THE DAILY EWS. Saturday | G. H. Arnold - - Notary Public WANTED We want listing of Stewart lots. If they are well lo cated and cheap we can sell them for you. : We buy Victory Bonds and U.8. Libefty Bonds. No de “” lay—Highest prices paid. " H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. A Insurance Real Estate Bonds Prince Rupert Ory Dock & Engineering Co, Boats of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. Several section, one of boats can be docked together on making fees light. Large stock materiéis is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries Solicited. Designs and Patterne Made and Furnished. small repair Mi. Stephens NOTARY PUBLIC 6-Roomed modern house and lot English Hill, $2,625, terms. 6-Roomed semi-bungalo, 4th Ave., East, built in buffet, MANY MILLIONS Gives some Startling Figures Regarding Wealth of Province. Double Corner Sixth Avenue M. M. Stephens LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE ‘forest land in the province i ;cen. of the total land area. Commission of Conservation for FOR SALE A fine seven-room house with bath, excellent harbor view, in Section Seven. This house is plastered, has elec- } } | | of British Columbia. Great Quantities of Pulpwood. | == FIRE DESTROYS WORTH TIMBER Conservation Committee's Repor® fireplace, etc., $3,500 _ terms. In the report of the Commission 8-Roomed house 5th Ave., of Conservation on the forests of W., modern, $3,250 terms. British Columbia, prepared by H. N. Whitford, Ph. D., and Roland and Tatlow St. $1,750. D. Craig, F.E., under the direc- One nice lot near Drydock tion of Clyde Leavitt, Chief For $200, ester to the Commission, it is es. |timated that the total amount of |149,344 square miles, or 42.2 per The report, which is a volume pot over 400 pages, is the result of jan investigation conducted by the the purpose of obtaining the most accurate information possible of the extent of the forest resoufces It will be seen that of spruce, hemlock, balsam and cottonwood, tric lights and furnace heat. It cost $3,100 to build it a few years ago, cxclusive of wide lot. we are St. Regis Cafe (J. ©. GAVIGAN, Prop.) For a cash sale permitted to offer this property for - $2500.00 McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Insurance Real Estate Prince Rupert, B. C. Is It the Cook? Or is It the Baker? These American visitors who spent four days in town last week positively they are coming back by wy of Rupert, so that they ean enjoy another meal at the St. Regis. Some say our took a wonder. Others say is the baker. Which? state 1s ee Special for a Few Days ower Niagara Falls Brand Stendard Peas 15c per tin fupet Table Supply Co, PHONES 211, 212 the species suitable for the man- ufacture of pulp, there is 170 billion feet, to which may be ad- ded about 9 billion feet of small timber which was not included in ihe estimate of the saw material on the coast. At 700 board feet per cord, this makes 255 million cords of pulpwood available in the province, Of the 149,334 square miles of forest land only about one-third now carries timber of commer- cial value, and on 97,333 square miles of forest land the mer- chantable timber has been cut or destroyed by fire, aceording to the 1eport. Previous to 1917, only about 30 billion feet hag been cut in the province. Since most of this timber was cut on the coast, and from the heavier stands, the area logged probably does not ex- ceed 2,000 square miles. The orests on the remaining 95,333 square miles have been devoured by fire. The report eStimates that be- sides the area on which the com. mercial timber has been com- pletely devastated by fire, about one-half of the area still tim- bered with merchantable stands has suffered severely from fire. ee ee 1 aoe News Notes ee et ee Fe Fe ee ee et Fee Fountain pens free. See our windows. Fuller's. Phone 45. + . ° Big Bargains. Remnants. Wallace's Wednesday. 58 * . , Rh. K, Neill arrived from Stew- is morning. art by launch th * . . Just arrived, a car of Beaver Board. A, W. Edge Co., distribu- tors. tf . . . Mrs. Bowness and family left for Vancouver on the boat yes- terday evening. e . . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Keith, of Terrace, arrived from the interior on last evening's train. . . . J. W. Patterson of the drydock, was a passenger for the south on the Prince Rupert yesterday. . . Another big dance at the Rink Tuesday evening, July 8. Gray's orchestra. Refreshments served. . * . F. H. Mobley left on a_ two weeks’ trip to the southern coast cities by the Grand Trunk steam er last night. K. T. Kingsley, who has been here for the past week in connec- tion’ with labor matters returned - . to the south on the boat last night. * . . The Bank of Montreal has opened a branch at Terrace, B. C., in temporary premises pend- ing the erection of a new build- ing. . . * Visitors from Anyox by last evening's boat include Geo. Geb- hardt, Charles Alfred Couture, J. J. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. H. Durham, . H. Richardson, the well known Catcher for the Prince Rupert From these figures and the aver- to the Government, for royalty alone, of over $325,000,- 000. The value from an industrial standpoint would be many times that amount.” “British Columbia can increase her ecut five-fold without en- dangering her forest capital,” says the report. From reliable data the report assumes that un- der reasonably effective protec- tion from fire, five million board feet is the average annual incre- ment for the British Columbia forests, and consequently this asset out drawing on the present forest capital. Ck Re ERED * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * eRe CR ee FOR SALE—Two trunks, $5 each. jthe Whalen Pulp and Pape: baseball team, was among those age stands on unburned areas,|leaving for Vancouver on the boat the report estimates that the/last night. amount of timber destroyed by = Ie fire in British Columbia amounts| The Grand Trunk tug Lorne to at least 650 billion feet, or|arrived back in port about eight almost 22 times as much as has/|0'’clock last night, having re’ un been cut by loggers. “If this tim-|¢4 from a towing trip to the ber had not been destroyed,” says| Queen Charlotte Islands the report, “it would represent an : : tier ae Sir George Bury, president of (ao, left for Hardy Bay on the Prince Rupert last evening. He route to the pulp mill at Quatsino . . . Mr. and Mrs. E. don, England, are visitors iw the city, having arrived on last night's train. Mr. Cotes is one of the large property holders in this city. is en Cotes, of Lon . . . Returned soldiers, dependents can and and drawings homes at widows obtain specifications for amount could be cut yearly with-|greatly reduced rates from Wil- liam Bruce, Architect, Smith Blk. Phone 127. if . . Up river arrivals over the weeh /end include Mrs. Bonns, Balmoral; iG, A, Taylor, Port Essington; W. Percival, Sunnyside; G. W. Smith, WEST"OLME TONIGHT The £ver Popular - Douglas TORK’ SELL TOVE LT Draven Gurneys commenced mak- ing stoves in 1848. Still in the same line of business 1919. Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert. ON SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 | Showing tonight at the Theatre, Empress Advertise in the Daily News. Fairbanks ‘He Comes up Smiling’ Valet to a pet canary—a new role for Douglas Fairbanks—and then the bird escapes. Some chase, believe me. PEARL : WHITE The Lightning Raider A wonderful episode of this great serial. Admission - - 30c and l5c eT Heater, $2. Apply 627 Ninth|Hazelton; A. M. Kipp, Port Es- Avenue. tf Sington, and E. L. Davies, Kit- omy een |wanga. LOST — Yellow canary. Finder o“e @ phone 546. Liberal reward. 58 | Frank Barnsley arrived in the city from the south yesterday on ithe Union steamship Chilliwack |Frank, who is a brother of the local agent, formerly lived here and ‘stopped off to greet his |friends while the boat was in port. : . * . Among those arriving in the city on Saturday from the north was Wm. MeNeish who has been on an extended trip through upper B. C. Mr. MeNeish is travelling audito@for the Workmen's Com- pensation Board and will be here for a short time before leaving for the south, Remnant Day, Wednesday. Wallace's. 168 . . . On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Woods entertained in honor of Jack Evans who arrived on the Grand Trunk boat on his way to Anyox on Saturday. There was a reunion of many members of the Welsh choir which was such a popular band of songsters in the early days. * . . Remnants of every description. Wallace's Wednesday. 58 Provincial Government Employ- nent Bureau and Soldiers’ Civil te-Establishment, temporary of- fiee 621 Becond Avenue, Prince tupert. Returned soldiers, men nd women requiring employ- nent of any kind should register vith the above. No fees charged. Phone 553. P. O. drawer 1674. Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf oe eee eee Bic FIRE SALE WANNA EACH DAY at 9.30 Be There Early! Tremendous Bargains! Everything Sold for Cash Only No Exchanges No Approvals FAMILY SHOE STORE GEO. HILL The Practical Shoemen E. R. TABRUM Phone 357 La Casse Bakery Another 200 Ibs. of Wedding Cakes Genoa and a Specialty Fruit Cake i vse ov vor me order, don't forget Domestic Bread The Bread with the Label Aiso all kinds of Pastry to be disposed of this week at 30c per Ib. 717 Third Avenue Phone 190 Synopsis of Land Act Amendments SEALED TENDERS addressed the ere sm of first-class land undersigned, and endorsed Tend for to an acre; second-class to Landing Float and Approach at Port Es $2.60 an acre. sington, B. ¢ will be received at this Pre-emption now confined to sur Mee until 42 o'clock noon, Thursday, veyed lands only. duly 31, 1918, for tne mstructiow of a Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes and which is non-timber land Partnership pre-emptions abolished but parties of not more than four may Landing Float and Approach at | t singion, Skeena District, B. ¢ Plans and formes of contract and ification and forms can be of tend tained at this Department, at th Mee arrange for adjacent pre-emptions of the District Engineer at Pr ' with joint residence, but each making B. ¢ and at the Post OMee, | Essing necessary improvements on respect!y« ton, B. ¢ claims Tenders will not be considered less Wel eushens must occupy claims for made on printed forms supplied by th five years and make improvements t Department and in accordance with con-| value of $10 per acre, including clear ditions contained therein ing and cultivation of at least 5 acres Each tender must be accompanied t before receiving Crown Grant an accepted cheque on a chartered bank | Where pre-emptor in occupation no! payable to the order of the Minister i less than 3 years, and has made pro Public Works, equal to 10 p.« f th portionate improvements, he may, be amount of the tender War Loan Bon cause of ili-health, or other cause, be of the Dominion will also be accepted as Granted intermediate certificate of im security, or War bonds and cheques if provement and transfer his claim required to make up an odd atmonnt Records without permanent resi NOTE.-Blue prints can be obtained at dence may be issued, provided appil this Department by depositing an ac cant makes improvements to extent of cepted bank cheque for the sum of #106 $300 per annum and records same each payable to the order of the Minister of year. Failure to make improvements Public Works, which will be returned if or record same will operate as for- the intending bidder submit a regular bid feiture. Title cannot be obtained ir By order, RK. f less than 6 years, and improvements of $10.00 per acre, including 5 acres cleared and cultivated, and residen of at least 2 years are required Pre-emptor holding Crown gra may record another pre emptic f he requires land in conjunction with h farm, without actual occupation, pr vided statutory improvements mad: and residence maintained on Crow granted land Unaurveyed areas not exceeding 2 acres, may be ieased as homesites title to be obtained after fulfilling res dential and improvement conditions. DESROCHERS Secretary e Public 26, Department of Ottawa, June Works 1919 For grazing and industria! purposes areas exo ing 640 acres may be NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS leased b one person or company Mill, factory or industrial sites on timber land not exceeding 40 acres may be purchased; conditions include Ocean Falls Court House. SEALED TENDERS superscribed “Tender | for Ocean Falls Court House” will be re 4 of stumpage ceived by the Honourable the Minister of » atural hay meadows inaccessible Public Works up to 12 o'clock noon of y existing roads may be purchased Wednesday, the 16th day of July, 1919 eaneene upon construction of a road for erection of a Court House at Ocean ~ a Rebate of one-half of cost of Falls, in the Prince Kupert Electoral Dis road, not .exceeding half of purchase trict, B. €. price, is made ° Plans and specifications an now he. PRE-EMPTORS’ FREE GRANTS seen at the office of Government Agent ACT Court House, Prince Rupert The wc f ; Lowest or any tender not necessarily includ eope of this Act is enlarged ¢ accepted. } i le all persons joining and serv A. E. FOREMAN ng with His Majesty's Forces The Public Works Engineer. | “ne withio which the heirs or dev Public Works Department . fo ender ee meee, apply Vietorta, B, C | for title under this Act is extended June 28, 1919 | from for one year from the death of , Sea it such Reweon. as formerly, unt e a nck er |} year after the conclusion of the present I THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH war. This privilege is also made re COLUMBIA | active a | © fees relating to pre-emptions a1 IN THE MATTER OF THE “ADMINISTRA.| ue or payable by soldiers on pre NON ACT |} @mptions recorded after June 26, i918 and | Taxes are remitted for five yeare IN T4t MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF} Provision for return of moneys a kh His TIAN TEODOR SKJELLUM DE-|. Crued, due and been paid since Auscus (EASPD, INTESTATE |” 4, 1914, on account of payments, fee | Or taxes on soldier pre-emptiqns TAKE NOTICE that in order of His Interest on agreements to pfirc!ase Hone |’. MeB. Young, made the 9th day town er city lots member of Miy, A.D. 1949, I was appointed Ad Allied Forces, or dependents, acquired minis ‘rater to the estate of Kristian Teo direct or in«direct,. remitted from en dor skjellum, deceased, and all parties| ‘“#tment to March 24. 1920. having claims against the said estate are | . hereby required to furnish same, proper! SUB-PURCNASERS OF CROWN bverifed LANDS to me, on or before the tst day of August, A.D. 1019, and all parties in cuzeviciee mace for issuance debited to the estate are required to pay G own grants to sub-purchasers ot ee of thelr indebydness to me cote sl ners rights fron me ' Who failed to complet JOHN H. MeMULLIN. urchase, involving forfeiture. on fu iment of nditions of 4 terest and taxes, \V'h ers do not claim whole of OfMfetal Administrator DATED this 3rd day of July, 1919 ——_—— ot purehase price due aed . ten oe . ; i . »¢ distributed reportionate ve Thr motorboat Nora left for whole area somite an tas be Stewart and way points this morn made by May 1, 1920 ing wih a full load of passengers GRAZING, Grazing Act, 1919, for systemat and fi sight. development of livestock ind istry pro vides for grazing districts and rat administration under Commis Annual grazing permits | ae se ———— To The Norfolk Rooms 6th Ave. and Fulton Street ione ved based on humbers ranged; priority for estab ished owner Rtox whners ma forta Assotiations for range manage |} ment. Free, or partially free, permits for settiers, campers or travel to ten head =m & Nice large Furnished Rooma for Gentlemen or Married Couples. for Fishermen, Swivels, 50c, dozen; hooks 3c each, Ful ler's, Lid. Phone 45. tl - - — - Advertise in the Daily News Tents. Pack sacks. Vamp outfits. Agent J. F. Maguire, Smith Biook. Every Convenience