I rrBi i' Koi'H'K I- I'r-t:' "lll I '- lt97 10, 1928 YATEnNOTICE "'V V , e that Robert M. IT'K1 .nines 111 1416 l Ave. r i B.C.. win apply tir h and use i!0,(WO gallons . ,;! out of small creek, , i, flows southerly and Inlet. Q.C. Inland" NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby glren to . " the Municipality of the in- Rupert that I require . if Hie said leclors at City Ninth day of January, I Baa. 1 ' k nueii. for the purpoM' p ersons to repreaent them : Mdi'rmen, or Brhool Tnis- i f nomination of cancli-1 c follows. j : slnill be nominated j if wntiim shall be sub- a i i rlBctors of the munirip.il- 1 r nnd leeonder, and shall ' the Returning Officer at een tlie date of the n y- . p M of the day of nam In- J I writing may be In the -ft 3 in the Schedule r . .! EKctton AM - ana shall retldence, and "-'-. i reoi vern himself, acoordlnvl I,:- my hand at City Hall, i . o! December. lfI7. C. F. JOKES. Returning Officer LAND ACT. Ill INTENTION TO IO I.E.HB L.M 'Mn. in about liUdei '' and shout AfPl.V Hupert Land Recording Die ROBERTSON, LAND ACT Applicant CAMILLE TO BE HERE WEEK END 1.T..rtB',Vt',$"Ptr nn? Sappho and Other . .averted from tb stream Jlislorlc I' to urea lo le Keen ,i,,ut 200 feet from shore n ('la-nip i . . hrmiuh twentv-four acrei Pi' 1 ' . . i.mier lease, and will Le i . . ,.;iAl purpose upon the, "ng in one scene all the moat "i,d" an npplK'tl pr to laaae fumou Irene of hlatory, the .makers : Huston , Uilin.. Hornby . or N(jrm ... TWmadge's modern screen play,' e was rotd onrfhe ground rCltmlu'' nave selected the pick of uy of December, 1937 a Hollywood beauties to portrv CleoDat " not to and an application gaDDho PPno, nil 0,1 n end ,k ! "Witter ' othera whose se- , ivo an to the Act." filed in the offloe of theiductlvo charma swayed men and na-,niir at Prince Rupert, B.C. tlons. :,: 'r.d"ttl'SLSS?r 5 , .ncl.t, m.di.vai comptroller comptroller of. Water Sights. iaii. nd - modern sirens irviia which wmcn forms lorms one one of of "Callff Jn wn. Bov WEEK AT TIIBATIiK. Monday 'Bitter Apples." Comedy Shell Shocked.' International News. Tut -4.it C'omidy "Clraiidpii vinlnPMla.i nd Thiir-ilar Tho H..or Nm Comedy: New Wrinkles." Friday :(! siitiinlsy. Norma Talmade In "CamlHe ' ixMic of them all. enters and her cna with shrill vituperation - - . . i Shlpwnck fellows pirate ir land District. Land Record- .,.,... it of Teleirranh DmI. aim "'' -ui n Trapiier. Intent ts apply ,th !1 tnry of tbe elemenu: f the following described , . mg at a pott planted at the 1 - ei:ri of aiadys Lake, about ' n "rth of the mouth of Fisn r in -ncc one mile west; thence M'utii, thonos one smile oast: i- mile north, and containing . more or leas. 1 JOHN ALFRED LKUHtUX. "I Oecember B. 1921. LAND ACT V'M I OK ISTHNTiON TO APPLY TO ri HI II.1NE LANII IKFERWRITY COMPLEX lege. SEEN IN "POOR NUT v uvbupaiviuu CMReVU vsfcse- niafa TB TiB I iU IVUurn TlVtJVJPSX " inferiority com, "iien-lng st a pest plan ted at the gives him tlie title of the 'h.Mi u'.. .. 1or'."r-J'. i T.. V- "' A Zi Throurh Through the the influence iniiuence 01 of li n The play "f the same title, from wh 11 'fir lr 1 I SR. a a .. . a. I LAND ACT Pro- terly from miners "bin at liead r r Applicant. f i ...' rrharlnrts t.l.nlA (lfa- li.d name which his father has left. lands ;rtg tltust on. ordering players at the cast. j PETER KYNE STORY I BUCKLEYS , "w " 1 A TURE Ur , ,. i ihiH notice in a local newn-; at tne Duma heroine's home. The III li l 1 1 i 'ix-"'li:' date of the ftfsl puhMCatlon notable Ixreleto, Who played have- with .Vaw ROBERT 11 CVHdjM. iiixijL.... . . . . ; Appucant : t t "CALIFORNIA" TUESDAY Peter B Kyne. author of many West- em fiction stories for book. American marine officer for tbe daughter pttetirttA. nai: brings it ax on from even the other I lltu' nortta s.'iens. She It tlie la.' ward in women1 : -;l by mi-.", a girl who hat dukes .-.nd p:;untt at her feet, but who finally t -e of wealth and gaiety and gives her u.ie on tne soumwesi Cir- ltl!.,rt s comparatively poor youth. . anted bay on the south. . , .. ' . -Canime. w chanal. Graham Island ! Thrt 14 the siren who ' Inlands, in the Provuin ; found her soul ., '.3t!l?'. .w . The ' picture is to be shown here at IK K that Arthur Robertson. nr. occupation a lumber- , lte week-end to apply for s lease of ; de'crlbed lands: u at a post planted about riy froa the mouth of rrek flowftig into an an-:i the south bank 'if Port Island Quest) Charlotte n'-e of British Columbia . .m southerly: thence 10 v thence 4 chains aor-ti rellne: thence following e point of cmatenc. lining 3 arres. more tr :.edl A. HATE TURNS TO LOVE Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert JAN'l.lKV 1. 1911. Candidates are nominated a follows for the municipal election this week: for mayor, Thomas MoClymoot. O. H. Nelson. W. H. Montgomery and R. M. attle and airs. Hugo Johnston of Seal Cove. ' 10 " ""d PP'1' lh - JtteSt 1 ,2 J Blur River. 'orn"' P?; . ;IUIWM funeral service aUV.UV was WM held UVIH this WH afternoon 1 LI IWWU furious Editor Dally News, for the Will you kindly grant me the favor i. n.J,,lJir'L. Vyi.H.: k. i,.. .nri ,t it there Is of s little of your space in which to Applicant. I. AT BAPTIST CHURCH Kropeiilnf f Ituildlug Murketl hy Mtle ilex" that piHir nut. j rth. more or lea, to high water girl and the ami-ty to run on me ....-1 anil Ilea era The services in the Baptist Church SHE DAILY HEWS " page nva tmzmm WEEK'S SURVEY mKe This When "Flu" Threatens Doo'l wait until yss'rs . . w"h L Grippe or Flu bfiore puaaJvtly ending thai cold wttla Buckley'i Mh f.T' 'brv,,r of BUCklryj" i rovc ill umL,. p"er to n!lrv any - uZ. . I , u "uw at ,' . ff iUit icmptnlti .V flrr, hi tit, k) or n, uraltu. fkt IAXHYMIN ana budl Vks relit) LOCAL MARKET Utile Change In Prices; Marmalade Oranges Next Week I The week survey of the local markets discloses little change ilnce last ! week and provide little worthy of ' special note. There has been little variation in prices either, j In the grocery stores, the promised ; Increase In the price of matches Is now In force. Anjou peers and red grspes i are showing about the tat tor the sea son. Next week, tbe ealy shipment of ' marmalade orange will be available, lime was when bitter oranges were rn great demand for marmalade, but nowadays people are not so particular as I to wt they eall marmalade, and play in Interest. Charlie Murray in the np tTUit' or-n and lemons role of an Irish athletic trainer helps re often to en- Doth ln8'y Jack along m splendid shape with the to-Utr. to one Jr and the one word comedy, as do Jan Wlnton and Jean "oiMmalade" whose etymology is snroud- Arthur the twn nnnm.i f.mii. ed In Bryetenr, eoven the lot. Why this vltamln-aboundlng delectable mixture should be called marmalade and why its mannlMtur uatU very recent yeafs has been confined to the towns of Dundee and Paisley In Scotland these are two questions never satisfactorily cleared up. Like the word golf -or "gawff" to give It tl'f colloquial pronunciation. Why OowfM? But AO one kaowel It ;"d, fT. Wr ,t0rT on wh,ch e WO. a yet wit the turf whtoh . Tim latest Metro- McCoy, California th pay. And lu derivation Ooldwyn-itayer historical Western nim ULt tbt 3ntramlmit u tort to the I iiiiiiv. wmm t. af Hnmtlak aatlaiiltw It hut i.i ir .ption of each person pro- Krsry Kat comedy c:.rtcon "Busy , The ttory is a particularly colorful one thZllJL Lr L, And n"tbCT h... "-erthsJade nor golf have li mnnner as suf.'lcieiitl) Blrd mS 1 nd th the most ,,, uj. tJe of H candidate: end in the! I p.Lh, I typical earty , jpoo4 to kBftke either. Both l I uc necessary such poll T vic California ilnoe "The Olrt of the OoWen With io, atus t&etr rutMtw n.tiorui Characteristic, fc.r.,L.ri 1 are . .1 uu the Twelfth day of :H ?l cil7 JiiSLj1. r'fh scattered toortdwlde. and aDnarentl so- heum in each period, are represented. OI weaixny opsnwn lamiiy at the priom eurreatl are as follows: A: the peak of the feitlv:tle the "Lsdy tlm of th Amrtcn occupaUon of the LAHH oi the Camellias." most fascinating and 1 lfrrllry during the Mexican War. Dor- ,' . : oiny oeDaanan nan tne role oi the Deau- ci:naiinrt 8X1. fresh pullets B.C. fresh, firsts . T.C. fresh, extras . IM MHWTC DI llC DI A V N'wUm; utKmn- H B. Rochestsr. neastuaj cMtkea. Ih. Ill lUUniL, DLiULi 1 Lim lO B. Oaeey, a J. D. Sottth. . Pork, leg ! wl" he out of the water for a Reordlns District of Probably Beef, roast ,u ,hr nlre1 o hundreds, especi- pot .,i H".,wn7 t Heado all, that of M.rl. and Kef.nl K.nco pv Bi. bollln, DOU new sim I Wueen Ctiarlotte Ialandu .uyrna 1 .y md Pul Ellis), children of wataueo. u oolumb,ut ', rulnMl r,.dlUr who has committed P""1 two 25c 20c aoc 60c Bsc 70e B.C.'tonte. ftasts Me ri.su Smoked kippers, lb. ISc Kippered salmea, lb 25c feaeked htsek eed. lb 20c r uawHi neosaes, iu me MKATS rowL No. 1. Us. 38c and 49c 6 Haas. sUeed. Orat sn4e .. &Qo See Terriflr iirv of Hassan Passion Is ateakui. Mrs. w. J. lUrkpatrick. W. l. Haas, ptcnlc. Ih, Ue That of lUttef AptHe" jBarrte. Fred Shaw. A. H. SUvereldea. D. i Cottage rolls, lb. Mc w Morrtsaey. Prank Clapp, P W. Hart Baeon. haok. sUssd Wc ait lite Blue stir of Bitter Apples." , rw na nauu. lur Kmn ooaso. mm. gaeon. Me Sflc te C0c here t might, give a performance wlllch W. T. Rergto. Hies R. M. Oaelea and pork. Jry salt 36c will add latirf! to his slready great "wwrson. kw pouee commie- , Ayrshire kaeoo. lb 35o lame lonar. 8 D. MacdonaM. Oeorge HUl.Veal. shoulder 2&c H i. et Jnha Wuanta son at i Capt. f. Hon Ik, J. O. SVsen and O. J. VeaL lain " 4Qs is defaulting bank president, who, dying. "1IM in INTENTION TO APPLY T'i,ss left the fury of bankrupted depost. 'r lo tv me. by b boy. heir to the Dyhhavn. D. C. ReRae. Thomas Me- , Ram. whole, first (reuse having annual overhaul at real, leg 3V Perk, shetrider Me The O T P. motorshlp Tillamook la pat aqc 35e ISe to toe Ittac to 1 8c kins Comoant apany U Limited of suicide. .w . , .... Lamb, chops 60c i (-CUDS' i- vi appi; t neseri h57 ,tlon Bain Tbe death occurred in the Prince nM Beef, steak Me to 48c I Beef, doaat. prime rib 34c monCan-i wvneots to earaoe from the dlatres- ... . . Umb. shoulder 39c for a lease of "- sfter . his st .,. upen oenerai Hospital yesteroay oi utton . 1-",':Z1.-Vn .boulder soo Lixsriausc KsaaaitiBsr imu " v an i rerun ir n i nes rswnimiiiRi ui vaJirnuvcT 'f "omrrnoXnt! 2aT ooS D. f" " commencement, and con - " r" more or less. H Ml I NO ft PACKING CO LTD Applicant. M. If. English. Agent ' -..her 22 Iffge. LAND A(T nni as a sienaru. wuia u m iwi-ivw pu-fengrr Hr scheme m to make love w rsv t yung Wyn.ote msrry him. and II n then turn en the torture This she does. II Ifl X he LCllCr In liOX $arcely have the words of the cere- Jl sassxa w ah in Uft the CSDtSln'S h turn" on hr "l huhn,'j INTENTION TO PPLY Id LEASE LAM) 1IVE YEAR'! SERVICE. Iamb, leg 48c creek called Twin Hoiir tor dollar aecidaa to take . ... . Mutton, ,. . . chops . 46e Hl'TTER Bhaaareck Bhasseock and and Brookfleld, Woodland lh No E.CD., Ib m Oaaitel. Sad grade, lb. 4Se Fraser Taller. Ib. Ate K I MM faaluS In hulk SA prlnto toe Alberta Creamery . . . t see CHEESE CMMMbrrt cheeee. 8 oe. pkg. Qic Kraft Umberger, 4"s 3oo it to allien ncrtbeast of the ..-.ai .nrtine for whim he has ihank those wTto voted for me in the , Ontario , eollde , 35c Ut elecUon. - New Zaand solkh municipal V which to RorUi 'triven. and calm seas on pur- ,bl K.1..-1 hoMvmoon ! ' ' re-election on this RUltoit lb. .......... notice that I, John Alfred; , ,., H,.m. huminB. occasion after five year service of the Kraft nf aiariva TaIm amp Afcltn ' ncara at wanes womsaniv aiiriuej naj.nvrwfgesa uosi perMd. period, which which eommittee eommittee ivswirtarwlewa irMWapolewa Lrmbergrr Lrmbergrr t building In the morning the junior . Carrot, aack tch oholr gave special mualoal number. The Potato, lb. .44.;..... Vev"' of this ..,.i.if., responsible for- the, mMetful jNem!Roqueft?i..t...v.,..-;fiAJ..., 4ad iff cahVeHlng our teaaorsry roads , Swifta' Brookfleld. li. . ..'.;.... into permanent ones, I feel that my x- OorionM. Ib periei'ce may be of help to my succe sors and therefore stand ready to give Jsrk Mn'hall r.Hlng at Mld-week hi them the benefit of It at any Uaa. ay milege Plu Vlwl iedv ; slm being to do all I can to help the j development of our city. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for pub-... Jack Mulhall come st the mid-week; .... eharaetenmtion. 1 "hing thla I remain, yours truly. lit an .tv.,.. 1 Jack has been the smlltnn Irish lad j and tbe tounh egg" In so many pic ' 11 mge 5 Und Iteoordlng Dlstrlot of ' mres that hl tans will hardly recognlre SPECIAL SERVICES n.ijrri, man uwvtm i ine nor- him when tny nim m 1AKK NOTICE that J. H. Todd & tHotWt I In thin f.tyry of collegr III' Jii:k ' il lM I M.ntiiuvlM n 1 . t - .s...l,..,t ir U, itllf. R. r. PERRY. 1,u'ed Deoemhsr lath 1 km wr this olcture hm adapted, ran in " , houses. , organ reoltal by W. V.ugha. .Dae Paratoy. bunch 17.7 I York for a full yar to packed 'OVKHNMENT LIQUOR ACT tbt picture 1. said to .urpa the who doMrated in a Wrful way Oawiflewer. B.O.. heed ... NTH'B.OF Al'I'l.lrATJOX IX)U IIEF.K .iiLirnvrr. rrs n!Ci? ". fltin that on ! NOTICE f, Tlri,F'APr,'V T nocll', ,nd Snmx ' ' i l?"e t,brUnT Vndr" 1 eesalonal." both Of wh ;;; Board ,a for ."llceno. 'to respect ! In Prince RV&StQ.Se'o i PPr"td- 0001 oholr lKln bulltSng trict, and sifuafc t Huaton Inlet, Queen I bel , '.L P" MM them, ' the aolo solo part part Ml C'imniercial Hotel" altiiata al 1 Ohnrlotte Islands. . . .. I I . . aang an aa being ably takan by Oalttornia celery, head Itothoure tomatoes, lb. 8r4hb. leesl. lb. aaaarat TAKE ftlpfl NOTICE that Robert M. Ourrle, R Howard. The pastor gave an eloquent NeW BX3 Oabhage. lh. ' n . f B,.fT"J. l RuJrt' 10 th 01 .v,n?ou-;'. iwtoTs ias4 of Mnm wnlon w" "7 tne oookln onloTM. 8 lb for 1 l.r.R TO:JH.tt? , K&t &8'lSVm" I ".Ml congregation with keen tpreola- KRl!IT I' ';,;;;'-'- " .11. Block NITo . a-1 Commencing Hi. Man Ma. !rlni ftumrt nnrtheaat wirner about 1.000 fe " ' "ion ijisirict. In the S0C aa 4JC C5C 740 McHtrto" Cream. Jar ... tic and 85c Bros field Swl oheese, (b. pkg. 30e oekheed OanMlaa cheese, ) lh. peg. 20 Oruyere , 4e O olden Loaf. ib. 45c Jack. lb. 50c Romano Sard, lh. ?6c aammeloat. lb. 30c 8LOAR White, per 100 17.28 Yellow, per 100 ITOl'll Flour. 44 V NO. 1 hard wheat. Pastry fkatr, Mrs Pastry flour, 49' VEGETABLES Deeta. 5 lb. tor ..' 280 to 3e 400 aoe ..; Oo , 35o lanted , tlon Orancea. Valencia, down... 40c to ii.oo . fh iu.0 new iiawi ara i Ula laac uwl In m . I u,... c , ... 1. 1.. .iiiid f.r i .. "'."ZL.:Z bv ...V.A Huston iniet. Inlet, theno thence westerly ;.riy 30 comfort ana wqiwrneosnip ana we imperial Valley Grapefruit or liv lh. u... .ii ir?,.. w.i,.. Il,nre ih.nr. aoutherlv nolltlieriV about aOOU'. 13 14 olia Oliailli, ()f me iw. ,nven. huukist, oocen ,. aoo and w 3 for 95 church pi-esented a beautiful Interior Florid grapefruit, cacti 15c ' " ' " J. .. " rv A f 10ii5 i M U acre! more - and , ...i . also added to Its attractive- honsy. lb 85c fuARtWift. ' KOUitlir M. OOIUUK.. Red Maws, lb ?5a of HacJetj4to 2 lb. 25c 3 T Apples 36c Peaches, peeled 25c Apricots, rh 0q Pnmee. 80-100. 3 lbs tc 25 lb. box .2.00 Pruaea. 60.10. Ih 10. Prunes. 30-40 and 40-50. Ib lie 28 lb. box 8.T5 Evaporated peers, halves, lb 28c 25 lb box 8540 Poultry Special egfmi Oyster shell ... Scratoh food ... Beef sertp Oround oil cake Baby chick feed Fine oat chops , Crushed oats NUT 88 78 1 Almonds, shelled Valencies 08c jBrarlla 88c 82.75 1 Walnuts, broken shelled 50c . 88c I Walnuta, ahclled halves Ote. 82.00 1 Almond 35c I Peanuts 80c 2o , Manchurlan walnut 36c ;:". 'hence eoutlieriy' along high " aer path Jack nalns his proper equlll- yesterday were of a special nature to Reeta, aack 83.78 CsKtornla walnut 40c r i , irk to the point of commence- , ,h. i,lni I)f me col-i mark the re-openlag of the rendMtad Osrrota, new, 8 lbs. lor 38c No. 1 mixed nuta S6c "m containing coiuainine 50 no scras. acre, more more or or - i.imi.. 3. H TODD ft SONS, LTD. ....3.28! New fUtierU 25o 25c 32.35 100 10ata ISe aad 20c Bran nrnltt " II If UIH UI MIUIU WOIUID. r.a h.Mll . . .k , n. . K.w.w - 1 twv, aw, ,,...,, tw . onorta Miaa B. Davis iMlr4 '"Be Shall feed ' Spanish onions, 8 lbs 36o UiUUlUige . wntch '"were much R-1 leek, buneh toe saris rr.Eii ' 100 lbs. I Wheat. No. 8 83.00 1 , . . . JasHsBssalssBBBBBaBBsBBl ,. M.70! . $2.1)0 ! . 33.10 j r 33.15 1 83 30 83.00 82.20 IJ.20 33.00 34J8 1425 83.M 82.08 Mb barley chop 33M Whole corn 83 30 Cracked corn S '0 Fin eoromal 3J0 your copy or The Daily News every night by having it delivered to your address hy carrier paid in advance will bring it to.you every night for" a year Keep Yourself Well Posted 'about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading -regularly .' THE DAILY NEWS IT WILL PAY YOU! Daies, bulk. J iv. for 25c Rs tains, bulk, per Ib Me sih rsnawea, s is, war soc j California layer fig, per brick. . 20c California Dainty Date, package .. 25c Winter Peers, d'AnJou. per bos . . et.M Per dare Me and '60c Spltrenberga, "C" grade 3.50 Fancy W 7 Extra fancy .400 Deildoua, tansy m oo Extra fancy 14.25 Rome Beauties, fancy 8325 Extra fancy W50 JaB Oranges, per hex 11.08 Navel enoM 40e to 1.00 1IRIKII FRUTS 4UTXZ.V4 R11U Wl incafV W sessssease wv TOrttJltron peel 0a 7c 45c 'white white fie. figs, Currants, 3 lot. Sto DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST nilKA.KKAST. FQ0D.' r" Smoked Dnlly by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C )h I'rinre Rupert. n.c S. A. McPHERSON (Baritone) Teacher of Singing Studio PLAYERS' CI.UU ROOMS 2nd Avenue , Appointment and terms at McLaren's; Music Shop. Interviews Invited Kitchen Clothes Drying Racks' To Ilanj: from the Ceiling Five bars wide and six feet long. Complete with ropes and pulley, each , OpUM Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 2SS Tlilrd Avenue I'rtnce Rupert