PAGE TWO THS DAILT NET73 ihur.s 'in) " BRIGHTEN VOW HOME - WOW - AT XtTf LE HmT- WHAT I MIGHT HA VE BEEN As Told by Harold C. Hurr By TV COW! IT TAKES A JOINT OF BEEF tOAKE A Dome 01 novru. y The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except, Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. Transient Diiplay Advertising, per iijcTi, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line .26 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2. Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line .15 Contract Rates on Application Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Thursday, March 22, 1928 WAVES OF THOUGHT (Vancouver Province) Every owner of a radio set knows what it means to "tune in." He may not known all that is involved in the operation, of the scientific explanation of what he does when he twiddles the pointers of his dials. But he knows he is adjusting his receiving set to the wave length of the sending station he wishes to get. Throughout the world, there are thousands of radio sending stations, and they are working every day. But the man who has no receiving set never receives an impulse from any one of them, and the man who has a receiving set gets no intelligible massage from the station with which he ia not in proper tune. Even when he is in tune, he does not always register. Static or some other counteracting influence may prevent. There appears to be some analogy between radio waves and thought waves. Possibly both travel in. the ether. Possibly both move in widening circles like the circles made when a stone is thrown into n pond. Possibly we shall learn, some day. to direct our thought waves as beam wireless is now directed. At present, we know viiv little about what thought i,s or how it operates. We transfer our thought.-, on,- to ..n..t through the rather clumsy medium uf language, and beiause tin medium is 1 lunisv we understand one another onl im'erfect !y. LATE ARl IIBIKHOP'S WORK Hut we know there 1- a t ran -1 ereliif of thought in a more subtle maimer than l nieaiis if wm-tU. Many primitive people who know little or siothing of -iVn. appear able to communicate with one anot he 1 over long ili-!.,nc.-v 1; ha.- (tenured repeatedly in India and Afrit a that impot-ai:' new- ha spread a- though t.y mairic. and not oei the while man'- telegraph. On m fa-Moris ith"u' number there have been i a!' r r - f the 1 ran.-ferellte o though! between member- ... ;i,. -..p.h fami:. o(-r short distance or long. In ilritish Columbia, a few year.- ago. the !;,; Aivhhi-hop OuVernet and his daughter experimented with thought t ransfe rente, and with some sueees.-. In Portland, only reeentlv. a bank rashier became convinced that an attempt wa- to i. made to rob his bank that he and his wife, also an employe the bank, mappetl out a plan of action Mild rehearsed it Nrx day. the cashier took a loaded rifle to tht bank with him. the attempted tvi.i.erv oeeurreil. the t-ashier followed the plan he had made ailti the robbery was foiled and two of the robbers killed. How el.-e .an one explain 'h.-se things except on the theory that thought is et'ergv of -onie ,-orl. thai it is not confined to the human brain the station uHci, generates it - but juiImj.-- out into the ether ia waves, where it is apprehended only by those who have receiving sets properly attuned? The mind of the bank cashier may have been in tune with the mind of one of the bandits who were planning the coup at Portland. That may have been accident. But it ia no accident that members of the same family frequently have thofr minds in tune. They are or have been much together, and their habits and methods of thought have become aligned. In the case of parent and child or brother and sister, there are certain physical resemblances, too, that may help. In the case of eastern yogis, the concentration, year after year, on the same line of thought must bring their minds more or less 'into alignment, and so into tune. AHILITY TO TUNE IN With the thousands of radio stations pulsing forth their waves into the ether, there is a possibility of tremendous confusion. And there would be confusion did not each atation adhere to its own wave length. But th radio rppfuaion peaftali U nothing cornpared to the confusion thrre aause- be. lt.Towgf 1atrtng igictb. irom every orain in the universe. Nature, it is well known, gives her creatures the means of taking advantage of what facilities in their environment are useful to them, and she likewise makes it possible for them to develop protective armor against things and influences tht are inimical. Possibly our general indifference to thought waves is part of this protective armor, defending our susceptibilities against the confusion of the universe. Possibly, in time, we shall acquire the ability to tune in on the thought waves all about us. aelectlng those we wish and shutting out all the others. And if we develop such a faculty as that, what is to prevent our tuning in, at will, on the jrreut thought waves of the past, waves generated by master minds and sent winging forth to vibrate for all time, but never reduced to words or recorded in any literature? dloi'eBrwciondMei'BreaU " delicious wheat flaOor is retained THIS U th atory of the baseball bat , that might have been a surgeon's : knife. Tyrua Raniigiid Cobb (or 30 I years the Idol of baseball-laving Amen ca, wanted to be a surgeon. Now at j 40 ha (Mlt hi I lit work slipping away I from him Time, the remorseless old umpire, will soon be calling T out for the last play of the final game "At IS I minimi lo br a surjeun. ' he made rvufrMiuu at hi hotel on the umtflaii of lib lat l-lt to Ne York. "Itut 1 started playing hall nhen I - IS." - Only sometimes," the mighty .300 bitter amends, drawing his dreisiij gawr. around hi middle-aged figure i:-staring out of hU lsfty room wlndjw Into the past, "you get io wjmterlni: what you've done that will last wha-you've added of material gain to the mm of living. Every fellow get.s a ltttte serious once In a while.'' A a youngster he ass passionately fund wf athletic "1 hUlJ )rae agu iliaun In l.etKgla beaeisall the gnat game. He dld'nt bate luukelhull In u cl I In The Lgtter Bp nrj :i3" fir fcrcKAiwto D..i : Neva. of March 10 I find ;tled "Esperanto la here l roim or irnoU. ter) Utile football and no ' golf, of i-ovrkv. And a hen I began lo about 800. In.: ..l.n,: training trip ex-1 rnper In pivtesstoaal baseitsJI I gate hibiuoas. pvr u long stritch lik up th idea of htswHtinf a ufrati. I'te tliat you nave 'J figure on a lot of ulws.ts bed MMtt regrets. IMI l'e An things to do with the care of the body,' well at UwlMtll. I gu." like ntlnt (or t:istanc." . His father wanted him to am orate Tor IftetH) )rur Ty Cobb has plavrd the law. but young Tyrus simply ibe game mi rim-ri). ImmJ and wtii. couldnt bring himself to do tbst. "It last H haa burnril him down, lie a : aa too hard a task," are hla own, lUlie Hres) ml Ihr grind llmt of bring' x-jrda for It. "It hurt me' Just to think away trap Ms wife and rhlidren l j o. doing it.- i assallM of la year, tlrre) of the rbrero 1 '' and the glbrv of the rrowds at the lrrad Ihe awbillon to be a r- park. of the long train Jaafy and gron liad Ukrsi kaW ml bk no) lab aleeiilng In atrunge beds. I If. going lo Imagination. "It Jsjat Inlereeted m tafcr a (MSX real after thai ksamlng! ireplt. ever) I king sboot It ass thrilling, last gawtf -tfce rrl he's earned. Titer was a dortor In oar town who I knew my feeling. anf be ed lo sk me "ItH be a relief not to have to get to attend hl operations. I attended out and play ball ror a couple of -eeral. Mwl 'em all ngbl. I re- years'' But he's mo restleu. too high-! memliered rterylblng I sow. all I strung to loaf permanently 'I'll attach ! beanl. Mi mewutri was vert retentive .rty?lf to aomethlng by-and-by." be on the subject. Hut I never got beyond promises himself But I've posted the: flrl aid." constructive, the adjustment period. At my age I cant delop myself Into some-; That first knowledge, hla love for ;llimg dlfleseat. I'm a ball player. If i surgery, he has carried over Into bae- 1 were a surgeon 11 "It has assisted me to keep In Thus. Ty Cobb casta up accounts, i cl shape physically. Football play- speculating on wha'. might have been. 1 f-n go staje and ten games are i n.any for them to play The TrnnomiK Irtlnr Herlln on your future edltorlsls la quirea to maaHrr n n w a mnru.- flnlt, lrnprove, -1-c.Jtlng I appreciate your ,,m. h th. , , .T.I lftu ... iii :rrr v comet effect is tli c latest tiling in RUG patterns Again, Congoleum Gold Seal Rufcslead inestabllsli-in& new rufl fashions . . this time with a newcomer effect that can be used as either the new rounded effect or square. Again, Conaoleum Gold Sl Rugs set a new standard for quality v.ith the new "Afiif-cofe" surface, thereby longer wear Is built Into the felt bae and ihtouthout the durable surface. Vet, with all these advantages, comes the most surprising news of all Price are now loner " baseball player gets Into 'Copyrlgnt by Public Ledger) Iproosas the Cy Counoll should have ' j.'cund It neceaaary to cut the library1 distinguishing characteristics of Is- ; cstUnatas to a Dolnt wbsra It will In-! II perantr- u just thla. that :U capacity, j tcrfere with the purchase of the usual jj lts winenaos. Its height ita fulneaa. Its number of hooka' for patrons ' j U exprtsctvrneao . plaoaa It miles ahead of I am not going to argue with yqu! jsr-y living lguage. That la only In iovsr the quality of service rendered by ' : thj natural ordor of things, for the llv- :hs library, nor the naceaalty of in-mg ianuage ia called upon to Inter- cntaljf the librarian salary nor any, prtt only auch part of human activities ; otter reason advanced by you for tftej and conceptlona aa come within the juaUflcatkM of an insreaa: of ST37W; apnere ox iwt spealters It is there- (nearly i over their aDDronrlatioo i wrmhmnn" "sniw-. however. j "as s matter of m,,. u.t ' year the ' :, are in the main reaaon- ufk, boulljLf lu . , ::it:.;y. -. an esceptlon little leaderette than in the whole; -k. r,,i. Bt'u,lv,D" unU1 lt "' have in-! tame as this year and the 1W7 City rule ciuod tvervthlnn conceivable sad thit rvanwii mrmnti k un . JTLJ?, 18 h,t &P'r,"t0 " ' H'" you auu neverule, amid toe da ranees of ignorance May ... . . " ... .. Kets a rong way on lta road. . ,w Vhey ' aaw fit. 1 lust the " aaaaa " ia STan mnt I uc them la mnr freiiklnhncu In vtmr . . . ' , , . ... , m&v m. air tMt vmi mi iiu :h. pjui urtLT Drsnue aesinvt hmi. gamut of the laperanto language Why. ttructed" language, and that you take I But the the prtneliMl feature of the language . uttl. snl trouble s. lock into the i. ... ub Af i,. ,.iti .. m" quae- 'n tit any any we way. . ,' - "n in real earnest. I promise you s! mate t'wTsaw tge7 saussseas viss aaaesii vcm cuui t i tt- librarian Increase in salary Wllf.tlli: lf flfv that Is the Library Board's What concerns rog and Is of ;be uunast importance in my mind, gad considered justly so bf this vear'a and ycu win end 'council. Is - Use fact that before anv- wivnouv ui ine nuiiiitii- ianauaee- any - -.... j.,., UP by wondering -lU why .. vou . missed ao thine wing el else can Im be nnn.iuru considered the dlnous inceptions and Irrcgulailtie , ' thlni, eh.rir ,.nJ,..; the mill wM-h .it ,h.t rate have t vgRsi: 0WB PP" level if w. want to Ilk. Tonsv. luat .rowed uo." Ho u You deride Espermnto bcue it w aiMl-ti: cimple and natural this "constructed'' lanauase Is let m mtam t onstructed. and didn't grow up hlg- -InDl, lvln, OIhr th, .M ' glety plgglety like other languages. oi Hcpe. fnd mHy , iUblt tB nglttm include-. Surety that Is a- 3Ile n,v. high praise ss you could weU bsatow,Wg, tu rommoa baeea of language upon it. The very labor of agony t k, .hl. , . ITTT . ....nuniB "nil- reeded to acquire a living language- out hsrtng tPit even one mlnuu 1. sthsr than onew native-1. what pre- Uudylng E.peranto rii vAT .isi -iTi - . ' our "'Jlru ungvs funaamento fgeAlnsTlogetiisr In Irlendllnea as only; cotr.Drna..te ,... i. i..n pcopia can get togetner wno under stand each other. That entirely praise worthy purpose is Just what dominates the activities of EsperanttaU the world , over. iiih u 1 1: woitK. Or. Zamenhof. the inventor, a sentimental kind of man. ( like voureelf La po;-oloy faros en conaento Unu grandan rondon famlllan. Ia via. H RAtUVTenX. Terrace. TKKATMKNT f I.IHRAKY 8C Mr Editor) was reared under condl- ;Edltor D"ll "aasj. uons which abundantly proved to him vour "iarial of (he Slat inet.. that the great majority or the troubles undr the heading "Library Cut Down" nd wara which afflicted hla nation T0U and the nations surrounding It. were ' 'm " Ptv tn,t 'n the pruning to be traced to the differences in point if view occasioned by the Inability of the peoples to understand each other. He made lt his life's work to lay the foundation for International understanding In the firm belief that that would do more than diplomacy to make war and Ita attendant horrors Impossible. How well he did his wnk those who have dipped Into Esperanto have -ome idea of. Your leaderette begins with s foolish TilMtstement that Espernnto Is "a universal language that nobody speaks ind very few people rend." Nothing ,ould be more ludicrous than such statement, for there are thousand of people who use the language In ne.irly rr--parte of the known world And you end your effusion with another statement - which could be more accurately described by a little nurd containing only three letter In which. I am sorry to say. your Ignorance Is completely msmfested. Q. You TOU Dyspepsia Troubled t Him for Many Years Mr. J. Savoy, rxgtferlUe, KB, wntei: "I nave suffered for msiy years from dyspepsia and could aot to get sny relisf. see the property owners in this city 'Bang On" to their property Instead jrf letting it go at ta sales every year. When that will be adjusted and the etty will not have Iota left on lu hands far unpaid taxes, we anaU be again "on our leef financially and It will b saueb easier to take ear of the WMfMna l .l Hx wfwea) eisa Sya nnaneisi help and are quite jeoeaaary to the welfare of the city However, if you had had the proper Jlgurea ye public would have been Infomsed that last year's estlmatea of the library were SS.737 that the oouncU grsntaa them asJOO and that the Uhrmry Soanl spent UMOAl. or more than was allowed them, which la not esactly as it should be You should also have shown that this year the Library estimates were S3 7y but that the ISM council grant was .840 or MOO more than Isat year and "One day I told my wtfs I tWhl iT"' Morsry wn Board I would try a bottle of estimates this year iiMsy 1 m ilf iirl !(iW and when 1 had half of It taken I not leas as you s'-it: In your adltorial I sonalder that the "brary has been treated with favor in grtUng SSaO more this year especially u' you com- psre what the other Insm.i.ions were allowed since they nil were "Pruned Down" except th Psy Band " I sincerely hope it will allow the to keep within their Thanking you very much for the use "I your valuable space. I beg to remain TH. COU.ART. Chairman Finance Committee ' The Editorial was based on flgwrea . "'it out officially at th crty hajl. , i a European desired to taw the United 6 tales nd ace the how places e: ween New York. Los Angelas, and New Orleans. It would take him five or als 1 "elt if he stayed only one to two dsya in each place: whereas an America f.l . , . . . ..t itMlrniu nt v.. . . describe EaDeranto lanu.. ' i i. 7 . "' ""ri so i continues until sun eceuu whTch ,. 'L. 'J?!"?' ?." . bottles, snd now hare lh' . Pari.. Oenersr! lng language ' - - , aa raias an.i ..j nn. Btnokkiin n. . i ... mii.i;s ,tni;tii f have not the least particle of lirsl-'utlun in .Miying that on of the most reel tut I s.-a compleUl rid of my his excursion, excluding th ocean "0,u,b , t i trip In lui than s month MMnfutoreaoalybyTOsT.UUbora i . Co, LlaUUd, Teroato, Oat , 8llbwrlb, for th. Dtll N.w Genuine CanlsUuns CM he MiellHeV Wen rMd by ttjetietjfeal - IM MUfSCW. Yoor Onarsaiee of Sifala assj as. aaraneeaf iba woat vsase than ever. Your dealer has a full assortment of beautiful new patterns to select; from at tbeje low prices. (ONG OLEUM gold Bvrr c: seal JnLUQjrs CONCIOLEUM CANADA LIMITED. MONTREAL Coaroleaoi Csasda l.taw-ttd. I 127 St. Csirick St ttu U r- . lesS ror. wt.h' co.t 'i CWf el PM"' 'St,. I i lUct mi I Cssiy S tsii It ,t Co.i Addsss Montreal :: Importers L cANADIAnf Vacific xsivtX aw MrniniM Hi ( uTMMTWiLUMaTU 7 bBS VtV miM uu awll -l II i OUU WHOLE STOCK MUST IIB DISPOSED 0 '(I EX0USH fsAIIAIIDlNB KAIsVOAT-Imported from the beat makers. Hv from $20. and up all going at half price. RUNNING SHOES FOR SPRING WFAll Dominion Msao Man's Running Shoes, regular $1.75. Now Boys' Running Shoes, regular $1.50. No" Youth's Running Shoes, regular 11.26. N Children's Running Shoes, regular $1.2.1. N si :; sti'" St 10 Montreal Importers Third Avenue Telephone Rlue 418 J. H. Millt'f Canadian Pacific Railway B. C, Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan. Ursnirll, Juneau and sVsgwsjr March 11. ' To Vancouver. VI. I or la snd Seattle March 13. M. tprll ritlNi csH iii:aiiiice. rr nutrdale. Rait lella llflla. eeaii IU. Namu. Alert w Campbell Rlter. and Vancuoter rry Saturdsr. II s.nt. Sgeney for all Steamship Use. . . lafissn" W. U OKCIMBP. flenersl Aient. PhoM j iwrrifr or 4in airert ina sru Arnjc n . To Every Woman whn . 1. ideas 1.... I in liflMn home decoration lanenl inn s ' la nntrer fnr nsu' .... ... . I . .MkmiH lil ;m1 combinations tor tne sun porcn, new cuiui nJl room, new color beauty everywhere In the house ' lng Lacquer cornea as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telcplione 3