twisted metal from toe gaping hole in the starboard aide of 38 CaUla. permitting an excel letu view o' tbe damage wrought. Plfty-nlne new plate are to be bolted Into position to Uk care of the bottom ahell whirl, waa ripped out from atem to ngjiu!-r.)n amidships. The interior Ilr -ank-Up and are badly attained aud twisted All frame, on the star-biard me amidships hate to be renewed a tho. iir. twisted and kinked when the vesi listed on tbe rocka. All plate amidships have yet to be removed right up to the main deck. As one walks through the aide Into the atjkeimid one finda her two water-tube b.iier- slung in the air with inch cables v !,.;, ne ;,ne aid of the ship h be ...... . Tne lorInan bolWr- lnafc' crew peaks wlth teen v -uiv .'xjK-rlence when he contend i.iat . h; two hciilen hrlne an int. eHliu; jh to ;he city. No few than 3830 tubes are to be installed ,n these bollera hung In the air. A one g7e through the atokehold floor down on to the way, the aag or the entire fabrication mate thla appear at. a very interesting marine repair contract I'M IIXEN IX KMJIE Passim: into the engine room one gas on a sight guaranteed to break the hear, of any chief engineer. Nothing quit,- equals the meat of an engine room that haa been submerged. The rrcaae and slime from the bilge, plas-tered both port and starboard engine with oaw that haa taken two weeka of tarn hos:n and swabbing ta remove vjter nose It I' sum:d that all pNtsn and bearing will have it-d any corrosion effecU of salt S. To authorise the asld Compel 1...,. .urnrit'M 11. resnect of the rt Land Recording at Husto" Inlet. Q ntenas vo rr. - Kcker, following drM Lihd. - northeast cabins ",.-., at head heao tarty from mliierc ny to saia line of railway to an amount not exceeding Forty Thousand 1 1 4fl,000 00 1 Sonar per mile for the pr. I he section, alid not exceeding Sixty-five Thousand VM.0O0.0O Dollars for the mountain "n!mm at th Cltv of Edmonton. In th Province of Alberta. ' of Januarv. A D 1MB (Slcned) J this 4th day STEWART CLARK DIs- ueen Commencing cori.su er.rner l sbo.it " ..r LOW nfHi iee feet we-.n,Mh... wss TO.utK -bout U chains: Sore Throat SO KEN ESS or Inflammation of (hroat often leads to iaroygitit and bronchial catarrh. reps tablets are the speedy, soothing remedy. Tbe medicinal fumtt giveo off tbe dissolving Fepi, destroy mischievous germs, end soreness and irritation and purify and invigorate tbt whole of the breathing passages. A Ptpt in At mouth httpi Infiction cut! PEPS that the thip spring traffic. will be ready for the SIR JOHN SIMON WHO IS NOW RETIRING WAS CLEVER AS A COUNSEL Many stories are being told of Sir John Simon who is now retiring from practice at the English bar. In his early career he was briefed to defend three men charged with bunrlarv A svltr.Ma fnr tha mnaaon. The engine suffered little If any dam- tton , that he could identify one ine mm or of the men a h.vln hmisht n brown paper from him six month pervious to the trial. The case was adtoumed to the falloarlna da. wlvirn " """" urr "nT "ip i Mr. Simon ssked the witness if he .'.u-rs Is rerewin; the whole of the : couW identify anyone In the court as Aboard .Utenwrns. ruined by teuner-l, customer be had served on the pre--r. The ma?nifioent dining ealoon U cv e,enlng. The witness could not . wreck as is the Ud.e.' saloon, where j do so. "You don't remember my oom-rven the celling panelling Is being re. lng Wto aho? ,t nJgnt , i.ei-d The Teck and the of mass , m, from you two pennyworth of Un-n.sty strings of the pl.no that has Uck,, Mti th, How then bn -wtshmg around (hi submerged , c, TOU proM to recognise customer, section bear, mute testimony of the . wno lMtta your ahop , a. posi-iiin or tne vetsei it is expected NOTICE. TAKK NOncE that an applleetion will be made to the Parliament of Oan-sda at the next session thereof for an art. I. For the incorparaUoa of a eosnpaai t be known as The Alberta,, Peeew Rlver snd Pacific Railway OamfMuay, or such ether name as may be gtvea. to eon struct and operate a railway a follows: 1 1 Commencing at a paint at or near thr Cit of lthbrldge; thence In a Westerly direction to a point at cr ner the Town of McLeod; i hence Wesierlv and Northerly In a direction Keneralfy parallel to tbe Calgary and Iclieod Branch uf the Canadian Pacific Railway to a point at or near Use City of Calgary; thence Northerly and West of the Calgary and dmonton railway to a point at or near Laoombe: thence Northerly to a point at or near the City of Edmonton, ibi Prom a point at or near the City of Edmonton by . the most feasible route to and along the right bank of t! Slmonette River to a crossing of the Smoky River near lis Junction with the Wapiti River st or near Bersnw n to the Town of Orande Prslne in the Province of Alberta: thence South Westerly through the Monknian Pass to a point at or near Ale a Lake on the Canadian National Ra lway to the Province of British Columbia. id i Prom a point at or near Orande Prairie in a North Westerly direction to nuint at or near Pouce Coupe and from s point at or near Pouce Coupe in a norm westerly owuuu to a point at or near Hudson's Hope on the Peace River; thence In a general South Westerly and Westerly direction and North Westerly by the most feasible route through the Pine Pass to a point at or near thr Town , of Stewart in We Province of Britten ' Colombia at the , head of Portland Id) From a pblhf 'at or hear 'tWSttdn'a Hope crossing Pesce River In s general Eatrlv Clrevtlou to a point at or near Whltelaw. thence In a Northerly direction to a point at or near Port Vermilion and fhenre Northerly and Weeterlv to the right bank of the Hav River at or near It Intersection with the Northern boundary of the Province of Alberta. th aairf rmilwsvs belnu declared to , ago?" HOSPITAL MAKES GOOD FINANCIAL SHOWING . . . I lad Mirplim hnrlnr, January of Sl.oilJW and !jw Death Oh.1 With a surplus of 11.004 M and a low coat per hospital day of aa 4. the Prince Rupert General oapttat made a good financial showing during the month of January according to the report of the financial committee submitted st the monthly meeting of tbe board last night by J. L. Chrtatte In tbe absence of Mb chairman. Aid. O. P. Tinker. Receipt for the month ware I4.TM31 while dis bursements totalled M.Tee.33. A go stock of supplies on hand helped In making tbe gacd showing stated Use managing secretary. The cost per day waa tbe lowest In over a year. Lavst year the monthly coats were: Deostnber. MJM); November, aj .44: October. t4ST; September. M il: August, ea.74; July. MAS; June. t.7; May. 13.81; April. W.04; March. HM: February. 3M. January. H7. The dally coat of tbe Vancouver Gen eral Hospital last December was (I II, Sealed Tenders wUl be received by the District forester not later than noon on the 23nd 'lay of February, 1938, for the purchase of Licence X9SB4 near head of Nowlch Cow. Susan Island. CR. 8, to cut 1 .830.000 feet of board measure 01 Spruce. Cedar. Hemlock and Balsam saw- "wo (2) years will be allowed tor removal of timber. V" .Tl h..fit of Canada P""11"1""' "5T .. - . ' Ts. the said ..w cimnsii, Company to to ester, victoria, or ine uieirict roresier. 3. To authorise Huuer, BC hotels and 1ILctAllrl:-5i; construct wharves, decks ard and vessels and to collect . . to own operate chsrges on telegraph and telephone roes- luiMI At notici: of to , rn.v to Z and to tils- Fl lUIIAslt UMI ate eieesnc leeiete and ana otlier "" energy . m., th o. k i nmum niirt t of the surplus irum uu w..... u . Prince Kupert. and situate at the northerly end of Telegraph Paasage, Skeena River TAKE NOTICE that J. It. Todd & 80m, or victoria. B.C., occupation aalaton can-iters, intend to apply for permission v purchase th following described lands Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 91. Range 5. CD.; thence 36 chalna east; thence 3C chains north, more or leas, to high water mark; thence aouthcrly along high water mark to uta point or commence- On bchsir of the Applivanu. 1 ment, and containing W aeres, more 01 Kwlne. Harvl nury. Barristers. Solicitors, etc.. Offices: Bank of Toronto Bldg Edmonton. Alberts. Canada. . LAND ACT Ar''LY T NOTirr. or Y'mno0 In Prince Rui ot and ana situ situs. trlot. Chi 1 arlotte Islands. of Vancouver, J. II. TODD Al SONS. LTD. Applieani Dated Decnbeir 12th. 1D37. "(i O V EUNSI UNT MdUOIt ACT." XOTM I) OI' AITI.U'ATION K)lt IIF.KIt l.ltENHK NOTICE Is hereby given that on th 13th day of March next, the undersized Intends to apply to tne liquor uonmi Board lor a license nremlses being part ispect of Mi the bulldli.u Known as Port Clements Hotel, altuaU-d at Port Clements. B.C. upon the land-described as Lot No. 5. Blook 44. But. division of Ixtt 740, Queen Charlotte l.i-land District, Map No 1079, Prince Rupert Land Kejg.Mrattou District. In th Province of British Column's., for th: o of hecr by the glass or by the open for cimsumntlon on the oremle tiSKT ach.,n::n:nancontuln.n I bottle .Mitu this it vi ciy or rvoruar, H.tVUONE LOIINE TINfll.KY Applicant. last SUB BAILY PAGE FTV3 TERRACE FAIR STOOD HIGH Next to I'rlnce Hupcrt in Northern and Central H.C. According to Judgep TERRACE. Feb. It. Coming $jtM time when the future life i the Terrja Pall Fair Association em to-be nangjr in the balance, the judges score card report for 1937 tabs should prove of Interest to local exhibitor, and It should be noted that oomparlsoiu with outer fairs places Terrace very much In the foreground. Eaoh score represent the standing of tfe fftr to tu community or dutrunviuo points beim; the ideal. There were it fair bald in the province. Terrace obtained 7M of an average on all points, only twelve other fairs being higher. In tbe fruit and vegetable elaas tbe aoore waa 93. the highest In the province. In grains, field crops and potatoes 72v, witb twenty fairs higher. In livestock, 76. with e!evcn higher. In poultry only 4, with 36 higher. In dairy produce and hoitey. 00' , with 20 higher. Domestic science and ladies' work. B0', . with nine higher. Support of fair by local exhibitors, 94 "t. only three higher. around and equipment, 70'; , with 33 higher. Interest of the pubis In exhibit and judging. 84. 11 hifher. Masagseaent 99. 11 Higher. COmpartaon with otber fairs in our own circuit place Terrace aUnoat on a par with Prince Supart and much ahead "f any of the other. Tne averages for the district wore: Prince Rupert .-. HA Terr 79a Prince Oeorge sas Smitoers jo.7 Queanel 41A BURNS LAKE Tntber J. Allard. OJf.I of Smither bM service itere at the first of tbe Mrs. Levina MoPball of Hazel ton 1 a vialtor in Burn Lake. flcotty Thomson 1 back in Burn Lake following a trip south. A. Dixon, district engineer for the provincial department at public work with headquarter in Prince Oeorge. has been a vialtor In this district on official duties. John Zlelkle ha returned to Savory following a trip to Edmonton. Nohr Hauer underwent sn operation on hie finger at the Burn Lake boa-ottal last week. m- Tbe Francois Lake heeaitai haa beea -Itsed and the lady superlatastdent. Mrs. P. Begao. 3UT. has left (tr Port Albornl to take up resloence. In a latter to local Men da. C. D. Haven expreaaes hi enthusiastic faith 'n the future of the Tooiey mining rield. He urge them to get In on the ground floor The advent of colder weather at the first of this week bodes well for the ucoea of the Omineca Ski Club's win-er carnival which will open tosnorrow. The Lakes District School Pall Fair Society ha elected officer as follow: president. M. F. Nourse; vice-president. Mrs. P. V. Tallon: treasurer. Rev W R. 4bford: secretary. R. W. McOowan. The springlike weather I causing Nell Van de Veen of Tlntaawl to make ): re pa rations for hi rt naiaTt of being In the van of early vsgstabse produesra of this district. Be will plant a large quantity of thfe ; earllen Varieties of white potatoes for the loosi market Oordoa McLaan. son of air and Ma.j u . - 1- . . . 4. I nm i wiarn. imm wvss sjrswn wonting with an aae. Dr. J. T. Steele hope that the members may be saved. Much Improved In health following treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.. John Hanks! of Francois Lsut returned to the district District visitor In Burn Lake dur ing the past week have Included A. O. Annan. Bndako; B. A. Smith. Palling: D. Moore. Fort Pinser: O. A. Wood- The "Flu" LEFT HER WITH A VERY WEAK HEART Mrs. Itealah Demnne, Pleasant JUvtr, write: "Having; suffered with the 'flu' a few years ago, I was left with a very wak heart. "I was unable to eo about, and could not do mj housework, "I would get din spell and would have to go and lis down. "I could not sleep at night aj the least little noise would wake me up, "I tried different kinds of medieinr, but the sonied to do me no ood. "A friend recommended X htY used five J boxes and am muth better; do not get those dlxir spells, and can do my own week as well u ersr." rrie 60s. a box at all drufflits and dealers, or nailed direct on receipt of prlco by Tks T. UUbura Co., UuiiteJ. Toroato, Oat. 1 vajsjsjsswsaisgcs land. Prince Rupert, and Joe Keller, Francois Lake. VANDERII00F Oeorge Ogston. secretary of the Van- derboof and District Board of Trad. I In receipt of a communication from Hon. R. Bandelph Bruos, lieutenant governor of Bittteb Columbia, in whiah he expresses keen pleasure with th wild flower ooi lections of Helen Bond and Eddie Dick son of Pin (score sub mitted in a recent mad I competition. Mis Mabel Bmbiey was queen of tbe recent carnival which took plaee at Praaer Use. busUtevb? tfwiiaW?N John W. Sackner of Hulatt andMyril Hartman of Fraser Lake were business visitors la town last week. SexagesUna Sunday waa observed! with special service In the local An glican Church yesterday. The first meeting the Chtloo Young People's Society of the Anglican Church waa held last Monday evening. There was a debate In which the res- pretlve merits of rural and city educa tion were discussed, those participating being John Reynolds. Nancy Raid. Lalla Reld and Lawrence Raid. Decision was in favor of those who upheld the country. An auction sale of - the effect of Herbert Cool Id ge was Itsld by Brnset 1 eased ley. Much Interest was taken amt' goad prices were paid. Owing to illness. Mrs. A. M. John- j ston was unable to teach last week. Mrs. Oeorge Ogata n acting aa The, Wpmens Auxiliary to th Can adian. ltm . meeting Isst Tuesday 1UU ran, j tcided to hold a brluge party dttTrbruary 34. The sum of tlS.58 was realised aa a result of percentage sales aa Hockey i Day last Thursday. I There waf lly on appeal at the municipal court of revision, this being by the Canadian National Railways In ; which an sdjustmsnt wss made. ! XarJ A ruraorUl Kfvlce lor tu lata a. i7 vfv jb m m 'jS BQgvr sr VStCHOg. of your copy of The Daily News every night by having it delivered to your address by carrier paid in advance will bring it to you every night for a year Keev Yourself Well Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly THE DAILY N IT WILL PAY YOU! EWS ! 1 .. : .:7 ' 4. .. . t it 'i . DEMAND "Rupert Brand" At a sssslcn of the County Court held her last Tuesday by Judge Robertson of Prince Oeorge. tbe naturalisation applications of the following were approved: A. U. Johnston. Van-oerhaof: D. 8. Strang. Brsealde: Walter Cuker, Fraser Lake; N. 8. VInnedge. Fraser Lake, and M. L. Bias, Fraser Lake. fin pers ri5igAJiiTlEST imBAKt'AHt FOOD. Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Qit j Prince Rupert. RG lialg was held in the iocs I United Church Sunday evening. Rev. J. T Wmiewin delivering a apealal sddress spproprtate to the oocsvsion Trappers! Are you getting enough for your furT . If not, com to ; 1(Ioah Just now we want mink, wartgn, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers tn the Bast, -ntHfvrc-earMret-flll them-wer-lottmir iosnu. --iVpa top lrles fW evAJthWlt If you have a large lot, wire roe and I shall call ( peraonally. Remember, If you want a square deal cell to Goldbloom "The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue