( We pass our coal over a screen four times larger than any other coal screen in" town. We are "therefore putting out the cleanest and be,st prepared coal. We make It a point to get coal for you that will give the most heat with the least waste. Let us have your order for delivery now. t Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Pitch and firavel Hoofing (inlvanized Hoofing Chimney Tops liave Troughing Conductor Pipe Hoof Plashing Warm Air Furnaces Slove Pipe and El hows ' Metal Hoofs and Siding Phone 340 Itox IG7 Trappers ! Are you getting enough for your fcir! It act, -come to Goldbloott. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, If you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom "The Trappers Friend." Second Avenue World's Record Strains BABY CHICKS and HATCHING EGGS from pen of R.O.P. Poultry Breeders' Ass'n. of B.C. Birds with Official Records Under Government InaptjuloB. White and Brown ,Tfrhorni, Barred Rocks. R.l. Reds, Wyandotte. Buff Orpingtons, Black Minorca. Blue Andalusian Order Now. Reasonable Price. For Price Ut write Secretary. Prof. Lloyd. University of B.C.. Vancouver, B.C. Radio Radio A well u apeclallning on tlM No. 1? lUdlola. wish to draw your attention to the Redlola No. 10. It u another of it up-to-dau, last six months modal, a ail tube reoelver. Price, lea Radlotrona 9 84.M Price, with Badiotron .. SUMS Price, complete wltb Radlotrona and 100 A Loud-x speaker SlSS.il r. . t handier Eaclutlve Wholesale Dealer tor Rad tolas Offlre: SIS Hlith St. Hot C43 mure Ktirt. ti.c. LINDSAY'S' Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing.. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Pinno and Furnltum Moving. BADMINTON AT I.0M. HALL KN40VA1U.K KVKNT LAST MdHT WIKA MKMIIKHH Of I'KINCi: It I PKItT 1.1 II LTKKTIK1 Last ewning the members of the Prince Rupert Badminton Club Xtteeta of the I.O.DJE. Club at their ttail on Fifth Avenue, and a number at veil-con teated games were played. rbe viaitora and members of the home learn were well mixed up. the partner being cboaen by lot. The haU. which is probably the bast for the purpose in toe city, proved a little ptunUUic same of the viaitora. tvefreeennenu were ewved after the flrat round and was quite late when the tournament lcaed and Frank BuaaeU and lira. Hainea mere declared winners, taking the final round from a. Oarton and Miss Caroline Mitchell The aoorea for the evening follow: FUtST KDIM) C. J. ftarruifson and Maw Riven orat P. Davles and Ules Palmer 1S-C. S. Dartsn, and Usm Ultoball beat ' A. Teng and Mra. Uann 1S-1. Will Lambie and Hra. Blanoe beat H. M wuwlow and Utat Harvey 16-4. r. RuaaeU and Mrs. Haines beat X. A'lldtng and Mrs Johnson l-. X. C. Otbboas m Ur. Uaney beat Parqubar and Mrs. Moore 1S-3. Fred Smith and Mm. Self beat P. H. Clendenniag and Mrs. Norrtpgton IS-T. R Stuart and Mass Currte beat H. P. uUen and Mis. Darton 1S-U A. Dav:e and Mia. Bradbury beat H. 3. Uradbury and Mrs. Ratehford lS-a Mrs. Long ajid Ulaa Uvosr bast Mrs. Wlnsl'Wr and iIM Hartia St-...- WlKII KOI NII Oarton and MM Mitchell beat Nor- nngton and Rlvett IS-. Stuart and Maw Carrie beat Smith nd Mra. Self 1S-7. Darton and Mlas Mitchell beat Lambie and Mrs. Blanc lS-g. Russell and Mrs. Maine beat Oibbooa srd Mrs. Usney ls-S , Oavlea and Mn. Bradbury beat Mrs. Long and Mlas Mereer 1S-S Tlllltll ItOlMi Darton and Mlas Mitchell beat Stuart and Miss Currte lft-g. Russell and Mis. Haines beat Davie and Mrs. Bradbury !-. riX.IL Suewll and Mrs. Hainea beat Darton tnd Mlas Mitchell lS-g. GROTTO WINS FIRST CRIBBAGE PLAY-OFF Defeeled Oasnie ldfe UM MtM by Mwre of II t IS wiim (issse Xet MrnnUy The first game at the crlbbege Btaf COS last night tor the city champaon? snip prevad a closely contested aftatrJ Ube Oretto inntng over the CkrangaJ JJSL IUIIBS day evening and. should the Orottowuij Utey will be the champion, the serteai wiug iu u um nm games out OI three The Mams sse aa follows: Orutto--OeOTg Rudder ham. A. Me anan. J. Andrews. Res PubltooverJ: Cbsrles Tsylor and Alex McRae. Orange Lodge Vic Houston. John Lauiwnaen, Prsncls K. nan Hi. Wll-tlam Roth well. J. Boulter and R Vie-! nek. SUNDRIES BOWLING Jarfc Watsan and J. Walimo Itink Winners Otrr SHI MrlMvratlri ami J. Watson's rink took the lesd In the St Andrews Society carpet hewttng tournament last night bydefeaUng that of Oeorge Abbott, the second match of the evening being won hy Jack Wat- ton's rink over Nell McDonalds. Oamea tomorrow nlglu will ha he twean the wiowiiig rtuka. Cliartal Tay- lOT ..JwMi .fW; Jnw Diok vs. Bert V. MlliriWaU. SaaniMMra in In the rgmie4tlii ajefis iijlowa, W. L. D . Pta J. Watson 0 13 O Abbott . A. ftlcLaod J. Prew ... J. Dtrk . Jack Watson S N. M Donald 3 R. DVle S R. Cameron 3 o Boon a C Tnyl.ir a T. DeailM a HWI. IlII.I.IAItll KTAMIINUH 1 1 loffloam eieotad cr Mm. W. J. Craw-t Pinal league standings are aa follows:, ford. vice-president. Alex. Ruaswurm,' Played Total Aver. escretaVy rtwasum and on the execu- Cold Storage la 11116 M7 uve coenmirtee Mrs H p. oibson. H Orotto U 10727 8S4 , D. Rochtort and .ins Morrlce. A tour-1 Grand Terminals.. 11 1786 890 Qyro Club II 8771 a! Maple Leah 13 10649 8S7M bo rtectei Individual averages In the league Played Total Av. t 400 M0 i aoo aoo e list ita ta aw its la as34 i os la aast iss la 3361 188 11 9004 188 11 3051 186 1480 186 7. 1291 184 7 1300 184 8 681 184 0 1SS 181 IS 2156 180 11 1871 179 II IMS 178 10 1777 178 a r at '.78 la '2136 177 ta aiao ir?: la at is i76 la aioa 176 1 is atos its ta aoao i72 la 3087 172 j tan m ; 8 1J70 171 i 8 1884 171 j 8 1884 170 : 8 ISM 167 a sis i54i ; ' 5 778 ISA 8 1134 142 3 871 18 p o. pyie (O.t.i .... A. Murray ICS.) A. Macdotuud OB.)... D. Brown (Orotto).... C. Youngmea (Ot W. H. Long ICS.) .... A. Donald (O.C.) 1. Judge (OroMe) J. Deeeiey (Q.T.I P WUUaraa (Mi) .. B Morgan (OS.) O. Howe (MX.) M. M. MeLsehlan (MI Ben Setr I O.T.I Mayor MeMardle (MX.) W. J. Kelson (O.C.) M. Andrews (MX.) . C. Balagno (O.C.) .. O. Waugh lOrcttot J. HUlman IC3.)... J. Hamilton (MX.i . J, Andrew (OT. ) . . O. A. Woodland (O.O.) . . O. T. Tinker (O.C.) W. E. WllUtcroft (OT.).. John Bulger (CB.I. Brown (O.) . . . Kriuae (OX) l.ffllON--.UU.IWt!S Charlie Barter clffe..wr) Harry Tbrupp 900 to ISO in the firt u-.a .r he iCanadlai: ln!ion ':..:k1 .-d tcurnameut mat night ana " d bant Jack Doogherty in the d round by 800 to 175 1 SPORT CHAT Anyox hadminton de h, . . wound Up tt seaoon's bum 'JSk the mjiiej r.. ri.... the 003 era SSjtli nx: se.on . ;. cnthntUMts X tha agii; spwu are Bow bvtng BWknrdt asj vT4gajnlzst.on meeting in the Bear, fsjtadw although St aSST eaaraj with snow Winter apurla jat AnyBa., BI.' asaewhere. re BPissi sa arswasi son sum- hm aMvlttat -lft sow ;ieSjg thought day. Other pmt - mentioned as pos-psl v4. 'slble esmwiei were Port BUnnaon and : ". 11 f, use snossB asawHSBiai swa anew- art ramus swum W- ItaE-Maa. S. O WTse .saBMtBsatBSlyjrJ atxtad T AsBBsalMlaBBa !sswaestpa Oraree Rfirf, who presided, and O A Bt-vart. mre.irtir.: the Rotar Cl the Beef it uHere 3s the Beef, Mother" WHEN you add Oxo to soups, stews, and meat pies, you put in . Concentrated Beef, thus making them more nourishing and tasty, with the rich nutriment and flavour of prime lean beef. Oxo it the Housenife's Great Economy Puts in ' iprss4dfn fdr tle ensuing year. Other nament commit ), insi-tinii nl Wulter ' Broad. R. T. Crrxin ."id R W Kenneoy ' Art Kamon. fcr:nr!v r.f this eltv. rog- :ttered a aplen l 'i break of 58 In the opening easlon or hla 1000-polnt match against T. Chain fi In the Vancouver imaicur billiard rhamplonship series at .he La Salle pr!ors last Friday night. Mv. Chambers phiye.1 more conaiatenUy ind ckised the r ir-t block with the wore 800 to 82H .!i his favor. Chambers' beet run .h 41. but he showed rood form all thruueli and steadily In- j created his score with many breaks of touhle-figure sire PYLE WINNER OYER MURRAY IN FIRST BILLIARD MEETING Pred Pyle defeated Alex Hurray by a total score of 500 to 480 in the. first game of the senior city individual bil liard series last niht. the loser thus being eliminated from the contest while the) winner goes to the second round. The first half of the match was rather slow but the eeond proved mors interesting. The time of the match waa two hours and U minutes. Pyle mak- ng high braski of 44 and 28 and Murray 33 and 34 in succession. Pyle led all the way tng ahead at one tsge by ISO p Jack Judge acted is referee: A Pattaraon as tune-keeper, and J. HUlman as marker. The Junior dlvlilon of the city chain -plonsh:ps win br opened tonight. ESTABLISHMENT OF BOYS' CAMP MI'ftM. IrM'IIHCM TO rilOCl.lIl "I'M IT-'JTCT ANO ITBK Will. vim ii IVsl'i ( TED .... AkM m..K r x - b,h-i. Navy League - meetlBc last :st In the Dro- . - nt and mam- ren. . , summer camn for be . - art. A committee iex: Pin. t an Insuectlon of mict s: s Lake and report I HftcK to sncti. 'tins nest UMm. the end of the new Kalen Island road. Tnoae nrwm at otm wmu mmIm FAoa Foua Tin BRINGING OP FATHER By George McM,, ( WE OIV$ YOU FACTS , vev L- My Pa on ) fc YOU LOOK bP, r-X POOF' NOT HOT Ot-O TOP WrlAT 1 DOC. I OA0 I- how too fccl: A POLICtMKt AIR i .awi, i iT THE. ASJOOOL? ' i - . . . r -J i 1 ANIt-AL . C 1, u wt i mm Kit : x -k'MiJiabL.iSBBWin.i. . - . . jr 1 : -J i .eVJiivw v i lav jswt- . .7:: st . -t.T .'i . at I 1 .aUV T SSFCK.tniBBTjRSOaBl i tmM' I srseT.TT" n" : , -sr-saBM Y ST 1 lltl v T.JW1 I FOR HUNT ! For Wanted Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in i' WANTED ' WANTED KXCHANOK swsTatfD roomed bungalow In South Vancouver for one of almllar value at Seal Osve Af.pl y 8. Bunbury. No. 1 Sub post office Prince Rupert. 72 WANTED PURNTTDRX OP ALL Descriptions. Honest prlees paid. Spot , cash. Phone O. Dawes, Black 130. tf FOR SALft "0 SALS. OAS BOAT "VA8A " Length 415; beam 10 ft in HP Atlas 4 cycle engine: price 11800 Thai boat would msV ex.-ellent packer. Apply Pujimoto. Atliu Ave or Ward Xiecuic. Cow Bay tf SaTrrtMO BOOS SIM PKR SETTIrtn from bred -to-lay thoroughbreds: S.C Leghorn and Barred Rock. R.O.P. stock. The RoysJ Pur and Poultry Ranch Pacific B.C. ti OLD NEWSPAPERS MAT SB UBBD IN-atead of bulldlnit paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor. Oct special price on large quantities Dally News. :4TJ8KrUTJ -MOW BOOKtNO ORDERS for summer and fall delivery flnett dark muskrau. The Hoysl Pur and Poultry Ranch. Pacific. B.C 91 "Oft BALI ORTHOPHONTC ORAMO-phone with 81 records. Ajio Singer mat blue in good condition. Spot cm! Phone Red 848. 70 lOR SALS. HOOSB SCOW. U BT 40 suitable for camping or fishing. Apply Boa 88. Daily Ncwji. 73 OsTUSVALLY LA ROB WII.TON CAR for Sale. Apply Pulten. Da I It s. tf r LOST LOST. OtRLB' OXFORD BETW1 Hay Cove Circle arm Bliiti St. Pindar return to Daily New Office P C. Mater AM. P. R. Lteacy and Ben Perguawa. ths Beaut troups. Earl Bar ns the TUSts Boys, and D. C Patter -son and .Thosaaa larClymont. the Nsvy League and Bee Cadets - Man in the Moon lair 'east stow to the genanu public? Jake anal hf throks about SIM. duMSbM IMv aklr anat rolled k - And her garters were purple and ho marcelled her hair and powdered her nose. And walked with the air nf a queen THE world Is soon omlng to sn end t am told Ah, well. Then I anal! 1 never be able to pay all my debt I'VE had some pretty rank attigj through the malls but the worst fmtid I -has been 'J special delivery we get dw ' the stamp soma poor sucker ha affixed j PU1NCR HUPEIIT TIDES :. s 4M4 AN person who falls to curry .. harr mi sumv itupit e oi iiki ournens is nraiy w oe otiroen - cd with fst. THEY say the way Dempaey develop, ad hla bad eye was looking to ae the handwriting on Hie wall THE failure la a ho ha ! e those who have succeerWI BADMINTON U a queer game n-h "irr uny i mmw a mra van a inarket strike) a bird over the net and tlieliird akruck the other bird In Ur ey. Und naorly blinded hint. ' ITJ hate to play at badminton It hate la hU a bird. I reel that If t hit It hard. It would he so alarard HOTEL ARRIVAL. fVwtrai H McDonald. Marine 8fstlon. -., .... . , , ""i in rii a oniipla of daya In town on bumex. re turned lt night to btcnnri NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c MODERN POUR-ROOMtD .twuse convenient to Baal Cove Dry Dock. Phone Orean 888. sad 73 RENT. - PORNI8HBD APART- menu, four roans and bath. Water bald. Phone 841. tf I OR RENT- PURNtSRED HOOSBKEEP ln r oms by the day. weak or asonUl Phoue Red 607. U POR RENT. -ROOMS WITH OR WITH out board. Central location. Phoav Blue 158. tt POR RENT. - PORSOBrlBO MOO0B' keeping rooms Apply M Grocery. POUR ROOMED KrDUBS POR BeNT: hot and cold water. Phono Red 388. AUCHOXKfiltS. PRIXfE HrPBRT AlfTIIIS M4KT- Prderal ork Pumiture of all kinds bought, sold or exchanged. Crating and packing Bone. Opods sold on Commission G. j. liAWReY '..ri Ptoane 4SS OMPUT1NO SCALES. SCALES MEAT :icers, rlieese cutters and meat chopper", coffee mlflt. cash sag-Isteta and peanut butter as!Us. Rupert repairs and adjustmenta. Sa vice contrneu New. used or rebuilt machines. Eaay terms or each discount THE f AIJ!S SHOP LTD. SM ('rdova t- IV- Vnrter n C. FUBN1TURE AND ItANn CHEBl-BRHElJ STJITBS. BB9SOOM Suite. Dining Suit. Kltctten Taktea. Ranges. Linoleum and Unnlium Ruga. Carpets. Blinds. Ourtalu Hoaa. Restmore Oollsprlnga and Mattranaas. Blankets. Cretonne Window Curtain goods. We have suit a few ssata left st the old price. A. MACKBNEIR, Ft'lt'siTI'ltE Tti. CHIMNBY SWBBP II. J. ZlllKCHK ttenersl Handy Mn Purnaees and Stovea Ctaanad sad r. paired. Chun ales JwvSd. Oatnetery Ptota Cared Par. Red 848 Peine bTuami. no. EXCHANGE tiw nd KEroNu iitjfn rtmvin nr bought and snM and eadBsnred. Two Cash Ragtstera la tVt, 1AlfcpWISRtT am Third Ave. Phone SI6 ciiinopHAmc BR. R. C KTOlrxoN Charapraiiaf 833 Third Avenue. U lenhone for appointment now tg Bt 85 Reaidenee phone Mhek 9M. Evening ealla made aa arravated. Make your appolntmarit u H'eh rso am. ai. a 14 OS PJB. n m High s na sjn. ' 30 15 PJB tJ priimy. ma not aa '! 3:34 ajn. a.4fv ' 14 44 BOB. iw 8:48 SJU. tt " ' 88 81 BJB. )e ntTUHitv, tituni l 'mgB 3:88 a. m . a if III 1 alasKsTl I SaWJW k i spar r . : w i mm I f I ST-ai :sd pjn. p. m m I prti mHTii .High 3:3? S.m. m a I 10:lt pjn. I I0:t0 ant. aa n pm. Movritt. tiinni i HK" 4 80 a m. 17:18 p.m. u 10:88 a m 8SHi am. I TI'RSffS.V, MARCH IT Hlfh 8:11 am 18 31 pm :Low II M pm aw- - 24 - ta - 81 J ft. vt.t 84 " 7 .0 ao.i rt. 183 " t r'ti -1 - 111! '.( steamship mvm for Vsncoutet Tuesday- an. Cam .... ' Ftiy--i . SatuXiy m as Pri-i . March ig.-w v March 21 i I rrem Vsnoavrr Sundsy 4 r.t Wednesday- i Balurdsy w . Saturday aa I'-March ll ! March 21 - m Mareh si- i' Po Port Slwponn n. : Sunday -as Can. from Perl 8tmpn . i Tuesday -sa r.m. For Anyx aad st.,, ,,, Bunday -sa Can '''MTednaaday hn I I mm Anyaa ami -Tuesday sa r... Priday a Pr IVf qoren rhsrii.n-March 10 i March -. ! Iriim (Jure hji: - March a r March 33 aa I' lr Ahiaka March ii-a r March 21- aa i Mareh si aa r From Alatka Maath. Iaa V March 88 -aa r MAIL SCHF0r.Lt Mtlti ii I'ar (he Tt Uandsya. Wem.- rrsm the nasi TUHsUn. Thnr da To rtneootet Tueedays StWasp .. Traina. Monti Saturdays . I rem TaeaMivr- syt s CR Mirrh 1'. TtBlna. 8uhday 4tf To Alysrt. Am-e rremler Sundays Wednesdays Irom Aayu. Alter a .Tuesday 1 1 Fridays Tw Nss inter mint aundaya . rvam Waae Rhref Pnln Tuesday To A leaks Polnta Msrcb IT 81 in'1 I rum Akaaka Pwnl fwh. ae. March I-To Cjueet) rharleti' March 10 and -i rrem tjajeen rharln.i March 8 and i- I.KTTKR B ' " At Atlln tat Ave sth si U Ave. At r Iton -8th Ave. At ' loenr IHh Ave. f1 Shert.: Iltk Ave A Cnnr. Mi Ave A Hsys i 8th Ave. At Hara ( Ith'A. As Out tot. k IUivAva. arson h m Ato. McBrlde " frtmt. tlovt. BUIIU.m PrSS;. Oovt. Whsrl UP. Wharf J. Button Mr Ave at and et ii- Sfd 'Ave. Pulton 8t 8rd Ave at sth at Sundays- One rdi' pjn. collection. C.N.R. TRAINS lr I lie Bat - Mondays. Wrdnemli at 1140 am rram the r:st Tuesdsy. Tlni'! at a so pm