F !..v, September 7, 1928 Important "these hot days ! BISHOP TELLS Hk IV ST. -' k.' a k-K "T T OF THE YUKON illlXTOKY AM INCIDENTS OF NOKTII- Playing children and working grown-ups require this light but nourishing food ! Delicious "with fruit Easy to digest TRISCUIT - A Wafer that's good for everybody VISITORS WELCOME. TO ALL FACTORIES Arcadian Hose A New Shipment just Armed of this Popular Hose Made expressly for ourselves, every pair guaranteed. Mad-.- from the finest pure thread .silk, reinforced art silk, M k Cushioned double soles, toes and heels. Seamless, siie 8'i . in. Id shades of Blush, Oak Buff, Sand, Grain, French Nude, ilwT, i'earl Champagne, Black, Woodland Rose. QC Pi i r Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating (i.T.l. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Knujnerr, Machinists, Boilermakers, niackxmithii. I'Httern makers. Founders, Woodworker's llic ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Oar plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MAIilNE AND' COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and S85 City Meat Market (SELV1G nitos.) JrJ Aenue Phone 765 MEAT- FISH, VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and Immediate delivery Obsene! All articles arc of superior quality and absolutely fresh. HEALTH FOLLOWS OWfltCTKCWMCrt mam on sim rvrjiNsunjOf mroiiowiiMMtiuat J-JVITtMAtH WPIUKSIAJ I0U morl T v fi . r x 3rd Ate. East. w GIVE THE LAD A CHANCE Does your boy's work at school compare favorably with his classmates? Can he learn? Many backward children owe their success to Chiropractic. Call or write for pamphlet. W.C.ASPINALL Chiropractor fireen 211 Phones Hlack 283 6 and 7 Exchange Block. Open Evenings EVERY POLICY with The Sun Liff Assurance Co. of Canada Gives you PROTECTION AND INVESTMENT Assurance in for $1,500,000,000 Assets ; 400,000,000 For particulars, call C45 or 180 S. J. JAROUR, Northern 15. C. Representative S. E. PARKER, LIMITED Phone 83 Dominion Koyal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Hate Hcpairs USED CARS We have Beveral excellent bargains in used Cars. Easy Terms if desired. KIZN TKIUMTOKY Sl'IUKCT OF ADIIIIF.SS A tribute to the pioneer of the' Ytiltrn wu p1d by 3t-op Stringer In hii address to the Rotary Club at their n-kiv luncheon yet'jrday afternow at the Ccmmtdore Cafe. In clear ami concise language the church mlMlonary and dignitary told of tbe early history ( the Yukon tvld r.jld with anecdote :!lu rating It. which proved Intensely I i t;. -moving. ' K; history of the Canadian Yukon c ntirsrerd with the Russian traders! .via first visited the country Then Hudson Bay fur trader, establishing ; 1F4.7 ard 1848 trading poets at Fort ' ik?n and Port Selkirk. The latter v.. is wiped out by the Chlkat Indlegn hi lacked It aad would have killed "iptll. the head of the pott only the stive's rifle would not go off. . Tte Kicndlk waa named from the word trohundlke. the stone hammer rted by the native In driving (take! for their fish trip at tbe mouth of be Klandik :;i7er. Bishop StrlngM t Id of the work of Archdeacon Mae--'maid, wfo was the first to find gold :n the region and who labored there 'or fifty year translating the Bible rid other books Into the native language. The actual gold rush followed the finding of nugget on SUtorasto Ores by Skookum Jur. an Indian prospector, although a great many others claimed to hare been the first to make tbe discovery. Tbe Cannacks were among the' early gold diggers. Then came thousands of gold seekers mesjr of whom went home broken and die eppejnted. Of the hundred million deflsr Uken from tbe territory In seven year end other millions sines not a doUtfi was left of lasting benefit to the territory except a ram of tW.000 yt.l aside by Bkookum Jttn from hi stake' to be devoted to the atek and poor. ct the Yukon in perpetuity. No coun-, try bad ev-r been robbed of it wealth' a had that one. declared the speaker. the bkat-rp spoke of the character lstics of the trill blasers of the eexlrj days, their endurance, courage and above ail their innate kindliness Tbe spirit was common to everyone. He, told the story of one man who Mm into a salne and was kitted. In hit' belongings was tiny sock, that of his UtUe child an England. The mia ers filled tbe sock with gold nugget nd sent It to tbe mogoer. Only recently a little bUnd toy hadJ been sent out for treatment to Van '-v-cr. the people raising 1800 fa the purpose. The pioneer people were always hopeful and kindly. All credit to tbe pioneer who endured so muoh. all endeavoring to do their duty, declared Blahop Stringer In concluaion. DEFENCE MADE OF AL. SMITH DALLAS. Texas. Sept 0 After deliv ering a prepared address on tbe Demo cratic party' position toward labor l Dallas Senator Robinson dosed with a brief review of Governor Al. Smlfh'lj record In New York state. He ha not been a Catholic governor. Be ha not been a Baptist governor. njr a Democratic governor, but, thank aoCf be has been an American govemorf the view president! nominee declares! Robinson said that the statement baa ' been made that Smith la a drunxirdJ The speaker paused a moment, tbonl thouted. There's not one word of., truth In It." ! Robinson said that there was a reV report abroad that it Smith were eeot- ed he would conduct a govemmettsi of "priest rule" and that it weW.1 be a aoverrrment ot priest, by pries: and tor priest." Answering this, the speaker declared the governor had nine Protestants. two CatlMllos and one Jew on hi advisory council. GOOD RESPONSE TO" DAILY NEWS APPEAL FAMILY IN NEED The 8aivaon Army had good re sponse to an appeal made through the Dally News recently asking for clothes for a number of children. The garments have been forwarded and doubt less the family was made happy by re' celvlng this much-needed aid. The officers of '.he army state they have frequent request for clothing for. men, women and ehUdren. V.WCOl'VF.K MAN IMF.S VANCOtrvBR, Sept. 6. Archibald da Long, 91 year of age, well known la i Insurance circles and a past president of the Vancouver Rotary Club, died" , yesterday. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES , tf Mt Fit! HAY, MKPT. 7 High 7.2t m. 1S.8 ft. . n . . .mm. Low 08 J ajn. 8.8 " iM.o p.m. Advtrtltt In tht Dally Newt. It pays I n sn m sstaairagsagj 1 o Is Probably the Most Important Hour of Entire Caimpatgn The closeness of the race; the intense interest days; the value of the big prizes at stake, all tend September 7), is probably the most important hour in the big prizes. 9 o'clock tonight marks the last time candidat scriptions; the last time in which they will receive ex they wHl receive extension votes, and the last hour points on the new S200 competition, as well as coun originally announced. DISTRICT NO. 1 District No. 1 includes only those participants residing within the city limits of Prince Rupert. One of the price cars and as many cash awards as there are clv4 participant will be awarded to candidates living In this district. The names of those entered in District Ne. 1 up to the present time, to-get.- witk all votes cst for publication up until yesterday noon, are at follows: Miss Ermy ZarsUl 3369.709 Unt. Wm. Buasey 3886.30 A. Doattnato IMMM Miss Connie Morgan S46,77( Miss Bona OUhsr 3.646.40 Miss Alios MoCMs 9M2JUO f Mrs. CI. Oollset SMTtOM Mrs. F. vm$m SAS 1.740 Mis Jean Sadwy tJtaM Miss Laura Msasll 3 338. 7 W Mm. A. Haoaosiald 1.7M.4U Mr. J. M. OoBlton Mrs. Hugh M. Smith 2J10M6 John R. Stevens 901 DISTRICT NO. 2 District No. 3 Utorodes only those sh tiotpaau residing outside the city limits of tbe City of Prince Rupert. Oh of the prize cart and as many oath awards as there are active partietpaata will be swarded to candidates ltviag In this district. The names of those entered in Dlstriet No. 3. up to the present time, together with all rotes east for publication up until yesterday noon, are as follows: J. E. HUdttch. Haattton 4JMTJM Miss Oharrte Camptll. gKewart 4 .31. en Mr. Oeo. Dover. Terr ass .... 448,440 a. Oteeone. Port C3stnot 4JH8j8Sf A. E. "Fe" Btrnla. dmitlksr .. 4ja.7gA B. E. BylogMBS, Ostafet lJW.178 spurred on by iiwiwItSg that the third sorted of the Qlft (DistrlbuUoo ends Friday night" and that their most effective work east be done before that time, the leading uandlaa lor toe major prises put in a busy day yesterday sad wUl be still butler until the closing hour of 0 tonight. To the callers at eampatgii bdrur4ere j miinUj and today too insnsgomtiil mads It Plata tbtt tbe reo jb Tot yet "to." Nobody. It wat stated, haa stoug credit to be safe for one of the major prtass without further effort. This U so because the race to so close between tbe oeveral high contenders in each district that effort or the lack of M rtgtst now can mean the difference between victory and defeat. WHCH which ha3 been increasing hourly for the past few to point to the fact that 9 o'clock tonight (Friday, of the campaign for candidates wha want to share es will ever have for receiving Big votes on their sub-tra votes for new subscriptions; the last time in which in which the subscriptions they turn in will count ting the maximum number of votes on the big prizes PRIZE i0 YOU WANT? Complete Prize List Pontiac Six' Sedan, value $1,200.00 Ford Tudor Sedan, value $860.00 One Cash Prize of $600.00, valae $500.00 Two Cah Prizes of $100.00 each, value $200.00 In addition to the above prizes a special fund of $1,500 has been appropriated to be distributed to all active non-prize winners on the basis of ten per Cent of all money they turn in for subscriptions, value $l,500.d0i- Total Gift List, value $4,260.00 You can Win Your Choice by 9 o'clock Tonight CAMPAIGN NOTES The attention of each and every candidate la called to rule 17. that require each candidate to turn la a weekly cash report to recnaia active in She camrwlgri sad participate la the prtae and the eommlealons. Bear In mind that you can pile up the votes by o'clock tonight. OBAdttate. at the time aaa seae we already apesH. la trying to IrnAstss poa you the importance of g tting every postfbt subscription in during the ' me of the present big vote offer, ha not made you see tbe ltgtt. It would seem almost futlk to witto forttter ttme aad energy along this l.je. We are certain that tbe major- HOW THE PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED Every activt prticipent in The Prince Rupert Daily News subscription and prise campaign will receive either a cash commission, a eash prize or one of the two excellent care. The person voiUng tb greatest amount of votes in the, campaign, regardless of which district he or th may be in, will receive the Grand Capital Prise which is a 1928 Model Pontiac 2-door Sedan. Then the candidate who is hiirhest in the other district will receive the Ford Tudor Sedan. Then the candidate who has the next highest number .of votes in the campaign regardless of which dlsttcit he or she may be in will rtctlve the prize of $500 in cush. Then after the two priie earn and the $600 cah prise have been awarded, the two persons in the two respective districts with the next highest number of votes will each receive $100.00 in cash. All other active non-prise winning candidate (those who do not win one of the above gifts) in each diatrict, will each receive a cash commission equal to 10 per sent of all money he or she has turned in for subscriptions, according to the rules of the campaign. This plan assures that each district will receive one of the cars; that either district can win the $500 cash prise; that each district will receive one of the $100 cash prizes, and that each and every active candidate who does not win one df the big prizes will be well paid on a basis of ten per cent for every effort he or she puts forth in the campaign. NINE o'Clock Tonight "(Friday, Sent. 7th), Marks the end forever of The D st Big Vote Schedule Also The end of Extra Vote for New Subscriptions; Also The end of the New $200 Competition; Also The end of tbe Extension Vote privilege. It ie now or never, candidates, if you want to win big lty of, the candidates appreciate the laMrtaaee of tbe present bag vote period to tbsae, and will db their vary bast by 9 o'clock tonight. SulMorisdloaM turned In by t o'clock tonight will count from two to five times as many , vote is they wgtf after tonight. Too, tonight Is tbe last oppostuntty you have of turning in subscriptions to aount OB the new ssoo eompettttoa. Seobad paysaeorts on tubacrlptlon given earlier la tbe eaoiBjsaga will count for thousands of vote while the third period to In effect. Qkfi-dkkste sad ttjbsortbsrt should keep la mind the faet that second paymsnts wtn NOT count for xtra votes after 9 o'clock tonight With the third and last big vote period offer, together wtih the new $200 competition, coming to a final end promptly at 8 o'clock tonight (Friday, September 7), it is only natural to expect each and every candidate to call at campaign headquarters between now and 9 o'clock tonight, to turn- in every possible subscription. The present big vote offer and the new $00 competition will positively end at 9 o'clock tonight and will never be repeated, extended or duplicated at any time during the campaign. After 9 o'clock tonight, the lowest vote offer of the entire campaign goes intb effect. No candidate will be permitted to enter The Dally News office after 9 o'clock Friday night, September 7, for the purpose of turning in subscriptions to apply on the big votes and point of the third period. All candidates in the office by that time, however, will be waited on and their, subscriptions will count 'on the present big vote and point schedules. ANY subscriptions mailed in ANY post office ANYWHERE which are post-marked not later than 12 p.m. '.midnight) Friday, September 7, will also count on the big votes in effect until Friday night only, providing they reach this office not later than Saturday evening, September 8.