PAGE TWO CONTEST NOW The -Daily News 8wr- lisfjftu weeks in otmH am easily mMo' by the wound at PRINCE RUP&RT - BRITISH COLUMBIl music. NEARfNG END Angry Qulok: Martha, Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert bring Bt the PkaDO Daily New, Limited, Third Avenue, TIIIUIl PERIOD I'UMEK TONIGHT ; H. F. l'ULLEN - - - Managing Editor. AND ENTIRE C.VMI'AHiX Jl ST WEEK AHEAD Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per Transient Advertising on Front Page, per i Local Realtors, per Insertion, Jer 1lfte . Classified Advertising, per insertion, .per word DAILY EDITION EMPIRE CITIZENSHIP Canada. So with Australians, South A2t ' Legal Notices, eaeh insertion fer -agate liiw Contract Rates on Application .Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and 'Reporters Telephone - Uiacjiiuii . .mat 9ftuJ Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 98 86 jt m PRINCE RUPERT iition and Rodeo September 11, 12, 13 and 14, 1928 Exhibition Officially opens Tuesday Evening, September 11, at 7 p.m. EXHIBITS of District Farm and Dairy Products, featuring DJitrict Exhibits from the Interior and Queen Charlotte Islands. SPECIAL ART ATTRACTION 100 Old Country Scene. RODEO Bigger and better than ever, Wild and Woolly Exhibition of Broncho Busting, .Wiid -Steer Riding, Daredevil and Trick Riding. The Best Jiiders in B.C. wfll be present. Attractive prizes for local riders. BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS Featuring TEX YOUNG, "Shorty of the Movies," the 20th Century Cowboy Comedian in person direct from the Paramount Studios, Hollywood, California. RUTH & MALLOY, Comedy Singers and Dancers, from Seattle. "Two Kings of Nonsense," Comedy Rope Artists. Clowns . and lots of it. DAREDEVIL LUNDIE Slides through the air in a ball of fire from a height of 127 feet The only uct of its kind throughout North America. CHAMPIONSHIP FOOTBALL, NATIVE FOOTBALL and LACROSSE OPEN-AIR BOXING CONTEST Madison Dix of Seattle vs. Alf. Harding of Calgary, 10 rounds, 5 good preliminaries. GRAND PARADE Wednesday at 1 p.m. Prizes for Best Comic" $15.00 for 1st prize and $10.00 for 2nd prize. Fare and one-third covers round trip frqm all points Prince George West Commencing September 8 to 14. Final Return date, Septembor 17. GRAND BALL Friday evening, September 14, when drawing for lot will take place. PRINCE RUPERT BOYS' BAND IN V I - . II.. Tbc all important Third (period catejs night at 9 o'clock. Tonight present." r TMHght 4Ho nds the ner WOO competition. 'and enthuslsam In the piogiess o: Friday, Sept 7, J 928 eendkaatea tn Th Newa -mammoth' ' HMO and popularity cam- -'' - -- grand prure palgn Is growing by leaps and taunds i Baeh candidate In the ri-e Mailt-, i If the British Empire is ever to mean anything, there must in tht the grand ptizi represent in time evolve an empire cithenship which will give the residents of , !"d ' ta actual eah ar one dominion or kingdom the ritfht tn trvl nr roafrlo in in. ntViar PCT1C"5' latlT recn 'without migration tests or otiier annoying restrictions. A Cana- to bt claimed for tat sir very own or forfeited uian should be allowed to live England in or an Englishman in .r, Mt , hotm deproairw almost Africans, New Zealanders, entirely npn their ftni supreme ef- imn, Scottish or lNeWIOUndlers. fort put forth while the big votes are We see no good reason why oaly the healthiest and best from "oJ theite countries should be allowed to come to Canada. Give all per- The cnd,0 ho fails to do his o feet freedom of movement within the Empire with any restrictions u"t l."""' ?' thought desirable beyond that If the empire cannot do that it is JTol un dt nut ui niucn vaiue to me citizens ASSISTED IMMIGRATION appointment upon himself aa well as upon his friends who are almost as Interested In their success as the ean- The present movement of harvester is aa example of the folly Qldate U,"M'T of assisted immigration. If any person is very anxious to come to KACE nKTT,NO TTtis Canada ways and means can be found. While our lands should J? J' J always be open for any worthy people to occupy, it is doubtful if rtruggtJng tor highest honor, that sr. my assisted irrrrnigration scheme is worth while. A a matter of ahead. Mot only win these motor ca fact the offering of bonuses and other payments to' settlers indi- be awarded to the best hustlers bu: the uates that we have something which the world does not want. Put fortuaate winers wui also receive m up barriers, as the United States has done, and immediately there is imtuiatioca or aa thu viciaity fo- d demand. That is a psychological condition. The moment you ohieeed such a victory lower the price of goods below all reason, the customer thinks they : J.JJh to" must oe oi poor quality. m f ts- ,k. are to be distributed next week In The News popularity Tnjnlgn With the end of the entire cejnpalgs only a week away rsndktsfes are flgb;-lng furtouakjr for poarUon in tlie motor car class " hKCOM) PAY.MBNTH Second payments of subscriptions are plsylng s nranlnent part tn the campaign of most of the candidates thK last few hours. Ivwry candidate ahouU' juBderstand the value of second psy-jmenu. Uake It your business to con- ier with tne oampalgn Manager on ihe subjec'.. It abould be thoroughly Both the Utlrd period schedule and toe second payment plan rotes wi:: go out of effect promptly at 8 o'clock I The entire oampalgn closas forever and all the dig prties wlU be dlstrlbu.- i d one week from tonight. Now ia tliej hone stretch In the race for bipj With only a few hours In which to' turn in subscriptions and secure the: greatest number of votes for each sub- in. interest in the competition i understood, however that no extra votes i wlU be given for isaoud payments or ubscnpMocu neat. week. U M- toatfebt and nelUter offer will be rc-l paajed or esHnaed Tbe Second payment plan la a abort ' cut that make,, tt possible to be one of the' successful' neat few hours: a little will prove It. Tonight a. 0 o'clock is your last opportunity in the ftew ssao eompetiUon Just a mere handful of long-teriu subscriptions will be sufficient to pu'. tbe aandlnate with tbe rowest score si the very top of the stanrttnga Wi.'Rht. ItPEX fNtlL P. 31. Caanpalcn Ilsartqiiaiisn will be open tats -evening until a o'elcek. Candi dates srno wish advice should make : a Mint tA Mil mt VIm n K. . their queataons anawnsd and all arc h wfim w cwHn iw vmysirn saan-agar on matters pertaining to Ui- Tne keenest and most vigorous klm! of work la ll.n-.Tl frnm nnm mi If I yon nope to oe, declared one or the biz i prise winners. There's no other wa to wlr. escept by tbe hardest kind of avrk every mmue of the t int rturln 3 tne remaining few days of tbe campaign. CHARGED WITH SENDING POISONED FRUIT TO THE EMPEROR AND EMPRESS OAKLAND Oal.. Sapt e ChsrRed V. Jspsnssi consular officiate In Sar. . frine lias with having sent poisoned ! fruit to the Xmpreror and mpress c' Isaac and a down other titled Japan-1 ess. M. HJgasal. who escaped from u hospital or the tnsans. was arrested htre yesterday. GOLDBLOOM'S SALE OF LADIES' FUR COATS: Would you like s fur coat? And would you like to get It at one third lean than the regular coat? Of course you would Who wouldn't? Tbe thing to do. tlien. is to vtaft OOtdbtooai. the old reliable fur dealer. OoMMoom ts toeing s ssle of rum before be leaves far New York. He goes nest week to arrange for hu purchase of raw fun and until he leavee, every article in his store is bt-Utg offered at real sale prices one-third batowj the ordinary price. ,, ,,, After being twenty years in Wltieu! In Prince Rupert, Oold bloom pride himself on the number of his satisfied . customers. He guarantees every article, he wile to be as represented and tnj give MUsfaetieo with a money back, guarantee. And no one can do much , better than that! i Bo see OcMMoem this week about that fur coat, before lie leaves for the east. tV.M. n()I.Illl.()()M The J'luiierr lur Ieolrr Advt 3J4 JAClaE AND CDA$ Single load $3.50 Double Load J6.51 Large Sack. 50i- COAL PRICES DOWN Pembin;PeVJess Egg S12.0U PemDiaa Whed Nuts $11.2.r Albert 8oftUefs Large Alberttrlpfoless Egg $12.0 Alberta Xyfhp $i:U)l Also alt Nfitt; classes of coal m . ! ransft r AND irOAI. CO. Phone 580 H 139 Second Ave. MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exflhange on oar stock-Hat board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Btocks on Vancouver 8tock Exchange. We also have facilities iar accepting Wheat orders oa Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Ceurt & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Coltd. fi!7 2nd Avenue-Prince Rupert, B.C. n Jw Keliogg's are the original even flakes. More than 11,000,000 people daily tlemaatl the aw Serve fer lunch as4 Jtwwsg as well as breekfatl For the IrUMfes' veaing meal. Never towgfi-thicli but extra crisp. With milk fruils or honey eWed. Order al hotel, re U areata, cafeterias.. On dininc-caura. Sold bv all grocers. Made my K'lioff in London, Ont That famous "wonder-flavor" has made Kel-logg'sj- the largest-selling corn flakes in all the world. Millions eat them daily. . . . You'll especially welcome their delightful crispness these fine mornings. A treat to make the family taste just sing! O R N FLAK win m in riinrwiTii-arTTfi rr n r -TmfltwrrTW 1 T 1 1 I ''I it 'iiiMHiHHHWW i ,as5Tgya TV. E S Lady Assistant agmre ARTIFICIAL TEETH have become famous for their fit, appoaranee and usefuii!-11Hi k due to the care I give to each individual patient in or (o harmonise the feature and restore that natural appcsira-i hililding up the tissue that have been lost by absorption. No two cases alike The method used by many dontiats is to take on impronion and send it to a laboratory loc i many miles away and consequently the TI5BTII are -made by ne who never sees the patient. Tun . why there is so much discomfort in artificial denture-. Your Dental Work is completed ;in4hc laboratory of this office which is equipped to handle the most dlffiquit cafre knowi to modcfniltoTISTKy. Because of my work I am L-"V The Best Known Dentist in the of thern part of this province. Ask your friends and neighbors they are my patients Extraction of Teeth, Crown, Bridge and Plate Work Only one office-Ovor Orme's Dnif? Store Dr m 1 H Dentist Hours 9 to D. Sundays by appointment Phone -i m s