PAGE TWO EACHERS ! Take a Summer vacation trijj to Niagara Falls in July see the scenic and industrial wonder of the world at our expense give one of your pupils the thrill of a lifetime. The conditions are easy let us tell you about it. Write for particulars to THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, Ltd. Niagara Falls, Ontario The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - JIRITISII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. DAILY EDITION SURSCRlPTION HATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $8.00 Or four months for $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the. British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year $6.00 By mall to all other countries, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Ad crti.-inf mi Ki-":it I'ap. per inch $2.80 Local Headers, per insertion, per line 25 Classified Adei-tisnig. per iiiseriion, prr word .2 Legal Nut ire.-, eaeh in -"i-l inn per aerate line !f Coiitraet Kate- on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Friday. Feb. 24. l!liX THE THING THAT t Ol NTS A while ar Urea' Hnt.iin and the Tinted States had a rnntVr-ence. They talked. i,,r f,.w ueek- and at the , f that time the delegate- went hmne and s:,i they i ..u Ui n-.t nyree. Kaeh wanted t.. spend mere money on v;r--liii- than the other w..iihi rnnserit i.. I'.nt when they gee It .tin- they hegar. to In-ar tioni tin- peojde Oil I. nth .-ide- ot 'hi A' iant i '.here va- an ;i .-r-i . .11 to liui'dlP-j u;, too strong a lighting machine. Britain U-d the way by aniiimniing that for tin's year at any rate -he wa going to do ju.-t what I'nited States wanted. President Coolidg,- did not iake any imti.e ui 'ha; but urged that thi re he a hig v, such a- the I'nited States require,, for deleiiM-. Liu; like Wil-on h; is left in the lurch and the naval committee o! the House of resents: i i-s agrees to what were really the lhi'ish di-niands and 1 , rhais ..m h.-tter. The i'resident '.-proposals are ignored and the two roiintne- are i.ow in a position ;.. talk liusines and arrange an;, old tiv,.n 'h. wish. It is good to s,-e Ihe l.-ai lieart of 1 ne two glea-e-t coiuitritial in the wurnl exjn-essi njj itself. CONSEHYK N HONBST l'RBRS V (Toronto Globe) Passage by the House of Commons of Mr. T. L. Church's bill to provia publicity for newspaper ownership, after a similar measure had been rejected at previous iiessions, will be regarded with satisfaction by all publisher engaged in the legitimate work of serving the public to the bent of their ability and who have no hidden motives in the views and news which they present to their readers. Fortunately today there are few publications of any other kind in Canada, but the future might tell a different story without the safeguard which this legislation will provide. Such hus been considered advantageous in the United States, Britain and Australia; it will also prove an advantage in Canada. The measure has yet to go through the Senate, and, according to an Ottawa correspondent of The Globe, there ws a rumor around the House corridors that the Senate would "attend to It." The Senate, of course, has veto power, and has exercised it often in matters of public importance, and may do so again. But it is difficult to see why the upper House would decline to put its imprimatur on a bill the object of which is to preserve honesty and prevent deception. ,.To defeat the bill would be to encourage the publisher who fears to conduct his business in a straightforward manner. The situation Us well expressed by The Port Hope Guide: The public has a right to know from what source the fountain of public opinion, represented by the press, draw its inspiration. If from interests adverse to the welfare of the public, the fact should be known from the housetops. This country cannot afford to have the press muzzled or controlled by corporations, parties or persons whose only object is to direct public opinion into lines that are calculated to advance private nr corporate interests to the detriment, of the general interests of Canadians. No responsible publisher or newspaper owner is ashamed or afraid to allow the whole world to know who's who, and would welcome such a law; it is only the publishing company whose personnel is represented by "strBW men," and against such companies action cannot he taken, owing to the fog surrounding them. It must not be lost ight of either that there are corporations even in Canada which can and do afford not only newspapers but radio broadcasting to 'J'sseniinate what they would hine the public believe. Kven the electorate might be i 1: 1 1 m n.-i-H tn vote for some fraudulent scheme am- promote .1 wrong. ACTIVITIES AT PORT CLEMENTS Logging Camp- Working at Buckley Bay and Pole Camp on Massett Inlet TRUNK ROAD TO TLELL 1 Concert In Church Club Rooms Which Netted Substantial Sum for Repairing Building PORT CLEMENTS, Kb. a. Captain J 8. Sent ot the forestry department baa returned to Prince Rupert after having spent a very busy ten days looking over thl district In tbc Interest) of bis deportment. The people here do not ftel very opiomlstlc regarding the general outlook for the lumbering Industry in Massett Inlet for the coming season on acoeunt of ttM depression In the log and lumber Market. Notwltbsumd' Ing this the outlook is favorable for gcod season In many lines. The Baxter Polo Company H employing a large number of men and is anticipating extensive operations. At Buckley Bay Id. Crawford had opened his logging camp where he has several million feet of h-gs to put in the water eral days locking ever the building roads and bridges. that as soon as weather conditions will permit the completion of the trunk road M U,i: . ! : i: H.i THE DAILi NEWS TERRACE NEW COUNCILMEETS By-laws Licen$eW Other Matters Dealth ... ,i With ..( M.. . - TRRKACE, Pen 24. The vUlsge, councillors met mi Tuesday afternoon tn ths municipal hall for the further consideration of by -laws and business in connection with the Incorporation, preparatory to the coming election. Trade license by-law were given third reading an J there were a number of protests entered, chiefly owing to the fact that the village licenses li med seemed to be a duplicate of those ' collected by the province. These were left for the secretary to take up with the provincial authorities and adjustments will be made later. Dog license by-laws also received a third reading and the aasetsment rate by-law was given its three readings, approved and passed on. It was decided to leave the drafting of public works by-laws for the ne councillors, following the election on February 3 The secretary reported that there were 183 perion iumlinn property within the incorporated :rea. winch covered E Smith, the district engineer, came i 164 panels of Is Dealing With Trnde ffV Dc Doc License anil oer with Captain Scott and Mpent sev- i value of I178.793.U0 I with an asKCssable Four new name? work of I had been added the voters' list at He states , the court of revision held at tbe be- the evening instrumental deserve special men- ginning of the week Further correspondence was read in leading from Pert Clements to Tlell 1 connection with obtaining the use of and thence to Queen Charlotte City I the vacant room In the pel Ice station will commence and other work will be carried on. lie alio visited the new settlement at Bewail where Paul Baatlan has an organization tor settling a district, divided Into fifteen acre holdings Several men are there and are making a fine showing In clearing land. At the Church Club Rooms on Saturday evening was held a very successful concert, whist drive and supper gives ;.- the church committee. Credit Is due H. Hampton, convener for tbe oc-. and her committee. They were :n their efforts to see that : - pmstnt had an enjoyable even- as a municipal hall, but no definite arrangement made. The map of the village prepared by Fred Nash. B.CLS containing new names of roads, streeu. etc.. was ap-pr:vvd and accep;e.1 by the council. TERRACE O. Clacher lelt on Sunday to spend seme tune in Prince Rupert. The local mill is closed this week to effect repairs tc the boiler and otfcer parts of tbe plant. Inspector H. C Fraser of Prince Ru- y clc-ed the enter- pert arrived from the coast on Wed-"Casey Janes" in nssday on visit of Inspect Ion u the ..a the house down i iccti public and high schools 1 a happy state of , tfrtahments served mM MaMood left at tbe be -m. take charge of work cm w Ung Muir. provincial loe--ale i mine on Mine Mile up j inspector was a business visitor here ... W. B Dornbrrg. Mach-jc Wednesday from Prince George. irica wore on in property ng Is proceeding. on Indian and W Btoynoff " ' a were each lined 10 by u: Young at last week, the former for selling and the latter far purchasing a goat skin. Mrs. K s. Sargent of Haaelton entertained at bridge Monday night In henor of her guest. Mrs. Peal. Frlae-w nners were Mrs. Sharps. Mrs. Chap-pell. Mrs. Peel and William Oow. C. H. Sawle. editor of the Herald, received the Intelligence of tbe death at Vankleet Hill. Quebec, of his tiratber-ln-lsw. Donald J. who was for thirty-five years of the Banque CaaadKnne National in his home town. Word has been received from Dr. H. C. Wrtnch. M L A. that the provincial department of public works expects to be ready to atart about the flnt ot May on the construction of the new tMwtlg bcadfte. . For taboos eight mcntha. the present bridge will be cl-sed to traffic. Rev. J. H. Toung. local United Church pastor, does not expect to return to his Hsuelton charge after conference In May. Mr. and Mra. Toung. who expect to be located la the south, have been In the north for more than twelve rears, coming to Haaelton from Terrace. Everett Du of Detroit expects to close a deal soon for the purchase of Mr. Cobb's property at Kltaumkalum Lake. The establishment of a summer resort is planned. Organlrer Hartley and several ofneers cf the Skeena District Liberal Association have been visitors hare this week. j Rev Father A. Valllerea. O.M.I, of Smlthers was a visitor here at the first pi the week. He held services at Hag-WilKet on Sunday and on Monday inmrn.nK. In the preeencs of s large , gathering of Indians, officiated In the nunal of Oeorge Pstrlck. a Topley Indian, whb dledi'.e Hselton Hop. ti-1. ', : The Oyster Bridge club nasi at the l ome of William Usurer last Saturday j night and this week will meet at sirs. H E Thornton's. ( i D W. Pratt is applying for a beer !lKt:e for the Copper T,ivein Hotel at Skeens Crossinic i Clolfen "A bit ..If f.jriu today, dou't vu think, caddie?" I'M'ldie "Then ytmve played before El Vocal Fox Trot Organ Instrumental Victor Talking Machine Co. m ha been for wme time quite til at Van couver. The tenr. is court was declared officially cpen for tennis on the 17th day of Feb ruary when several of the members were playing and enjoying the games. On Saturday evening the Liberal Asso ciation of Port Clesneau are giving a fmokc-r. followed by a dance loi.icinit forward to a very venlng i uvin runnu tacer'i They are enjoyable Advertise In The Dsllv Newt Waltz Organ Orlhstfionlc IWVlUd Diane Fox Trot I'm in Heaven When 1 See You Smile) The Troubadour Jesse Crawford My Ohio Home Jean GoMkette and Ilia Orchestra Among My Souvenirs The big hit of the season I Fox Trot ijoaw Wolfe Kahn and Ilk Orchestra Inurnment al Paul Whlteman't OVncert Orchestra 210S4 M877 21000 2114 21IU 'S Wonderful ffP vt i ox i rot ictor Arden and Phil Ohman 21114 and their Orchestra Vocal Frank Crumlt My Blue Heaven Gene Austin Paul Wblttman and Ills Orchestra Jesse Crawford Victor Salon Group iu 3tr 21029 20964 2082S 21092 35875 Aho ihe latest lied Seal records by famoiit Victor artists Cotton Crepe DEMAND R1TISHCQLUMBU The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of December, 192C. Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $78,018,548; Lode Gol.i p- Silver. S80.787.003: Lead. $106, 6.97G.442; Copper,. $Z0D,y67,0tfg ; Zinc, $r,,rr, , , , , ' its mineral production to the end of 1926 show an AGGREGATE VALUE OP $988,103,170. PRODUCTION FOR YEAH ENDING DECEMBER, 192C, $67,18h.ki2 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower n,.-, any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locutions are granted to discoverers tor nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security f Whj,.i ' guaranteed by Crown grants. 1 i uii iiuui mawim lugcmvi .vibu iiiiums uvjwivo tiu 4,4o, iimy ue oni.'iih addressing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OP MINES. VICTORIA. BRITISH COLUMBIA. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon whi.-h ,,.-work has been done are described in some one of the- Annual Reports of the Mi Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. li able without charge on application to the Department of Mines. Victoria, lie i the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recomncml. i! sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Sur py Districts are published se; available on application. of PORT CLEMENTS TENNIS CLUB Officers Elected and First Official Games Played on Feb- ' ruary 17 PORT CLEMENTS. Feb 34 - On Mon- I diy evening the annual meeting of the P-jrt Clements Tennis Club was held. Mrs Ciccoae. vice-president, in tbe chair. Officers were elected for the coming on Mr. Ward, president- Mrs. Wll-Uams. vice -president; Mrs. Mallory. ssc-letnry-treuurer: standing committee). Mr Mixuell. Mra. Srlgley and Ml. .'lat:e A lenrty vote of thanks was extended i Mr-. Ci:cone. for the very efficient .nanuer in which she had filled the of- r.ce and tlx? secretary was instructed to oampuHi wi auc-.tttag of tke wees for Cedarvale where Icrward the gcod will and syatpatny of ,u vriBT mi jwwjM Ma eWtsUMd a position with the he club to the former president, who ma ear. kudoii, tar ;rjkett Minos Ltd 1 the evening are for the Interior of NEW HAZELTON :lS. MS ice returned on Wed- tB I needs y after having accompanied s pri- to I A daughter . .was bora on Monday. February 90, to. Mr. and Mrs. E 8 formerly " " Ooie of Terrace: arrived here from , "f SPECIAL FOK THURSDAY. FUIDAY AND SATI KDW Good-quality Cotton Crepe, suitable I'm- ,, in the following shades: Grey, Coral, ('.n : . dew. Brown, White. Red, Pink, Blue, Main,- an: i, soil till Saturday night for 19c Jabour Bros., Ltd, Phone G15 3rd Venui sas-BsffsV VS. 111 " lsw JrV Mi - SW TRY YOUR LUCK HAVE SOMF H n To advertiite and to clear out some art i little show we will wrap up lixi article in t person just grabs a box and often it to m-- ui Every article will be worth h dollar n things will be worth from W.5 to $lo. Als mond ring in solid white gold setting will U- :t Every article is of use to .some one in a fam. If any persons gets something he can find n it can be exchanged for other goods. Among the goods are Ingersall Watches, Fountain Pens, T-h-m . -Clocks, Umbrellas, doien TumblerK, China .V " Silver Novelties, Compacts, Binceletss Jewelry I t Ait I'-irfc etc., etc. STARTING SATURDAY MORMM. John Bulger, Ltd. Jeweller The Store Wilh the '!-- "Rupert Brand" Kippers TIIK DAINTIEST HRBARFAST lM)l Smoked Dally by fofTO f 111 Iuiiuuiuii i 1011 jVlU jJIUI U5 v"' v Prince Rupert. RC 8.J-J.I IJ ' THOR JOHNSON All Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Breakers REDUCED 15 PER CENT rllllll.1f0 i 1 rt dtrt a ssiiaiitu Rlava v UIIU 9 t V4 1 (1 1 sf) is" Shoe Snle Continues, Every pair must R-