PAOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, Junuui Sfi 8"ra"ee every pound of "SALADA" Tea we sell that it Is fresh, delicious and full weight PREPARATIONS ?...? Ure' fine qua,,lty tea- ,f Vu not satisfied, full purchase price will be refunded. Sold by al grocers. 80c to $1.05 per pound. FOR OPENING Customs Report to he Submitted uuring Session Which Begins This Month SURVEY OF STRAITS V)rg4 ..MemtieVs Appear at Ottawa . Which Thev Get in Lnnl. Iliwn The Daily News PRESIDENT COOLIDRE MINCE IJUPKKT - BRITISH COLUMMA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Kupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Munatring Editor, . sunscniPTioN. rates li?rI' by.mai!.Var,;ier' -vearly Period- advance $5.00 For tor lewier period, paid in advance. 'per month 50 Ly mail to all parts of Northern nnd Central British Columbia' paid in advance for yearlv period . ' $1 nn Or four months for . . .' J ,JJ By mail to all other parts of British Columbia" the' 'BriViah Tlv JrTrC n"d u nhd SttM' P"id ,n dvanw C0O on niiri luumi ies. per year $7 5(1 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 93 Editor and Reporters Telephone ... 8(5 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Tuesday, Jan. 17, l!)2g President Coolidjre is a silent man. He made a speech yes jesieruay and did not ay anvthimr. Th rnh.n ,r,u ..n..i jcucu ineir v heads off for - the man who eouW so well imitate royalty. This is v. c t.,i mai me united States is turninjr aside from thn nath of strict democracy. From the head of a democratic nation we ex- i- a statement that is liable to lead to discussion. We expect an opinion on aoraething, but the President of the United States in the vuc , an aaureas runnf:iK into several columns of newspaper ... tuuwmea nimseii or his party or country to anything. ,., 1Hanu,Hs ano said nice things about nothing in partic CONSOLJIMTINC; 1'Al'ER WHS n,m. rs:;: v" ,!: :" ., u, PaPer Q."IJ' Tu x'mu-'- ilwl up all !), oUhts bv TurkTK S,,,,K- W,1,H' '"'"' i tn,. tti stock Henceforth the companies w,! I... : , i,m-rn. , , ,,e win, ir.t jr, , rill ,,..., m.v , ,(1.1V KAervthing onolidated. Small ,,.,,.,,. ,, beiiiK ennv,U,l ;' the lu,,cern" ''' i'tvv-r l'rettx s..o we shall have .. h"lS!!,,? Ir'.':: :"- " an ra,e w a,v eh. nT'r ,"" rapid n w . MIICV I J I Ml . PRACTICAL POETRY OF HARDY . u, V, L uy' . poet ana novelist, died last week, and u. nes were given to his country to occupy a place ce in Westminster Abbev alonr with tK .,. V,. .p sent to the country, there to repose alongside the ashes of his first ,uea- ,l ""Kn even ne looked ,1, posthumous j rvZ,n: on by some as a advertising stunt. MISSION AIMRH IV riiiVA ,,!JCll,.inT d0 not like Christian mi.aionaries in their r"""'1 "em as much as Canadians dislike red Rui- sian missionaries in this country. The result is that now and then we hear of threats agninnt missionaries and missions and now and mem the threats are carried into action. earrv11!? " th b'very and devotion of those who carry one of the messages of the cross into that country, we also have a good deal of svmnathv with tku ....oi -v.: ... . . . ... ...... 'r. nun uujeei 10 si ra infers bringing a new f,th and new ideals into the country to diTurb Infth than Canadians. Ty- Afte'' " the Chine"' are n,t mt,th ioler-ant PAT DALY AGAIN HEARD FROM ,t ,1 know much aboVl the ,at"t deal thaf Pat Dalv haa put through in connection with Portland fcanal mining but we d know that this genlrnrtshnJ. his done pS'S S. tfaCe SteW"rt " the mal'- He USM that rish tongue and I !u i Unt' WhKh he thwowhly believes. As soon Mli onn:,f0inK he Wi" "Pleading the news about an other property. Thrp . i n t,.ain.. ui- n. i ;..,!! .; IT'." "e peiuai motion o f.r ... u.. n.. . h viiuiiik ,,- , .iiuhiiu i anai gosxi n concerned. POOL VERSUS PRIVATE DEALERS The grain dealers and the pool are engaged in a publicity contest, each putting forth what it Lelieve. to be the true cTdS u'" l" to the ' rain last season. The Pool claims 2S- u,"? ?t?r vera,r' prkes than the de"le nd diss Tt f"rm1eM,Wh ;,d their irP rou'fh th"" be off off. The contest clearly indicates that while figures cannot He liars can figure. Both rannot be right. riot meals without work Help the whole family to better health Save yourself time and trouble Serve it with hot milk MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS as Home (By R. J. DMehBMn) OTTAWA, Jan. I7.Thta eountnr I. cowing, u it mtren from anyUtlMg, it w srawins painj. Loowng back over the peril of the life o' tfce aremge nuin. tremendou change have tAlcen ptace. In the day of Laurler. oeoDle faintori t the Idea of a budget of S40.OOO.O00. In fact Sir Rlelunl n.r9,i.v. ostremeiy erttlcal when expenditure reached $30AOOoo. He way have been ncm at that, kut the nun who now revisit those sllmpeea of the 'main will find lets alarm over exnandltum f approximately ten ttmea the outlay which worried a Cartwrlnht and a Lau- 4ler. but after all. It la no great ca,ue Jor alarm. Tlie teacher of the mile :J achool-houw In thoae daya pulled down a aalary of three hundred dollars a year. He paid 10c for bis noon-day Hinch. The maintenance ofhla car wu not expecilve. Chrlatmai preaenta did not worry him very much the tune i-3v changed, and we with the Umee Ana ao. when annonnoementa are made that oertain expenditures are con cemptated, ao one now turn a hair TBeee thtta are needed. We are goto "head with them. They will be done Praaeott i to be the aww terminal on ne st. Lawrence mm. Thi from the deepeainc of the Wansnn Canal which wtU enable baaU to peat nrougn tae wboM (tretch of Uk On arte and well down Into the St. U renee before braaking cargo. Terminal euioe win be weeoM there tar tn. lardUng of grata and a fairly nomui 3pproprUUon may be ttpected tbta year. The aerial aurvev of the Huehum' StralU muat have chilled the rr Unlet The Stralu went apparently open thU year, aunaar aa mtg aa the St. Uwreaee Janntreal which ha been fervently praying that they might freaea un mouim oi tne year uutcad of hi or aeven. ha been terrlblv unmi nd the Hon. Charta Ounnina. who b ka M L MU.IIH H M of faith In the Northern Waterway for a nwanawr ot yean, amllea arrenely and ruha it In ajestlv. b euiuiit muiMu "There are the facta, the aurrev inra. "eii. now woat are you going to do aooul it? We are making a more determined r lort tnan ever before to move grain by auaoian route. Ceasing to talk aior It aatd actually doinv Tnii ' B -"" f.wui,iuuil. oui it nnldi oil Steater poaslbllltlea of aocompllahment THAT HOOK Thla li not i book review, but ttm lact Is that W. T. B. Preaton haa writ ?n a book entitled "Mv Oeneration at Politic, and Politician." Mr. Preaton an honeat-to-goodnea Liberal, dved n-me-wooi, blown-ln.thp-vlan and l3rgcd-ln-the-furnace of a good deal of advene crltlclam. Hla book l ciiaracter Irtlc of the man. He haa written gjoa etory from the atnd-D3lnt of r..ualn the old flghUng aplrlt and giv ing tne people a more profound faith In their political god. A great manv nao- pie will not agree with turn, but many wui reaa it and after all. it i mtei ttlng to have the old hammer atrik on the old anvil and hear the merry claab which remind u of the days 'hen politic was real and earnest stui depth of conviction rather than breadUl ox view waa chsr.rtari.ti nt iv. .MUHK t IST(IM. . b(vcr After a long time of careful innui nation, we are to have a rcpsrt on the operation or our Customs Department Everyone recalls the atorm this quea-:.on created In the tempestuou teamon of two years ago In fact, it is milt Foseimv ioai Doth aide of pall ties wowa use m Mrget it, ' The Tonaa na joo ana tnat Mandal big enough to uirow a Government out of power dwindled down under their eyes until it looked no more than a distant firefly on a dark night. The Orlts will not like to discuss it very much. It may seem to them to resemble a mummy at a festival and ao no storm may come ficm any Legislation which suggests improvement m the operation of the Cua-toms Department. One thing particularly deserves re-fanning that la the Custom Board. rata snould be a Judicial body. It la not. Nobody can be Judicial In the WMlng of judgment upon Its own sets There is HO MM)a front It aaM a committee of the cabinet The hum-blet subject of the realm 1 enUUed to a judicial Interpretation of anv Art paaaed by the Oovernment. But th i tendency ol cabinet decision, i. m k. political rather than judicial and that is precisely what Is not wanted and by the way. thla tendency wnuM . whether the Oovernment was Liber. i Conservative. Parmer. Laborer or Bol-nlievlk ' 'V.I It CMIMM It will be recalled that after the war. a Kreat many claim for damages were premted hy private cltlsena of Canada In fact, vartoim Canadian organisation nd private qitieen felt that they Imrt cl!m aggregating about e50.000.000 A special Oomnitssloner was appointed by , the Oovernment to examine these. He ha. dropped the total to somewhere snout g.oon.noo. When yim , PuUillg in rlmm aiialnat the Oovernment. It l alwavs h Kol idea in the minds of many pple to let it ,vril , , ... Ill the ,uipe th:.t. h , u evjntmuy PM. no one win tuffer except the taa-PTr and he doesn t count We have goes to hi long home In' the Senate and the smile wreathe hi face Its Home, Sweet Home, to Him. TRAP RIGHTS ESTABLISHED New System of Registration of Unet IWnf Nearly Complete Constable Clark I-emlntj WILL HE ADVANTAGE ConataM Oeorge B." Clark of the game branch of the provincial police haa received instruction to report at victoria before the end of the month There he win be employed in the same branch office at aotnewhat similar work to that d n have. The constable haa been enured while here on registration of trap lines. ThH haa been a difficult matter aa there was much overUoping and It took month to straighten out many of the tanele.. Kven yet there is considerable work SALT RHEUM All Over Her Hands and Between Fingers Xtr. Walter Misner, Mi.Mlle Hranoh, N.8., writes:- -I h8d t rhPUm ,j, over mr hands, and ei.peciallv hetween ' fingers. It was impossible for tae to pit them ia water, or do my house work. " After trTing- medicine and salve, wh"'h did tna no good, I heard nf ftgjiintiii sSL III The Cigarette that Brings NEW Pleasure to Smoking Mild, mellow tobaccos the world's best Each chosen for its satisfying, gratifying goodness Then, blended to develop the most intriguing flavour, bringing blissful contentment to cigarette smokers 20 for 2V aeing to wnnUcrtul. and after taking two hotilei I am entirclr relieved of y triitiMe." Matmfactnird only hr Th T. MJlturu Jo., Limited, Toronto, Ont A "Poker Hand" kvft to be done before the lines can all be said to have been definitely estab- iiaaea The extension of the system to the .vanae, which la lust commenctne. will .'atall eoostdeeable work which wui be done m the looal office The Ulands ere at first excluded from the ooera ion of the act. but the system haa been nma w mm beneficial that an order -'-council waa passed including the 1s-inda. Many of the Una are held by Indiana -id In the delimiting of the Indian a the Indian department ee- operate. hen disputes aria between white trap-:r and native, if the claims seem tc ) on an equality, the natives aa given he preference a bavin k priar clabn. Map are made of the trap route d application la made for rv!s- tration a full investigation U held and " giren to allow other noesibie aimanu to establish their or.orltv if they have it. Oas by on the tangles re tattled ed the result la that a trapper knows when be goes out in the all that be can return to his former trap Una without having to fight for tj right with aa Intruder. Many prl--ate quarrels are thus eliminated. 3day the prewleeM poiloe have a com- plate record of ell claims and know who "wpweq tna various valley or rtreema f feara part aj n Trrr son upset any spurious claim for prior : .girts. Constable Clark who la at all Umea a courteoua and a Me of fleer, expect i3 wave with Mrs. Clark and child t'rae next week. LIBRARY FAILS TO FIND A QUORUM FOR MEETING LAST NIGHT Will Now .Iwalt A. Hrintment of New .ilembers llefore Carr, . on ItMitlne Uork Owing to lack of a quorum only an uHurmai meeting cf the Library Board neia laei nignv Mrs. Klrkpatrlck i.ii .- suiiicmiuy well to turn out. Rev. O. o. Hacker left the city some time aco and hi. m. . nut yet been filled, and other member were ouay It was decided to watt un-, til the new member had been appoint-, ed after Thursday and then call a meet- ing to pass account and make up the ; rattmatea for the coming year ihi year James Black. H. T. iMllen "d Rev. o o. Hacker are the retiring members, the o'.hera being Measra. Wll" kiiwon and Sutherland and Mrs Kirk-Patrick Alderman 8tethma nni the city council. i I There waa another good-ld crowd Jin attendan.-e t tr, wwk,y whlft tournament of the Elk.' u,,iKe last i night. Pt.,c wim,er from among the ladle a. Mrs. H. r. Olasaey. with a corr oi CM. while K. 8 McQtinig. with 190. wn the men". irl.. Mildest Cigarette on the Market "They're Blended Uight' ill Everv Pnr.t-nrto - - g been receiving certain sums from Omr. many under the Dawes Plan and from this, "found moneV.",'the OoM-rnanant may eventually square the losses THEV TOME The ftnt membeia of Parliament na drifted Into town ready for the Session They are the advance auard. ilk ti-w nata on tne first or May- - weeks in advance of the opening of the season They are lonelyt' but the numbers will increase. The old town is a ereat maa- net. It draws them back. As the rear go on, they think of It more and more and then finally there cornea a ruddy gw to ineir nope and the member Who haa faced the naonls mmi iiau. Dr. Jos. Maguire DENTIST Has Returned from hi vU outh and l now receiving aient. Over Ormes Drug Store Phone 525 CANADIlrJ LnIy AtwUtant Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailingf rom Prince Rupert To Krtrhikm. MrangHl, Jnneiu and Sk.gway-Dere mi, ,., j, To taneeum. VktorU -nd Seattle January i 7k lor notedsle. East BeltoMta'oVHIif- Cam,.beii KivVr. and v?neoo,'re uuuaZfft v mAUl Afency for m- all Htcamihlp im,. .'. ner 0f ,th t,M K'ku ao. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED M, U ARM, ANlUt IsS Xnd Arenue. u. m aUiVii H. . Through tlrkets sold to VIMoila ami onil 'iJlfiii. . upr. thrnugh (., ilr.tlnutlon. Kruttle. and baggnge rlmkrd W