Tuesday, July 3, 1928 hi THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE it- Mri. T. J. Shenton sails this afternoon 011 tbe Catala for Vancouver and Local and Persona! i jXJl service 1 Vancouver bland on a holiday visit. II. C. Prater, Inspector of schools, nciples o; n y sails this afternoon on the Catala. for. 4 a Taxi l'hone 4. Illj 4 Taxi. tX Victoria where be will be engaged in 14. s, .R I am bbbV asssl tbe summer work of marking exam DentUft. Dr. J. H O'mm Pbon 688 ination papers. BBSSSlI II ssssssss THE EM'ECTS OF LYMPH ATICgl.QN, .NERVES The last of the phynioloKical effects resulting from a subluxation of a vertebrae with consequent narrowing of the cor-upondlng intervertebral foramen (openfnKH) is, the influence which it exercises upon the lymphatics, and their effect on i he nerves which they Hupply. The lymphatic which pass through the intervertebral oienings have much to do with the metabolism of each segment of the spinal cord. If the nutrition of a certain segment, k faulty as a result 'of an insufficient supply of lymph, the uflnx exitability of that segment will be diminished. Consequently any incoming impulses to that segment will not result in u reflex action with the production of an outgoing impulse, und the tissues thus deprived of these necessary impulses will tail to function properly. When we consider that most of the vital functions are regulated by reactions in the brain and npinal cord, the part played by a subluxation in interfering with the nutrition of the central nervoua system takes on an adriftl significance. Such a condition of hypo-ex itability in always produced by , vertebral subluxation, li; such an event the lymphatic flow obstructed, and the corresponding segment of the spinal id and the spinal nerves merging through the narrowed openings between the spinal bones is improperly nourished, and diminution of Its irritability and power of conductivity results. From the foregoing it is apparent that the effects on nerve (unction attributed to vertebral subluxations are in perfect .iccord with accepted physiological facts and must therefor be mnidered scientifically correct.' To tecajiitulatc, nerve impulses tifavet along a nerve and all its branches and control i hi' ( inctioaal activity and organic integrity of the parts in which they end. Pressure upon these nerves will prevent the conduction of these impulses to the parts for which they are destined, without necessarily injuring the nerve itself. Vertebral subluxations are capable of producing foramina. Removal of thb pressure by correcting the subluxation will again permit the nerve to conduct impulses to the parts for which they are intended, and thus restore them to their normal condition. R. E. EYOLFSON Phone Hlue &.". CIIIUOIMtACTOK. N octal OW IS 623-3rd Avenue W. ime KODAKS, KODAK SUPPLIES FILMS Developing and Printing for Amateurs Six Hour Service. .Films left before 12 noon, prints ready 6 p.m. same day Qraies IM. 7w Pioneer Dritr?rzss THIRD AVE. tv SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?,200 "CATERPILLAR" Tractors for th K.ttMKR, tOGOKU, KOAI) HUILDBR, MINIMI FREIOHTKIt, AND MUNICIPALITY Wherever rugged power and performance arc demanded. .... LUtMtuw and Prices on Request SOLE DlffrKIBUTOHS FOR .C: MORRISON TH ACTOR & KQUIPMBNT CO., . Limited 19S8 STANDARD JUNK BUILDING VANCOUVER, LLC BEST DEFKCTIVH VISION. DEFECTIVE IIBAK-1NU. CATARRH and other organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, Phone 131. Wallace UUch. Open KvcningH Mrs. L. W. tu v; Patmore mim by tbe Miss Margaret Palmer sailed ytm-terday aftemebn em tbe Prince Oeorge (or Vancouver to school In tbe aoutb. Sallirdab, nlrn sailor It attend summer , Mr. and Mrs. J. C. aavlgan and famUjr returned to tbe - city on yesterday afternoon' train after having pent tbe week-end at Uak. 4 Anglican Sunday School Picnic to Dlgby Island, tomorrow, July 4. Boat leave Prince Rupert Boathouse at 1 o'clock. All Anglicans welcome. R. Boyd Young and daughter. Mum Ruth Young, of Port Simpson sailed yesterday afternoon by tbe Prince Oeorge on a trip to Vancouver. T. J. 8 hen ton, Inspector ct mines Or. H. T. Jamas, resident mining en glrsnr for the provincial go sen instant 4.4.4. 4.----4-..4---f--f ANNOUNCEMENTS Pioneer' P:rn:. July 8. m u W a UVlUsBHeBad Kd sV Add to the Jov of the open roa J this pleasure-giving refreshment. A sucar-coatetl 'Rum. that affords double value. Peppermint flavor in the aucar coating and peppermint flavored gum N ihiwe. wrrNSsW CI 9 e m b m - ry Between Smokes m m m I returned to tbe city on the Prince ; Oeorge yesterday morning from a trip to tbe AUln district on official duties, i 1 J. R. Morrison of tbe Fire Hall staff sailed Saturday night by the Prince 1 Rupert for a holiday trip to Vancouver and otber points In the south. Now then folks! Whet about that double load of box cuttings? Too kid- dies like to handle it. Can you beat it t t te-SO per load? Hyde transfer Pbone seo. tf A group of rant County Ontario. who have been making a trip Into Dawson, were as ssshgsrs avboavrd tbe Princess Kathleen Saturday afternoon returning south. Sergeant T. Van Dyk. Oamri Act enforceanaaU officer of tbe provincial police, returned to tbe city on Saturday afternoon's train from trjp to the ulterior on official duties. Mrs. B. Walker of, tbe Booth Mem orial teaching staff tad daughter. Mlas Muriel Walker, as lieu Saturday evening by tbe Prince Rupert to spend tbe summer vacation in tbe south. Presbyterian Sunday School Picnic on Thursday, July a. swats leave Kelson Trading Company's float from 1 until 3 o'clock Children meet at Church Hall at 1S-S0. Adults BOc. Children free. 1S6 issusaiil to Use etty on tse Prinoe Oeorge yaeterttsry morning from a trip to trie Talesnrpn Creek district on official duties. William Heaphy. son of K. Heaphy general manager of the Los Ansrele-j Lumber Products Oo.. wso a paarensrer aboard the Prince Charles yeate-rday bound from Seattle to Buckley Bay. where be will spend tbe summer. The Literal LasUs will entesrtsUn their friend at the fi fair toaiurisw aftersMMm fre tu eYferk. Am Interesting est Ut P- gram will He gfvea as4 lea wBI lie served. All llrrle are Iavi14 t C. P. R freighter Prlnceaa Capt. Albert Rtppon. arlved in port st 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon from the south and. after dlscbarsinc a cargo of freight consisting of twenty-ftv. tons of paper from Ocean Falls. which was reahlpped yesterday morning aboard the Princess Alice tc Juneau a carload of ltqurr for the government vendor and household effect for Oeorge O. Bushby. sailed at midnight for 8kagway with freight for the Yukon. C.tHli m TIIANKH The Dominion Day CnlebraUon Committee desire to sincerely thank the bust nw. firms of the etty and all others who contributed so well towards the ur;-rK!ul celebration of Canada x National Holiday. FairbanUs-Morsc Ball Bearing 'Pumps Our new bulletin tell why these pumps have actual efficiencies of from five to ten per cent better than others. They will be tent free on request. Ball bearing pumps are made in three designs and nil sizes. Let our engineering department discuss their merits with you. We can also supply the prime mover Fairbanks-Morse Ball Bearing Motors or Diesel Engines. We can thus study your pump problems intelligently and control every factor that enters into the building of the complete unit the pump and the prime mover. This means undivided responsibility. 0"Ae CANADIAN FaisliaiiKs Morse CO M PXKYJOmiUd For a Tazl Phone -0. tand, Central Hotel Oscar Hanson. Aid. O. P. Tinker sailed by tbe Prince Ktjpert Saturday night on a brief trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Mra. ftobert Arthur. 3r , sailed by the Prince Riapert Safcufday night for a holiday trip so Vevnesuvtr and Vic toria. xm Mrs. Jack Josxne ht on this morn tag's train for a holiday visit to Dundas. bar tonner fsota. and Toronto, Ontario. P. CaMaghan. of Aayox arrived in the city from Use smelter town on tbe Catala .Uls utrtujig and by train for a Vtat BssAm. Joseph Slganund of Qaeea Charlotte City was a passenger aboard the Prince John last evening, returning so tbe Islands after a busuMss trip to Vancouver. Moonlight excursion tickets can be had from tbe C. P. R. office or any member of tbe XI ka lodge. These to be exchanged for regular S. S. ticket. Pare ti ll. IM B. Rogers and' Maw. E. P. Oraasle of the local public school teaching staff sailed SatBrdsy night on the Prince Rupert tu apead tbe summer vacation at thctr respective homes in tbe south. Daring tbe month of Jvse the fire department responded to twelve alarms, r. hleh la rather more than usual. Tbe large majority of the sells were to bush fires causa d from the continued spell of hot. dry weather. An Adrten Van Sniderlln party of ten tourists from the Eastern Sates will arrive in tbe city by special ear attached to tomorrow nftvrnoon's regular train and sail by thf Prince Rupert to make tbe trip to Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. BesMon, Mr. and Mrs. Alex MoJtae and V. Wilkinson. returned to town last night after two day angling trip to Soawatlans Lake. They found the ftahlng good returning with a bag of forty-five aloe trout. The Ulieral ljulln. will rnlertaln their rrleniN at the Commodore Cafe tomorrow ultrriKHiii from X&Q tu otiotk. Ait Ititrrexlliig program will he ultra ami lea will be wrrtrd. All Interested are Invited to rome. Meth XMvies of the Soawatlans lke powrr plant and daughters. Mawes May Ann and La 11 tan Device, tailed Saturday night on the PrlnSe Rupert for Vancouver enrouta to Montreal, whence tt-ry will embark for a visit to tlielr former heme In ' Wales. They expect to return to the etty in Oc tober. Percy Anderson. for drunkenness. wn- fiiiadteeo. wjth the.opUoa of 30 dayx' tinprlsonaasnt, , .Lu,,.Qity police pour: ihu morning. Under the Indian jAqi ou a shiit chargt M Ann ,Get. I was mulcted, 10 and coots ,04' fourteen rltiyi. Joseph Moore, oa a charge of I '.i'eft of clothliix. was further remand-j "1 fir eight days. j A meeting of all those ladles Interested in the election of Jaa. 11. Thomp-j son will be held at the Osnservatlve 1 Club Rooms. Third Avenue, on Wed-. nesday evening. July 4 at 8 pjn. for th purpose of forming a working or-VHUlzatlon. All those ladles favoring th' rHiididature of Mr Thompson are ireiiutotta to atteud. 133 Wilfrid Oratton returned to the - city or inei;siajainii mpnung aner uv- hg Wpent.i&teUlu'&fsULWPremler, vis iting with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. knd Mrs. O. C. Arseneau. . Obrdon Wlamer, Vancouver barrister, who defended in one of the murder trials at the assizes here last . week and Andrew Blygh, sailed by the Princess Kathleen Saturday afternoon on their return south. Ulss N. Mallott and Miss Mary East-hope, Terrace school teachers, arrived in the city from the Interior on yes terday afternoon's train and will sail this evening on the Catala for Van ccuver to spend the summer holidays. Charles Wakefield Cadman. noted song composer, and his mother were passengers aboard tbe Princess Kathleen Saturday afternoon, returning to tbelr home In Hollywood. California, after having made tbe round trip to Skagway. Provincial Constable and Mrs. K. H. Mansell arrived In the city on yes- i terday afternoon's train from Vandcr-j hoof to take up residence. Constable i Mansell bsvlng been transferred to the city detachment of the provincial police here. Hiving provincial election ballot bexes for the AUln and Telegraph Creek districts respectively, D. Campbell and C. M. Mclntrre arrived In the 11 city frcm Anyox on the Catala this i morning and will proceed north by the Beta 11 Merchants' picnic will be betdjPnnce Rupert tomorrow afternoon. at XHgby Island, Thursday. July S. 154 1 Miss Rutfa Stewart. High School Mlas Irene MitehoU sailed Saturday night by tbe Prtnao Bupert on a boll-day trip to VasatMWver. teaefcer at Smlthers and formerly lo cated in Prince Rupert, arrived In the etty on Saturday afternoon's train from the interior to spend a few days visiting with local friends before proceeding to Vancouver for the summer holidays. The fire department responded to two calls during last night. At 10.30 pjn. there was a chimney tire at the home of H. L. Landry, Orsham Ave-aue. damage to the roof being of a minor nature. At 340 sun. s sidewalk at tbe earner of First Avenue and Third Street became alight from s otgarette butt. R. P. MeNatMbton. C.N.R. district passenger agent, will leave on tomor row morning 'a train tor Jasper Park, where be will meet the seventh annuel OtHR. petseoslly conducted tow pary numbering some 150 people from the East, which will arrive here by special train on Ssturdsy afternoon and sail that evening on the steamer Prince Oeorge for the south. After spending s few days in the city. Corp. Fred Markland. provincial police, salted by tbe Prince Oeorge yeeterdsy afternoon on his return to Vancouver, having in his charge Harry Smith of Maasett, who bss been com- mltted to the mental home at Coloults. Vancouver Island, and James Harris, who will serve two years In New West minster penitentiary for theft. HANDSOME YACHT FROM LOS ANGELES HERE AT lUgfe High Low High WEEK-END BOUND NORTH One of the most handsome and com modious power yachts which has ever bten seen st Prince Rupert was tbe Los Angeles cruiser Mallbu which arrived here on Sunday evening about S o'clock and cast anchor off the government wharf, continuing north to Ketchikan at 1040 yesterday morning In the course of a leisurely cruise to Alaskan waters. Looking almost like a small steamer with two masts and ample accommodation above decks, the Mallbu owned by Mrs. May K. ffUhdge of Los Aangeies who has a party of friends on board. Capt. Sor erect Is tbe master. The vessel had 1 power tender as large as tbe average pleasure boat here. High Low High High Low Advertise In Tbe Datlv Newt I'KINCE UUI'EKT TIDES TITMIAY. JI LY 3 . . 1:08 ajn. ) 7 " 14:12 pjn. 18.0 " TJ0 am. 3.6 " l-M pja. 8JI " WtDM.SllAV. Jl I.Y 4 VM SJi. 304 - 11:43 p.m. 18J " 844 ajn. X3 " 3048. pan. 74 " TIIUISIIAY. 41I.Y S 3:33 an. 304 " 18:35 pjfi. 184 " 9:10 IA 34 " . 31:13 PM, 7.8" IKIllAY. JILY li 3:01 aJU. 80.3 ft. 1:04 p.m. 184 " 9:47 a.m. 34 " 31 66 p.m 7.4 M MATt'KH.W. JI LY ' 3 43 s.m 134 ft. . 18.49 pm 18.1 " 10:38 a.m. 3.1 " 33.40 p.m. 7.4 " MMIAY. Jll.Y 8 4:30 am 189 ft. 17:33 pm 18.1 " 11:08 am 4.0 " ii.ii 74 " Jtl ta . J.. 1 T Koyal I 4 KvriliVViM reasons for Fireproof Wallboard CANADA GYPSOM AND ALABASTINK LIMITED. VANCOUVER, B.C. Sucuuart It Britiik Columbia CyPium Company. Limiui 42BC For Sale By Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. SECUKITY FlUST nsoranc e Co., Limited Liverpool, England Established 1815 Total Fund: ,$17:t,! ia,0(Ki.22. S. D. Johnston Company, Ltd. Agents HUNCE RUPERT. Canadian National Qid Largefl Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TKAIN SERVICE Sailings from PKIXCE KtTKItT for VAXt'Ol'YBR. VirrOKIt. HKATTLE. MONDAYS, TIIL'KSDAYS, 4.00 p JO . SATf K11AY8, 8.00 pja. For ANYOX and STElVAItT, MOMtAY'K. IKIDAYB, 440 pjn. For MASSETT INLET, SIOMIAY'S, 4 00 pjn. For SOUTH l)HEEN CilAltL4ITTE 1HLNIS, Fortnightly. For SKAUW.VY, MEUNEISDAYB, 4 00 pm. PASSaNOEK TKAINS LEAVE PRINCE IllTEUT DAILY EX CIPT Bl)J(llAY at 1140 a.n. for I'KINCE OEOKOE, EI1.MONTON, IVINNII'tO, all points Eastern Canada, United Ktales. 4HE.NCY 41.1. Of BAN STKAMSIIIP LIN EM. CITY TICKET 4IFIICE. MS TIIIHIi 441- MIIM t KlifERT. Phene M UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing from mm- Rupert, lor VANTOL'YER. VICTORIA, 8aiiM.n Day, llnteitsle. Alert liar, etc. TiipmIsv. i p.m. lor VA( Ol VI K. VICTORIA. lluteUle. Alert LMy. etc, Ssturdsy. 7 a.m. lor PORT MMI'MIS and NAAS ItlVTII lOINTH. Friday, lor ALICE ARM, AXYOX. STKWAltl. WALKS ISL.4NU. 1-OICT SIMI'SON. Sunday, 8 p.m. 133 Ind Avenue. ft. M. SMITH. Agent. ITInre Rupert- HC. Thruush tickets sold to Victoria and Seattle, and baggage etierked through to dektlnatlsr HEALTH FOLLOWS OUROraXTKCSRItKn fRDJUSt ON SflKAL (ctvumDisusnor TKcrouowmootsAitp 3Bk ,fia L (fVMSt 1 II TMor sans tHtAST IIIMI (I sVtf7stssr CfTSMACH moxtvj l'hone Green 241 or Rkck 383 W. C. ASPIALL CHIHOPRACTOK vJcrf"u"u 6 an(1 7 Exchange Block, l'rince Rupert, D.C. "rut a sir ro..vcfr' l Best ProciiraMe CJ ' (THE ORICLKAU ffi&Mil 'RICHEST IN FirJEST Ji HIGHLAND MALT aa ; fWill m4 snriHl bji WOm a3a4s4ss3 iic'i!iil4 TnriiiTlff" CnM t, 3i Lmmms cimIisMkIi .nd .stsKBBsaVr J-itVtlf Dit-anJMi mniww mi- tBSmmmmf-Xn This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Cintrol Board or by the Cioverument of British Columbia m ' - 4 .l..W