w m. nKKn Westholme Theatre Friday and Saturday, at 6, 7.45 and 9 p.m. Laura LaPlante in "Tta Cat and The Canary" Comedies: ALL SET AND HODGE PODGE Admission ...... 25c and 50c Saturday Matinee, 3.00 p.m., 10c and 35c PRINCE RUPERT SCHOOL OF MUSIC Director Professor H. Aubrey Pryce Will resume teaching for Fall and Winter on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 Iesaont given in Violin, Piano, Mandolin, IUnjo Claaaea for Orchestra Practices. Beginners, Tuesday. Advanced, Fridays. All pupils successful at examinations. For Terms etc. Phone 674 ok8tlltr. I.r iMrSdkr- ft . "The Nobby" H.S.WallaceCo.Ltd. RAIN COATS Our New Lin of MinOJ berg IMPORTED COATS Is now complete. Rubber Coats, Silk Coats Aviator style and Children's models in a nice variety of colorings 3rd Avenue nnd Fulton SL Phone 1) UGHT Our aim has always been to distil and blend a Scotch Whisky of hifih and uniform quality and delicious fla-our. In consequence "Black &. White" is a favourite with sportsmen the world over. .J ' ii'f ''' SCOTCH WHISKY j TOO rKACTlC.VL of aa anwUttb daa In aa Tnrttanapotai ooUage war aafeed to make out a Mat of aubjact far CompaatUon ivnlcb tbey would Uba to write. One 1 am aatamttad tbe faUowlnc: "One Won- darful Hour." Tbe Happteat Uomeat of Mr Lb.' lifbt.' -My Idoal Man." "Moon- -But I am not aatlafled wrth tbU lat ." she told tbe claaa after reading her tugoeation "Sonobow evervtblng I think of eem o o practical " NOW IS THE TIME TO PRE Nabob J SERVE YOUR PEACHE t lElberta Peaches 18 lb. box .$1.50 Granulated Sugar, 10 ibs. . . 1"t 20 lbs. for 81.15 60 lbs. for $1.00 100 lbs. for 87.00 Strawberry, 4 Ik tin .... 75? Raspberry. 4 lb. tia 70 I Cherry. 4 lb. Un 70c ! Pwach, 4 lb. tta 55? I Apricots, 4 lb. tia 55 e Red Plan. 4 lb. tin 50 f Evaporated Prunes, 80-40, lb. 15f Shelled WalnutSrJialves, 2 lbs. 75f Aylmer Crushed Pineapple, 2's, Un iWt X. & P. Scotch Halt Extract, 3 lb. tin ... 75c v Clark's Boneless Pigs' Feet, 's. tin UOC Clark's Lunch Tongue. V&'s, tin :w Clark's Roast Mutton, l's, Un 10? Davies' Cambridge Sausage, l's, tin iWt Roquefort Cheese, lb. (0? Milano Salami, lb j 70? Golftborg Sausage, TIT' PftnTc Hlm.Tb. ...J XT Alberta Market P. CiAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 n i hMI iuu xtoee tvraang wow v-. , working 1q tbe cannery at Butedale, returned borne oa tbe Oardena this al- terocoo. Mrs. Gfrst PrnweU. who has been aoutb on brief buaineaa trip, it-turned from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning Mr. aad un. I. N Hoguewood Me fmwrttgm aboard tbe Prince Rupert today rtnlg to ttrort. Mr. Hague-wood kH bees B In Seattle. CUre ore laiafandcr, who ha beea empioyed ta tae cannery at Loebapsrt. returned to tbe Mty on tbe Prince Jobs thai morning Jroca the bland. Ji Hugh UtGaire. weU known Stewart mining man. who batbeen on a buat-net trip to Vuoouw. to a paaaeagar aboard tbe PrMfce Rupert today return- tag north. Provincial Constable and Mr. B. Ray-bone and child, too have bees holidaying in tbe south. returned from Vancouver oa tbe Prince Hope tblt Ur. Quean bland oa D. BeatU. City wife of tbe arrived tn tbe city from tbe tbe Prince John tbla morn- W. B. Deader of Buckley Bay. ebarged vtth a iliamaij offence again hi daughter, eomea ap in County Oourt before Judge PL McB Young tine alter- Mrv Kal ifim and family, wbo have been oa a rialt with friend at Paoofi. returned to tbe eJ from tbe Queen Cbariotte Wanda on tbe Prince John tbl moraine . Joseph Oreea. Stewart mining man. and Mrv Oreea are peaseager aboard tbe Prince Rupert today retamlng north after a trip to Vancouver and other poinu la tbe aoutb ! Several tag? from tbe Oltteapte ! camp near Quean Cbariotte CRy arrived i tn tbe ettr from tbe Maud on tbe , Prince John taw morning to attend tbe Prince Rupert Esatbttioa. UM A. Haas. Uta B Hahn. UHa H. Mathers aad Jack OOlaat arrived In the ettr oa tbe Prince Jobs taw morn ing from TMI to uaume tbetr rtudw at tbe Prtaee Rapett Blvb SebooL Kottoe to Bhlbttor. Pair Board Of fice la tbe Cttr Hall will be open Sat urday. September a. until JO pa Klnffr bare all eattlee made. If you are doubtful tboot certain entrlea put tbem la aafwar. tber can be cancelled later. I Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert SEPTEJIUER 7. ISIS Tbe tug Columbia left reaterdar for Riebardaon Arm on Uoraebr launo with J. R. Beattjra logging outfit which ha oompteted operation lnalde of Zan ardl Raptda. The outfit will be me In taking out airplane apruce for tbe board. Hon J. D. MaUaa. aUntoter of edu tttoa aad Bratnol tecretarr- an aouaeea that trade aalon hoar and wagea wfll be obMrvtd In tbe prorrr clal governmenr printing offtca. rue!" or "macerated lum ber mar lake the place of coal and oordwood in many Brttlab Columbu furaaow tbl winter. IP fME EVER RE-VtlS A promenent eCfldeocr eapert BauBeea that one read to oneself ap- proatmatelT twice a faat aa one talk to other and '.bare la a woman tn hi r.etghborhood who well be could read two average-! rnjatery atorlea in the couno of an cvenlnc without tupping I a word. PRESERVING PEACHES AND PEARS are at the best now. Buy Them Early We believe this is the best time to get your requirements. Elberta Peaches, crate 81.10 Bartlett Pears, crate 8-.50 Italian Prunes, crate !il.:i5 We carry a full line of School Supplies at the right price. Scribblers, Penholders, Pencils, Rulers, Set Squares, Paints, Exercise Books, Note Books. Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. LIMITED Real Money Savers 117-123 Fifth Avenue East Phones 18 and 81 nstffgfffWgTw jf.llA. -.9v pj-.. Friday, ... THE DAILY NEWS September ? PAGE SIX ii Local News Notes Phone 547 Phone 45 B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES Per packet , ROYAL CROWN SOAP Ptr carton ' KARO SYRUP v - : ' Per Un ORANGE M ARM ALAD8 4's, each PrURS ii l't, ptr tin ,,. r. RAISINS, SESDLKSS x s Bulk, per lb. 4 FIELD TOMATOBS i 2 lb, for CABBAC3 Pr lb. . LIGHT FOWL Per lb. Preserving Pea the. Pears Plum, at most attractive prices Everything In Green Vegetables fresh off each boat WATCH OUR WINDOWS IT PAYS 24c 25c 45c 59c 25c 14c 15c 5c 38c B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT ' Phone 45 Phone 574 RICHMOND'S LOUVRE ONE LLAR SALE Starts Saturday Morning at 8.30 For the first time in the history of Prince Rupert, we are giving our friends and customers the benefit of our ONE DOLLAR SALE Drug Stores have had their one cent sales when you get two of any article for one cent more than the price of one. At The Louvre One Dollar Sale, starting tomorrow morning with whatever article you purchase, you can have another of the same value for one dollar more. For instance, you can buy a dress valued at $18.50 and for another dollar you can have another dress of the same value. Or a lady may purchase a $10 Coat and for another dollar she may choose a dress or anything else to the same yaluc. There is no catch in this sale, for you know our reputation for straight dealing at all our sales. Just imagine! You can buy a Golf lex Coat as advertised in "Vogue" and Harper's "Hazaar" at $79.50 for one dollar-provided you make other purchase of the same value I Sale starts Saturday .Morning and lasts for one week only. Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, H.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL COAST STEAMSHIPS FALL SCHEDULE With the arrival of the 88 "Prince Rupert" from Vnnrouvrr Wedneoday. Hrptemotr )J the rli tkliedulr win be i'U-:..t The hi bo.-j, .U rn.t from Vancouver and lntennedite point ech Wednesday and Saturday at 10.30 a.m.. nailing for Vancouver each Thuradty und Sunday 11.00 p-nv: aaUtng tor 8 K-wirt wedbcadar 10.00 pin.; tor Anroi nnd Ketchikan Saturday 400 ptn. Not particularly chang in sailing day for Stewart and Anyot Effective September aa. fortnightly aervlce will be re-i .rrd via Queen charlotte Ulnnd. boat tailing from Trinca Rupert fortnightly for Vancouver, callm e l en route. Full partir . a ' Ticket Office. Phone J0 TOO LATE TO CLASSlFj J FOR BALE MONARCH EAS-" ,J