like this is worth keep- j in in mind! Ladies' or Gentlemen's Softs steam pressed "(? Overcoats .' C Trousers tVt Skirts SZt Boys' Suits SOf SUITS, Dry Cleaned and steam pressed .... $2.04) Overcoats S2.60 Trousers 75 f Skirts 73e Boys' Suite 1.00 Also Ladies' Fancy work at reasonable ratea- We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. LADIES' J DRESSES, ; i DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Doable Load $6.50 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootleas Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EAHLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. mm WELL-I COS6 I'LL CO HOME-I MOPE MACCIE IN AGOOO ilW TORX. Aug 27 With the Ma- tloml Ilfth lnt-niectiaal Mrlc rtrtu- Ut o-r. the lour western eaDMade now can bagln rutting mch atbert hrssta while tbc Glvt' w Tails ow rconat Iw tlmi kt ClnetooaU Pltuburi to Tistt the mow or ten hetptai cast. The Oianta did not start tweay. laetne; to Bruutlju. I lengbemrl itp Wd to SV the CHutt bjr heatlas to one. ITt HltAT OMSK Hew York 1. Ptttabanx 1. BroosJrn S-4. ClnalrmsW Boston S. Chicago 7. Pbllaoeifihla 1. St. Louis X aaseeleaa Laagwe Detroit B-0. Mew Tark V7. St. Louis 4. Boston 7. Chicago 0-4. Ptil dajphla S-tS. CVraland 10-8. Waahlwgton BwtUa a. Los I nasi 1. Miastona s. Oakland S. Hotlrwoad . aacramtate S. Portland 4. San rraiietseo S. M MlAY O tMK ClewriaiU 1. Waahlngtsst $. Natlaaal Iagne Mew York S. Brooklfn 4. Bcnon S. Chicago 6. Plttahorg S. Cincinnati . Philadelphia 1. St. Louis 4. reast Leagwe Mission 3-0. Oakland 4-3 Psrtlaad 4-i. Saa rraaa co t-i. Hoiirwood la-o. wit miu 7 -a. Ssattk 1-1, Los Angelas S-a during th peat two nr three weeks to HUnOH BUT I GUESS THERE lo NO OSE II . Sham .. pune in tk interior town, th score "r'" J' britix 5 to S in isvor ol th autoato bile men. Mutch and Pedlar pltcbed sflsot- '"rtng for the Motors while Claratase v' Oocdcar for Smlther betd bis oppon snts tcoreisas saecpt In the third In mn w)a sll th otors scar wen TRAINING CAMPAIGN ' Alf. Hawllng. who Berates seas Bbjr eW mad Th Mams were: 8mltbr-De-! vmn r. Iw - n Smith 111 Imm.m .Flfl OW CI 3b ; vrrrST. Sb ; Pope. : by. If : 2n"t''.lU -" ' ' 1 11 ait QUI. c: Pdlar. p.; Flnnerty. lb.; Ken-1, 9b : Oraluun. 3b.: Steel. Oazley. If.: McBwen. cf.: Mutch, rt. OrotSM U Sntoked btppee. th. ... Klpparad aalaaa th. . . . Smoked black aad. lb. . F,nnB ndale"- Th hectic struggle for the Matfcmsl Lesrue pennant skill conUnuss with ; mlitr Mew York Olants now up and Mieu Fowl. Mo 1.1b the St. Louis Cardinals with Cbjraqf ;fg '"f chicken. lv . Cubs. Cmclnnau Beds and PttgM JJV00 - - v Flratsb still in the picture and poaalaMrt " " ,lr P though not pro b bate, winners of tlwiHaat. whole, nrst grada nuj. Th battle efie to be oerOralng between th OtenU kadbt Cwdka every gam that thaW two trol p bctwnen now and th end of to cam-palrn about a month hence will be watcbad with keen Interest. Though the Uicknsm are still in the running, PhlW sdetpbla Athletics have been unable iHami tni 4t4i0laflrol rol 0 Bacon. c. lb. k. side Ned la Hmi with Dh Uariac BikHMtlM WrHt j cf Statue here Beptemhir It in aa o;n tlr bout In eonaeetlaa with e Exhttaatioc m been w orfclng oat . dw-lnf the pact two weeks behind ckeel ooon. Be win start his actlre mining thlf erenlns -t the New iaui pra- aad i csAtum at S JO pa. Alt. has nhsngnd h style of and will be a noprto o ta in apaaaint of Dtta AU saja t haa ti as Btot, V anted For Sale For Rent Bunch beets, far feuach whit Frash ouat ... yaaeaarar lose! ,Ovaea peppers. Bs. BcthouM a Cukea u mm -C Otkry OaultOowir Up-mr Oreeci 1R. Was Besna, l9a '-- ie.iv-. lb ! FU Id Tomassss. IT Whit piekUfM Fteklln,Cua-a. Vegetablt lasinw, Wsistasiiua. lb . . iie Caaaba Mea. lb Honaydew Ml 868 Fuapkln. lb. 40el lb. .. ft UM. l'tlT 3 -1 .. EAWki tl4 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManns Ling the Tailor WEi-'-XHIS iJ A BOOT ALL I ( WEULrt JUT VAJslT TO TEL.- 1 UlftTESJ- I 5HOUUO Ni-Nt THAT cxP- I I I aUEVo I'LL SAVE MV CAM IVE COT ME. ICOMPUAIMT UNTIL ptou that i Won't utem to mave Taken thi Joa tmp us- fM Com' to '. it QEATikV A HO- J TALK BACKTO THiNO tCTTLE DOVv . . FISHC :cr wHO UP6T5 "YOU-FM FIOHTVNO MAO AND fO Phone 649 OCT OF A JOB - I ME- ME- V I'LL, "TAKE NO cAul 7 AROONO ! UKE TO SEE . J I -c ass rw - -. -r m l l a - T jAH PROM ANTfOWE Clothes Cleaning 51 ME THft Ofsl OR AMY 1 fo6 'V jr Our Special Lew Price en New Suits Mde-to-maHre stftl Continues Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third ATenne ED'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in anjr quantity CHM&NT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are rifthU So is our Service Phone ai ami Save Money aid Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone i 204 Night Phone: Red 317. ' s - i (8 . , , . j - r i t 7 i r OH- l'M30RRVVD0 OlOM'T CET HOME "sOONGR- COOMT OEURIOO'b WAb HEFcE AND TOO DOM T KNOW HOW MOCK HE WANTED TO f tE2.T0- , laast. nnaw rib Sac Laass. ebopk . . sue la h. Moulder St latas, Hf e jdutaaa. steps toe Munon slaauMer 90s Dimes He. 1 Ciatini 1 1 )v. 3 Crgssnery Mew sjealand. tm bajk fa ( runF. foe oa lag aad. U caM-br. eaMe. a as, s. Dtx Itmb up to hie asputattoD.- a , ..,, H one win U-tn to tit 0k sttwto MlMt at Alf. saps it win not be him. The paaliBUr rlas wm bring the hast native boy nbtilnsble aad the seat os to loeai ooyv. tMsssa mt stasi BbjoneSOrt , - "". Umittte SPORT CHAT ! - .in i a j Wheat, tta. ft .. Ttuu representing th town ot Sasi-:0 SMntOB. lb 4c tugsthsr m 4 Mara igna Scat SSS jMaw Cabbagai B. pa- graei. MJ Turnips, lb. . Crated Onioaa. 4 Bw. ... ' ! Local Vaneaastar "' TT: 1 Bhubarb. tfea. ...v. 'Banc h carrots. S for MM M-M; for BBS. Imprest themaelv!! effectively in Uie Pork. shoulder S5c Comb huiiay chase of the New York Yankees fo Pork, loin 4Sc Dates. bulk. 2 lbs. fr League honora and. though many would Pork, leg 4o? Raisins, bulk, per lb nfc t see it. there are few very hope- j Beef, pot roast ISc to 30c Swrei pt,-u. lb ful that the Athletic may yet oilflih , B'. boiling 13q to 18e , California Da-ttf DUse, package to the top. IS Me j Market Prices jrTcriL. a n BroottWd Swiss ahsas. H . pk. rttca current art aa'toDow: " iOmpaw 4ts LAHD 1 awookflcld OsaaaBaa shun. H Ik. pka, 9mm asej Ogypag 29s fasMn Loat, lb. ,4ss E10 . j jask. lb. saa ua Msm anta 9c shsaaaa Saras. Ok. we C. tsassv flaa- 4t Hiaisiii u, tfc sve Sua task) aawas Mel sioak ' Lal a laid ... Me ). per IM VIA NUT! iTat w, per MS StjOO "--it1 - ets n ot k -Hits Srasjii , or. STs. Ma. 1 hard wh .... MA illhasi Waiaota. aaii ihiius Mr fasUi Qour. IS Ms Wateoia. gs- haw e1" T floor. M MM At Me! VEOBTAIILBS iatMsahagswa iaiaa Jc Beits, iaek W.T1 CsUtissSdh aiata carrot, m. i , . .177.. .A mww nsbata a MM 'mirk rtismns riiifirrsis i-n ati .rssiiij. baa , Me "I waUnatS. lav. 40 OarUe. 1 -anil id. s ( 1CB Mr Me a aad 4flc S Ms. Me 10s lSe Mb M .i. 10c lOe SOc oalifornla aasartad yluail. lb. Ue 39H I Her basket tie to SOc 800 Caltfcrnl oeachaa. ooasn . . . -4w 0c ApiiooU. lb BH Pork, jry salt 35c Oranges. Valencia, doaen . . soc to Ayrshire bacon, lb. tSc . Lenson. buaklst. daeen 40c to SOc Vast, shoulder 3c Imperial VaUtt anpafraM .... S for Ms Veal, loin 40c ! Bananas. 3 lb veal, iw ss : ftrat'd hoay per ) WANTED MABBIBP OOfJFLg Oood wamtbd pob Apply Seal Core BbMal. - - EXCAVATUtO waaud. Beck or kind By day or by contract. for sala. good 1 also linoleum. Phone Bad 719. FOR RENT any WABTBD. Case for pauw. Fboa 4SA. Dally VOK shjs MAY BB OSBB Dl- af bn ll1 tug paper or to sty eatpato an the Ooor Oat pna auras qi POB sUIX LAOMCB OWBM, MOB Botaeposei lasthopt engtae. all oosbs w and la good ruwatag aas-dlUan Apply Pullea. Daily Mews, tf HOC8B, six roocas aad bath; fall basadaat. for amla or rant. Fully modern: wired tor electric rang. SSSaO SM 8 th A van us Bt. if FOB SALS. Ford Sadie: good rumdac eader and appaaraace: cheap. Appry Ban !M. Dally Bbwa OaTlc. tf FOB SALS standard Ooor laasp. SMALL Launch for ami, cheap. Fhau X3 BRMT. CLAPPBRTON MOCSR Blath Avenue Bast Bant reasonable Apply City Treasurer Cry Bail tf OB BRMT -PI AMOS, FUlYn-FI-SMM. ronograpna and Sewing Maehiaws. Walkwra Music Store. tf POft RBMT. Peaches. Apricots, lb FCRNI8RBO apartment with bath. paid. Phone 547 RBMT. - it, bet water heated UaOett, Ltd. Prunes. M-1M, 4-rbe. lb. baa Fran, S0-70 th Jej. a ise. Water tf APART- Apply SaUth tf SBc weaatehj Oraeenatatn Applse, lb... lOr Apptea (B.. S lbs Mr DRIKI) nans Maak cooking figs, s lb. Whit figs, a lb. Canaats. a 'las. sec Ms FOR RBMT M 1! UM 1 lbs. for Me ISO lb. boa WSapeaatad psaa, Mm 9. atOb bM ,., Msg ( ALOiir tm 1 imi Oood ftaaiag but asaay files was r portod by a pasty of local anglani, beaded by Oapt. W P. Armour, wbleh lattwaad baas Saturday morning after s two-day angling trip to Lake KhatadA. Mt,Tb party lesaisliil beside Oapt. 3M auatr. of Hubert Ward. Milton ani 1 M. U MeypBnd stobsH Ramming. Al-IMitssitbar they took about 100 fins trout Sec . The party saw thee bar on th shore ' Dcef , steak 30c to 4te j Cantaloupe IB. Me and Ms j of Khatada Lake dern house. Fall Phone Bad TM. ltTtllfWO sBaaWatCd DJO- FOR RBMT Furnished housekeeping roocas by th day. weak, or month. Fbone Red 807 tf SA LV AO E A N pTOW I NG l'rincc Hunert Salvage & Towing C. Ltd. 11 vh atauMtM ik an notii Ageau tor Bsetbope Bngtnss. Ooolldg Ftopelswa. sud Tuatub Ot lwt of afl dMtlillsi far tharter Salt Lakes Ferry service week days on the hotua 1 pat. till pja. Sunday and Holiday. 11 ia. ttu pa HtliK KStt HWMl Tab week V4 y Uaa'euas Door Mats, each . . . Mr Tapes 17 Ftocr Rugs, each .... tlJB Velret Floor Bus, each M.M Bar 1 y mure Ous ran seed Bag. . jm Ruga ara t7sM. A. MACKXNZT FUBII1TUBB AUCTIONBSItS. PKINCE RUPFelT .tlCTION MART reweral IMeek Pttraituri of all Orating aad Oood sold on 0. J. DAWKS. ertseir ec Htseft CHIROritACTIC mi. I "ir Vanemiser U. B. tVOLION Chhaf raetor SM Third Asanas. TeleyhgrM for appwlanaent now at Eatw Aeute and Chroale Dteordeta fuBy treated BstaWiahrd ttSt HOUSES FOR SALE S ROOMS and Bath. Section S. 43.000. 7 BOOMS. Modern. Section 6. S3JO0. 4 BOOMS. Saaa-Modern. Sac A tl.OM BOOMS, modem, good location. Section 6. 13.500. TBRMi O. F. 1 INaJTR C , Phone 17. tf DANCING MISS MVI'ANHY CAMI'IIKIL Teaeher of riaaaleal luarlng Operatic . Toe Dancing. Oreeian. Rus-alan. BlTptian. st. Also Physical Culture P. n. Ho 4.ft. rhone Itleek 1 STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Moadsy-raa. Prince Osorg .... 4 pm. Tuesday as Catale S pas Thursday- -as. Prince Chartes . . 4 Fiiday as Frtnosss Boyal pas. Saturday as Cardan ....... 7 jr. Saturday as. Prfnc ituosrt . . f pm. From VsaroHrrr I BuadAy aa Catale ...i4pjn ! Monday as. Prtnoe Charles 11 so ajn. Wednesday as Pr. Oeorge 10:10 ajn Friday as. Gardens a.m. Prtday sa. Prlnee Rupert 100 saa. Friday a. Prlhosas Royal .. 4 pm. Aug. 37 aa. Tice John pa. Aug. 37--as. Princess Louise .. aja. Auc as. Pr'nceae Charlotte a.m. Ar- lor Port Hlmpson and Nasi River- Sunday -as Catala B aa. Prlday Cardena a.m. rrom Tort Klnipx'in and Naas Hlvrr Tueaday a. Catala 1130 a.m. Saturday -as. Cnrdena flam. lor no and Strwrt Sunday--at Cuiii Moadayaa. iTlnre C":. 'i Friday as. Pr:n-e n-.;r. Iraen .tnret aad Wnan-Toeaday e Caun ThUMday as. Prince Cr -.. Saturday as Prince R . ,: Car Nnrlb qaeea I lur;itrw. Moodays as PTi:...- , Iraea Narth qaeen I tiariu'irv-Thursday- -as Pr:i' .. ... I 1 f LOOK- ME LEFtI JvrfUl.-TMAT f NO WOMOER 1 I one or Hb 1 1 wvrz. nice. 1 HE LEFT IT- I I CICAR POH J lOfHlM-, L J I tou , ; . t, ' I I I ' II X II fTUA,M f - ii SEKCSl r . . , ci, ,r 1 II Brj II .Hi, 1 A, , - -' X . II -ir K 111 Jl IVC . Ml! I I WgS I I IIIWv i 's'-' ONimUil Fsran Sm. Ik ri,W ii.t " - La-j g ST. LOUIS NOW WELL AHEAD IN THE NATIONAL iiu uioniwr CTDTC iiu . lLnituinu 0111113 t DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in adrance. No. Advertuement taken for less than 50c Article! Lot and Found, &t oath leaeea 1 hjti,,iir- AugUSt 17 s. Vt.u J September 10 , :- I raws Aatb i)aeea I bariottrv-SeptsCBbsr J as Pr ; J:b l ac Uasba Wtilaailliy- -as Pr:r..-e 0r. Aug. 17 as Prince- : -Aug. JI Prince c. - 1 iaj ThaMdays Sarardays a Ns Kltrr Friday awl tawart- Pram RHer Pehrte 1, -as. Prnoe Oorf 10 ic il MAIL SCHEDULE iw 1 he rM fa, Wednesday' 3.'urdial ivaas tat Tsmrt :c k irl Mondays. Wednesday! nd Tr.iiii mm d irl tw TsaaWMier - waanssaiys Thutais . 'I u sr is 1st St 1 V ... It wsdaaatays "u Prtday " iatMTsya 19 CPJLrAUf la. is. 17. lor .a aad Stewart Friday I if tat it lOMtl 1s lm " Saturdsye r V leeks Petals Aug 10. IS. 17. M end trass bk Pela Wednasdays p J Saturdays T Narla ( tlbail'' ' ' v Monday IrosM North tje rbarWIe- " " Thu-atay. r Saath tern ti rtett- Au 13. Ss. Ssot 10. ITi Math ia rhsrlotle-Aug. 33. Sept. 'LDTTI'.R flO.X CtiMSCTIO AJL Orahaat & Atria As lit Ave. A StB St Sth At. FsJtVB St Stb Are Thompson St 11th A. Sherbrook 11th Art. & Conrad th A. 4V Mays Cove th A. Hays Core cirri th as At, fww, b tm cotton eava St toe 1 io 1 10 1 tit 1 I 1 t 1 a JO It! I (00 ' lstb Ate, LPBjRi4Jk.('Ptl" Tata At. At Meirld St J O.T.P. Wbarf O.T.P. Station ad Avs. A; 3nd St , ( 3rd Are. At Pulton St ' JV, Srd Ar. & th St ( Suadays-Oae sollaetion p.m. collection. CN.R. TRAINS lor the IXi.t- i M Dally szeept Sunday st Irom the rl . Dslly eicept Tuesday st " fl