Save Money Boston Grill ! tw .nenpeat way to buy the o, n Nw i to ubcrlbe by the . , . , The cost 1 5.00 and r -ir , ,v :.s delivered to your ad. , ,.vhi:iib. Jut figure ou '';,,, ,, ,,. to you for this 'e for twelve monthsl,' 1 Will., No. 12. ftl Converts despoiled, ill-treated and some tortured by troops of hostile general; buildings looted and burned LONDON, January 16. A Keuter despatch from Pekin says u '.ii.-m.-nt issued by Feng Yu Hiding threatening opposition to all i i;athetic foreigner in the territory, apparently refers to Cana-ili.iji and other missionaries in Honan, toward whom hU policy , n), to be already in force. The despatch says that Feng's troops . rnily looted the premises of many Canadian Presbyterian who jatcd th province of Honan last spring. The girl'a boarding school at Wehwei was looted and burned. Reports from other points say Canadian missionaries also state I ii many of their converts have been despoiled and ill-treated, some .. i,L- tortured and killed by Feng's troops. WATER FAMINE WESTMINSTER Mam lin aU and City Face Serious iiualion Which May be Relieved KK'IIMOND ALSO DKY sevtrrul Plant Close and Other Mu-i Follow Today if no Relief comes v wBaiuiawnat. Jn is -tik :ed wilt) a wster famine a '- lit of huge landslide a mtlf 'if of Lake OoquKItai. where It b. he M inch main feeding the is broken. planta closed thla morning " ilrw relief U secured by the ' up with Burnaby all planta will "- afternoon, it.' tiinond also la without water lu' He being made to aupply It from ! ,. (.,,. ROADLOCATING PARTY IS HERE H. t. Whltaker Will Continue Work on This Knd or Highway In Spring 1 c Whltaker. locating engineer for . provincial department of public ' k.v and his party, which has been an-' ( in making surveys in the vicinity ifc'm-en for the proposed Sheens 1 .' Highway, arrived In the city lrom ' " inu-riur on yesterday afternoons '' ..11 siuiw knd cold weather hsvlng ne-' ...luu-d the closing dowi of their work 1 l spring. Id the uu in time, they ' rmiiHin In tbe city assembling and ' i-irliiK the data they have already ' in-red 111 connection with routes. 1 '"v 11011 is being made by the gov ' for Mr. Whltaker to continue ' m m-unoii with the work of locating a 1 "i.. :,,r the road which will connect 1 11. Rupert and Terrace. A start was on thin last year by Mr. Whltaker. ASKING AID TO EDUCATE (qvit-orpent to Receive Appeal on HehaWof Children of I'oor Veterans vktohia. Jan. IS. P. it. Wiggins of New Wc.uinlmter was elected president 'if the provincial oonunaud of the Army " Navy Veterans at IU convenUon her, SH,urUr n was decided to approach the gov- 'rnnieni with a view to getting legUla- "'in in conformity with the Baakatche- un inennure providing for government "-- Mnoe for the education of children "' ' "'h who cannot afford to pay I fif U 8. Steel in Honan Province, China i itn.Tn iit.MiT iii Kin ; lICNKATII KX THKE IN ( E (t MUST IVIIX ' ' DORCHESTER. Jan. IS-While the ashes of Thomas Hardy were 1 being burled la Westminster saury ' amid national honors tbe heart of the poet-novel set in a bronze casket waa interred today in the grave of hie first wife under a yew tree. GENEROUS MASSETT MM GIVES BELL TO CHURCH OF VILLAGE MASSSTT. Jan. 18 - A large U Inch illov church bell, the gift of Andrew Brown, has been delivered to the local Mirch The bell, which Is much appreciated by the church, cost 1M. GASOLINE EXPLODED THREE ARE BURNED VANCOUVER. Jan IS. When gaso line he was using to start a fire In the kitchen range exploded Robert Smythe and his two daughters were severely burned. Smyths condition Is reported by the hospital to be serious. one yrTnTrIson for trying to poison NEION Jan. 10. James Allen Was Kcntenred to one year In prison tor cjuslim James ONelll to take methyl hydrate "w) as to poison htm." I'AUl M't'LAItM OK KXM.tlltlN nniN vAUJi Jn 10 rurther psrtlculsrs of the explosion the gas-boat Clare Frsncea at Klldula Ann ahow Roscor Owen.-, who was that It w drowned slid his oroiner uoya uw.i- wlously injured. HtlATIIUl lti:i"OKT. Prince Rupert Overcast, strung SX. wind; temperature, VANCOUVI2U KXCHAMJi: Bid. Asked Bin MlsMirl . . .40 .41 .87 Cork Province Dunwell .31 J3 Oeorge Copper . 330 3 38 Olacler .OS'., 06,'i Gladstone .18 Independence . . law .08 .ots Indian Leadamlth .MS Lucky Jim .38 .40 Marmot Metale .11 .11 w,rttr jdaho .39 .40 Imchmond .. .31 .33 ailverrrest .074 silversmith Mi 37 '4 mmimh ... 1.88 1 00 Ml IV YORK qi'OTATHiNH Canadian Bonds ... lOlW opr 08H 148 Northern and PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1928 CANADIAN MISSIONARIES Canadian Missionaries Suffer From Activities of Troops of Feng Yu Hsiang VICTORY OVER N.Y. RANGERS Recent Purchase From Itoston Slakes flood for Toronto in Saturday's Hockey (inne TOROMO. Jan. 16. -- On 8aturday Happy" Day scored three of the six ;:aU made by T ironlo In a brilliant ictcry over the New V.rk Ra.i.ers here, iwo goals were mad-; by fjmlir Her-teru. the prlie package recently bought from B-un for 17.i00, while ihc other waa put through by Cox. The lone goal made by the Rangers was h-t by J-ihnson. The PittaUurg gamt against the Montreal Maroons was very dull. Tle last ;:erlod rally netted two r-r c :i 1 which gave Boston the win over Oltave after the Senators had twite tied the score. The win of the Canadlene Sunday wa the sixteenth of the season with me loss and low draws. The New Tor Aaart-cana toot trie lead In the first period but Korens evened in the second and vrtd two more In the third. The Rangers cut B. atone lead to one again Sunday night by beating Detroit Toronto Is in third place in the Canadian section following Saturday's win. Sccim for the week-end are as follows: nati nmv i; ami Pittsburg o. Montreal 4. M.Y. Hansen ; Toronto 6. Boston t. Ottawa . KIMI1V flA.MIlN T.T. Hangers 1. Detroit 1. Canadlens 3. N Y. Americans 1. POET'S ASHES AREHONORED I wild In Westminster Abbey He-aide Charles Dickens Attended by Many I.OKIIOV Jan. IS. Tlie aolies of T hues Hardy were laid today beside the grate ef ( harte Ilk-dew lu Vriealnler Abbey with modern re-UghtMft mpalli yet ancient pomp. The mourners lrli.lel Premier lUMMla. former Premier Itamaay MaewiMiaM. Itudyard Kipling. Mr James Harrle. flrarge flernard Hm. John' tlalwnrth and represents! he of I lie King and the ITIure of Wale. REEVES CHOSEN ON SATURDAY VAAOOTJVKR. Jan. 18.- -Reeves elected la British Columbia Saturday Include: Pout Orey W 11. Lembke. South Vancouver- J. W. Cdniett. Burnaby- A. K McLean North Vancouver J M. From me. West Vancouver V V. Vinson. Council Ion In Buruaby are West Gray. Prttchsrd. nr. PlriK-he. Show- brooks Wilson and in Ward 3. RETURNED MAN KILLS HIMSELF VANCOOVER. Jan. 1.-The body of Frnnk Thlrkell. 7 years of age. a re turned soldier, waa found In a gaa filled room In n lodgli-.g house on Main Btrtet. Two notes, one stating his Intention to end his life and the other a furewell letter to his mother In Kng-lunl were found on him. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's CHINA SHOWN (JOLU EMBROIDERY OX WHITE SATIN : On this delightful white satin evening dress, a most complex and beautiful design has been cut out and embroidered in gold. This beautiful tiling is from Lebouvier of Paris. The little bow that nangs lrom the waist is of black tuile or like material. Huge Consolidation of Paper Mills in Eastern Canada is Announced Montreal Today MONTREAL, January 16. Announcement is made of the consolidation of the Abitibi Power and Paper Company, the Spanish River Pulp and Paper Mills, the Fort William Pswer Company, and the Murray Bay Paper Company. Abittibi has acquired the common stock of the other cotn-Itanies, 97 per cent of the aggregate shares having been HIPPODROME FOR VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. J in. 18. A 8300.000 ; theatre to be km n as the Hippodrome, j U to be built on Hastings street by the Hippodrome VaiidovtUa Theatre Ltd.. I work suiting alrr st taunedlately. MYSTERY MOUNTAIN Peak Near Vain u vet la' lllgheat In PravliN-e, .V-i-onllRg to Laud lie- purl meat VICTORIA. Jsn 16. Adrordlug to the j provincial lands dapaftaser Myatery ! Mountain. ISO in i lea north of Vancouver, to 13.900 fret in height, making it the highest pe tk lit tbe provlnoe. Newspaper PAT DALY IS IN ON DEAL lie and Associates Ituy Portland Canal Property and Will llegin Development VAMtll t Eft. Jan. Iv Pat Italy. Portland Canal, eiieraler. auttMore lie lia 4-mnpMetl a deal H hereby lie awl hl asaoristea parrhaiteil the MosNtala Ihay rial hi tor a qwatter ef a million dollar. He left IIMay lr Montreal to dlxeass wHIi Ills trlitrlsil plNHH Inr the laanvedlate tlrelutinent of the pruiterty. ALtSK.W INDIAN DI8H. WRANOam Alaska.. Jan. William lewis, 68 yemis ul ac, oue of the :nMt Dromlnent Indians of Alaska, Is ,ied from pneumonia. Woodward Urges Unite with Prince Rupert and Edmonton to Promote Completion of LinetdWM&h' VANC'Ol VKIt, January 16. t'harles Woodward, M.L.A., in an Interview here said: "Edmonton is reaping the benefit from Peace Illver business whjle Vancouver is out of it for lack of railway connection. Vancouver should unite with Edmonton and Prince Ru pert to link tin- "Northern Empire" with the coast by completion of the P.O.E. ami acquiring control ol the Kdmoinon. imnvegan ana Hritish Columbia Hallway. The Canaiian National can best serve the Peace Riv. r by completing the P.tJ.B. and linking up tha E.D. & n.C. line with the coast route. Edmonton is destined to be the biggest city iirtween Toronto :uul Vancouver. President Coolidge is Given Reception Such as Never Seen in Cuba Opened I'an-American Congreaa Other American Nations Helping HAVANA. January 16. The helping hand of the United States in the solution of the problems that beset the nations of the new world was extended by President Coolidge today as he opened the xix!h Tan-American congress here. A great throng representing nations of the western hemisphere cheered and rose from their seat .several times in enthusiasm. The president on his arrival here yesterday received the grqjjt-est demonstration Cuba ever accorded the visiting head of a foreign nation. The streets literally seethed with a mass of widly cheering Cubans. The president was moved at the demonstration "as he seldom has leen before. SE L COVE PARENTS SORELY BEREAVED IN i DEATH OF LITTLE SON Being put to bed last night with a ' cough following a couple of ' days' illness which was not considered u:lous. David Allen, aged two years snd one month, tin baby aan of ur. ana lin Joseph Oay. Hit Rays Cove Ave., died with tragic awManawi ta letjock this morning in the Prince Rupert Ocuerel Hospital, to which be had been rushed a short time previous. The grieving psrente will receive general sympathy In their sad bereavement. Interment will take place tomorrow afternoon following a service In the chspel of the BC. Undertakers at which Rev. W. P. Price, pastor of First Baptist Church, will officiate. JERICHO BE CH AIR STATION IS GETTING FIVE NEW MACHINES VANCOUVER. Jan. 18 Three new Avro aaaptaea from Montreal and two Palrey seaplanes, loaned by the Br'. .lab gjvenpaMftt. are on their way to tbe R.OAF.latlon at Jericho beach, ac-i rdlng U an announoemant from Ply-- ', Officer A H. Hull, commanding Van-C3UKT unit. The planes will be used , r training purposes, and six non-com-ui Ml.ned officers of the RC-AJ" wlU reach Vancouver Februar 1 to start their training There will also be 10 officers enrolled for training. BODIES OF VICTIMS ! GOING TO VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. Jan. IS. The bodies of three or four sailors, who perished when the auxiliary schooner Noble was wreaked near Nootka January 6 wlU be brought to Vancouver during the week for Identification. The body of the fourth victim has not been found. winnersTfsix day bicycle race CMICAOO. Jan. IB. Tony Beekman of Irvlngton. NJ.. and Oerald Debaets of Belgium on Saturd'av night won tbe Chicago alx day bicycle race. FORTY REBELS WERE KILLED IN NICARAGUA UANAOUA. Nicaragua, Jan. 16 forty rebels were killed Saturday by the marine corps and air squadron attacking Klchlpota. HOIlV HAH .UHTIUA.N VANCOUVER. Jau 16. The body found Friday evening on Powell Street ha been identified as that of Frar Fedrtgen. an Austrian logger. Fr his second offence of drunken nes truest Lewis was lined 660, with the option of thirty days' Imprisonment, by Maghitiate McClymont in city i-oiirt tin-, morniui;. Large Upstair Dining Hull, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. ' Phone 457 Price Five Cents HOSTIUTY Toiny in Havana and Promised Hand in Solution of rroblenv USED AXE ON HIS FAMILY Former 'Major in Ilritlsh Army and Winnipeg School Teacher Kl. Chjld ItEPOIlTS TO PdUQE - ..." i.iaiiiivy , - Wife and Daughter Not Likely to Kecover From Attack of Out-of-work Parent TORONTO. Jan. 16. "We had no mane. Were in debt, oould'nt get employment, thought tali tie bast way out of tt all." said Oeorge ir. H. Delghton. 34 years of age. English veteran of tbe Oreat War. holder of toe mUltary cross, who Ssturday informed a policeman he had murdered his wife and two children, aged four and seven. Investigation showed that the wife and seven year old girl were not dead but critically injured while the bay was dead. According to the story told to the police Delghton said he used an axe In the early morning hour on his wife and children. Little hope Is held for the recover)- of the wife and daughter. In 1834 Deightcn went frcm Winnipeg where be was a school teacher to Ottawa as interpretation Officer for the R.C.M.P. He la a former major in the British army and a talented linguist. MACLEAN HOPES FOR SOMETHING Not Disappointed at Result of His Visit to Ottawa but Quito Non-committal VANCOUVER. Jan. 16. "I sm not dlaoppointed with the result of my visit to Ottawa." atatgd Premier Mac-Lean on his arrival Sunday from Ottawa enroute to Victoria. He refused to Indicate any anticipated action by the Federal Oovemment. The Premier said he waa not Informed as to the nsture of Mr. Justice Martin's report to be presented to the Dominion Government eooa on his application for return to, eb' province of railway subsidy lands 'Nevertheless I am decidedly hopeflU about the re sult. I shall be dlaappolnted if Brawn Columbia does not obtain something by the award." W. H. HAMMOND DEFIES BOARD Sflvs he Has Shipped Potatoes Contrary to Hegulations and Sold Them VANCOUVER Jsn II. "I have bought, shipped and sold B.C. grade potatoes without reirurd to the board and in defiance of the:n ths) week." W. H. Hsmmond said Ssturday. "I have written the board giving tnem details of the transactions and weuld like to know -ht they aiv going to do about It."