f AGE SIX PAIN from Bladder Irritation 8oon aaisd by SANTAL IY1IDY Btwsrs of ImlUtlona Look for thswor "MIDV" Sold by all dru grists Rslltistf b New Blankets for Old ' OF course, we do not actually trade new blankets for the soiled ones you send us but one would almost believe them new when they are returned to you. Soft and fluffy. . . and clean! No home equipment can possibly finish woollen blankets, nor in fact, any woollen garments, in the superlative manner of the modern laundry. And our prices are moderate for this invaluable service. The LAUNDRY Does it best Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Fishermen SXBfiBMBBSBSSsSXnSSjOBaSDaSSSSBxSSUEXS Before buying your next engine, come and see us about JThe Gardner Semi-Diesel Engine the most satisfactory on the ' market. Governor has control at all speeds, making it most suitable for halibut boats. Sices 12 h.p. to 300 , h.p. I The Acadia Gas Engine the most modern desired and best built 4 cytle engine in Canada. Sizes from 6-8 j h.p. to 40 h.p. medium and , heavy duty. i Ward Electric AND MARINE SUPPLY CO. l'hone 680 Cow Hay Prince r.upert, B.C. OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE MI3VS AND BOYS' CLOTH I NO AND FURNISHINGS U still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. B. Miller, Proprietor I CITY COUNCIL ON THURSDAY Committees Will be Appointed by Mayor McMordie on That Occasion ; ity 'TT i.hpuv f The Inaugural , mating of the new ctty council will tk place on Thura- day night' of this week, - , f The principal feature of interest at this meeting will be the announcement of appointment! of committees by Mayor McMordie. It la considered likely that Aid. W. M. Wfown lll retain the chairmanship of the utilities committee. Finance committee chairmanship Is believed to be earmarked for Aid. Theo Collart, who headad the polls at the election last week and who ja former "finance minister." Wh,o will succeed Ex-Aid. R, P. Perry as chairman of the Board of Works seems" to be pretty mush In doubt atthouch 't is' probable that. Aid. W. J. Orr aau r. malnlng member of last year's board of works, may be elevated to the chair-, manshlp. i Other new aldermen to be alloted arc Aid. Prank Dlbb. who Will probably be placed on the finance committee; Aid. A. J. Prudhomnie and Aid. Oeoree Hud-! Cash and Carry Grocery FULTON AND SIXTH AVE. We are Selling Smoked Meats Cheaper Today Than Ever Before. Just Think Swift's Bacon in the piece or half slab, per lb iWf Burn's Shamrock Hams, whole or Half one, per lb :i."c? Swift's Circle (S) Picnic Hams. per lb 2 If Capitol Butter BrickB 1.10 14's .!" E.C.D. Butter Bricks 4Uf 14's $0.07 Canned Milk has advanced and we are forced to raise ours one cent Ier tin. Our price now . . 12f Granulated Sugar, 10 lb. for 7Jl Flour, any kind, 49 lb. sack $2.50 Pastry Flour, 10 lb. sack 57? China Oats, package iJSf B. & K. Oats. 7's Bilf We are saving you many a cent. Give us your whole support. $3.00 orders delivered Phone 301 A few Questions for vou 1 Tv thorn nnvthinir wrnnir with your eyes, ears, iiutte or throat? If you have been blind or deaf for yearn, have lost voice entirely, don't give up hope, but investigate Chiropractic. 2 Have you so-called Rheumatism, Pleurisy, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, Goiter, Paralysis, Loccnotor-Ataxia, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia, Constip a t i o n, Piles, Insanity, Apendicitis oi a Constant Headache? Chiropractic will adjust the cause and permit nature to bring about a cure. 3 Have you stomach, lung, heart, liver, kidney, bowel or bladder trouble? 4 Have you Sciatica, Gallstones or Diabetes? The results are wonderful. Try Chiropractic. 5 Perhaps you have stiff joints In the arms or legs tha you cannot use naturally. This system brings forth a transformation. C Our methods not only' stimulate, but eliminate the cause, thus permitting nature to perform her work. Health is the greatest blessing we can have. NO DRUGS OK SURGERY , USEP NATURAL METHODS ONLY W.CAspinall CHIROPRACTOR Rooms C and 7 Exchange Block Phone Green 241 Lady Attendant THE. PAILX NEWS Monday, Januur 15 , .DISTRICT READERS l r fir - i iriiimniMisswirniiiiM Hi in sinm ihbmiiiii m simum ssussirnnna mi neas MSeMsaSSas.-i. M ,((JC OHA ) I of The Daily News Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. All the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of it! clerhRin. who will either go to the unities committee or Board of Works. I Of the remaining aldermen. Aid. O. P.I Tinker was on last year's finance committee, while Aid. P. H. Unzey served' n um uuimcs committee during 1937. NEW COUNCIL FORMASSETT William .Matthews is Chief .Councillor at Native Village Meeting Preceded Election MASMTTT, Jan. 16. From nineteen candidate who had been nominated the week previous. M asset t natives last week sleeted councillors for .the year ins as fallows: Chief Councillor. William Matthews. Secretary, Peter HU1. Treasurer, Eliza Jonea. Alfred Adams, Joshua Collison, Joshua Abrahams. On the eve of the election, the candidates met the entire population in the Town Hall, each aspirant tor honors Introducing some subject which It was felt might be of some benefit or uplift to the community. The meeting was a lively one. a feature being the address of Indian Agent James Otllett - which was Interpreted to the meeting and was considered a profitable one. The following committees of the council have been named: Building and roads Joshua Abrahams. Joshua Collison and Peter Hill. Flte, Water and Light - Ellra Jonea. Science Inspection With the Latest Instrument of Precision That's the kind of eye service you can get here now. We give you a conscientious and careful test. Jack Bulger two years ago passed the B.C. government exams, for Optometrists and during the last six months along with most of the leading optometrists in Vancouver attended a course of post graduate lectures. We do not supply or advise glasses If not of benefit. Our testa are not uncomfortable and our prices are fair and reasonable. 1 Jewellers THE STORE WITH THE CL0CI LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnitures Moving. Alfred Adams and David Parnell. Finance Eliza Jones. Sanitation Peter Hill and Joshua Collison. Constables Albart Ed wards, chief. Ed. Jones, Jchn Sperice, Phillip White and George Price. EXCITEMENT WAS CAUSED Medical Ilealjh Officer and" Policemen Greeted With LoauN cd Gun on. Taking Charge of-Woman The medical health officer and city poUcttnen nn greeted with a loaded rifle yesterday afternoon as they at-temped to take charge of a well known local woman residing on Eighth Avenue across Hays Creek who had evidently ran amok. TheU for the authorities was sent In by neighbors after the woman had sent her three children from the home, . thereupon proceeding to wreck the house and setting it on fire. The fire department was called to the scene at 3:90 and a good deal of excitement ensued. Curtains In the kitchen were Ignited. The woman was finally pacified and. the ambulance being called meanwhile, was taken to the Prince Rupert General Hospital for observation. The children were admitted to the Ridley Home. The woman, who had been reported to be acting strangely of late, Is the widow of a .returned soldier who died two or three years ago. worry being presumed to have brought on her state of mind. Recently she submitted a letter to the editor of the Dally Newa regarding her Intimate affairs, publication being denied the missive. CHANGESMADE INGOVERNMENT Younger Conservatives Enter Cabinet of Great Britain Result or -Shuffle LONDON. Jan. W Minor changes in the ministry were announced Saturday BUILD WORDS OUT OF "Shamrock Hams" SITo.OO in prizes given as follows 1st $100.00 2nd SoO.Otl 3rd 825.00 In addition we will give a , 5 lb. Box of Chocolates) to the winner if, the ham label is secured from us. SPECIAL PRICE ON WHOLE SHAMROCK HAMS Per lb ; :I5 (1.50 China Tea Set for (I0r) With two pkgs. "Jif." See our window Sunkist Oranges, new stock, 3 dos. for 05? Have you seen the new Chlnaware in It obi n Hood Quick Oats. It's pretty nifty B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phone 45 and 571 arising from the creation of new peers at New Year's and some resignations. The changes have no political significance except to bring some of the younger members oi the Conservative Party notable for their brilliant talents and debating power into the ministerial ranks for the first Hme. - The most Important change politically It the resignation of Colonel Oeorge Lane-Fox, secretary for mines, who was appointed on the India Commission. He Is succeeded by Captain Henry Douglas King, financial secretary to the War Office. Alfred DuTf Cooper, one of the aunt brilliant of younger Conservatives, sue ceeds King at the .tar Office. BUUNS LAKE The Burni Lake and District Baera of Trade, at a meeting last week with President Robert Lowe occupying the chair, passed a resolution urging tsvat the Canadian National Kail ways give a more favorable express rate on fresh water fish shipped from the lakes of this district and that the provincial government be asked to extend the com mercial fishing seaton until the end of March. The board wul also appotal a . -im.Tiittee to enquire into the natter of school taxation, considerable dkuav it faction being expressed in regard to the present rate of 18.7 mills on per sonal property. In connection with the tatter question, the co-operation of other boards will be sought. Haaen Long of Francois Lake li grad ually regaining his vision following an aocttlent which befti him at Christmas Mrs. P. Regan. B.N.. lady superinten dent of the Francois Lake lteepltel, is gradually recovering following a recent illness . Mrs. J. H. Kerr has returned to her home In Burns Lake after hav Ing spent a whHe rwl levlng at the Fran cots Lake Hospital. Rev. W R Ashford has been suffer ing from a chill as a result of a recent steigning party. Mild weather here during the past week has caused much of the snow Xc disappear. Tie workers are beginning to fear that spring will be here before they can finish their contracts. District visitors In town during the past week have Included Mrs. Nell Van de Veen and daughter, Ttotaget: T. a. Thomson; Mrs. T. A. Christian. Bndafco; William Saunders; Frank Metthlas. Francois Lake; A. O. Annan. Endako: A. W. Blaney. Topley; Fred and OUrenee Beach. Francois Lake; Will lam Johnson. Rose Lake; Edward Ahrena. Prince Rupert; Joe Roberta. Collrymount; Mr. and Mrs. John Blench. BaM Hill; a Stanton. Francois Lake. IIOTM, AltlllVALS Cent nil CI B. OUleaple, Queen Charlotte; O. Irickson. Vancouver; H. Howard. Seattle; J. Hlgnall, Prince Rupert; D. MoN. Love. A. H. Thomson and j. u. Copeman. Dorrren; A. J. Hunter, Rainy River; o. Dardal, C.NJl. toy Mrs. L. Van Winkle, Burns Lake: n. Gibson, Port Rsslngton; Ben Peterson. Hsaelton: Josiph O'Hsra, Kamloops; J. N. MoPheo. Butedaie; Martin Wall. City; R. Earl Chambers, Skeena. Prince Kuprrt Hugh MacC Wood worth and C. E. Imeson, Vancouver: H. E. Denton, por-" her Island; Joseph 8. Rogers, city; H O. Olaen and J. W. Fc. Southern; n. B ram ley, Naaalmo. Advertise In The Dsllv Niws --- . ,! TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR 8ALE. S1000 BUYS A NEWLY finished house. S rooms, bathroom, pantry and basement. Handy to saw- mill. Phone Black 821 tf FOR RENT ONE GOOD APARTMENT with three bedrooms. Down' town. Stork block. Apply Stork's Hardware! tf Advertise In The Dally Ntra III I II Wll SALE SALE TP?I TO a A Window Panels Imported Direct From Nottingham, England A Special Tuscan Net, 3G inches wide and-2U nil fringed ends, each Heavy Tuscan Net, a new design, :il inches wide, 2 t long, scalloped and fringed end each .sd, Tuscan Net, fringed ends, tape edge. Very prctt !. Heavy all-over bonders. 30 inches wide, 2Vi y. r. ! Each Tuscan Net, scalloped with knotted fringed ends. K; i tern, 40 inches wide, 1 yards long. Each SI Silk Tuscan Panels, prutty all-over design. Will wa wear well. Silk French bullion fringed ends, :;ii , wide and 214 yards long. Each s2 i , Silk Tuscan Net, silk bullion frim'cd cud- , cheruli Guaranteed to wash. Size 42 itu-lu.s wide, 2 '4 van Very special, each s., . Our Sale of Household Sheetings, Towels, Blanket s i continue! Fraser The Universal Trading Co. WESTHOLME THE MONDAY ONLY. 7 and 9 p.m. "Bitter Apples" MONTE IU.UB, MYKNA LOY. SYDNEY DE CRAY. COMEDY "SHELL SOCKED" INTERNATIONAL NEWS Hruno Nordenstrome, Vocalist, in Swedish Song.- Admission Mc and 10c OUR SALE Continues Till further notice and you can't afford to lt the spci Bargains we have to offer Besides those already advertised, we have the f u at greatly reduced prices: Ladles' House Slippers, to clear at $ no Doys' Rubber lloots, sites 1 to ft, to clear at is I Youths' Rubber Boots, sizes 11 to 1.1, to clear at Men's Felt Slippers, to clear at Hell's Felt Slippers, to clear at , . , K l' Men's Knee Rubber Boots, good uality.'to dear at". ' SI r, 8 skeins Shetland Floss for m Children's Sleepers, for sale at $ oil White Flannelette, on sale at yards for k Kitchen Towelling, on sale at 7 yards for si 00 Pillow Tubing, to clear at per yard ... . JABOUR Phone CIS, JANUARY Clearance SALE Special Bargain Tables 25c 50c 95c DRESSES AT COST pRn K Bargains In all Lines H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9 (canadian VACinc Jaiwv - Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings'f rom Prince Rupert ran. .h... u.j. r: Jr.:i" lr" for ... ;knr.,r,U."r,'n' """""ft,!' r ..W- & .OSWHKII. Oeneral At!? ""nfl'" - " .r .n ,r arenue, W HIH !! IMI mmiiiTrti-T-r-rnnf iTTlUltSI I I II 'IP SI US of sat w Vft w m mm & Payne ATRE PAUL ELLIS. ( . II. M All i HUHY IJLAINE and utlier BROS., LTD. :ird Avenue and 7tli S 3rd Ave. and Fulion ". Nsmu. ai Irmn- l-rince Itupert. lie. Phone Si