| ARMES LIMITED riRST AID KITS ro sult requirements of Workmen’s Com. pensaiion Board Phones, 82 and 200 is " L., eam Repairs and Parts PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue PHONE 75 Pitas “VOL rary X.NO, 158 _— - PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ee Anarchist Plot Exposed at Rome and Leaders Arrested; Try to Tamper with Garrisotl Italian Cabinet Decides to Deal Vigorously with the Cost of Living; Profiteers and Hoarders to be Dealt with by © Hundreds and 1 Experts to Distri (Spe al t The News via G. T.P Telegraphs Rome, July 8.--An anarchist plot to attack the central part) of Rome by means of hand grenades and other explosives was | exposed by the arrest of 16 conspirators four hours before the} time set for carrying out the plans, About the same time thirty anarchists motored to Fort Prata- lata, four miles from Rome and tried to induce the garrison to in the attack. In the market place soldiers fired on the anarchists and seized several. The city remains tranquil. Following a cabinet meeting it was announced that there would be a determined and vigorous policy designed to influence immediately the cost of living. Profiteers and hoarders, it was said, would be dealt with by jomn hundreds. | The Government will supervise directly the regulation of prices and the distribution of the necessaries of life. it is also | decided to increase importations from abroad. A national asso- ciation composed of experts will be formed to carry on distribu~ tion under the government. GAMBLING CASE CAPT. FRYATT’S BODY TAKEN FROM CEMETERY bute Food. LLOYD GEORGE COMPLIMENTS THE DELEGATES Mentions in Meuse of Commons the Work of Men From the Dominions, Especially General Botha. 7 (Special by 6.T.P. Telegraphs.) London, orge, during the speech in the House paid a tribute to the assistance of Ire presentatives of the July 7 Premier Lloyd course of a of Commons, . Dominions in connectio with the peace treaty acbeithen rhe premier mentioned amid icheers the name of Genefal Botha who participate “door ome most AG AIN B ORE ° diMeult commissions for adjust KE ing extraordinarily delicate, com Taken to Sactand After Crowd plex, ethical and economic ques “* Had Done Honor to ; eine had 4 @uacies ions which had arisen. ” We owe a great deal to the 7. P. fleguenhe Jability and judgment with which Si al via & e j : they helped on innumerable « Police Commissioners Asked to) 'ruces, Belgium, July 6—The i. .ions and their work has begn : ; ft / ; vi , s ° Make Recommendation for or {ity of The fate bag . yal ae the admiration of the foreign de! Against Cancellation ist evenme _— oo _— ewations.” said the little welsh- of Livense. metery to the vrovincia HOV-) 5 an ernment Building where ow y { nei ni \ hal cg a ‘ mm s crowd filed re - " oe ee .. OFFERS SELF y eh id nine Phe remains were this aiter- rney-general tt an conveyed with all due hor i of | : f D,|to the railway station en route IN PLACE OF for the | ite club on to England. st. following nvi vine sone Une age BOLSHEVIK! EXECUTE FORMER KAISER’ iatler Was bi ight az oem . Perry, ee MANY INI INHABITANTS a long discussion the pectal I via GU. T. P. Telegraphs.) o ask for cancellation was Paris. July 8.—A dispatch from vn and on the motion Of) ~.; intinople to the . eee Mc Meek: onded Dy Dado eported today that the lerman Perry it was decided to on a) c : ‘ Police Tashkent, the recomine nda j sheviki forees had recaptured Russian inhabit-| the matter back to the capital of ssioners for key. executing 6,000 opinion being expressed t was desirable the : take a stand on it one wa as the othet ninission we a ints ensary mayor Alexander Ker- premier, broths of former Russian mem executed, it among Lhose { het was ane said given, one group re given, one FOU SELL LOTS FOR CASH would be diseriminatiod | petupned Soldiers Will Be Abie to old argument fo were clubs, it was admitted Purchase by Private Arrange- doing the’ same thing as ment, But Others by . the other arguing that Auction. cancelling this licens ‘ | be discrimipation against] (), the advice of the solicitors vho lost his license for @)\jjjiams & Manson, the City what similar offense I il last night decided to sell general concensus of i ity lots in Section 2 for cash | of the council seemed my \ bylaw was put through | rr making the roouns a thot izing the si le by public ‘Hon for eancellation la ion or by private treaty, it being understood that any sal FISH ARRIVALS iby private treaty would be to re- Lu i soldiers only and then onl) the two fishing boats which|in cases where they were prepared eir_ catches at the Fish Ex-|io build houses. today were the Senator,| Already there are applications bs., and the Bringold with lin from several returned men, ) Ibs The nrice was tic. | i | ae PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE - DEVOTED TO TREATY Aboard U. 8. 8, Georgia vit Washington, D.C., July 8. The Presidents message to be de livered to Congress on Thursday has been completed and will take about twenty minutes to read, lt contains about 5,000 words de voled to the treaty and protocols and the work of the conference MPRES Tonight E S ' 1G DoupLe Feature PROGRAM .. SEE. Fritzi Brunette “The Velvet Hand” also May Allison “The Winning of Beatrice” peace pe oce 1,000 tons Ladyemith Coal, the sest on the Pacific Coast, just wrived. Send your orders to the ®rince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 16. Admission 15 and 80 cents lwo Shows, 7:15 and @ lvon Hindenburg may be Field Marshal Von Hindenburg Appeals to Foch to Prevent Extradition. (Special by GO. T.P Telegraphs.) Paris, July 8 Field Marshal von Hindenburg has wriiten Mar shal Foch appealing for his sup- port to prevent the extradition of the former German Emperor Wil- helm. Von Hindenburg offers to place his “fully and absolutely own person at the } Allied pow ers.” Field Marshal brought London, July 8 j to London to testify in defense of | the former Kaiser. I[t is that a number of U-boat captains land slayers of Edith Cavell and ir apt. Fryatt expect to be at the | Tower of London in a few days. als« » Salad free Shee oul Phone 45. Fountain windows. pens Fuller's. j ee = - Carhartt’s overalls and gloves. Agent, J. F. Maguire, | Smith Block. | ocean | | Prince Rupert | Boardlr Trade \ luncheon to members 0! the Board of Trade will be held on board the 8. 8. PRINCE GEORGE on Wednesday, July 9 At 1 p.m, An address will be given by Mr, FE, A. W ike fied!, the American Consu Tickets may be had from the Commissioner, or on board the steamer hs disposal ‘of the. JULY 8, 1949. ——————-—— PURSDAY FORCES GIVEN ” PUBLIC THANKS OF PARLIAMENT Resolution Moved By Premier and Seconded By Leader of Opposition. (Special via 6, T.)’ July 8. Tetegraphs, ) Parliament yesterday af- There were the old time Ottawa, prorogued at 3:30 ternoon, formalities, the knocks « the summons to the customary triple mn the doors of the House, chamber of the Honorable Senate and the for- al closing of the by the The last few hours were session there Government. occu. pied chiefly or: of the natitary and naval fe unflinching with in expressing grati- and war steadfastness which during the had served the cause country and skill they empire in House to the Canadian} yrees for the} of he| th | |crew will circum- ’ S PRICE FIVE OF NT? DIRIGIBLE R-34 DUE TO START EARLY MORNING Pian to Get Away at Five This Morning Was Abandoned; (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) Weather Adverse. Rome, July 8.—Clashes between ——— . French and Italians are reported (Special via G, T. P. Telegraphs.) at Fiume in adviees from that Mineola, N. Y., July 8—The city. The casualties number six|British dirigible R-34 which was killed and twenty injured. scheduled to start on the return According to despatches to/trip to England, will not leave un- Giornale Italia serious aeccidents|til some time between midnight have occurred within the last day Tuesday and 8 o’clock Wednes- or two at Fiume. Two Freneh | day morning, it was announced soldiers are reported to have in-'iast night by Brigadier General sulted Italian grenadiers who re-|E. M. Maitland, chief of the light- monstrated. The French fired on er than air craft of the British the grenadiers and then fled to! Air Ministry. the barracks from which they} The proposed plan to get the fired into the crowds that gather-/gigantic airship away at 5 a.) ed on Tuesday was abandoned last —_—_—— night because of local weathe: *#** ee EE EH HHH Oe Conditions including adverse and LOCAL NEWS ITEms = PUMpy Winds, ESSERE EERE EE HEBD It is supposed that the dirigible overhaul the engines lhe Princess Mary of the C.P.|during the afternoon. Without FIUME SCENE OF TROUBLE Clashes Between italian and French Soldiers in Whioh Several are Killed. stances of unexampled hardship! , coast service is expected to ar- overhauling i ould be inviting and for the splendid contribution to the final vietory of right and} liberty. . The resolution was moved by the Prime the leader carried Minister seconded by of the opposition unanimously. GENERAL KOLCHAK GAINING GROUND Boisheviki Showing Fatigue While Troops of All-Russian Gov- ernment are Coming in. and (Special via 6G. T.P. Telegraphs.) Paris, July 7.--Reports from Omsk received here imdicate an improvement in the situation of Admiral Kolchak, head of the All- Russian Government, while the Bolsheviki are showing fatigue and are weakened by transfers of; troops to other fronts. Admiral Kolehak is receiving ire inforcements while the new re- eruits mobilized during the spring are rapidly gatting into condition for service, FREIGHT WRECK ON CANADIAN NATIONAL Two Dead, One Seriously Injured As Result of Accident On Raiiway. (Special via 6. T.P Edmonton, July 8. of a freight wreek on the Cana- dian National Railway at 11:30 o'eloek Sunday night two west of Owenway, two men are dead, one seriously, but not fatal ly wounded, and the twelve freight cars are to jumk. The dead are Telegrapds.) As a resull bes engine and reduced Norman E, lor ver, brakeman, and W. Young, engineer. W. L. Givens, the fire- man, was injured. a renders for printing 9,000 light! accounts were ‘“reeeived as fol- lows: Rauk Press, $53.75; Daily News, $54.50; MeRae Bros., $53.- 75. The tender of MeRae Bros was accepted by ballot of the al- dermen, on a vote of 3 to 2, Ald.) McRae not voting, and Ald. Casey absent, The Canadian Fish & Cold Storage boats are returning one by one to the fishing, having been tied up lately on aceount of the! lack of men to handle the catches. Another long-liner went out to- day. ee TL Ce | tive | Skagway ‘friends will be glad to hear of his in port on Thursday on her|\accident for the airship to take jway to Ketchikan, Juneau and off on the venture, as quantities and will continue her'of earbon accumulated in the regular tourist trips throughout engines which were burning 108 the rest of the season. hours while the craft was aloft Ta ae on the unprecedented journey, G. A. Bryant and A. W. Cameron | which ended at Roosevelt Field on returned from Khtada lake yes- Sunday morning. terday afternoon. They report having fine sport, bringing home between seventy and eighty pounds BAN PLACED ON of fish, the rainbows averaging from two to seven pounds. SINN FEINERS . . . ‘ , '- | Proclamation From Dublin Castie |sers, mails and freight for this Declaring i nee j port. Proceeding to Anyox to- Tooliae omental morrow night she will leave for ' | Vancouver on Thursday at Mid- (Special via G. 7. P. Telegraphe.) jaipne. Dublin, July 8.—A proclamation tow i tohfe a still serv has been issued from Dublin lon Ratenford ic still serving iCaatle deckaring all Sins Pein or jattac hed to the =, having be stalf ganizations and Irish Volunteers r in the country of Tipperary un- land consequently does not expect lawful associations ito get home very soon. His com- The onaaiemaaanend inn nati jpany has to stay there in order in & memorandum by the Chief The Prince George is expected on time tomorrow morning from the south and is carrying passen- ok a © aoe ” others safely | ce retary for Ireland enumerating ! _—— at : the serious crimes and offences Grand Trunk boat Prince |#@@inst these organizations dur- expected from the south |'™8 the past year. via the southern ports of Queen iCharlotte Islands at any time to- NO REPRESENTATIONS iday. She will leave for Buckley Bay, Massett and Port Clements REGARDING FORMER |tomorrow and will return to make London, Juiy 8.—Andrew Bonar a trip to Stewart on Saturday. Law, spokesman for the British } rhe John is The se iid of shingles which has been lying at the Grand Trunk dock for some time was dis- Government, announced in the charged into cars for shipment) youse of Commons today that no across the continent yesterday. formal representations had yet During the absence of the freight|»een made to Holland with regard handlers the barge was tied UP't> the extradition of the former here awaiting the return of the|German Kaiser. He added, how- workers. The tug Francis Cutting |eyer, that steps were being taken has arrived with another scOW|jn that direction. ~ nd will return with both when they are unloaded. . . . . - Norris Pringle of this city has |» eae * returned to Canada, but will re-|+* LAUNCH ETHELDA * jmain in the east for a short ie 45 feet over all; 28 h.p. * * . * SHEL RES ESEER FOR SALE ‘time before coming out to his|* Monarch; first class equip- home in Prince Rupert. Morris|;* ment throughout. Terms jas a boy joined up in the early |* to responsible purchaser. days of the fighting and his many|#* . H. S. WALLACE. * Se ET ES HE ED safe return to Canada, In the mak freight train to ar- WESTOLME, TONIGHT . The Ever mo Bver Popalee Doug. Fairbanks rive here there was a fine new motor truck for the Imperial Oil j\Company in one of the cars. It is made by the International Har- | Vester Co., of Chicago, and will be a decidedly fine addition t® the ifleet of automobiles in the city. 'A novelty in the machine is that ithe speedometer is already rigged up on the hub of the front wheel land ean be read from the side as ° the dial appears on the end of . WANTED * the axle. >. * + . . * 50 Muchere.. | All Orangemen sojourning in . 60 CENTS PER HOUR * the city are invited by the Prince * and *|/ Rupert L.O.L No, 2340 to attend . 1 Machine Drill Biack- * | with their ladies at a social to be * smith, * given in the Baptist Chureh on * —— * Friday evening, July tf, at 8:30, * Apply M. M. STEPHENS, M.M. \* J. R. MORGAN, LTD. */ 160 W. ©, REITH, Seey. : \* At Drydock. > ee : \® ‘*| Use MURESCO, the great sani- 2 Shows 7 and 9.15. ‘eee eee ee ee ory wall finish. A. W. Edge Co, ao “ = ” ie _— oe —_— ER >. Bt Fe, ae 5 43 —— é ed $2; ota~