“® wil Page 2 THE DAILY News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co,, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING Eprror. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. TELEPHONE 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch. Contract Rates on application. ess — DAILY EDITION, ost gars, Tuesday, July 8, 1949. = Long Voyage Was Wonderful Feat. The long voyage of the British dirigible R-34 was a wonder- ful feat. It reminds one of the famous voyage of Christopher Columbus when he discovered this continent. The men were often lost in the clouds but they held on and finally made their objective just before the gasoline supply was exhausted. The interesting feature of this voyage was the fact that the airship was ii Communication with the rest of the world by wire less nearly all the time. Even though lost in the ciouds or fog the officers were still able to send word of their progress. Major Scott and the other officers have not only made 4 record but have shown another example of British pluck and en durance. Municipalities Want Automobile Licenses. The City Council was last night asked to endorse the pro- posal to haye the provincial government hand over to the muni cipalities half of the amouni collected from automobile licenses and half the personal property tax charged on cars; the same vo be used for improving the roads. Some such move as this has been discussed for a long time Before the war if was mentioned, but during the war all si gestions for weakening the taxing power of the province were dropped. Now it comes up agaio through the automobile asso- ciations, All they are asking is that half the amount collected be handed over to the municipalities. the provincial government in improving the roads outside the cities for the benefit of the city dwellers. In Prince Rupert the city gets no benefit from outside roads because as yet there are not any. Very soon the provincial goy- ernment will have to commence construction of a road up the river to the canneries and then we shall get our share of the ex- penditures. Naturally the provincial government with its immense in- herited debt and with the necessity of spending much money on reconstruction problgms and, soldiers’ rehabilitation, is loath to give up any Of its means of.naising revenue. It may uol see just where it can replace the quarter of a million dollars a yea: would have to hand over under the scheme. Press Service is Great Organization. Through the widely extended ramifications of the organized press services we are able to read every day of the doings in all parts of the world ‘This is the much maligned ‘capitalistic press,’ the only concern that ever would have made news collect- ing a possibility. The evolution of the press is to some extent the evolution o| the foreign news service. All the world is now linked up by a network of news agencies that record anything that is happening in any part of the world that is worth a paragraph. No state system would or could ever have arranged such a system. It is a natural growil of ihe commercializing of the news of the world. The tived laborer who throws down the paper and says “there is nothing in it’ would feel the loss just as much as anyone if the service was stopped. During the strike in a neighboring city wien the strikers were vilifying the press and claiming thal i! never told the truth, one of the leaders often stepped up io the editorial rooms of one of the iocal-dailies to find out the strixes were progressing in other cities, how The news service is a wonderful organization and even the small. services that the local papers can afford to buy would very much missed if they were stopped. 7 = be CHASING "THE WILD "TURKEY eae Subscribe for The Daily News The other half is spent by, THE DAILY Eastern Prices on Community Silver We just received « copy f the Robert Simpson Co. catalogue and find that our yrices on Community Silver ere exactly the same as theirs. We mention this as proof that we are trying to give our customers as good service as they can get any- where, Other things we can prove it by are Big Ben clocks. Waltham and other watches, Waterman pens, Rogers sil- ver and almost any well known article. John Bulger Jeweler The Store of Worth and Beauty. LAND REGISTRY ACT (Sections 36 and 134.) Re Application No. 10,577-I File 6,091./ TAKE NOTICE that application has been made to register Robert Henry Smith ot Prinee Rupert, B. C., a8 owner in fee under a Tés Sale Leed from the Collector of the City f Prinee Rupert, bearimg date the 10th Gay of December, 1918, of ALL AND SINGULA that certain pareel or tract of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the City of Prince Rupert, more -par- ticularly known and lescribed as lots ten 10) anc eleven (11), Bloek 37, Section seven City of Prince Rupert, (Map 923). You are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days from the date of the service of this notice which may be effected by publication in the dally newspaper), and your attention io callec to section 36 of the “Land Regis- iry Act” with amendments, and to the ollowing extract therefrom: “and in default of 4a caveat or cer iea‘e of lis pendens being filed be- fore the registration as owner of the person entitied under such tax sale, ail persons so served with notice, ae . and those claiming through or upder them, and all persons claim- ing any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and all prsons claiming any interest in the Jand by descent whose title ts not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever es- opped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the jand so sold for taxes, and the Regis- trar shall register the person en- titled under such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for taxes." AND WHEREAS application has been taade for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the above-mentioned lands, in the name of Robert Henry Smith. AND WILEREAS on title it appears that prior to the i0th day of October, 1917 (the date on which the said lands were sold for overdue taxes), you were the registered and assessed own er thereof. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the same time I| shall effect registration in purspance of such application and issue a Certificate of Indefeasibie Title to the said lands in the name of Robert Henry Smit: unless you take and prosecute the proper proceedings to establish your claim, if any, to the said lands, or to preyent such proposed action on my part. investigating the DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 13th day of June, A.D. 1919 H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar Tu Francis F. Tupper, Esq., Milton, Queens County, Nova Scotia. WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE. AKE NOTICE that The Wallace FPish- eties Limited, whose address is Vaacouver, British Columbia, will apply for a licence to take and use 5 miners’ inches of water out of Watun River, which flows north- westerly and drains into Masset Iniet, near the northwest corner of Lot 792, Queen Charlotte Islands. The water will be diverted from the stream at a@ point abcut @ quarter of a mile from the mouth of stream, and will be used for steam and incidentally indus- trial purposes upon the land described as Lot 792 Queen Charlotte fsiands District. This notiee was sted on the ground on the 3rd day of June, 1919. A copy of this notice and an ication pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1914,” will be fled in the office of the Waier Recorder at Prinee Rupert, B. C. Objections to the application may be fled with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptrolier of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C., within. thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. THE WALLACE FISHERIES LIMITED, Applicant. By Fred Nash, Agent. The date of the first publication of this notice tis June 19, 1919. of Titles. atte LAND ACT fottee of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, ceoréme District of Skeena, and situate nm the vicinity of Indian Reserve No. 16, Langara Island Take notice that Clifton P. Riel, of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, occupa- tion manager, intends to apply for permis- sien to lease the following dewveribed as : Commencing at & post planted at north- west corner of Indian Reserve number 16, thenee one hundred and fifty feet more or less in southwesterly direetion to low water mark; thence 700 feet westerly along low water mark; thence northerly one hundred feet more or less to high water mark; thence easterly 800 feet more or iess along high water mark to point of com- mencement and containing two (2) acres more or less CLIFTON P. RIEL. Dated 8th April, 1919. LAND ACT fotice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. In Queen Charlotte Is Land District, tecording District of Skeena, and situate » Langara Island. Take notice that Norman Brodhurst, of *‘rinee Rupert, B. C., occupation master nariner, intends to apply for permission © lease the following described lands:— Commencing at 4 post planted about 20 eet in an easterly direction from the 8, W. orner of Lot 099; thence south 200 feet nore or less to low water mark; thence ortheasterly along low water mark about chains to & point due south of the 8. E. orner of Lot 999; thence north about & hains to the 8.E. corner of Lot 9990; henee southwesterly to this post and con aining three acres, more or tess NORMAN BROADHURST Dated May 7, 19149 IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue Of & fresh Certificate of Tithe for the Bast Half (%) of Lot 939, Range 5, Coast Distriet NOTICE 18 HEMBBY GIVEN that it is my intention to issue, after the expiration of one (1) month from the date of the first ublicativn hereof, a fresh Certificate of itle to the above-mentioned lands in the NEWB. = . . i MAIL SOHEDULE * ae eee reer eee eee For the East. Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat wdays at 9:30 a.m From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- days at 7 p.m. For Vancouver: PGND 66.0 ba ves 2 p. m. UID 6.6. 60.00.0000 0:0 60 10 p.m. MUOOGETS 6 vce ccc r teva 5 p.m WMUPOGNe 60.65 cc tenon 10 p.m. From Vancouver BURGE 6 c.k.s-0-0i0 60.94 be 10 p. m Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a.m PidGGy® 2. cccsccccvvvees a. m BAGUPGARD 0.0 6.0 00-6008 10:30 a.m. For Anyox: BED ccs. Cowes. 10 p.m, Vednesdays .......+4. 10 p. m. a rr eer 10 p.m. From Anyox TUCSORIS 25h. 0 oo cere we ce p. m. TRUPOGRTS 6 ooc006-0ccoeses p.m. Bundays ......eseeeveees p. m. For Port Simpson and Arrandale, OND oni dchshin es 450 10 p.m. From Pt. Simpson and Arrandaic. OORT. «5 hisons bo sibe-e cect p.m. For Port Simpson and Naas River points: hai i 06S 4050 000-00 10 a. m. From Port Simpson and Naas River Points: saturdays Queen Chariotte islands: For Massett, Port Clements and Upper Island poiats: eo, er ea 10 a.m, ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and Upper, Island points: a ee ee ee eee p. m. Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points: Fortnightly. From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte City and Lower Isiand points— Fortnightly. Gor For Skagway and the Yukon. April 28th, 9 a.m. From Skagway and Yukon. April 22, and May 3rd, a.m, itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. For—Thursdays ...... 8 p. m. From—Saturdays ...... p. m, LAND REGISTRY ACT. (Sections 36 and 134.) Re Application Nos. 10,597-I and 10,598-1 File 6097. TAKE NOTICE that lication bas been made to register Dora Stephens of Prince Rupert, B.C., as owner in fee under four Tax Saie Deeds from the Collector of the City of Prince Rupert, bearing date th 9th day of December, 1918, of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parce! or tract of land aud premises situate, lying and being mm the City of Prince Rupert, more par ticularly Known and described as Lot sixty- six (66), Block twelve (12), Section Two (2), Lots three and four (3 and 4), Block fifteen (15), Section Five (5), Lot ten (10), Block forty-nine (49), Section Seven (7), and Lot Sixteen (16), Block zny-ate (20, Section eight (8) (Map 923). You are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days from be date of the service of this notice (whieh may be effected by publication in 4 daily newspaper), and your atiention ts led to section 36 of the “Land Registry * with amendments, and to the follow hg extract therefrom :— “and in default of @ caveat or cer tilicate of lis pendens being filed be fore the registration as owner of the person entitied under such tax sale, all persons so served with notice, - » « « » #8 these claiming through or under them, and all persons claim- ing any interest in the by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title is hot registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and debarred from setling up any claim to or in respect of the land 80 sold for taxes, and the Registrar shall register the person entitled un der such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for taxes.” AND WHEREAS application has been male for a Certificate of Indefeasibie Title to the above-mentioned lands, in name of Dora Stephens. AND WHEREAS on investigating the litle it appears that prior to the 10th day of Vetober, 1917 (the date on which the said lands were sold for overdue taxes), you were the registered and owner Of the lots opposite your respective names. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the same time I shall effect registration in pursuance of such application and issue 4 Certificate of Indefeasibic Title to the said lands in the name of Dora unless you take and prosecute the proper proceedin: to establish your claim, if any, to the said is, or to prevent such proposed action on my part. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 4th day of June, A. D. i9l9. H. FP. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles To Edua Wilson, assessed owner of Lot 66, Block 12, Section 2; Francis F. Tupper, registered assessed owner of Lots 3 and 4, Block 15, Section 5; John Lilleros, registered and assessed owner of Lot 10, Bloek 49, Section 7; Donald Brown, as- sessed owner Of Lot sixteen (16), block 29, Section 8. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land, te Queen Charlotte Is 8 Land District, Recording District of Skeena, and situate on Langara Island. Take notice that Charlies A. Coulson of *ort Clements, occupation mariner, in- ends to apply fer permission to lease the ollowing vcesertbed lands: Comment — at 4 post planted about 34 chains erst of the N. W. corner of Indian Reserve No. 16; thence north 10 chains; thenee west 20 chains more or less to the west boundary of tet 676; thence south 10 chains more or less to shore; thence easteriy along shore to N.W. corner of indian Reserve No. 16; point of commencement and conteining 20 eres, more or less. name of Albert F. Young, which Certificate of Title is dated the sixth day of July, 1911, and i# numbered 619-1. . F. MACLEOD, District Kegistrar of Titles Land Registry OMee, Prince Rupert, B. C., June 19th, 1919, Cc. A. COULSON. Dated May 7, 1019. i He TR sthay J \ PT RCRA IS Se RAT taland Reserve, . - . $5,600,000 tel Asveta, Now. 30th, 1918, over $153,000,000 ‘y & \| DON’T KEEP MONEY = lying around the house, If it is not convenient to go and deposit it in the nearest branch of the | Union Bank of Canada, send itin by registered I | mail. This is called “Banking by Mail” and thousands of savings accounts are operated in Wil ust this way. Payments and withdrawals can : made by cheque 247 I ||| UNION BANK OF CANADA | | WHF THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN ee | "FICE WINNIPEG, ; UL J HEAD OFFIC | PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, a 2 A.T.BRODERICK, + = + Manager. | a ee — ——— ‘THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA | RECOMMENDS [TS MONEY ORDERS As a safe and economical method of remitting amounts to $50. These Money Orders are payable without charge at any branch o bank in Canada (Yukon excepted), in Newfoundland, at the prin< cities of the United States and are negotiable at over 800 point j in Great Britain and Ireland $5 and under - . 8cents Over $10, not exceeding $30, 10 Over $5, not exceeding $10,6cents Over $30, not exceeding $50, 15 Prince Rupert Branch - - - A. W. Cameron, Manage: ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS (7 ™"<.. _ . ma ee ge Savings Department = Deposits of $1. and up- ward received, and Interest 227 -- i} allowed at highest current 7/709 rates. Savings Department 7” F accounts given special? || ' attention. \ i | Deposits may be made, |||||, nl ia} | and withdrawn, by mail as easily, readily and safely as t in person. WINNIPEG BRANCH H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, - Prince Rupert Branch ul SPECIAL ena EXCURSION To Edmonton and Calgary On sale daily to Seplember 30th, good to return unt?! October 3ist. Going and returning G. T. P. direct $60.00 Going via G. T. P. Ry,, returning via C. N. Ry. Vancouve and G, T. P. Steamships or vice versa ........... $60.00 TRAIN SERVICE Passenger Monday, W°dnesday and Saturday aj 11:36 a m. for Smith Prince George, Edmonton and Winner, making ali points east and south direct connections AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES For information and reservations apply to City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. Phon® 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ) Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points via Steamer to Vancouver and the Canadian Pacific Railway Meals and Berth included on Steamer 8.8. PRINCESS ALICE §&.&. PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattic from Prince Rupert During July and August every Saturday at noon For Ketchikan, J » Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Rupert During July and August every Monday at noon CANADIAN PACIFIC OOEAN SERVICES Yor rates, reservations and sailings, apply to W. ©. ORCHARD, General Agent. 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. OO DBOBPOPBPOPBPODPOOAPO LAR ea eer eee ase -_—- The Union Steamship COAST SERVICE. - For Vancouver, Tues., 8 p.m.; Sat., 4 é pm. 4 Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, Co. of B.C. Mondays, 7 a.m. ; Naas River Points, Friday a.m. * ree ee L d ee " oe td. oe Jack Barnsley, General Agent JRISINISIOII IR RIIIOIIIDIOIOIIOI III III IOI IO OI ot oiooioiotetet ih tier NOTICE TO FISHERMEN BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT and Ice at Butedale Cannery WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED B.C. BUTEDALE . - °