Tranaient Diaplay Advertiaing;, per inch, per i Tranaieat Advertiaing on Pront Pae. per inch Local Readers, per insertion, per line Classified Advertiaing. per insertion, per word Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line DAILY EDITION Contract Rates on Applicatioa Advertising and Circulation Telepbane Editor and Repertent Tflephane - 3lcmber of Audit ilureau f CirruJatlens CO-OPERATE WITH RUPERT VAMMHtK IUKIMIU rOMMIION MICII IKTEKKltlMI IN ltttLOI"-MUST Ol' lllltT "The Vaneotttar Marhor autborttam will do anything poaataat to aid Use fort of Print Bupart m bar aa a grain ablpptae port. 281 K.W. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIj Published Every Afternoon, except Sonaay. by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. I'ULLEK - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City DIirery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in adwuvt $6.00) noon. Par loafer period, paid iu advance, per month .60 By mail to ail parU of Nortaeni and Central British) CaiaaaUa, paid in for yearly period J HOC Or four montns for $1.00 95 E6 naroor poamualoner a. Oeorge Han- i to amply djeaaonatrattag SWEET AS ITS NAME ! . m COOL IN ANY PIPE ! RICH IN FLAVOR! MILD or MEDIUM ffigUBS SI .40 2J0 .26 2 M Saturday, August 25. 1928 HAZELTON FLOWER SHOW IS SUCCESS Kirmt al laterlar Ta I haa far nydraiM IMaaaaf aa HHI aa LatevtaMnarnt. Olof Banaoa arnrag to the elty on ycaterday afternoon ' train from amlta-cra. On Thuraday Mr. Haaaon attaadad the annual Flower Show at Baarltoa under the auapleaa of the "-rtrTri Horticultural aodety. The event he re port waa a great mum In awa to a oauy Hewa repreaeutattte laat'tnral prsel.rttlea of Mat dbrtnet eur- eeentng. "Vancouver la now tborooghly rounling Hacelton. Uw Flower Bboa eatahUabed and there la no reaeon -why ' alao afforded rne oecaalon for a num-the bualneaa of Frlaoe Hupen ehooM not ' Bar ef forma of entertainment. Dr. H. C Ptd." !Wrincb. M L. A. for Saeens. waa. M Mr. Haaeuld aald Vancouver waa ea- Miauat. the morUig aplrtt In parting to aolp 130.000.000 buehete of with tbt ereut. Thirty care grain through that part tbJ aaaawi. A to Haaelton from amithara. laden wit large part of it waa already routed. He laitora to the Show. ( aaw a great future for the bnelnaai. The ; ' JTTtr TWO STANS TOSSED -you can tell the people of Frlnoej . harbor c immlattoner concluded ALASKAN IS FINED WRONGFUL OPERATION guilty to the charge and waa fined tISM. the caae agatoat the latter being held In abeyance pending advicea frcm I the United gut attorney aa to hU 1 wlhe j ' The facu prearnted to the court wtre th--'. 'he D!m kntranrv Flhern Com- ' pe-'v had 'he trap location that the Nakat Packing ccrparation placed the trap and paM the watchman openting It It I-.irtm-r appcurfd before the court that COIN FOR PRIZE ' w' -T wP ea, oo- FKIM-E HI rTNT M t L4IHT AITKK operating in aay way poaible. the, nut Mttl.Vu muz i ; ihh iihv IUMW At the dinner given by the VanoMver vMton to the local aaan a mnaber of aweepataka prtaaa were aJetrrboted to mrmbara of Umtr aart. One ef the TRAP DIXON ENTRANCE TJrrraM 1 vuutam reae and ao did Stan el Fori KETCH IK AK. Aug 14 Appealing in ,Uto lame here. Both marched to the court thta mornmg before I. W. Kehoe. front The visitor took the prtae but TJnlted etate'a conunlmtoner. the Dixon frtnc Bupert Stan teak It from him a trance Flaherlea company and th- and aaa marching off whan he waa ar-Nakat Packing corporation were charged i ted by the other Stan. They then de-vrth operating a flab trap U totally be-, nded ta torn a com but the Vancouver ween Perineal ur Point and Mlaery la- ' man won. land. The former company pleaded - "FRUIT SHIPMENTS FROM OKANAGAN LARGELY INCREASED WIN ffl PRO Aug 2ft To date 411 j" of uaall fruita bare bean ahlpped :tom the Okanagan dletrlct of Btltaw uclumbta over the lines of the Canadian the trap up u the t:me 'lii n waa National RaUwaya. it waa announced by taken by the bureau of f laberte had T P White, aupenntendent of car caught 8000 aalmon Ktrrlce for the company In Western The charge waa that the trap had Cannrin Thu fletire repreaetita an In- brn :)l el w.i'nn t cl'el wne 'r- loe car. orr the corTeapandlng D t:oi! ,1 he mattf of tlic enoil of '.Hit year The peak Of the at agi.::iit th- N'aka P- kitu C'jrpor- t. v. u ,: ll be reached about atlon Until ' .ir.i :oi, ik rt- . .vetl n .-(-tenttKr 15 Juneau, according to ;uXi..-ina::-.u Si:s. ' e frtii already .hipped haa of t th- -ommlM'nnr'. office Nen mnr'.et-d in the Piairle provlncea YORK CITY. Aug Aa x-2ilcn ta) in urizSclI fj:i trim a pnl:ce oicial to ttaes ?Guarp that between 36 and JO ;.i:.r.! im klllfd and about flfty In Natter far ft V. Library (an CMy la reaaertlan wMb Hnnrey Aaaona the narton here today at Clarence a Letter, aacracary of the Wkv eooani Free Library OaeanUa- tn who is working on the Library aur-ey tor the Brittan Ooruaabaa Ubrary oonuauatl Wbfle hare Mr. Laetar ha epeat ttaae at tt laeal Ubrary ad Tlewad aauubara of taw Library ear) and other cltawaa ta Ngard to the local library and Ita a'lrllaai and the of even plaoat aa thai. TERRACE Mr. and Mr. W. H W:t and chlldim left on Wedocoday for High Blrer. AMU-jo rhat with the lormera parenta. Mr and Mra. Frank Watt. Dudley Little left on Wadn fader to upend the neat sis waaaa at the home . 7t hat uncle Prank Watt. Kigh Buret Alta. on Wedneaday attar taking la Aryan' Week In Vi Mm. W. P. tin aai . who , haa aaan ha peat two antnthe rnattng with he nether m Mhaneaela, tetinafl te Ter wae on Waeawaday. Mrs. aWM. Bnney left on Thursday an a Haliaay trip to Vaaeouter H. Mkdt la Basking eaasnalve Improve-ot to his baeno by the addition of wo raoaaa and renovation ol th? :n -tr. T. M. Turner la In charge of the left on Wadn reday to prad the neat fata- weeks In the bar- eat t. A. Morris of Prlsjce Mrs. Oeorge noon aa pi intent to Mrs. Rupert. Bupert was a F. U. HoaiWry. PubUe aaneei prlnel-pal of gaairhini, waa ta town daring the week. atadav taao haa b my. af Lovataada. oal- saa bohdaytng at to team on Wedne - B. t. Mavrhna ef Mew Bweathaa m a. A. watt, aaniamaii awaat B. Balth was an MeBtlarty D. D Monro, af the Land ta eei at aad hat faiher-la-mw. A K. likaisa. at Montreal, ana Bar pern the east waa at Katwm tea, av urned to town an Tharaday aad Ian or the eoaet ca Pi I day, watt irho Baa ara Oae trMe of prlaev Board, aaaitnera. at a viattor ta the trlet thai week. Daea apead a thae ea the prahie Mm. Thoa. a Wrenaaliy aft Hriarty of pjiasa Bupert. Mm. Oaorge Dover Ho. baa aa Thursday ! tit rert. . was a at wa far Ura, Me- MaSdb-u, Mrs. MeBriarty of rwaai Ka A. O. etaail of Pnace 8 C Oordon of uan on Wednesday Alert May was la nM In honor of their itur.t Mas Jaaatka.' arty, of Prince Bupert Mr. and i fteorge Little entertained at 111 llbJS Tueaday evening Wat. Priaea war by Mra. BurneU and B. W. Marantetteu Ura O Von Heea who spent the pent three a-eeka at Premier wit bar hn hand returned to Teirace on Wefl. ucday tt) complete nrrangcaneBtt for a Lfttt to l.c: nunc :n England. AdvertlM ta the D≪ Ktwi. pUytr nr.- holme Thea f.OVaTTO. -jur.. Tfce play rtcraAHBmnTrrcnd iT?lv"d i.ti-i Prince.' i jured me rear c u. - """w-1 BKt elaborate bu:.d:nj activity la the ram -- derailed at Times Square et-j M r;ll. Arjpronlmaiely r. at the h:ht ol the evening ruahj,,, ' t!wnnd p. citato of the hour. thtrty-flve noted si... vera in principal A liter repon aet the number ol deu s3e. lcok pMr. nf tufe production. kl au. EDITOR HERE FROM NATURAL GAS CITYi A. ) X- TrrrUl of toe Medlc're Bat m m wtaitJW tA tt"- l'f T tWV M joying hie rlelt on the coaat. ed yesterday sad too. aouth this after Mr. TcrrOi aeya I Bat ! grav ing rapidly, factories taking advantage l of 'he nitural gas which la mating UK city promlnrnt. By mail to ail othc-r part of British Columbia, toe tmuaa IlirvrCTir (TIVP ITIrtHDICC Emoire and United State. paM in advaoee per fwur .... &X) III TLMIUAI lllO LIDMUlEJ By naii to V. other couoiriea, per year J' W Sana .. et is hrtmsiniii Th. i rout be We;- th RJO'. u J a mice ' pel haps the Man in the Moon bite marble nor.umeuta n arriT-i t,J t and the city council abe cuaatng thaw daya, a aere citar Ualaaa. yntarda aaaas to have t (eg. at asyrate aeaoe o: way. The Mtingbja irc daaaonatrator went"d o call the asajt day -rhata aay a.iT day." aaM Mrs. Jordan. "I uaoaDy have ao much to do that yam woald probably amd me In a wiasugjg.'' A XJb. thaVa all right, Bawanav" the replied. na The aawawaag w a A tm kind f prracbiag aihlonamv ad- you repent, In a met- be eon ertadi as It wan. you wW. I ragii l v aay. be daianarl ta !Ten Years Ago 1 In Prince Rupert I ' The new mil: at Amsbury. buih by rrrraoe people .th George Little and Osaigt Dover a the prtncipala. U now cirtUng tuaaber Spruce for airplar.r josstraction i:: be apeclalmtd In. Two Tratlana were each ftned 26 b; Wpsodiary MaUtrate J. H McMullLa or ashlDg aatac3n during the weeciy aaeen. i T C William. . lnepx- I PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Saturday. Auu "SALADA" Factories are famous for Ihelr spotless cleanliness only the purest, freshest, most dell-clous tea obtainable Is sold In "SALADA" packets. Black, Green or Mixed Blends Four Grades 80c to 5L05 oer lb. Ask for "SALADA". TWFNTY K II I FD jwoaK of producing nT THE STUDENT PRINCE s SUBWAY CRASH' was stupendous one f K WCKAILCU AMI M MBf. HlHI 111 BE UmlM. Rl Ml 1HH K IX XKW VHK BaQdisg entire irv massive cas:.i ;-d railways are a.r ng ;h maderr tafia of tlxt, jerrf .. ,roducer. All of the Ireanlve ere aastrocu. a pan 01 iw UttaaTaV SaHraUPvt-Ooi "First call for breakfast!" How they do delight an outdoor appetite delicious Kellogg's Corn Flakes!- Good for you too. Always healthfully crisp and easy to digest. Enjoy them for lunch and supper too. COR of aaherlea, prosaeiitad. d ir ii nrw in General Motors' Lowest Priced Si PROVIDING even finer performance, revealing even smarter style and built by General Motors under manufacturing processes unsurpassed for precision and accuracy . . today's Pontiac Six represents a value the like of which has not been known since the beginning of Pontiac history. To the sound basic design which has made Pontiac Six internationally famous for stamina and long life to those important advancements, such as the G-M-R cylinder head . . Pontiac has added improvements leading to even grater power and to smoother performance. To the inherent style and beauty of Fisher bodies to the effective symmetry of sweeping fenders and high, straight hoods Pontiac lias added the freshness of new Duco colors and the modish air of smaller, smarter wheels and oversize tires. This lowest priced six of General Motors has won hs sensational success by always reflecting General Motors' ability to build a better car for the money. Now it offers new power and beauty. See h and drive it today. MMM ' r eWIrr .teat lit CM.A.C DtffrtJ fri ftm a4Jre muitt r.i-M" WALKER & ROSS, Prince Itupcrt, I1.C PONTIAC PBODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS pp CANADA, LBHTEQ N FLAKE Capt. Hanaen of the local Oahingboat Su:h baa received a letter daeenbing cudltlona In Denmark. Many Danes are fining the Ail led armies lor aervtee m :he Oreat War. Advertise in The Dadr Newt 0RN PUKES aw Rnl Setter Lady Assistant FT" 23 No other Corn flakes eqaal KtllorV. for Davor aaj crirp. aeia. Ktllogg't are never tearb. tKieas but extra critp. Serve for leach, Jiaoer or breaV. ft. Deliciooi with milk or cream fruit, or honey added. Order at hotel., cafeteria. Oa diaiag-car. Seld by all rrocen. Made by Kellogg la Londoa, Oat Alioay eeeit-fre.A 1 r Jl Dentistry PLATES tit. -it give you a i iif:ir-inre bikI tin; ;-o;itour nf tl.i Dr. Maguire Over Ormes DEMAND Phone "Rupert Brand" ippers THE DAINTIEST IJHEAKl'AST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish 4 'Cold Storage Co U Prince Kapert B.C. FIKST WEEK COUPON 200,000 EXTRA VOTES Thig coupon, when accompanied with thn'o y;i,: Bcriptions or their equivalent, to the, Prince Ku i: Newa, entitles the candidate to 200,000 extra voU ' acrj4iona are turiiud in durln? theTireT-A?3( of th' it- Name of Subserlber Name of Subacrlber t Name of Subacriber Candidate's Name One First Week Coupon can be voted by each cnndid i'' every three one-year subscriptions, or thei- equivalent, i n in during the candidate's first week In the campaiK"