I) '! " d hw Mrul Tjnrprain f. sritsy. May 'Id, 1&2S uniting Sh oes Children, from . . . Mf i:yn. from $1.0.", . ..rtment vfr";, Men's Suits ';ivy BIup Serge, made mi ermine imported Eng-I materials by the bent Horn . . $20.00 up and Hoys' Pants from ....... $1.0.1 and Girls' Blazers, "in $1.75 up Silk and Woo v caters at prices :n per cent lean. Montreal Importers Third Avenue ): Miller. Proprietor Why Buy Cake? ! Vancouver when you . a better cjuulity cake per cent cheaper n your own city and iaily. l:i and Dark Fruit Cake, lOr ' " and Citron Cake twt Ac. with mixed fruit IOC m n :ike nt "Tit ' ake at -f to make your own -iierous by encour- workmen of your i 1 in . ' kkU are all made in i" Hakery and the ' '" In unxurpawd Electric Bakery V . Telephone fifi7 - V ALL ACE CO, LTD. i CTE CLEARANCE Ladies' and Children's Dresses M'e our Windows ! ATS ON SALE ' s"ecial Reduction P.S.WallaceCo.Ltd. Phone 9 1,1 Ave. and Fulton javySiiib and Ensemble Suits 'Demers" Waterfront Whiffs Trbljera Now Out In Full Numbers and DoinjIMrly Wetl-r- -'Hijrnal Has Engine Trouble' Ternen With early season priees standing around 17c und 18c for reds and Oc and 7c for whites, spring salmon trqllers in waters contiguous ' '" upen nave oeen doing quite well this spring. During the fiaat week or so there has been a considerable improvement in the run of figh but unfavorable weatfeer had been mitigating to some I extent against the success of oprtJns. Pretty nearly all the five hundred or so trailers, including JBfliaft", which operate ih these j waters are now out and, as far as trolling is concerned, the season j may be said to be practically in full awing. If prices remain firm tat the level which has prevailed for the 'first couple K of months the uw most off, ' . low II. from Warke Channel snri nt ine operators should make financial w , ... " ' luoeess of It- With a considerable ; number of new recruits in the game, It Menu probable that the district tleet this year will be the largest ever recorded. After having been confined to the Wclntty ol Warke Channel, operation are beginning to spread out and now there are reported to be about one hundred boat riahlng at Dundaa Is-land with thirty or forty at Stephens Island. A number of boats have gone out to Hippo Island, and. to the north of Orsham Island at North Island, considerable activity to also reported. Around Iddy Pass, near the entrance of Prince Bupert harbor, there 1 also a number of boats operating. A falling off In the run at Wars Channel Is reported Capt Johnny Clauson. with the El- mer C. urn osas sat forth In tbe "Pro vine ,ai ! ions Act. Dated at Prlnoe Bomert. B.C. this ho oay m Apru, ins MIBTOAR OF VOTERS, ltt Prance Bupert Electoral District LAND ACT SOTICK Or lNTt.HTKI.V TO AIM'LV TO l.atxl; utNII In Prince Bupert Land Recording Db-iritt uud situate on Mortiby bland ad-laoent to AlUfard sr-kidegete Inlet Qmn Charlotte Mands TAKE NOriCX that Pacific MlUs Limited of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation pulp and paper manufacturers, intends to apply for a lease of the following Commencing at a post planted at the charge a w corner oi b.tx.. ojri ir; tnenoe n degrees SO mlnuea West (Astronomic) 1300 ft : thence North SS Bliawia SO degrees wast (Astronomic) SMO ft.; thence North SO dsgrsat Bast (Astronomic I so ft. mofe fir Mm. to an lnter-action with the hum water mark of AllUord Say: themes toUewinc the aud high water mark Southerly to the oolnt of commenoetnent, save and exoept Ope island oonuining one acre mare at less and another Island contalnlna 0.20 acres, more or less- -the whole containing lit I'cres. more or aMS. PAOtFIC MILLS LIMITED. By Parker Samuel Bonney. Dated April la atMata ments. for the mirpose of obtjUi v" r- "n u w Dated 18th Apr.i I SUM 11 MINERAL ACT (Form F.) CEHTIMC.tTE or birilOVK-MKNT" SOT1CK Princess Pat. Lot 4gM; Pilot. Lot 47: R.A.F.. Lot 4SS8; ttaserver. Lot 38. Mineral Claims, situate In. the Atlln Mining Division of Cessjlar Dbtrlct. Where located On Munro Mountain about four miles from the town of Atlln. TAJCE NOTICE that wv.Jsmaa Stokss and & B Frr.ser. Free MlnaSUptf ng a Crown Oram m jnr v"""- And further take notice tbMthjn. under sec' Inn 85 must 1com betOte the ISStie OI sunn vrr.mi v. Jrent Form No 19. Sectum SB) LANDJUT. vilTH NtlTIl I t. Ol' INTENTION TO APPLY rl"K(,u, ,.AM in Prince Bupcrt7ur7d ,(0,Jnt froSI the trlct aud situate about 6 miles mouth of Khutae River TAKE NOTICE that Jj"1' of VanoOUver, Western Mining Campany " or-!'"'pARDOE WILSON, i Agent for Mining Co. Detroit Western ' ffted lH'h Ai)illL lM? mnuth of Khut"; n TAKE NOTlCf Western Mlnlnit ( B.C.. occupai",M"w; teriss to appjv ';" . chase the following the Detroit oi Vsncouver. ( iimpany. in--,ton to pur-neri lands tilanted ne UJt atH foot south of H ,.nHiiis thence thence sotlthwesierij ,tiui: theiur easterly i -'-..nrtheasterlv 100 i'Iik" an rhalns, niid runt F P thenre wenein ; iao ai'iv.v niori' ll Mining Stephens Island. The Northern British Columbia Hal-mon Fishermen's Ast .ciution. which came Into being during the past winter, bus been effective to some extent, It is said. In regulating the prices that have been paid for salmon locally this spring. The Association hue gone on record as approving the sale ol all salmon by the pound and not by the flab, receiving the general support of the trailers In this p.opona! although It may be Impossible lor the gill net-ters to dispose of their fish In the manner suggested. It Is also recommended that all fish bo weighed on the beam scale. While the prices shown atoove have been prevailing on the market In Unci ty. two cent less has been putd for red salmon on the ground on such in- Is packing in from Dundee Is- -lae water groups M jjundas land; Plewln Brown, with the Tap- TJtOVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT" ritim-r. in iniu i;i.i: toual DISTIIICT i NOTICE b berany siven that I shall Islnad and Warke Channel while three cents less Is paid at such outside points as Hippo and North Islands A difference of one cent less Is being generally allowed for white salmon on the !;rount;s KlflW.il. IUR THOCKLfc The halibut beat Signal, Capt. Paddy Ivarson. her engine broken down as a result of shsft trouble, was towed back to port from the vicinity of Triple Is lnad on Saturday nlfcht last by the Sat touV,VhTh.- N-Ut' C"Pt. Wanl. The rouble i noon, at the Court-bo use. Prlnoe u-1 occurred as the Signal was bound for 5?".' .hJ?ld. "B?... tbe .Courl. "x Uhe banks and she had ing a few weeks In Prince Rupert and i Prince Rupert fleet up to Thursday With three months of the season elapsed, this vessel has landed seven catches totalling 00,000 pounds. TtH Viking. Capt. Harold Ericksen. follow ing with seven trips and 80.600 pounds. with the Dnmne. Capt. Dave Ritchie, third, seven tripe snd 43.000 pounds, and the Helen. Capt. A. Anderson, fourth, seven trips and S6.00U pounds As fsr as number of trips landed at Prlnoe Rupert is concerned, tbe Onah. Capt. Harry Seltg. Is leading the American fleet, having landed 61.000 pounds In six trips. sphino iioi'si: n.r.AMNo Tbe Johanna. Capt. John Wick. Ter-m, Capt. Nels Petersen, and Bingo, Capt. H. Feroy, are among the Prince Rupert halibut boats now in port un- SHIS DAILTY NEWS FAtiE FT73 vision of B. E. Jkldrgan, who will be manager of the plant. Capt. Tbtoy f.tartlnen owner of the halibut boat Livingstone who returned n month' or so i$0 Iran Norway with his bride, tovabw busy building a home ojf tirtbaJM adjolMMg Titte house of Ohsrll OuWie and near, ifflo building arte o.JaJtt. Bed Pierci if the bap Swim. Sony is supervising the rock wort "nlmrclf, remaining ashore while Capt. Tlbblts continues m charge of Hie Livingstone H. A hand-seme residence with concrete founds - ion is planned. For a friendly visit to the port, the trim United State fcoasu-uard cutter Cygan, here tor the first time in sev eral months, s.rtlVe8 at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon from Ketchikan and tied up at the floats of the Prince Rupert Bupert Salvage k Towing Co., returning north this morning Capt. Herman, commanding officer of the Cygan, was paying his first visit to Prlnoe Rupert. The former commander Capt. Deases. well known through many trips here. Is now on scout patrol with the coast guard service off the Hen Jersey coast the Salvage Princess and M.T.3 deliver ed a boom of logs from Dlgby Inland to the Pacific Mills at Ocean Falls, having reached there on Tuesday after a six day trip down. The gi.lt of the salvage Princess was Just right for trolling and members of the crew aught three spring salmon two red and one white which proved a dell-racy for the ship's larder. Imperial OU Co.'s tanker aflna Brea la due In port this week-end from loco with s full cargo of fuel oil for tbe company's local tanks. Skipper W. E. Colllson had Installed 'his week at the Suga Ways u promising lcoklng 18 h.p. medium duty AUsa :ra!; cnn.ne In his pleasure bust Klttl- not set line. a ttevnlon for the purpose of revising IT . . wake in place of a Svt h p. Bei'.al. It for registration; and tor the II All LOO TOWS After sn absence cf tin days, Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Co.'s power tug Salvage Princess, Capt Prank Tyler. and the Rupert Marine Products tug M.T.3. Capt. Beg. Oreen, returned to port this morning with a boom of Morgan logs from Barnard Cove for the Big Bay Lumber Co.'s sawmill at Seal Cove. On the southbound trip. the list of voters tor the said electoral lartorJS the " vessel spent Pnt the uie wee week at at the the dry dry thj .., - . -..ll alstrlct, and of hearing and determining dook undergoing the necessary repairs. , " , . " " . any and all objection to the (fefejbtton . In fK. the WK harbor and it fc a fine appear - of any uame on the said Hat. or to the , !lng little machine whMtt should con- ,hn Allen jnechanlcal engineer I?f!0" alUtr4blv ... V4lue Mnri oiaerior the fisheries department. Is spend-,nf ,h. irt,.k. inspecting b.au desirous of district HuTry w,rt of rf wfl ietood ' TT P lnirtaff will spend his Vic- rla Day ' ' While the w hosts have not ,, fc i, . finally accepted. It is under- that a .number of well known 'local orf: "ill go into this work cur ing the coming summer. The service will be augmented with three seaplane of the Pacific Airways Ltd. from Vancouver which will be based In and around Prince Rupert with Major R D McLaren. DSO. general manager of the company. In i minutes West (Astronomic) ISM ft.; landings, the halibut boat Ternen. thence North 22 degrees SO minutes Bast cent. Nels Petersen was leadlns the i Astronomic l 000 ft.: thence North M In number of trips and volume of bank Bound. Re plans m leaving Wed-1 iif sdya ard. if all n ns well shouH be back by Friday or Saturday, lit will make the trip In the cruiser Bou- j The trailer Nellie and halibut boats White Lily, WT. and Jack have been cn the Ward Ways recently for minor hull work. W!LSLJPSS!Lfain' m&ttim: 1or th corTeeadJbg period. ifaibi' i)i v,i Smyrna Usee been st the dry dock and the Bingo in the McLean ways at Seal Cove. Power tug Bllimor of the BMlmor Spruce Mills, Ltd.. came into town on Thursday afernoon to pick up a soow- ttiad of lumber to be used In the con struction of the camp at the flew mill in Porpoise Harbor While efforts are now being concentrated on getting the camp in readiness, the spur to tbe mill site has already been surveyed and It should not be long now before construction of the mill itself gets under way. Bight men are at work at the present time under the direct super- J 3 taken vnur (McrveFood Business Is rushing so ground the Pete Bruno estsblishment st Cow Bay that the proprietor has found It necessary to put up a verandah where his patrons can keep cool by sniffing th-oaonc and otherwise fresh air until there Is a chance to get In and spent, their money. The well known premises should be considerably enhanced by the operation which Is now In OH ICIAI.S ON TO I It Making the annual tour of the north including the Queen Charlotte Islands with Dominion government officials on board. COB Olvenchv, Capt. Hender son, was In port at the first of the week. The party included J. B. Miller, Inspector of customs: E. M Haines, post office inspector, and J. P Forde, district engineer for the public wcrks department Halibut landings for the present up to yesterday at -Frine Rupert are just a million pounds abaad of the In the Muff season The fcoksl catch for the port yesterday stood at 8.488 - 300 pounds 0,200. 700 pounds American and gjM.OOO pounds Canadian oompared with 7.S34.SM pounds 8.-881,100 pounds American and 8.003. 100 pounds Canadian at tbe same date last year. Landing for the' week of Saturday to Friday Im luslve were about average at 771.200 pounds made up of 7fljoo pounds American and 908.000 pounds Canadian. The week started off with a rush with heavy landings the first three day.-, bindings during the last half of the weak being exceptionally light. The price situation during the week was anything but hgh. The best American bid of the week was 10.9c and 7c which the onah and Jack received tor catches of ll.Otjo pounds and 8.080 pounds resfieotrvelv while the best bid for Canndla halibut was 8.6c and 6 8c paid BinlMfc I. for 8,000 pt unda. UwsmWJFthe week were 7c and Wlapr";an Iu and 8.8c and Be liflfeajBii TO rOMMIKXIOX CIIAUMsH It is reported that 3d tbfe next trip horth. two weeks henee, tbe C.N.R. ateamer Prince John will be relieved on the Queen Charlotte fain ad run by the Prince Chart, which has been In dry dock here nil witter. The Prlnoe John will uiuleri-o annual overhaul Including an extent. w boiler ovatlun Weather permit um the Prlnoe Rupert Salvage A Towing OB. will tomorrow open the ferry service to the Salt Lake with trie powerboat "23 " The Nim.s Hiver will be l-iter commlviiiiiie-i ' 'nil unci It : UUU.ist.iii'l n.. i! I a ie.aii.llou in Lirct '.:' 'r effeeWU CLARES Furnace Saves ottetdti in ME SPEECHES AT I1VMJ1 t'T AT CII ECN riltltl.OTIf; riTT; iVTEitOMTivo aiii)ki;si;m AltE filYCN At a recent father and son and Mother and daughter banquet at Queen .harlotie City there were several very liter ..sting addresses given by Uie young ulks, particularly by Bobbie Oliver. Ted Kltson and Harvey Matthews Bobble Oliver mid: I ( Ladles and Gentlemen I take great' pleasure In proposing tbe toast to "Our! Fathers." We owe a great deal to our fathers, in fact, if It were not for them c would not be hem. They, above all. j ore concerned with our well-being.' Bealthy bodies require exercise They ! tee that we get plenty of it. What tune and trouble tbey spend in searohlng out oew means of developing our muscles, obopping wood, milking cows, planting seeds, etc. With what untiring pa-' ttexsse do they devote themselves to guarding us from idleness. We admire this energy of our fathers. Yet tbey are queer creatures. They never want to play why do they so love work? We admire their courage. Their eyes may be blacked but they never whine Their Independence is our envy. Why cant boys eat as much pie aa they like? Our lathers are clever. How did the manage It? I wonder If this 'You are old. Father William." the young man said, And your hair has become very white. And yet you Incessantly stand on your bead: Do you think at your age It Is right?" "In my youth" Father William replied to his son. "I feared It might Injure my brain. But. now that I'm perlectly sure I have none. Why. 1 do It again and again." Or perhaps thin explains it: You are old." said the youth, "and your Jaws are too weak For anything tougher than suet. Yet you finished the gooae. with the bones and tlie beak. Pray, how did you manage to do It?" "In my youth." said his father. "I took to the law. And argued each case with my wife. AndAaular strength which it Has lasted the rest of my life " We don't care how our fathers cam to be so clever We Itke them Just the same. They say a boy's best friend is his mother but a boy s best pal la his father. It takes fathem to tell stories of ships, of treasure, of strange lands Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Age Safely ItHli-M'rt by SANTAl MIDY Bold by All l)tuglsti IIECI.A AliENTS for Prince Rupert STEENS, LIMITED 222 (CANADIAN! MACIFICJ n ome For Comfort Plan now to have a warm comfortable home next winter. The best way to make sure is to install a Hecla now. You will have MORE HEAT MOliE Comfort MORE CLEANLINESS BIGGER FUEL SAVING See the Hecla Agent in your district. He will be triad to show you the many special features of this famous Furnace. Mail the Coupon for valuable Hecla Literature. Clare Bros. Western Ltd. Winnipeg Calgary Edmonton Vancouver CLARE KROS. WESTERN LTD, WINNIPEG Hecla Warm Air Furnace Name Address "ML Canadian Pacific Railway B C. Coast Servicfes Sailings from Prince Rupert Te KetehH.an. tVrangell. Juneau, and Stagvrdy .May X. It, ts. to Vaneduver. Victoria and KesHle Ma B. 18. 7. PRlVCBft IIOYAI. Fur lluledale, Kast 1 lei la 1 lei la Ocean PalM. NaH, Alert Bay. Campbell Itlver and Vancsiuvei every Ittday, 18 run, A fetter for all Steamship Ltoea. mil Huurmatkm tram W. C. OIICIUJII. Oeiierel Agent. Corner of 4th Street and Srd Avenue. Prlnee Hnaert. H.C. Phene II Tennis! of adventure. It tabes fatbets to. tell; bays bow to bit the bulla eye I take j fathers to find the spat where tbe first fish leap and who but fatbam know tbe , love our fathers. We'd like to be as energetic, aa brave, as clever, as lndepen-dent as they, and we need their help to do It. OIKI.H OF TODAY Fred Kltson said: I've been asked if I would give a toast io the girls. Having never given one iiefore. there's not much chance of this be lug a long one. I am Just thinking that tbe boys of today are pretty lucky. We tel sorry tor our dads when they were young. The girls then couldn't hike and run. play ball and build camp fires. Nowadays tbey can, so they make Jolly oompanlons for tbe boys. When dad was a boy It took II yards of cloth to make his s tetter a dress. Mow they can make a decent one of two yards with enough left far pa tehee. 1 myself, advocate bobbed hair for tbe gtrla. Think of the times when dad was a boy. If the glrb wanted to go to a party la the evening they would have hairdressers in in the morning, bef cause he bad so many tfoooalelH ' W would take about an hour or two to fix the hair up. After he bad gone the girls would have to keep quart oil day so as not to let tbe hair come down and get messed up. Today tbey Just give their heads a torn and tbe hair Is already combed. Think what a saving of tune and money the modern girl has over the girl of sixty years age. The girl of today takes her place in the world as an equal with boys. They are successful wherever tbey are put. as doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers or mothers I will ask you to drink to ;re health of the modern girl Long may hr live mid flourish Advertise in the Dally Htws. I ennis: SEE OUR NEW RACKETS $7.50 to $111.00 1928 Rails are in Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 LADIES DRESSES, Coats. Millinery and Lingerie All at Ilnrraln Priees nt FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE Richmond's Louvre -Third Arenue MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 1 2 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price ticket. McBride 8tret "tore now clotted Valentin Dairy Office and Hairs' 11 lit St. Teltpliouv 627.