Monday, August 27, 1928. Specials! E2J ;rvr. DAILY JiEWS PAGE THREE BBBS LOU Mrs. C. L. M. Qiggey of Terrace ar rived in the city last week from the Local and Personal interlos to undergo, an operation in 5 the Prlace Rupert Oeneral Hospital R. a. Cunningham has returned to ipeciais i 4 a Taxi phone 4. dig 4 Taxi. tl bis home in Port EssLngton after having ben a patient In the Prince Bupert Den tut Dr. J. R. CKwu Phone 880. General Hospital for a few day., Vacuum Battles 50c Hair Clippers 75c Face Powder . Rtfl . KKfffHIO I fell A fresh shipment PAGE & SHAW'S CHOCOLATES Just in m m 3e Pioneer Drucjeisls w THIRD AVE. SIXTH ST. - TELEPHONES 8?f,200 Canadian National Steamships Co, L mile. Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AM) Our plant in equipped to handle all kind? of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL HOUR. I' HON US 43 and 386 ska SHIPYARD OprralhiK ii.T.l. 20.0f)f Ton Flimting Dry Duck Enplneera. Machinists. ISoilermukers. lilHcktxnithM. makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Utc KLECTUIC AND ACETYLENE WHUHMi. I'll-rii "CATERPILLARS . Tractors ' MGGEirTH'Aft ymtf "WEATHER! A Size for Every Use A Hundred Uses for Every Stte 2 TON, TWENTY, TH1KTY, SIXTY ItLTTGIt QUICKER CIIKAl'BR Literature and Trices on Request Sole Distributors for B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR EQUIPMENT CO., LIMITED Northern IMtlflr Freight Hulldlng 010 Mullen street VAMOl f.K. B c. HEALTH FOLLOWS OlHOWUCTKtPMfCTJ mjSUlf ON SrlNAl HVU INWJUStJOf tut r3uovrmotui9 Jit 1 (H$ .si. IV tWMf MUI 1- VWHtB Hraneh I iff Ire: Hlpprrwin Mark NELSON. H.C. GIVE THE LAD A CHANCE Does your boy's work nt school compare favorubly with his classmates? Can he learn? Many hm-kwnrd children owe their success to Chiropractic. Cull or write for pamphlet. W. C. ASPINALL Chiropractor (Irt en 2U Phones Dlack 2S3 6 anil 7 Exchange JHock. Open Evening! S. F. PARKER, LIMITED ' Ave. East. Phone 83 Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Rate Repairs USED CARS Wc Imve several excellent liarjrai ns in used Curs. Easy Terms if desired. City Meat Market , , . (SELVIC. IJKOS.) 3r Au'nue Thone 785 MEAT. FISH. VEtiETAHLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEfJIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and Immediate delivery 0bsmc ! -All articles are of suiwrior quality and absolutely fresh. Chiropractor. C. O. McKay. Phone 134 tl m afternoon's train, due !"om the at 3 )0, was repoi-ttj this inoniiim on tlm. W. Homer, provincial assessor left last night on the Catala for Sicw. iron official business. Bulkley Valley Fair has established U an viable reputation In the past. Bee it thla year. August 81, aeptember 1. Prises Kuperfa future la United with the development of the Interior. Do and see for yourself. Bulkier Valley Fair, AUftut 31, September 1, 138. 20a C. O. Minna, ASM Mesne. George Minna and Joe Scott Jr. returned home last evening from a two day angling trip at, Khstda Lake. They bad airly well laden creels. T. J. Shan ton, laepector of solnea. ailed last night on the Catsls for a brief trip to Stewart on official bual- C. P. R. steamer Prince Louisa, Capt. Arthur Slater arrived at JO this mo ml jig from Vancouver and Ballad at 11 ajaa. for Skagway. The vestal bad a foodlaad Hat of Alaska tourist pass-' engers. Mia Bnyd Morris, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Prank Morrla. who baa been pending the summer holidays vlettlng In 'SeWovla, Oooka Inlet, Waetem Alaska, with her uncle and aunt, Nturnad home o) the Princess Charlotte Saturday, afternoon. Miss Kate McTsvish, RH of Sault ste Marie. Ontario, who was first lady aup-ertntendent of the Prtncs BUpert Hospital, was a visitor recently to Van-oourer with Mrs. A. I. Oakley, who. an Mlas Julia Brennaa. (B.M wee a member of the first nureUig staff nere. David Wltton. who baa baa. seen on tht staff of Sunnyaide Oannery thu summer, seem toe day in town yesterday aeonmpanted by Mrs. WOaon asii family. He wUl be proceeding aeon to Captains Cttm cannery of which be U1 again be In charge during the H W. Blreh. anenaglng tMfwtttrr of the Prinee Rupert Oeneral Hospital, who baa been on a sis saontae' trip to amgund. la acpested to return to tbe city about the ssMoW of ties ato He wtn He iiusssfkuied-wy . Bttsb and daughter. Beryls, who have beei apsndlng the past two year in the Old Country. Arthur O. Oopptng. London, BjBgUnd, author, who Is making a world tour on Salvation Army duties, arrived in tht city on the Princess Charlotte Satur day afternoon, following a brief visit to W range! Alaska, and prcoeeded east b; the morning's train. Mr. Oopptng eon ducted service, in Vht loeal Salvation Army Citadel yeaterday. Having visited Stewart on Saturday 'be Vancouver Board of Trade eaeur slonlata, making a trip north on Mst steamer Princess Alice, left Alice Arm it 10 'olock last night for Butedalt wnence they wui proceed to the West Coeat of Vancouver Island. The vis- tors were suitably entertained at Stew rt and Alice Arm. Mrs. Msrgiiret Maynard, native wife of Ernest Maynard. Ad en brook Island Ught- icuae kteper. who was shot to deafe recently, arrived In the city on tht rrtncfss Charlotte from stcliikaa on sxtureay arternoon. She was aeeau ranted by her young on. Braest. Mrs. Msyr.ard'a plana for the futurav flal- owtng her husband's untlmetr demise re unsettled. Mlas Jessie Malsniaghtn. dlreetor of heme economies of the Bduoatlon Oe partment. sailed by the Prlnee Super'. oamraay ntfbt on her return to Vic toria after paying a visit in the tr with her sister. Mrs. T. McCRymon Urrdm Street. MUM Mnl shsilitli wwt iccompanlcd on her trip north by Miss h!s:fr, uuTuctms In home mice at the Vietoria Normal acbooJ Lt m leaving Vaneouver. furthtr delayed by having a large eonaitm- mcnt of Una to discharge at Bu textile Cnnrcry and held up sllghUy by yes ttraay afternoon's fog. It was o'clock last evening before Union steamer Oa tala, Capt. B. A. Dteksqa. reached here from the south. Aftsr unloading local treignt u.e vessel sailed about 11 n.m for Anyox. Stewart and' other northern polrte. A large passenger list on th Catata Incl.tded J. R. Morgan. Mm. Mc Donald, Mlas Utlnwr. Mrs. Morris Blot' Mlsa Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mac dcnMd and fanvUjr. M. . Donald Boss and s-ps, Mi Hows, .fttra, .esvaga. Mr and Mr Savage. Mr. and Mrs. M. A pm and Bert Vaodewatr. for Prlace r. nud Vr,,W- Antsraoo. Mr. a-io rs. O. M. Westell and son. B. Ur: Auley atid N. LeMsm. for Stewirt: 0. Pit nan and Pete Wickslrora. for Alice Arm: C. P. Job. Mrs. Orchard, Mr and Mrs. Jamrs Tomklo, J. W. Jaokaan, Mrs. Oodawcrth aud family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffrey and T. Mcintosh, for Anyoi; A, Henry, tor Port Simpson: T Young. M. Stewart and W Stewart, for Arrandale: Mr. and Mrtv Mehary and chtlden. Mrs. logsn Mlas Bruneau. and Mia Raley, round trip. T doesn't mat ter what the make or model of your car, there's a Good-yearTiretofit it. There is variety of prices, too. We concentrate onGoodyearsso we can carry variety. See our line. KA1EN GARAGE Prince Rupert, U.C. Buying at home means service at home. Mrs Oeorge PrlaxcU returned to the city on Yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip up river. J. A. Meeker illumes to tat city on yesterday afternoons) tBtn from a brief -rip to The eoodJUon of Mm. Oearge Leek, who la a patient tat the Prince Rupert General Hospital la (wportaa to be grave. O. A. woodland, meal agent for the Imperial OU Oo reMsmed to the. ctty a brief ralntm trip to the Mr. and MM. J. W. imsBHikdi. Orees St. who have bean spandlioj s months holiday in Smlthers anf vkdnlty. re turned to the ettf on ysstrdar after- con's train. The eondltlbft of WllUam MeRae, pioneer ahceanaker of t the city, who bat been seriously 111 tn the Prince Bupert Oeaerw Hospital tar some tune. s reported to be little unproved Ouy R. Bulloch, district engineer tor he provincial department of public works sailed last night by the Oataia to make the round trip to Anyox. Alice Arm. and Stewart on official dutie The Anglican Women's Auxiliary will hold a garden party and sale of home cooking at the bom of Mrs. DuVeraet. 74 Pourth Avenue Bast en Tuesday. August SS. 301 Prtonds of Mrs. D. McLeod, 410 sixth reaue West, who recently underwent ia operation tn tht Prince Bupert Oen- -rai Hospital, will be pleased to learn bat she U making satisfactory reoar- J. P. Pdrde, district engineer tor the "deral eMpsxtment of pubhs works with 'adquamrs in Victoria, pasted through he city on tht Cetela laat Bight bound or Stewart en official duties. He wUl return south on the same vessel to- oorrew ana stop on nere for a tew Csys. Dr. Hught Keenlryside of 'Vanoou ver Is here en route to Ottawa whore he wUl take up new work In the feJ- ral department of foreign relation. Mis. Xtenlsyside has bten here for the peat month or mere visiting with hr parents Mr. sad Mrs. J. H. Plllekurr Pourth Avenue West. Mist Vivian Whltohure. rjj who Mteved on the staff of the Prince Ru pert Oeneral Hospital this spring, has ivturoed to her home la Vancouver sner spending the peet month at Euros Lake relieving Mies Clrsee Dui- fell, BJJ. tn charge of the hospital at that point. Mlas DuffeU returned to Burns . Lake rtcenUy following a holi day. - 0 P. H. steamer Prinoem Charlotte persons Included 204 tourists return- Pete Wlckstrom pioneer Alice Am. blacksmith, who' has been on a trip to Vancouver, $as a passenger , aboaru the Calais last night returning north. Harold Ross of the Prince Rupert Credit Bureau and Mrs. Ross who ho'e been on a two weeks' trip to Vancouver re turned to the city from the south or the Cattla last night. Mrs. Morris Iilott. who has been on a holiday visit to Vancouver returned to the city from the south on the Ca-tala last night, being accompanied north by Mlas Chapman. CJf.R. steamer Prince Oeorge, Capt. Harry Nedden, returned to port at 0M this morning from Skagway and will saU at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Ocean Palls, Powell River, and Vancouver. A tour-day trip to the Interior will give you new Ideas of Central British Columbia Prince Rupert's great hinterland. Visit the Bulkley Valley Pair at Smitbers. August 31, September 1. 301 Alex Macdouald of the PI re Halt staff and Mrs. Mscdonsld and family who have been spending s holiday in the south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Cstals last night. Mlas Julia laowaky and Hiss Hop- wood have resigned from the teaching staff of the Prlnee Oeorge public public school. Mlas McKenns of Van couver has been appointed to succeed Miss laoweky. Mrs. Donald Ross and sons, who have been spending the past fourteen months in Vaneouver, returned to the cifj! on tht Oataia last night. They are taking up residence in the Curtis block on Second Avence. C. Pitman, formerly of the Union Bank staff here and now Identified with the Torle Mines Ltd. st Alice Arm. was a pa as anger aboard the Cauda last night returning to Alice Arm titer r trip to Vancouver. Miss Oilve Wilson, who has been rutting here for a few days with her en ter. Mrs. rank Salter, following a bicycle trip from Vaneouver to Haselton win sail by the Prince Oeorge thte afternoon on her return to Victoria. R. Morgan arrived in the city on. the Catala last night Bom his togging opsrsrttons near Butedale to pay a visit of Inspection to the progress ol construction of the Buhner Spruce Ltd. new sawmill near the city Henry HeUbroner who bee been spend ing the summer holldsrs here wiin his parents Mr. and Mrs. Msx HeUbron sr. left on this morning's train lor Klneston. Ontario, where he wlU re sume hit studies st the Moral MUltai OaUaae. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wtrmlg, Mr. H K. Skattebsl. Man Plorenes Montgom ery and Arthur King returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from s week-end angling trip to Mile fl. The fish were biting well and they got good catches. Mow Hilda Watson of the Pentlcton public school teaching staff wiu i Thursday afternoon by the Prince TharlM on her return south after bav tag spent the past two weeks here v the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jamc Parquhar. Fifth Avenue Bast. Miss Rbona Saunders, who has been "letting for the past few months at Darby Island with bar pares ta. Cape and Mrs. P. T. Sttinrtm. tails thl sfttmoon for Vancouver by the steam r Prince Oeorge. She wUl be married in the near future and will reside In South Ajnerica. Mrs. D. R. Ltaroyd and two chit dren. of Anyoa were psmsngtrt aboard !ht Prince Rupert Saturday night for Vaneouver en route to Ottewe on r. brtidsy visit. Thsy were accompanied r far as the city by, Dr. Lsaroyj who wiu return to tht smelter town on the Prince Chartss this afternoon. 0. N. B. steamer Prince Charles. rapt Neil McLean, arrived in port at II e'erak thla morning from Vanoou- ver and will 'sail at 4 o'clock thi" tfternoon for Stewart. Anyox and Mawett Inlet points. ' The vessel crought north a large list of passen gers, most of whom proceeded Bast by train. A. Bergeron of Portland. Oregon district governor of the Oyro Club: A B. McAdsm of New TttSmliuli i lieutenant governor; Rows ft. Holland m Vaneouver. past tntmmtkmal Prv - tdent and other southern. Oyro win i c CW. O. C. Salntv. snuthksnme; from nortn on the Princess cii.r- Alaska to Vaneouver on Saturday after- 1 M . wn PrUUT of " bo"' 1 Boon had a total passenger list of i ivr " ine innuxur- ation of the new club here Local Ing south and the following dissert bar Iced n)hb' ' the strviov organixaiHi.i fere: Benjamin Haldane MeUakatla B. wm Prood wlt th Pry tTom b C. merchant, and Mrs. Haldane: Mra. returning south aboard the Prin- Msggle Maynard and son Brastt. Ketch-jcm Louto' urday afternoon, tkan: John Lewis. Queen Charlotte Is- 1 - --- land carntnter: William Bene, ruiiu Texas, draughtsman, and Mrs. Barry. MMt4HMHH oan Bteoey. Long Beach miner; Thorn- ANNOUNCriMKNTS as Harris, Ketchikan miner; Bari Kerr. ! .. Mayo miner and Mlas Bnyd Marrla., Prtncs Rupert. The list aha) laeludnl mjasber. of Filipinos retUrBlag south i Moose Baaaar. November I, t. after having spent the stmuher em- Anglican Cathedral Basaar November ployed tn Alaskan canneries, lag. Much has been said recently about re-f orestation in B. C. The present forest is the result- of natural reforestation when the human hazard was not present to defeat nature. Natural re-stocking of cut over lands is now going on, as may be seen almost everywhere, and nature will again re-establish the forests if only fire is kept out. Prevent Forest Fires YOU CAN HELP B. C. FOREST SERVICE Canadian National cThc Largtii Railway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sstllnge from PRINCE ni'PKUT for VA74COLVFR. VH'TOHI.l. SKATTLE. MONDAYS, Tlll'USIIAYS, 4.00 p.m.. 8.VTI ICIIAYS, 8.00 pjn. Por ANYOX and STEWART. MONDAYS, FRIDAYS. 4.00 pja. POT MAS8ETT INI.iJT. MONDAYS, 4.00 pm. Por SOl'TII (I FEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Fortnightly. POT SKAOtVAY, WEDNESDAYS, 4 00 pjn. PASSENOFR TRAINS LE WE PRINCE iCi:'ERT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY at 1U0 a.m. for TRIM E OEORUE. FDMOMO.N, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada, I nlted SUte. 4DENCY ALL OCEAN !TEAMNIIIP tlNES. CITY TIIK'.T OrriCE. St. TIIIHD Sl. I'KIM F HlifFRT. Pltunr t"l Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchlksn, Kranell, and Skagnav AuguM 3, 6, 10, IS, 17, 90, 9T, 31. la Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle August 1, -I, 8, II, 13, 18, St, la. PRINCESS ROYAL FVr Hatedsle. Eat Delia Bella. Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Hay. tseasoell Ithtr and Vsncoutrr etery ITIdsy. It p.m. Aftocy for sll Mesmthlp Line.. rull Information rrwn W. C. OKCIIAKII. Oenrrsl Agent. Cetaer af 41b Strett and 3rd Avenue. Prlnee Rupert. B.C. Phene 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing) front I'riiirr Ruixrt. For VANCOIVER. VICTORIA, SwaiiMin luy, llutrdale. Alert Hay. etc. Tuesday, S p.m. For VANCOIA, VICTORIA, llutrdale, Alert Dav. etc., Saturday. 7 a.m. For POUT SIMPSON and NAAS RtVFK POINTS, Friday, lor ALICE ARM, ANYOX. STEWAK1. WALEK IM..M, PORT ! 1MPM1N. Sunday, 8 p.m. 13 tni Aenur. B. M. SMITH, Agent. Prlnee Rupert. HC. Through tlrketa sold to Victoria and Seattle, and bagiaie eherkrd thrnsga to dettlnatlur GOOD FOR. 10,000 EXTRA VOTES First Subscription Coupon Accompanied by the nomination blank and your first subscription, this coupon will start you in the race for the magnificent Daily News yifts with the grand total of mors than 25,000 votes. This coupon may be used only once and is valid only when accompanied by a subscription remittance. Name of Subscriber Candidate's Name .' Amount Enclosed I: ....... . This coupon will count 10,006 extra votes when returned to the Campaign Manager af the campaign office of the Prince Rupert Daily News, together with the first subscription you obtain. It must be accompanied by the cash, and the subscription must be for a period of one yeur or lonjrcr. The 10,000 free votes are IN ADDITION to the number iriven on the .subscription as per the regular vote schedule. New Fall Dress Goods purfKouBillJllttnc. IV h ie MiWmMB B.C. Coast Steamship Services ... . . . . . : navy Inn white, Tea and white, yard- Worrellf Fast Color Velveteens Chi. f on finish, 36 inches wide VivU $1.95 Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co.