CLASSIFIED HABIT Everyone reads th Classified Adi. If you lose, advertise tor It. It you find, locate the owner. Whatever you need, advertise for It (JET HIE CLASSIFIED HABIT. V,. XVIII. No. 201. SEATTLE Aumwt 7. ways monoJ)!Tlew1ln" fouf t 'I "t r the town at 11 a.m. Saturday. They could read tne; 11 1 v. n!ing on tne iuseiage. ine motors were missing and It as headed towards Oak Bay. ( oartguard officials are inclined to believe that the !ilot was heading for the clearings and the fields in ; ; acum Valley, 12 miles south of Port Townsend. A forced landintr there, airmen saw inevitably would mean. a 1 - r a crash with injuries to aw on board. Princess Patricia Collides . Meantime the report that a crash was heard by sever, w people 'eading to the belief that the plane had dived ii t lie Strait of Juan de Fuca off Point Wilson is uar- that time between the Princess Patricia and a sawdust l;t l. n scow. The towing tug was barely able to get the f-c into Port Townsend. VICTORIA, August 27. The missing plane was a ti i motored ali-metal monoplane. On the rejiort that h. w as missing, Ernest Eve, president of the B.C. Alr- ii.v and pilots started a search. Meantime naval planes fr.-n: Seattle and planes from other Washington air pa-troi- are searching the waters for any sign of the plane. The fog and smoke was terrible, they reported, factors continued yesterday and today, interfering ui:h flying. It is explained that it is difficult to tel! fog from v and the pilot might easily have flown into the; l ... TJ 1 It 1 l 11 - 4. L..... wa.lM ... LnllM r- ii ne did so, travelling hi uignty huiub ah hvui I 'lane would turn over and sink like lead. Among the searchers was A'ex. Holden, pilot at nia, son of Dr. Holden. VICTORIA. Autniftt 27. Robert Louis Carson, as- alot, missing with the Victom-fceniue piane, was TT OA i Victoria-Seattle Plane Is Lost ! Two Profs And Four Passengers Including Two Prominent People Left Victoria at Ten O'clock Saturday Morning, and vas: Seen by People on Olympic Peninsula and Cragh Heard Across Water SEATTLE, August 25. The Victoria-Seattle plane with four passengers and two pilots has not been heard from since leaving Victoria Saturday mornintr. A hie oil spot on the water near Port Townsend was found by it . l: - i i .t . i a M'arcunig inane uui no wrecKHge or oiner trace 01 tne lost plane. POTT ANGELES, August 27. Information indi cating that the missing B.C. Airways plane crashed in! Washington Harbor, 30 miles south of here was received! today. A fisherman reported that a large monoplane- circled low over his boat, so ow that he ducked to prevent tK-ing hit by the undercarriage and then crashed in the vater some distance away. This happened at eleven "dock Saturday morning. Credence is given to the story by the wife of a cannery operator, who said she heard the plane circling over Washington Harbor many times, as if in distress. SpMrk fnr th li r. Afn. - -"T-JTA W t JMW SOS passengers and two pilots, ' s .a at. are . a a . m s m t ing since tney lett Victoria at ten o clock Saturday morning for Seattle, turned today to the Olympic penin- moron. suia southwest of Port Hadlock where the nlane was re- . ... . . . . . . ran can On Sh Cfltl,TKATLH l'KO.M tohic mink iieimj miiitlh alke akm ALICE ABM. Aug 27. The Torlc Mine 1 steadily sending out concentrates at the rate of six to seven too dally. This to being aoriimulated st the dock uaul oca hundred tons or more arc raady when It will be taken to tne smelter. Material for the mine has been arriving and bunknouses an-i other improvements will be snadc at tne property. FISH LANDINGS HEAVY TODAY TOTAL OF ZM.4MM II ItMis Ul' HAL-Illl T MMJ AT F.XCIIAMIE IIEKE lie of anMOO pounds of hsiibu at the Pish Exchange Uii offsrints being heavier thsn : strsraJ days psst. Tseive Amen- , li.le sstd M. MJe IilI-tORXlMt - . . . . ihbi main MM ra l'muuu m portf d to nave been seen Saturday by three women and M trom Uc to it. and sc f arh a dozen children. The report was the first hope- mm . ' MHwla fu! due in 24 hours. The women said the plane flew low pounds Oc AMKK1CAX rrooo artm. Ue and TJOO Mi Mad II MO Cold Mora Os. BwMwrs. 11.000 M.4e and 8c tiailv explained bv news of a colision in the fog about enaa. tie and oc. 10e and Sc to id 7c. Airiest and salsa ware as tallows Oc. nd e the olty. te the 12.3c Booth rtsh- jMMBds, Boyil Pish Oa. sounds. Pacific Plsh- AtUa ftou ads. Booth nsbar- pounds. naiadlsa FMh MJe and Ss. Booth nab. pounds. Rofal Ptob uee pounds, Attytn M is sad sc. !. pounds. PieUle sad he. I. 1T.I Plah and Ottld Morst Oo. M.te and o. CANAIIIAS Takla. MM0 pounds. fnsdisn Plah ft Or Id htoratr Oo.. 10 Sc sod sc. Mistusttte. tJOO pounds, and Tar-r-o. T.000 pounds, A tan nsheties ItJe and Sc. Dolphin, IIM pouads, and Zm t.000 pounds, tknttt ristoeries. llir and T. lagrsd .. lTee powetds. Booth Ptsh-Tlas, snd H. P. Darraen, IJtm pms. im AtJi. lOOol poutMM. OaswdUn Ftah and Oold Storms Oo. lc snd tc. Hslft Mm ll.Ooe pounds, Psolfte nah-stits Ite and Te. Mayfloww. 8,000 pounds. Pacific FUhertss. ltMe sad Te. . - . i Wtsssi Bsaat VlssfesnM ssdWn. ...w . a a or.a boy residing on Quadra street, ne was . r ''la and had been awarded a pilots license alter itaitasr. and hss been antnted 1 n.K tinir tf hv fMmr tn Vancouver and return on i ns sun in tte ettr. returned home d j o on the Prince Obartss this mornlns . I alfJ hsvm spaht her1 VsosUoa in the Ur- D. B. Holden, a passenger, practiced luuwlicme .jwt. tur : years, graduated from McGill University and) t&Z m I i his Af D P M frnm RfHnburirh. He IS a 8011 Ol'in the ettr dti . Us Prtnos Osons this noun .1, vmnnW,.rv nf Atnntreal. He lCHVeS rooreln and wul ,lr uv . ! rscttal here tojnorrow eveninc. nro- i 'J' ' luldren, one of them Alex. Holden, cniei aviaioru,. afsla on Wednesdsy to Keath- Washington air service. iTJL1, A Macallum with his wife was a pas- Scott, who, i way of Today" also arrived today front v' r-' r in the plane, was an English barrister and for-j the north and wtu proceed this after- nit'Tlv a lnsmluH r Tl4f-1, Umiis nf PnmiYlOIia. beine ttvm. Vntou. Mo(nied by (Oontlnued on Psa Six) hting in Mr. Bye white her Tte- cm Afl AJtr , AIRPLANE WITH FOUR PASSENGE. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RyPERT, B. C, MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1928 RSAND CANADA'S P17IME MP ISTER W. L. Mac::cri Ki:.j- v, ;tQ sjnc-d Pi Can:. -a tou;. . FLOODS IN NEW YORK POOLEY RETIRING STATE AT ELLluWILLE; FROM HIS LAW FIRM aumnniiJt. K.Y . Aug. 27. Torse persons a drowned and between our snd five hundred rescued by bostl when the vatsrs of Bondout creak engulfed tsnancrti country club ysfcterdsy. Tns eresk running 40 feet deep surrounded snsny housm to the rr3a. SAIJION mXIr WIN MOMTsUUU Auc. t.-TB Wsstauastsr Bslnxn Mllss liri aai taasn arrlfid st Quebec from ainlsi dasu on asUtrdsy snd psaysd tbs Col tics ners on nundsy. ttelsstlng T to I. NBW Kill Jilt IN AITU WtiTaUKBTKR, Aug. tl. Wattes. Clrssms. 18 rasn of age. Was Instantly killed when a oar tn which he was a psawnger collided with an- test night. VIOTOBIA. Aug. 27. Hon. B. H. Pociey. tbs new attorney gansrsl la i the Toloue oacoiM, announoad astur- ;day thnt ns was miring total firm of PccJey, Pootsy. which has borne the Pooley name for oer fifty yssrs. nst bs anocsatcd with any total while bs rajMiasd attorney ganaial !C) IXrl'MCIi UnroOM. Aug. 17. More than score were tnjursg. mom asrldtMtf whan ths I fir-aster express ejajhod through the bumpsii in Kustoa Mr- IHtCE tH' WHEAT VANOOUVBK. Aug. 17. The pries nf wheat here today is II.IS. Produce Mmkeling Act Is Upheld by Mr. Justice Murphy As Within Rights of Province VANCOUVER, August 27. - The Produce Market-! inif Act Was Uuheki bv Mr. Jlistir Mimthv in a wrirrAti ! judgment filed tolliiy in the case testing the validity of the Act. It had been claimed by those attackinir the Act that Boston Grill LARUE CABARET Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing every ftsturday night (ruin t to 12. Danre Hall for Hire. Accomodation for Prlrae Parties fbone 457 Price Five Cents TWO PILOTS LOST Treaty Outlawing War Signed Today at Paris Fifteen Nations There Germany Signed First and United States Second, and Soviet Invited to be a Party to Universal Peace PARIS, August 27. The renunciation of war treaty was signed this afternoon by plenipotentiaries of fifteen nations. Dr. Gustav Stresemann, German foreign minister, signed first, Secretary Frank Kellogg of the United Stales second. Premier Mackenzie King signed for Canada and Lord Cushendon for Great Britain. By the pact the countries renaunced war as an instrument of national policy. With the signing all the peoples of the world are invited to join in an effort to achieve permanent universal peace. Soviet Russia is being asked to take part, through the French government. ! Signing was done in alphabetical order of the countries and names were translated into French. United States was regarded as America so as- to make Kellogg the second signing. ST. ANDREW'S R.MACDONALD HOLDS PICNIC MEETSLABOR EX JUt ABLE TIME AT fJKAHSY MAY Ulsrt'hSEH U.I EKTlOXS AFFECTING YENTEKDAY IIV MTUTMIEN THEM WITH LEADERS AT OF CITY I YA.VCOl VEK I With the weather In Its best be- havkk st Anwres i Society held their picnic st Orssee) Bsy yesterdsy. Due to other attractions there wss not s large turn out. but the day was enjoyed by all who were there Can were run out 6n tbs new highway during the forenoon Those using oms were H, Steen. Win Brand, snd Ota. nartrtaa A lull program of sports was held, the winners being: QMs. five and under Heton Brown. Oaris. 7 sad under Jean Cameron. Boys. and under Billy Brown, Brys. 7 and under Ian Mrlomn. O. Otrts. and undsr Kitty karoa. ft-j. and under J. Byrne, taan IsWssn Olrto. t and under Oorothy Btsso. Xitty OasBsron. and under ?. Byrne, J. Brass- Otrts. ii and tiiwV Wfa Oawnir on. Jean aeott. Bays, 11 and under P. arms, A. Ma- OUto. It and under KUds May Byrne. Boys. 14 and undsr A. Uuymn t-legted rail 1. Doe CTapt'rssn. P. 1. Andrews, Marcus Andrsm 100 yaras dash 1. Aadrews. J. Had Married ladtos raos Mrs. Bart Cam-roa. Mrs. B. nalgarnn. Ladtos istngle) X. Dssfarno, Msy Byrne. Pat mans race John Watson. Ladies opstj race Mm, Bart Cameron Mans football kick J. UoOisehao. Ladtos' fnotbaU klek-Mm. Oaa. Beott. J as. Andrews ohaltongea AM. Brown and Doc Clsppartac to 100 yards' dash it conflicted with section 408 of the Criminal Code and "p am Brown was an easy U'fie in raatramr nf foorla Tf K -U wlnnr' Dob finishing second, having ' government that if it did conflict with the Crimina1 Code, then section 498 was ultra vires of the feiftal Parliament. His Lordship stated that the provisions of tto Market Act dealt exclusively with property and civil rights in the province, which come under the jurisdiction of the provinces under the jiowers conferred by the British North America Act. The test case was based on the habeas corpus application on behalf of Chung Chuck, a Chinese fanner, who was fined ten dollars for marketing potatoes without permission of th committee of direction. Mr. Justice Murphy upheld the conviction. to ssse up to get rubbed before proceeding further. TM committee in charge was O. 4, Bdott (oonveoer), j. Dick. K. Stuart. D-I nhdmyaofe? 'MfcLesn. 'Bs VTWo: Bert' 4. aeott atsthded to the oandlss and ice the sports. J. Prew wss reapoiulM for . i Oot Koeomb of Washington. D c. and party, who made the round trip i ha Ikagway, dlasmbsrked hers thw morning from the steamer PrllK-r traLu. Btwerded Bust in Uielr i'ar Robert Pesry' tin- itv'ilnr pttsseutcr, VANOOOVBR. Aug. t7. British aijier harvesters in Canada would hare a fighting chance to succeed sad the Old Land would be thankful for the opportunity presented to then, said Bsoasay Uaedonald when he met s deto-gattan of B.C. Labor msa here yesterdsy. He said the sanding of ten thou-and unemployed miners had shwvisted the situstion tn Britain samnwhst. He asked whether it would be poaaibie to find employment for them when the harvest wss finished Tbs ex -premier questioned the detegs-ttan iwgardlng the recent BC. elections snd asked the cause of the setback suffered by the Labor party. Chwer eon-tact between the Labor party of Canada and the Motherland should be e-tebuabad. he said. RUMOR OF BREAKING RELATIONS WITH CUBA OVER TRADE TREATY HAVANA. Aug 27 Insistent rumors here my that Csnada proposes retiring Its diplomatic snd oommcrelal representative to Cubs because of differences arlalng out of Cuba's refusal to endorse the proposed apscssl conoss-stons for Canadian interests on tbs island under the projected commercial treaty. There wss no confirmation of the report at ths state department. OTTAWA, Aug 17 Mo oonfirmatlor was obtainable last night of rumors that Canada is dlssattoftod with the fir grass of negotiations for ths renewal of the trade agreement with Cuba. addle Clapp returned ss the city on tbs Prince Chartos this morning from a west's trip to Tansouvar. I A UK or our .way Oefiiiridii:iMr.tjMt!PjyMe' ' tad Mm Rupert from i Aiaahalj awl tlf to Vaitoouver we wtsiM Has to as- press our appreciation to ths Norwegians of the city and 4 sspsclally to Mr. Jack Balvlg for f the splendid co-operation and sssistance rendered ue at our a showing of the "Norway" turn and also to the public generally for thru appreciative 1 iinjamsj 4. EIIIK BYE 4, Lyd.T SKLVIO. tt ttttt THtTt .