Htnrday, August 25, 1028 Specials I Vacuum Iisttlcs Hair Clippers Modes . Face Powder B5J S. v . W 1 Specials ! UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 50c ,! 75c 50c, 3 for $1.10 A f rcsli shipment PAGE & SHAW'S CHOCOLATES Just in yic Pioneer Drtt?(t'sls THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. - TELEPHONES 8?&200 Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Ci.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Or' IWk Engineers, Machinist. Boilermaker. ItlsrKsmilli. I'nllern makera. Founders. Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTMC AND AtKTYl.ENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle ail kind MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOUX. PHONBS 43 and 385 (1001) FOR 10,000 EXTRA VOTES Flral Subscription Coupon Accompanied by the nomination blank and your first aub- riptioa, this.coitfn will starferou In rask fin the mag tifucnt Daily Newt gifts with thesrtinT totals? asore than 2. 000 votes. This coupon may b used only jwg and is valid only when accompanied by a sabscriotion remittance. Name of Subscriber i andid.tte's Name - Amount Enclosed Thin couKn will count 10,000 extra vote when returned to the Campaign Manager at the campaign office of n. I'rince Kux'rt Daily News, together wits the first sub- i im yo j obtain. It must be accompanied by the cash, and '.he Mubsorip'.ion mut be for a period of one year or ! i K' r The lO.(KK) frre votes are IN ADDITION to the num-bcr g ven on the subscription as per the regular vote schedule. Ranadian National CVit Largefl Kailway Syfttm in America STEAMSHIP AM) TRAIN SERVICE 8.111, .: front I UIM K HI l KT ! r A H VBR VKTOHIA. SKATTI.K. MOMUVS, Till ltIIAY-. 4 00 fir.. NtTl'KtlAYH. S 00 pm. f ANY OX and HTLWART. MUNHWK. IMIlUS. 4 00 pm. r-r MtKSKTT IM !T. MOllY. 00 p m f-t Mil Til (JITES CIIAItl.OTTE ILAMIM. PbrtnlghUs'. r t MiAmvAY. tiMiAV. oo pm. TKAIN I.KtVE PMIMK RUPgHT IMII.V l;('l:PT CI Ml AY at 1 1.30 a.m. 'r PRIME OKOKOK. Ml.MONTON, WIXMN:(i, all pwlnts r1ern 'uiud. lolled Mates. MIENCY 41.1. IMMV .lfMH'ir IINW. 'itv ticket mrn:r. a tiiium r wwr ni wht HEALTH F0L10H3 onwncTKcemm MlJJUH ON IfWAl "VtJIM DfitAMSOf "NtroUOWHWWMKJ! r1' Aim 1' 13 f IMS -tlMMf umtt tttnnr til GIVE THE LAD A CHANCE Doea your boy's work at school compare favorably with his classmates? Can he learn? Many backward children owe their success to Chiropractic. Cull or write for pamphlet. W. C. ASPINALL Chiropractor fireen 241' Fhonew Black 288 fi nnd 7 Exchange Block. Open Evenings Sal Ings fmin Prinee Kiiirr. li i" v.v... . Alert Hsy. etc. tANCOlVEIl. VICIOHIA. awsiiMin liu). Itulrdsle. !' iwi61 Ult- VICTOIIIA. Ilutertiilv. Alerl lls.v. etc.. Ssturds). . sin. ' ANYOX, NIKtVAIIT, W'AI.Kf ISI.ANH. 1HIKT SUIPCON. Mlnda UJ AvfnuV,,l, B-C. t mmi VII. Assert. Prinee Kapert. hrOll -1, tlrL.I. a- t'U.,1. ...I ' 1 'l"limlluT SmHIv. snd bsggsie cn-sr Advertise in "The Daily News" Local and Personal 4 a Taxi 1'bone 4. Ms 1L ' ti Dentin. Dr. J. B. at Phone B80 Chiropractor. C. O. McKay. Phona 134. L.O.B.A. Bazaar St. Andrew' Roooui November 3. psfwreele. Furniture, ate. 120 Fifth Av enue wen. rnone xu. Tbe Bulkier Valley Fair this year will ,be well worth vlsltllng Smithera August 31, September 1. Norman A. Watt, government agent returned to the crty on yesterday alter- noon'a train tram a brief trip to C.P.R.V steamer Princes Charlotte. Capt. C. C. Salnty, la due in port at 3:30 tbta afternoon from Alaska at) J will aaU at 5 pjn. for Vancouver sad Victoria. Sergeant Watson mt tbe CMS., potlee at Bdmonton arrived in the eity on yes terday afternoon'a train from the Bast. He will spend a three-weeks' vacation in tbe city. The Anglican Women's Auxiliary will hole a garden party and aais of home cooking at the boms of Mrs. DuVemet. 674 Fourth Avenue Bast on Tuesday. August St. 301 Mcrriskes of the Vancouver .Board of Trade party to the number of 100 wert each presented with a copy of ysster- dsy's Daily News by the manse-mem of the paper. aim. Wakefield sad tame daughters left yesterday for Stewart on the Canadian National steamer after a three- weeks' Writ wiu; Mr. and airs. B. S. Perry of this city. Mr. sad Mr. O. B. ABaemtan who were tlsitore with the Utter'a parent, Mr. sod Mrs. W. Oratton. .left for their home In Premier on the steamer Prlnoe Rupert last eveninf. atathlMa McKay was fined au, with toe option of thirty days' Imprisonment by Maglatrate MeClrmoat la dty aoUee court yestsrdajr afttraooa. for having liquor in her paaiesilou. Owing to a late connection to the Bait, this afternoon's train, due at 3:30 was trpor d this aaofnlns; to ee three hours and twenty minutes 1st ao wl not arrive until 6 JO gusi. A. B. Baitae, superintendent of the B. and B Department of the russJTTii National RfUwaya returned to the oity on yeiterday alt-raoon'i train from trip to the Interior 3D official duties. A fsur-day trip to the Interior will giv you new ideas of Central British Crumble Prinee stu part's great hmtety land. Visit the BulkttT aUey Pahr at Smithera. August 31, sginmlisi 1. tVtiif . Mooc Biuur. November 8, 9. 901 Miss Sheila Stuart, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. D. C. Stuart Bays Block, who has been visiting tar the past month with friends la Vancouver and oa Van couver Island, win return home nex Wcdcesdsy. T. A. MeMarttn. pioneer rtstdent of toe city for many years managir at gauth r of the Ocrge Little Lumbrr Tarda capected to return to thai district In rw mar future. Par tbe past year, bx h:. bean residing at hla old nosns m St. EusWrw P. Miss Nelda HUdltch. who has been Iei. tlinsj the past two or three wetkt n HMclton oa btSatays rsturned to tbt city from the mterior on yesterday at erram'a turn, atlas Mary Astorl, wbi. went to Hani ton with Mtsa HUdltch irtumtd boms s few days ago. Thirty-four gaaUah public toya. making a toer of Canada under auspices of the Sshooi Bmplre Tour Committm, am arriving in the city frcm Jasper Park on this aftsrnoon's train and will sail toolght on tbe Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Bev. O. H. Wool- ley, master at Harrow, la in charge ol party. Mrs. Martin MWar. Miss Camilla Pet r and M. L. Clark will aail Monday morning by the Prtnosas Louise for brief trip to Juiuu, returning here ou lahu-day. Miss Peters will then proceed '.o Otn Pslla to resume her school mcriins dutie, 'after having sceut tht immrr holidavi st Tl'ell with hei :iK)thcr. Mra. Rsjout. t'i--se4-4'e4T4'ee4 V N N'OL'M'!;M KN'TS Aiik1Ic.ui Cnliicrlral Bnaur Norember Ti"f'a Ka 0 ii ki,n ri -tliiH tvle ui ,S HC I'MJIBI CUMO SAW CO. LTD. 'HFl r t. John. jvNcouven. "jSr THE DAILY NEWS COLIC ARB CRAMPS PAINS IN THE STOMACH has been on the market for the past eighty years : its action is plcanant, rapid, reliable and effective and relief from cholera, cnoiera, colic, cone, cramps cramps an and pains in the stomacn comes tirornoUv. Price, COc. a bottle at all drurguts or dealers; put up only by Tbe T. Mil-bum Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. EKIK IHE Norwegian Tenor-IUrltone will give a CLASSICAL t'ONCEKT In Moose 1111 on Tuesday, Au gust 26, at 80 pm. Adnilsklwn fl.00 Aeocsitpswlmenu by Chas. BaUgno Plane from Walker's Music Store Tickets may he had from: Ormes Ltd.. ROM. Oowsn Letts Ltd.. Thor Johnson. Joe 8Ug-gard. Mrs. Haaaaa. Seal Cove: CMvlg Bros. 200 Tou cannot asKsv, to atey away from Bulfcley Vslkry Pair. Sbitbet. August Si. September i. M0 Mr. and Mm. Seas Messey wui sail by the Prince Kupsrt thp evening to spend a vacation, flatting In tbe south. Oct your Pair ismbersnlp ticket from solicitors or Secretary of the Pair Board. Ton might he tbe lucky one. 309 Mrs. Herbert Porter and family wlU sail by tbe Princess Charlotte this al-tsraooa for vacation trip to Vaacou- 8. C. aordan. hue cT Alyanah. sailed this monilng on Use Oardeaa for Alert where be wul take up fatarc iesi s With his mother. Union at tamer Oardao,', Capt. Johrstcne. returned to usrt H 6 o'clock this morning fram tbe aas ttlrer and sailed at 7 ajn. for tbe armtb. P. C. Awit and i' Wrbster who have been engages in logging In the Sklde- gste Inlet district, ealtsir this morning on tbe Cardans for Vancouver. David neekla, for drunkeaasas, was Seed (36. with option of thirty days mpruomasnt. by Magistrate Msdysaent In city police court this morning. OPM. stsaassr Prmetaa Royal, Ospt Albert Klppon. arrived tn port at 6:3C m evemng from the eout&. aaUlag at 'b pm on her return to Vancouver sad vaypoint. The Pair Beard membership ticket io not cost you much ad they belt jsake tbt Pair a success and you have he chance of winning a valuable lot on Second Avenue all for the sum of 11.00 300 Supplementary eramttmttoas . for ma triculatUm asvd normal entry are being id to the High genual Dst week ocmmenclng Monday and closing Sstur-day afternoon, inspector Ftaeer is pre idlag. Oeocfe Oakerne left oa this tMovaUurs rata lor Peterborough. Oattorio, where ! will become MentlUrd with tbe stag X tbe Parted tan General Electric Oo It recently graduated In tbe south In electrical anglnttrlng. O. H. Stead. British Columbia super intendent of Canadian Nations 1 7le- rapha, who arrived yesterday from Van couver, proceeded by thai morning ' .-sin to Prince Oeorge In the course of a trip norm on official duties. Late In getting swsy terday afternoon and fWOvtr delayed by having heavy freight to diachargs st Stewart and An vox. OJJt. steamer Prince Rupert cspt D. Dsn id. Is not expected to return from the north be-fete S o'clock this evening. About $38 was realised as a result of he garden party held yeeleeday artsr- ncon at the home of Mrs. E. P. Jenner. 811 Ptrth Avenue West, by the Women MlMionsry Saelety .l.oI,nBest United Church. Among the young ladles who JM'flfd were Mlaaee Victoria Krlkevaky. Ccnnle Morgan, Owen Morgan. Julio Thomaa and Ella Sleen. li' Dr a. H. Worthlngtoa. prominent lhyslclan and surgeon of Venoouvttr, owner of the Vancouver Drug Co. and prominent in business sect public life the southern city, arrived with th ancouver Bcsrd of Trade excursion Unt evening from the south and will aal! by the Princess Charlotte this afternoon in his return to Vc couver. Bub.cnb for the Dally Nws. Church Notices HT. ANIIKEWH CATIIEI'ltAL Cliurcli of England rteetor Archdeacon O. A. Rlx. Services at 11 am. sad at 70 pjn. Sacrament of. the Lord's Supper Sunday of month at 11 a.m.; third Sunday of month at 8 am. Baptisms by CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Service every Sunday morning in iru- Hays' Block, 215 Second Avenue Subject on Sunday "Christ Jesus." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'ctock) UNITEII CHI KCII Pastor Rev. A. Wilson. Deaconess Miss E. Klllott. Morning worship st 11 o'clock. Subject: "The Simplicity of True Religion. Evening aenrtee at 7.30. rilEMlYTEItlAX ciiinrn Minister Rev. J. R. PrisBeU. B. LUB. A.. .Evealag worship at 7:30; Subject "Tlx- Oospet for Today." Preacher Rev. W J. Price There wUl be no morning eer-vlce sod Sunday School will not meet. PRESENTATION MADE OF CUT GLASS BOWL BEHALF OF REGIMENT A pleasant function took place tin tbe Armory last evening alter the football gamr-i between Thistle sad Regiment when on behalf of the Regiment com' Mrs. L. Ben tost sad child wiu saU to-1 mutes and players 'a presentation was morrow night on tbe Calais for Alice ' made to J. By. Ana. I In making the presentation Captain I Jack WUson congratulated Mr. Bye on Mrs. George MeDmorle seued Isst ev-! hia recent marriage and extended the ening oa the Prince Ho pert for best wishes for many happy years. He hoped that In the future tbe younger Byes woeM be hard pUrem and as good sports ss their father. Ia accepting tbe cut glass bowl Mr. Bye thanked tbe Regiment on behalf of Mrs. Bye and himself sod sutured the tvelment that be appreciated their go wishes sod thanked them for tbsir kind remarka. GIRL'S LIPSTICK SAVES THE DAY FOR NOTED MOUNTAINEERS J ASF BR, Aug. 3S- -Much as she has been abided for her habits by a world that complains that she is either too feminine or not feminine enough, tbe msSira gttt has bar uses Tbe derided lipstick has won a place for Itself m tbe msttntain fastness of Jasper National Park, even among the icy, unfrivoious peftks of Maligns Lsks. Today when Marshall PteM of New York and four others reached tbe summit of stolid Mount Lssh they discovered that there wasat a pencil In the outfit. Par a moment thee was consternation. How wss tbe world to know that they bad aatned tbe top. Then tbe modern g.ri j ae ferweea with a bright idea aad her lipstick. Tbe record was made Tbe day was saved, and reputation of the modern girl was pushed a doatn notches 30s Ward. HOTEL AKKIYALs Prince impart L. bler. Montreal: H Day. J. Donald B. L. Stevens sad O. H. Steao. Vau- rver J. W. Bridge, North Pacific Cannery; B: M. Urell. Inverness: 3. B. Kelly, Bdmontoa: Miss M. W. Hanna. Powell River: A. N TerrUl, Medicine Hat: Mae M. Upsey. Vancouver; A. R ok. Winnipeg: L C. Blackwell. To ronto; 0. B. Lester. Madison. Wise.: Mr. and Mia. E. Oocler. Hew York. City; T. Kcnomlck and B. Adams. Oceanic; B A. Latte. Bdmontoa: C. A. Cunningham. Wlnnlceg; A, H. McCurdy Vancouver J. McCaoe. Hamilton, Dr. O. H. Worth iagton and J. Homey man. Vancouver. Joha A. Math neon, city; J. M. Smitii Port ail rig ton; J. E. Miller. Victoria; Miss J. P. Hugfaan. Alyansh. KOYAL A. Moloney and W. P. C. Draney. Big Palls; O. Murray. Tsrkwa. R Leak and H. Evans, city: g. McKay and O McKay. Ocean ' Palls; Harry Scott, Bt Palis. t'KNTKAL IHrreU Walt; C.N.R. SAVOY John walker, city. Ylt.LAflE COI NCIL TERRACE, AUg. BJ Boutine matters occupied tbe attention of the village commisslooees at their meeting this k. J. K. Oordon preaiding. A num ber Of letters were read and dealt with Accounts amounting to S7S.45 were pSSMld. Mrs. H. J. Bradbury and family wll! asll this afternoon by the Prince Charlotte tor Vancouver where they a take up residence. Mr. Bradbury bs now bscome located at the reduction plant which ha been established on the West Coest of Vancouvri Inland by Bradbury St Yejf-. Advertise In Tbe Dally News Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Age Safely Helleid by SANTAL MIDY Sold by AU Utugglata Indian FACinc aaiiw YOU, who do not own a car, arc missing many pleasures that you might" enjoy the convenience of swift, easy travel from place to place the comfort and privacy of trips free from track and timetable the thrill of roads flying beneath you like never-ending ribbons the fresh, cool breezes of the great outdoors. You are missing all thcie and more. And you aic missing them needlessly you, who do not feel you should spend the price of a new car! For surprisingly few dollars all of these pleasures may be yours. A good Used Car, sold by a responsible dealer, offers you all of them, and at a cost so low as to be an obstacle no longer. We have a variety of good cars which owners have exchanged for "Bigger and lictttr'' Chevrolets cars that hold thousands and thousands of miles of enjoyment and convenience. And the prices are the lowest we have ever known. Do not go on missing things you can enjoy 1 See these good Used Gars today. c.u.8.2ic WALKER & BOSS, I'rince Itupcrt, B.C. CHEROLET B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Keteblkan. and Skagway Angaat S. S. 18. 13. 17. SO, ti, 31. Io Vaiituuier. Ylclurbt and Seattle Auguxt I, 1.1s. 11, 10. 18, S3. 33. rillNCRas KOYAL fee lUitedale. EaM Delia Bella. Oeean IslK Nsmu. Alert lUy. Campfcell Itlver snd Ysiwostee etrry IrMay. 10 p.m. Ageney for sll Steamship l.lne. I"ll Information from IV. C. OKI II Wtli. (ienersl Agent, CMner f 4th Slrrtt sad 3rd Avenue. Prince Itupert. II C. Phone 31 S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. Kast. Phone 83 Dominion Itoyal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Hate Kepairs USED; CARS We have several excellent bargains in used Cars. Easy Terms if desired. City Meat Market (SBLV1G BROS.) 3rd AM'iiue Phone 763 MEAT. FISH, VEGCTABI.ES ' and ALL KINDS OF "NOKWECJIAN PKODlfCir at low prices, and immediate delivery Observe! All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. Mew Fall Dress Goods Vjbv l'BflMffTT.I. i.urwBVlP m.MHa wawa FnglTsh fsfff elty Sfiejihe In black afitt white, sand and w navy and white, red and' white, yard Worrells Fnt Color Velveteen? Chifon finish, 36 inches wide A . Jaw Sll m. eaV... V5C m' $2.95 81.95 Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co.