We guarantee every pound of "SALADA" Tea we sell that It is fresh, delicious and full weight of pure, fine quality tea. If you are not satisfied, full purchase price will be refunded. Sold by dll grocers. 80c to $1.05 per pound. r t - The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - RRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, excep Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Managinjf Editor. SUBSCKHTION HATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month . . . .. .50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Centra! British Columbia, Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporter Telephone - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION the Birds to V.'1..ria - or 'W'.i:. ! T;n extensively l the cities they .uhertise. sub-title is seen in -in I: t j11v.--111i1 .1 all Princes." 98 8G Monday, Jan. 16. 192S THE NEW COUNCIL The aldermen, who. together with the mayor, make up the city council, are a fairly representative group this year and .should make an excellent legislative and executive body for the city. The two defeated mayoralty candidates will be a loss to the council as will alo former Alderman Perry. However, i the new men will undoubtedly rise to the occasion and show that they have the ability to hold the positions. Alderman ColTart is not at all new to the job, so he Will have the advantage over the others. WUHINli A SLOtiAN ! 1 t,r 1. 1 advert advert isinir isinjf Slogans are ajram beinjf invito! the ii;v. it being thought that po-siiiiy si:m-:hirir Letter may yet ! obtained. It might be in order to puiii on; tint mmt of those submitted on former occasion weie not reaiiy slogan.- but rather sub-titles. However, it is to lie assumed that e '. her slogans or sub-' itles will be accepted. In illustrate what is n ..nt by a slogan there is '"Follow i Burnet 111a tirow" which are They indicate action. DOMINION I Ihl-I.Y TO ACT It seems as if th- Iohh" t : ,. eniment is likely the Peace River prolilem and pi oxide an outlet to the route to lw determine ! In lompei' iit engineers. That th. use ( s "I'rince Unpen. Prince The Help the whole family to better health Save yourself time and trouble Serve it with hot milk MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS it satisfactory outcome. Km- IVi'.r. Uupert Stexxart. or Prince Geoi'ire or Vancouver to ,k t''- when 'he line shall gtj would be monstrous, unltss thc iui-pued u pay the bill. All we can da ia lay before the irovernment all the data possible and then put it up to ttMpn. There Id a committee now working on that and doubt-lew it will goon be prepared to says what they have done. If they do not act efjoa it may be too late. UAHKIS IS WILI.LV An American newspaper cannot be read intelligibly without a knowledfe of Dickens. That fact was brought forcefully to mind by noting an editorial article headed "Ifeflon not a Barkis." The Idea was that Mellon was not willing to be a candidate. The striking part about the whole thing was that without having read the story of tb courtship of Peggotty by air. Barkis it would be difficult to understand the drift of the article. A knowledge of Dickens ia still considered part of the education of the ordinary intelligent person, at least on the American side of the line. Price of Daily News Cut to 50 Cents a Month When Delivered in Prince Rupert Commencing with the beginning of 1928 the price of the Daily News is as follows: Delivered in Prince Kiiiert. 50c a month in advapce, or $6.00 a year. Out-of-town in Northern or Central B.C., $3.00 a year or four months for $1.00. Other Canadian or I'.S. point!). $fi.t)0 a year. The only way to kej in touch with the North is to read a northern paper. Hot meals without work UNITED CHURCH WILL OPERATE Q.C. HOSPITAL 8KIDEQATE, Jan. 18 The United Church of Canada U tsklng over the Ixdstrttril' at QueeM"1 Charlotte City and wilt tirtxtubt itlirinrJ'lhe auspices of the mtmob hetord of tMt organisation. The church plana to secure the ser-vk-es of ,:! doctor who will reside here. The hospital board recently hM a mcellnx at which M was decided to turn the hospital over to the church. Officers elected taolede O. H. Jolllff. J. L. Barge, A. J. Oardon. Capum Oliver and X. S. Richardson. paid in advance for ye.u-ly period $:?.00 i Wom, AwMl,n Or four months for $1.00 j Anglican church. By mail to all other parts or British Columbia, the British Empire and United Stale, paid in advance per year By mail to all other count rtes, per year TERRACE W. A. HOLDS ITS ANNUAL MEETING (Mirers for Year Elrrtrd and ItrMrt. show steady ! row Hi In Activity and Membership TERRACE. Jen 18. The annual meeting and -election of officer, of the it yea; to St. Matthew's Terrace, took place oil Thursday afternoon at the home of $6.00 1 Ml $7.50 Baathope. The general review .:- year's activities abowed that the toe let y has been making a steady growth during the year, the meenber-ship being (Tester than in any preceding year, financial receipts during the ear have also exceeded those ot previous yean, and contributions to the various missionary funds have bean correspondingly increased and eat anew. Substantial assistance, baa bean green to the churoa board In payment ot repairs on both rectory awl church as well aa in the upkeep ot the funilew, tngs and the eatery ot the organist During the year the auxiliary made Mrs. T. t. Marsh, retiring president after many rears of earnest and capable leadership, a provincial Ilia member In he auxiliary. The election of officers for the pre-sent year resulted as follows: President Mrs W. A. RoMnson. Vice-president Airs. W. C Sesrkes Corresponding Secretary Mrs. R. Haney. ecretary-TrsssuTer Mrs. Wm. Sims. Work Convener Sirs. A. Carr. Mrs. W R Thompaoa and Mia.. Robinson. Appreciation of the services at Mrs. Gilbert u.- ork convener Sd Of Mrs. secretary-treasurer for a v.aesd In a hearty o: -iiaia. derided to hoM but eat as nsvead of two as In tessusi irs Work will be carried on weekly - usual In prepsratloa tor a sale to-Asrds the end of the yesr. o u 11 try ,t he PRETTY WEDDING only nnnm nl numiml Ollxe Ward Hrroate ItrMe of flordon llrnnett lsK Krv. ('. O. Iljcbx OffkUlln FORT CLEMENTS. Jan. 16 A pretty wedding was soleaanlaed New Tear's Eve at e pju. when Miss Dorothy Olive Wsrd wav united In aarrlsge to Oordon Bennett Davis, the Rev. C O Darby otriclatlng. The bride, who looked charming In a drees of rosewood flat crepe with hat to i hurst. match, carrying a bouquet of locally grevn yellow chrysanthemums, entered MASQUERADE DANCE SKIDEGATE MISSION All NathHis id World Rrrertilrl In OMunie Ut IUg t'lurlellr liand Affair One of the moat enjoyable events of the season waa a masquerade dance at the town hall at Saloegate Mission under the auspices of the Skidegat Ooa-sort Band of which Bel Wilson la president. W H. Rues, manager, and II. Oreen secretary. McKay's twelve piece orehesVre furnished nrppy meste tor ftha occasion. u ,i nr 1 1 rmn a sisrcn was tea ay toe Rtirk and Miss Canada other costumes fttprenenled sll the astl'iiu of the world. Thr following won priest: fii-M ladies Mrs. A. Jones. Turkish lady Second Isdles'. Sellna Cross. Alias Can-sds First men's Fred Russ. Metloan Uln- ttrl. Becotid men's. J P. Dover, Turkish Pennies a. Advertise tq the Dally Mews MASSETT CHOIR GIVES CONCERT Enjoyable Event in Which Sacred Music is Featured at Q.C. Island Village MASOTT. Jan. 18. An enjoyable Concert was given by the choir ot the Anflloaa Church here which was much Moyi. Rev. James OiUett gsve so address of appreciation. Following was the program: "Lay My Head Beneath a Rose." by Miss M. Stanley. "Hallelujah Cham. by Choir. "Moonlight and Boa." solo by Florence Davidson. "A Lane In Spain," solo by Mrs. Emily Raruell. "Leas ot Self and More of God." duet by Misses Margaret Stanley and Florence Davidson. "Idolising Jan." sole by Jeff Smith. "Jesus Lover of My Soul." solo by Roger Wist. "Home." duet by Mrs. Emily Parnell and Mrs. Llsssle Jones. "Heavens Are Telling," by Cbolr. "I corns to thee.'' solo by Un. Mar garet Wlat. "Baby Face." solo by Adam Abrahams. "Whispering Hope." solo by Mrs Mary Stanley , "Letter Xdged in Blsck." solo by John Williams. ! "Olory to Ood in the Highest." by Choir. "Within the Walls." duet by Henry Bdensbaw and Alfred Adams. ANGLICAN CHURCH TERRACE MEETING tirtlrers Mretnl far Year ami Reports ltnvlvrd TIfi RACE, Jan. 16. The annual vee-try masting ot St. Uattbews Anglican 1 church. Triraoe, wss bald on Tuesdsy I evening In . the ohttrch. There was. s good attendance and the aweung was presided over by Rev. A. W. Robloeon; vho read a vary gratifying review of the year's activities. The financial report grew by Oeo. Dover showed s very nciwldsisbla Increase in collections ae wan aa a eMsMUUe aasoxmt f fundi raised la vsrioua ether msnasn. Oonatauabls iasproveeDeots and repairs have bean aaada to the church during the year which have at led much to both Its coaafort and appear-1 anaa. A sew vssSry lenaw In eaurse of 1 building and vHesn eosnplatad will be j a very useful Meat. Mrs W H Burnett. : ecretsry-traaaurs of ths Women's Auxiliary, preeassted a vary gratifying report of the work of the Women's branch. Her report showed an increase In both snesnberaoip and financial rt-sulu over previews yeara. Votes of thanks were tendered to Rev. sad Mrs. Boblnsasi for their untiling efforts in furthertag the ehurch work: to the W A. for the very loyal assistance rendered, to the church officers and to Mrs. Van Hses and Mrs. Robinson lor their services at the organ. The children's cbclr received much favotable comment and appreciation of Its services ss well aa that ot Mrs. S. Haney and Miss Halllwell as soloists wss voiced. The election of oBseata for the ensuing yeai resulted aa follows: Vicar's Warden Wm. Sims. People's Warden Oeo. Dover. aidesnven llsssrs. Fan. Attree. Brusa-mltt. Bnerwcod. Oorlett ond Colth- Aaslstant fMdeamea lre Haney. Mrs. Von Ollbert.MM. Cory. the ehurch to the strains af Lofaen- Donald and Walters grin's Wedding March played by Mrs. j Secretary Treasurer A. I. Walters. T. It. William. The bride was given Following the adjournment of the away by her brother, Ralph T. Ward, j meeting those present repaired to the and was attended by Mrs. Ralph T. rectory where refreshments were served Ward as matron of honor. John 8 Hewl-san acted ss best aaaav. During the service, Miss Louise Cttspmsn rendered a eoro. u 1 1 ss i jue. l After the eetesuoey, the weoaung runner waa beUI la BrsasaraTs ReahMir- invited to the deisce bald In Has- 'was ras Uel Hail. The bride la vary popular since her arrival here from Vancouver sis months ago. and the groom, having resided here s cons Id era bie length of time. Is well known The best wishes of sll are extended to the young people, who will reside hare after a two weeks' honeymoon at TMI. MASSETT WEDDING WAS CELEBRATED BY REV. J. GILLETT M s.BM'1 1 . Jan. lg - A pretty wedding took place here lavt week when Rev Her Three Boys Had Terrible Colds That Hung On Mrs. 0. Ames, 35 St. Oeerje Street, Pa t ham, Oat., writes: "Last wiater my three box. had terrible eeldv tad a cough that hung on e loss that It tegs to worry ate. "I went to my droccist and at asked ate if I had tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup "I told him I bad net, bat that 1 wobM, aad I mast say that after they had flaiehed the third bottle they were entirely rid of the re h. "I will never he witheet a bottle ef Dr. Wood's' on hand." Price Me. a bottle, lanre family site 60s.; nit up oaly by The T. Uiltnira Cu. IJaiiled. Tot xtate. OaL. Y-gTuii Mm w M V H UJ3L fL LAUfi ess. 1 uoe on " AND they leave them on all winter. They are saving of tires. You can go from mud or snow to wet or dry pavementsall on gripping quiet rubber traction. Last season, production of Goodyear Tire Chains was far short of the demand. Now Goodyear Selected Dealers have them for any size of tire. Mrs. x. attuway after Moore returned bosne on having spent a two James Oilier united In marriage Mies j w'u vacation with friends Ada Price and Joalah Brown, both of that : B4Pn' villaae Following the wadding a recaption aas held in the town hall where over one hundred guests sat down to dinner with the bride and groom and this was followed by dancing Mr. and Mra. Brown are both graduate et the Coqualeetaa Industrlsl Institute of Ssrdls. B.C. In Prince The Mieeea Dorothy and Clara Little, twin daughters of Mr. aad Mrs. Oeorge Utile left on Saturday for Edmonton where they will cater the Uaaerthnsy school for girls. They were accompanied as far aa anderhoof by their lather. An auction eel: ef household effects of Mr. and Mrs. P. A Vn of the Tourist Club. Terrace, waa he. ' on Saturday afternoon with Wm. Vanc. 'ip wielding the naaamer. A large crcv.1 gathered and good prices were realised. Mr and Mrs. Aiken are leering st the beginning of the wees; for t"..e Plln Flon mining district. Alex Thompson of the Dorreen highway survey party spent s few dsys here with his family before moving to Pvlace Rupert te which place the camp is being moved. Mas. Thompson hss taken the nouse on Park Avsnue Ju.t esst of Mrs. p. Von Haas snd will con-tinue to ires in Terraee. Heavy rains durtac the past week caused a email slide oa the Lanfear hilt and traae had to be diverted by way ef the cemetery hill. The damsge has now been repaired. Mrs. D nhsuer and daughter and Mrs. Clarke and daughter ol Vanaradol were in Kwn on Friday night for the play put on by the high school pupils. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. T. Wilson of Remo were In town on Friday. Dr. Par VANCOI VKU. a Jos. Robber! you ever had! has made GOODYEAR you a new and silent rubber tire chain. Goodyear has tested it. Goodyear has seen it outwear the best of metal tire chains. Goodyear rubber Tire Chains are quiet and they outwear any tire chains you ever had. And you can Made by the Makers of Goodyear Tires TERRACE Oeorge reeata. who left here early in he week fee Frlnee Rupert for medics! 1 examination has been tent to thai Shaughneasey mllltsry hospital in Vsn-I couver where he wilt be s patient tor -one tins. Mrs. J. Orant and two children returned on Thursday faom a visit with tela trees la Ottawa. t la apendlne a few dare in Prince Rupert that laguire DENTIST Has Returned from !iis visit south n:l now rereivins palitnt Over Ormes Drug Store Phone 525 .tady Aminlant UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Ssllln Itt Pntit fa I si as. . yu Toua. Hoiedsi;. u. :r.u ... t ... Throu.t. TL V... "MITH. tisnt. tl.r.H.,1, ,.V:r";. ; ' unaila ami ami seal ... -iiwiimj, x s VOX. Prlnra It u pert h-1", Heeltle. anil Uaigut'"