FAGB F0U3 r i'Vhln -in. BRINGING UP FATHER' By George MsM,,,. Ed4e-Ho!JJn4 Saws A DC VAl w A k I k.ZT" " VERY NOW OOn't LEAVE TOWM I ( A70W- HfiSr WAlTFrVj AR YOU HAR.O OF L Fast Easij-Cuttinj on tf?kW to avoid me? GOO AGIN - bTlCK AROUND-I ! I COMB RIGHT FSACK vtswruiM' ; i WD FOR i f 1 BRING Mb. A SHARP KNIFE I.VS9 MAY WANT ',oME - C V . MERE- r LIVER- THAT'b .) W I WANNA TO CO WORK- THING EU-aE- ' I s r -r LEATHER- i SAWS , ' i r CiMfmitoi hraniK made frtxtyjgur own steel J C 11 Stkwni. -v VAHCt,T.JOHN.H... tc koto I I fi fcl Write A Letter PACIFIC MILK FREE To induce those friends who do not otherwise trouble to write, to tell us about Pacific Milk, we offer a whole case of Pacific Milk FREE for the bent letter; a half case for second, and two parts of '4 case each for the next two letters. Simply write in your own way. A plain statement is as valuable as a brilliantly written one. ADDRESS: PACIFIC MILK 328 DRAKE STREET Vancouver, B.C. mmmmmmmsm& VE GIVfVUBC0Auspicie8) We pass our coal over a screen four times larger than any other coal screen in town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and best prepared coal. We malt1 it a point to get coal for you that will give the most heat with the least waste. Let as have your order for delivery now. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 Rown Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Pitch ami Gravel Roofing Galvanized Hoofing Chimney Tops Have Troughing Conductor Pipe Hoof Plashing Warm Air Furnaces Stove Pipe nnd Blbows Slctal Roofs and Siding Phone 310 Uos 467 MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St. Telephone 637. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Pinno and Furniture Moving, BADMINTON . IS BOOMING Some Menlion of History of Game and lt PrnjrresH in Past Few Years I Victoria Colonist) People are beginning to realize more and more what an exceptionally fine winter pastime the game of badminton la, and there has arisen more than a mild boom in the sport thla year. Ep-thuatum for the sport has been by no means confined to Great Britain, where badminton first aaw the light, so to 'pelt It l true that in England more than a thousand badminton clubs are now affiliated to the Badminton Assocla-tlon and the Irish and Scottish Unions, and there are at least another thousand unaffuated clubs. No fewer than forty open tournaments have oeen scheduled for the current season. The game is being played ail over England, and is becoming Increasingly popular In all the Dominions, especially Canada. It has attracted auch famous sportsmen and women In the Old Land as Jack Hobbs. the cricketer, Mrs. Oodfree, Sir Godfrey Thomas, and many others. The game seems to appeal specially to cricketers and lawn tennis players, for a considerable number of county players and notable lawn tennis experts have become badminton enthusiasts. HUNT CHAMPIONKIIIP Twenty-eight years ago. in 1808. the fir.,t all-England badmlnlou championships were played at the Agricultural Hall. Loudon. The pastime has n. , mormon strides since the Inaugun of thai championships! and farttei,. , , during the last twelve months. It. h.'n the promoters of the tournament .-.i- . got through the whole of their ,.:, In a single day. Now they tel.'- .-.. thing from a week to a few:,:.'.; t compete. The all-England :.:implnn- ships are to be played this w.n March 6 to March IS. and It I'ttrrrfs.tit' tTiir-a?i ii.fr dently expected that there will record entr-- It would seam. how. -that the all -England championships nave not yet evolved Into that most desirable consummation, a really embracing all-Empire entry. That is a development which la sure to cosne. and probably next year. The gams Is growing In popularity in all parts of Can-ada. and hare in Victoria, these are several clubs functioning to the great satisfaction of their rapidly increasing membership. .lyU'TEII TO VVINTKK Apart from Its li.trliutic merits as a .port. badminton Is a pastime peculiarly adapted for the winter seaar.rt. It Is Just ttrenuous enough to make and keep people fit who have no alms for Championship honors, while to those who have, the game teaches great apeed accuracy and quickness of eye. Badmin ton Is thus a most valuable game as a for any of the outdoor summer Man. R,4M matter, then, for considerable satwffabtion that the game hai canaoar irw It Undoubtedly has In ..IU. .K.m.l.1,1.. ... Cillirmi representative meets, where badminton ntbuslaats foregather, it is safe to av that many Canadians will, in the fu ture be found "knocking at the door" and In all probability securing major honors. ST. ANDREW'S BOWLING ICInks of (leorgr Abbott and K. IHivle tVon In tlaities Played Mglit In the Bt. Andrew's Society carpet bowling competition last night, rinks of Oeorge Abbott and Robert Davie won over those of Jack Watson and Robert Cameron respectively. Standing of rinks lu date In the tour nament are as follows: W. L. O. Pt James Dick 4 o 0 ( J. Frew t 1 0 ( O. Abbott 3 1 0 ( A. McLeod J 1 1 ( tJeorge Scott 8 l o 4 C. Taylor I I " 0 4 J. Watson a a i R. Cani'ron 9 S P ' Jack Watson ....... l a 1 I N. McDonald 1 3 0 : R.Davie 1 3 0 I T. Beattle 0 4 0 I SPORT CHAT TonlEht's jerlnl Kiimrs should prove .l:;.ly lllil-Ui tin .i ha'-keibull a lilrh i - :,tM..it ... . Iiim ..fier i ' i .i. iii' ni hi. "1 M .i ; li'M iKim She Coughed Night and Day Could Not Sleep Mrs. ty-oaard Haywood, Vlotorla c.iuicr, S.B., writes: "Last fall 1 took an awful cold which I caught while driving iu an opei) car on a eoltl day. "I coufrhed night ted day, coald not sleep at uiaat, aad sty eyes ran water so that I could hardly see a thing. "My husband got tae a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup The aiw:m' of v..i and before I had taken th whole of it my cold had disappeared." ( "Dr. Wood'!" has been on the market far the past M yean; pries 36c a bttttte, large fanUlr tits 00c; pat op only by Ths T. Alflfcura Co, Limited, Torsnte, OU. , the playing standpoint If not from that of the patronage which has not been forthcoming in the volume that he play warrants. Port Simpson Athletic Club cagera, holders of the Northern British Columbia champion- hip. are ready to go and. from toe :soka of things, should force the locals to extend thenw; .is tev are to or; 38 the bit,,)-!. ! !. ;()'.;.'!. 3lmpni. Atnief.. c: . ... , "'itl l .;, ! iir.M i . - ...i i rl ,.r V P E A iri.:i, n:i! : a i . I .,lr. i.d nit .. i .-:, ; ., V miu -a . : ,i . . . - . v it' -a ... ili-e;l . .: .. , . , , in 'lu l.tit.e.- ii;i.' t),-'Arf-M ' : ' alirl .i w.i'.;i i h.u., .1. '.:.-: it (I : -..nil- "i .xm-oh a):e.n he 1 . 1 1 '. ,:v fir a li 1 ., ada's nptMealMktvc ONmp.. hockey series at St. Monu. s, --land, was closely watched not only the rank and file of sportdom, but also try managers' ana owners of professional hockey teaaa. As a result of theif victory, several players will probably be offered lucrative bertha with professional clubs, or the sight players who represent Canada with the Granite Club of Toronto lu 18M, four turned professional on taelr return to this :untry. and have carved their names nore or lest In professional bockwy Caine. They are: Duncan Munro. who is with Montreal Maroons; Beattlc Ramsay, now with Toronto Maple Leafs: Reginald "HoosW" South, tor tome time with Ottawa; -ataatars, but now with Uaroons. and Albert Me- Ceffery. who tarred rlth the Uan tut ,W ;Hiirtaa this wmter. rue rstnaUUMa' four dtambeta of the Erte Collett la in business in Toronto and Jack Oameron la play- ng amateur hockey locally. Harry Watson is aonther TOfOntonlan who still turns out for the, oac as tonal ama teur enoownter, and who. Incidentally has probably refused shore offers from professional clubs thai) any other Can arilan still an amateur. Others of the old Granite team are Cyril Slater, of Montreal. The latter still plays am a teur hockey In that city. Artvertu in th Dally News. DR. ALEXANDER NEW PRESIDENT Fleeted lteident of P.R. Yacht and Rowlnx t'lub at Annual Sleeting Last Night GOOD PINANTIAL SHOWING The annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Yacht & Rowing Club took place last evening in die city ouncll hamher with n larger crowd of mem-era in attendance than usual. A very satisfactory annual report was 'Ubmitted by the secretary-treasurer, luring 1997 on Improvements to the loats. the most Important Item being he installation or new dolphins. Then was a substantial can), balance on hand. The election of officer resulted a To lows: "itenorary Preslrient W. H. Tobey. President--Dr H I. Alexander Vice-President E A. Mann. Secretary TTenrer Alex Mc-Rae Directors M. M Btephens. R. E. Ben- on. A. O. Macdonald and Dr J. P Cide Owing to Illness, the retiring president, J. A. Lindsay, w.is unable to MINING STOCKS OF INTERIOR lui v in Tip!f Richfield and ilutiiie Mi. ; Being put on MarUft s "'' r- i ! ich Interested In .....;n i... (i ) .. jf mining stocks 'l.i- lie-.. - u. rhat oi a flutter it-i. I ..: :. ,'. ' Tooley Rlcbflel-i '' :: 'prised yesterds; ' ' flrs of 80c fo; ' K -I" ' ' tc L. 8. Mc- 1 mining man from " 1 ' '- - the city, explained ' ' i i'l doubled In price ii mi., .-km- and Vancouver and .'.i- nood that it would go yet .i !.r ' Anotncr in which Interest Is being taken Is Uuthle Mine atOOOOO worth cf thla stock is being put on the market, the first time the public has had en opportunity to get in on It. It u selling at a dollar a share. As the mine has been paying aomethlnv. like twenty per cent on the Investment, the stock U being tiiken readily, much of it going to employees of the mine. Mr. McOlll reports that the Top ley Richfield mine Is developing well. A tunnel has been driven neventy (est on i He roe foot !! in solid ore all the way and this in ore of goal grade The. f!te tcr the raise has beer) selected and this .rah etU .be used as the main shaft frcm Which to stS to greater depth. The drift win be edjatlaued (o that pbtm 4he raise will tm on the contael bewtecn the TapleMte and Andesltlc formations. FREIGIlflilBCHWAS HERE LIST YER WENT AGROUNDIN FRASER R. The J.ipnnese freighter Yotnel Mam. which lfmtifd grain at Prlnoe Rupert lost w.w.11, grounded on the sands at tl e month of the Pra&er River last Sat- vThe breakfast youll like best. The breakfast that's best for you. 147 anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. , (12c per word In advance. No Advertitement taken for lets than 50c WANTEI) FO IIBNT .V ANTED. WELL KNOWN CANADIAN FOR KENT -POUR ROOMED HOUSE. Manufacturer of Klectilc WrkImts ' fully modern: splendid marine view: wants local distributor Exclusive Fifth Avenue West. Apply Theo Obl-prepokltlon. and particularly attrac- lart. Ltd. tf live arrangement with practical sales help that will force Ijusu.c Latent type washer with exclusive patented 1 salea jeature. which make It Hie 1 FOrt RENT. -- ROOM IN PtUVATB home 411 Eighth Ave Weat. Phone ItCd 7:i7. H esalest machine to sell Apply ttlving for RENT. ROOMS WITH OK WITH-lull particulars Box 96. Dally News j ou, Central location. Phone OBlc Blue 1M. tt .irday morning In a dt'iiw- (on whllJPOR RENT. -it the wy Into New Wee: minster to ! R'.oms for jmplctt cargo. A few lioum later the I Grocery. easel wss released and wan reported , i be undamaged. MOTHERS ENTERTAINED BY DAUGHTERS SOCIAL EVENING LAST NIGHT Canadian Olrla In Training of First United Church entertained thetr .tctbers at a delightful social evening ist nlgbt In the parlors ol the church !we were some iwenty-fivi' mothers ud dsughorrs in attendance and the venlng was spent largel) in uie en-uyment of name. cjatets and community singing as well as speech end musical numbers. Altogether, it was a very pleasant and successful affair. Miss Ella Bteen. president of the o i l., gave tne address of welcome nd then was s violin solo by Miss lctorla Krlkevsky. A short address . the mothers was given by Miss Nel-:e Ourvlch and. curing t..e evening, there were impromptu tpeerhes by all he girls and mothers, th.s feature voklng keen inie.'ot Rv a. Wilson, -he pastor, also gave a brief talk In a est of sight contest. Mrs. Howsrd dveeu was the winner Refreshments were ?rved by the girls. ' THIEF IN TORONTO STOLE POLICE CAR LATER RECOVERED TORONTO. Feb. 34. -Amazing Impudence on the pin of a n-i.iar tblef or an equally amazing coin, idenee was wen In the theft of a Police Department motor car from almust the Identical spot where the same ear was 'nlm more than a month ago. As was the case following the first theft, tt was later recovered 1 Some tune sgo officers of Keele Street Station who parked the mac mite .in old model roads: rr. in front of the Ctty Hall while they attended Police OBurt returned to find It aune. It was later recovered from a unk yard, sod tarh. were Mid asainst the alleged thli'f and the junk dealer On this occasion Detective-Sergeant Johns waa custodian of the car. and he also left the vehicle sumdi.tn near the City Hall. A short time Inter Its. too. returned to stare at the empty pace where tie had laat seen It The alarm was relayed 1 all stations, and rtuur. Inter (' nv iiih Moy-ser came acmes t lie battered iui standing on Euclid A.f! lie It i, not ,,nce more in the poa'aiwion ol iii IIOTKL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert C. F. Wlllson, Howard Hutherland. Mr. and 'Mrs. A E Johnston. Mis A A. Palmer and D. P. Davidson. Vancouver; William Meurer Nr Hnelinn: Fred Cook and Mr ami Mrs s McOlll and tWO ChUlii.n; Mr R Chambers and famUy. Port Eiugton: J. O. Podget, Fort Prants, Out A. ii. Flnlsison. Plnmooie. o Bernhoft. Ketohlkan; Mrs. Gardner Pacific. Mm O, W. DoWIIng, MassPtt; w J Renle Port Clements; Mts Albert Moore tand son, Burkley Bay. ' lavoy Mrs. R. McDonald. Mr. John M..c-Donald, H B. James and K Deslong-champs. Amsbury; H J Brown Port Sssltigton. D. Ault and F. O Durkel Queen Charlotte City. .)ohl, Kvolfso,,' O.lan.1. 11 K. Di-nlon. Porchel IMaml entiii! W F 'Ii.v: n f H t M Bohalcxtik. Queen umni. pi.rt rietnenU: A "ell I K M.iy np, Chariot ie: p. Hrant Miin- ; I Aclwrtlse Daily Nrws IPirh Iiw HiKh rurnlshed Housekeeping rent. Apply Mnasallsm 41 HOUSE FOR RENT 6 ROOMS AND BATH. Apply Munro Bros tt I FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE. Apply IIS Fourth Ave. Bast. tf FOK SALE FOR SALE. - HULL SUIT ABLE FOR halibut fishing or seining. 44 a 11. hut built Price 12 000 Appty S Uyeda. boat builder. Port EsslngUm. BC. 47 FOR SA1E SICOO BUYS A NEWLT finished house. rooms, bathroom, pantry and basement Handy to ssw- mill Pnone Blsrk 631 tf MlrK'ELLANKUUlS EXPERIENCED MINER WANTS TO work for pi o pec tor Or wouM take grading or clearing contract. Apply V. Radman. P.O. Box 101 Prince Rupert. BC H KURNITURg AND IlANfJHS DONT BRING TOUR DtRTT 'BOOTS irom the gsrden into the kitchen. Flare a Diamond Rubber Mat at the Kitchen door We carry them In stock, also all kinds of furniture astd isnges. X. MACKENZIE Ftirnlttrre Phone Tft. tTJIMNEX WKKP II. i. Et MKIIII neneral Haexly Man urnaoes and Staves Oteaned and Repaired Chlnurtes I wept Oemetery PtoU Osrsd Foe. Phone Red 43. Frlnee Rupert. 80 EXCHANGE NEW AND atromn mso rt'llNITHni bought and sold and exchanged Player Piano ana Two Cash Rssri stars tn teas. P.P.IMPVI.O g mm Third Are. H (W a m. ill as pm I So i n u na pm M ARAM r cumopiuCTiP bh. ft' l:. irA-rtirWt T&l ' rhlrapeartat M ThlM Avebue Telephone for appointment DOW to Blue as. Residence phone Meek MS. Evening calls made as arrknajed. lske your appointment now. .we 4 4 PltlNCB KlTPUllT T1DB8 4 FRintv. rrwti ABV II e a SI a m 11 4 ft. IS 17 pm. SO J " 9:19 t jn. W " at :ss pja. it - tTi nOAV, FERtlt'AHV tt nih 4roa a. SU ft, 18 :M p m. 19 J '"W a m. 4.1 " 23:SJ p m. 4 J " NIAOVV. IKBIU AIIV N H1h 4 49 am. S9S ft. 17:H pro its " 1 ... tint am. 4.7 - 2S 90 p m J) " MOM1AT. IHIlllf ARV 17 HRl S 44 a m. 30.1 ft. 18:41 pm. 19.4 " I 11:10 pm .4 TIUMIAV. f'Kllltr.RY tg i,"Kh 6:S2 a.m. 10 4 ft ! ao ee pjm. 7 j1 0:17 an. M " 18:11 pm. 9J0 " wriM:.iv; rEuiii Aiiv ta TIMRV. Mtltril I ifl.i ft. ISO 97 8.9 0 18 a m' 101 ft 82 4.1 p m in o " J SI n m in " K'. in pm 81 " Artirh, oond,4t STEAMSHIP MAUCunr fwr VaneouTer Friday- u Pr.h.f i ,f, .. J SatUMay- n csnj'i: t Prinrr . Bntrksi Feb U-n tram Vaheeuvrr I'i it..-. - y.r, Pin.- Mi-, ounasy s. c .n,. WeSaeadav l" r -v- Saturday, w r , SatMMay- ia Prin Be-a ',' Feb. 11 - i i -. . - v -. : Feb. taes Pr :. . - m.-i lf rort r)lmMn kiM ui lm - IVawi Pert Nlmimm inil sn a- , il mm r roe Aayai ami Mm hi -Sunday - ca.i, . wiidnsadsy s- u j Im Aaynt .m.i i,..,m-TtieeSay m c.-i Prldajr ss Y; I or Qeeeai fh.iri... i - reb ii- - :t Feb U- m H Irmsi (jween I harl.-rte. Feb 9-ss Pi . Feb S3 Pn r Alesks Teb II u P-Feb Sft ss V: i Irw Asaska Feb. IS- Pr : Feb. 19- ss V- v " MAIL SCHEDULE I'ae I he Ral tft tasjeeever rtnin mm MODdsya We1n. - :-. rrem I he F - Tuesdays. Tim:- Tuseaayt rthUia Saturdays C'JL-ftll Trains, Momin satawwaya rrore Vaweaaver- suntlaf Wldnsaway. Frtdays C.F.H. Feb M Tralna, Bundev. W thf T T I dare Te ArWA. Alter Aim rresaler Sundays m" wedaasdsy rvoin .We, i'1"- An" Tuesday - msay To Va River r'i aHindaf" rrM River P"!"' Tuesday la Caaslar I.anii ' uu Dssrict ; MtUate at the n "'' Lake, about 40 n town of Atim longitude, and latitude. TAKE NOTICK Umleug. of OMiv " B.C., ocoupatli.ii for s !ea of 'h Isnds - Cl'MBTflirlnil ' ' nprthwt'st end ' 1710 feet n r'h Uke River: tlx''' one mile -"H'h 1 thence one 640 at re- n " " ' (Bil I Oatxi oe 1 .r.ag Sir" Ta Aleeka Point- Feb II and 21 rrem Alaska mini- Peb. 18 and 2i TO leeti rharlolie M"a n1 ,11 msl CN.R. TRAINS mviiveaj- at 1130 sm Frew he r: - . Tweaeys. Thnr..i- at 8.10 pm tl I I is ll Feb. II and 2S . N rh.i'" ' '"" fram feen Feb. 9 and n Saw . . .pi ' t -s iik r