PAGE FOUB .TtjeHtkv, -lutu BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMasus l3NT THAT MrVClACY THAT POOR MAN- NOTHIM'-J f HE VJOZ CARrV-ON.' A MC DryGearag FATHER- DO roMC 1 1H, 'PE VvELL, WE KNEW TEAR- AQO THA." WOZ TAUKIN' .TO 8 MOV, 4 ROM ffl HM- WHAT VANT fOO QLMTTIN' WHITTLE CM-' 'V DoiD HE.e r KMPUmiB IN THECAL HIM VEyTEROAY- ta IT TQ LOOK OUT THE VOax? SEE-WE ON SUUJ THE COMPAMV III HAPPEN? AN' IT FELL ON Ufa FC .jT i at t-FloTCH'i'i- POOR MAN JNI ! ME WORKED FOR. OM V ACCOUNT OF BElM' HlMTT-1 1 ii i Vanco IIITiV UTS' -r. J I vWlw flBW iu, jmts i r rices 13 A Most Modern Dryclenning I'Janl In City f" Thone 118 Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third Ave. and McIJrlde Street (we owe I a. YOU FAU5 NOT HOT AIR vouk v ! COAL 15 PickfSI IWITH SCRUPliOus) CAR6 ' jr r . s - - - t s s ssssaa MBMiiw ii'v'fnriu We pass our coal over a screen tour times larjrer than any other coal screen in town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and best prepared coal. We make it a point to get coal for you that will give the most heat with the least waste. Let us have your order for delivery now. Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phones 11C and 117 Trappers ! Are you jetting enough for your furT If not, come to Goldblooqn. Just jtoy we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. win if& and 1 shall call personally. Remember, if you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom "The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue COAL Prices DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta praties Kg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00. These Coals are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Mock Phone S7S DENTIST MILKj-:- RBICEi Reduced to 12 pints for !$!.(( 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. Mcliride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th SL Teltnliom ';.17. 'CU) 1926. by I ml Feature Service. -Im Gmt Britab righto nnrvvd In Europe. Bird societies of the British Isles and associations of airmen alike have sat out to collsct information which It Is hoped will balp aviators to protect themstlvaa from danger of at- Lick by the birds. 8ome of the adventure of aviator with eagles have been harrowing In the extreme, even to the point of fatality. the eagle seems to have no fear of an lrptane much bigger than Itself. A British aviator was flying high over a chain of hills in misty weather when he saw a great bird dashing straight at his plane. Without slacken ing t(ed the eagle dove for the plane and collided with the propeller, breaking It to pieces. The eagle was killed. but the airman was in great difficult ie In having to make a forced landing in awkward country. Ancther British pilot encountered a huge eagle over a mountain range. The tague flew around the plane In circles, growing ever leas In diameter, evident ly trying to pick out the most vulner able part of the plane for an attack. The pilot moved his head, and this caught the eye of the eagle, who pre pared for the swoop. The pilot remembered s pistol In the locker war his seat He drew It and fired. He did net hit the eagle, but he frightened It and the big bird flew rioxACWs vauibtV . The mountains behind Athens eaftea of particularly pugnacious character. An (emplane was flying ovet the mountains recently when several eagles swooped down uad attacked It simultaneously. Their dashes at the machine so crippled it that the pilot was forced to descend oilckly, and landed so badly that us and a vasaen-gar were injured. A pilot flying (roan Paris to Madrid met an eagle wlheh apparently chal lenged him to a high flying contest. The bird soared, and so did the plane. Higher and higher they went, until the eagle's wings began to flux and lis stiwagtb failed. The entile suddenly itretched out Its wing and wiled away to earth, leaving the plane mimier Even smaller birds. Mich swtftx. evince do fear of a plane, according to other British pilots TALKS WORLD BROTHERHOOD United Church Voting People Hear Interesting Addrew by (ieorjje II. Slocks B"e18ri" a" KWflg redprcfr-grtflerT fi First United Church last evemuK. an Interesting and exhaustive dlvxmrn i, .he subject o) "What Can Ynutik People do to Promote World Brothcr'm.xr was delivered by Oeorge H Hio.-ki . I : lie local public school teacliliij; stuff Mr. 8tocks contrasted the compara tive I sola I Ion of the nations a century ago with the close relationship)! which existed today ui the way of commerce, travel and the knowledge of dally events taking place In all parts of the world. The change hail been largely brought about, the Hpeuker stated, as a result of sclentlllr discoveries of the Ke. He referred to Ill-feeling between certain races which sonictimts arose, ascribing this to mlunderiiandmg of racti other's history and conception of life Happily, efforts were being made r, control and adjust this state of af-lalrs. The speaker then referred to the Influence or the students' volunteer movement In connection with the unl-vcritie and tbe International Teachers' Federnt on. The opportunity was oien jtoa young people's groups to link up jnVHaV'np League of Nations. Last kut net leant important. Mr Blocks sliced the practical arrpiicstlnn of ChrlBturtlty to ttie standard o( daily living in the nations. An Interesting discussion followed Mr. Stock's address. The meeting was well intended and the president, W Vande- water, was in the chair. i James! Uul'.n s'eamer Cinostm. Cnpt Plnrilay, Is due back at 3:30 this after-I noon from Anyox. Htewnrt and other I noi-ihern p.jrts of cull hiiiI will Ball at 6 for Vancouver and wayjwlnti. EAGLES ATTACK MARCH IS NOT AEROPLANES! ONE TO ATTACK Number of Encounters are lie-! ported by llritish Pilots CROYDON, EiuUud.. Jan. 17. Eagles. startled by Invasion of their aerial pre-. liic:. have become a menace to flyers Himself Went to France and Was (iven Honors Wfeen Catholic Were Pertiecuted There (Nelson News) Hon. Charles Marcll, a distinguished Quebec member of parliament and a former deputy-speaker, Is attacking Sir Henry Thorn ion, president of the, Canadian National railways, fox consenting t'j make a report forthe Mexican gov-nmcnt upon the Mtxican railway, aklng the ground that Mexico's alleged nlstreattnent of Its Catholic cltlzsus nade acceptance by a .Canadian official nposslble. The genial and abla Prench-Canadlan tatcsman Is now setting up for 8h-enry Thornton a standard he has not pplled to himself. Twenty years ago France, then very argely dominated by Infidelity, was ptir- ilng just the same course toward the Catholics that the Uexlcan government !s, confiscating, banning, and generally earning opprobrium from the Catholic world. What did Mr. Marcll do? As he himself tells In the "Parliamentary Guide," he went to Prance, made a critical study of French parliamentary institutions, and accepted at the hands of the French government a knighthood In the Legion of Honor. There was, of course, not any real reason why Mr. Marcll should not have admitted that France had Its good I points, and have accepted any honor I the government of that country had to ' bestow. Equally there Is no reason any Canadian, In either public o;' private life, for International reasons should not do any expert service for the Mexican ijcvernment he l. able to. -no reason whatever and especially is this so If .he conceives that his service will con tribute to the makirg of good relations. CrlUctem of Sir Henry for tins particular act cannot validly rest on this basis. VANDERH00F 1 E. A. Mitchell. James W Campbell, j.V A. Hutchinson. E. C. Mcfieaciiy and I Cecil Steele have been electd to the I'card of management of the Vender-hoof United Church. George Oston being elected sty representative to the Cariboo Presbytery and British Columbia ConArer.ce. At the annual congregational meeting last week. gu:d progress in all branches of church work reported. Bev. J. T. Smeelen is the pastor and ni work wm highly praised A Church of 'England congregation is ' elng organised In Vsndcrhoof. Officers I have been elected as follows: clerrv-iman'a warden. E Roberts; people's wrr-Iden, William J. Rimes: vestry. Mrs. H. ;v. Taylor. Mrs. Prank Bowman and i David Irving. Oeorye C. Holt wu elected lay delegate to attend the synod ! to be held nest month In Prince Ru pert. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hutchinson and Mrs. Fergus Park returned to Vander- Permanent Exhibit of His Master's Voice Instruments in National Museum Collection Installed in Washington, D.C. Complete from 1887 to 1904 Prepared and presented by Mr. F.mlle Berliner Inventor of Disc Talking Machine kuid, maue. C2SS Cn 'yittnl Vndrr- Mr. Eml'e Berliner (left), famous Inventor ef thr ill, tutting machine. mnlina t . IJ-cutlertUn slvmltil (he development of tit grniutlmiii . mivt homed In tb Mussuni at Washington, ll.C, and prerenicd i . cl . muicuoi by Mr. Bcrllnc, . Washington D. C.-TIIE NATIONAL MUSEUM in this city h. !evote! ai. entire section l an historical exhibit of His Master's Voice gramophones invented, designed and presented by Mr. Ktnile Ilerliner, inventor of the first disc gramophoiie. In addition to the e-.bihit of instr'i-menti there is a complete exhibit of rnourijs, Each instrument and escti record thowa reiresrnts a distinct step forward ii tte tslkiac nsstbisw art. and each kn 4e the mt trait ss! it particular er:i4ed a f it reaching influence upon tl.r lulling m.i I ne in ( .. i i. i on jit 'i a among, the iiciin it model ol tl.r famous inttlrmuuit liuiiiir to the one hictured on the t radvui u I. "His M.tstoi j Vok", showing the ijog Ii tcnir.g in 'oni of the horn. ihoi'l, many improvements hive been truth- in the reproductive .ut, en sine ti t.,c'ic.d appbc.i t ion iv Mr. Kerlin'T in lH.'i7, ciilmiiwtiii( in the introd'.ictioii of tlie Orthoijlsonic in IM'S, t ne i.iudcin and e.sueusive conijiiiMicH which grew out of the diuiniuji.iu.-J inventor' earlv efforts. Still retain the ne nhifatt contains first record. , mark quallty Ttotigh carried oa !v m?t9 .r'.toritTp,a, JC0,,l5.le,1! ,ro,n!he books of the Victor t ompanie. l0W.andM.dt8bethc mo.t throughout the worM at a nominal comnreheiiaive xh.b.t of gramophones vaue thj( rradeinark u tinute, ai in various oj develerrment ever sup; m ...auMt. that many millions tstUred togetier in sny nsuset.m. , could hardly purchase the good-w.U The exhibit leprewntu the work and contained in it The painter of the coiLrtlior. f a Ide time on the part of faino,i piciurc, Mr I rantis Uarrtiud, tbtt laJWiU iavcutot. work wbvcti tx died recently in IVris. V anted For Sale For Rent W. Ross Stone during the past week. Mr. Moore Is the new tocher at the Fort Praser Superior School. RUSSIANS If GENEVA CAUSED SOME FUSS AS RESULTPOLICE EFFORI NKW YORK. Jan. .17. - With the return of officials who .'..leaded the per cent meeting of the League of Nutlon at Oeneva. an Interesting story ha!: come to light regarding the visit of the Russian delegation, which startled and piiTXlrrt the conference by proposing Immediate end complete disarmament by all nations The delegation was housed In a well-rnewn hotel. With the recollection of the ftsssslnatloi. In Oeneva two years ago. the sutliorltlea determined there i.hntild be no depetltlon of the Incident. The hotel where the Russians lived was ckned throughout with detectives aad vuards. and special oiflcers followed the Russians everywhere they went The Ruseians were allotted a specie! dliilne room and took their meals under gusrd. Fear of a stray bullet, coupled with vnn&sb lie djlturbnace of Mm acrustomec' outlet of the house, Vm r.nj- guests to change their hotel. The Csnndian delegation bad reserved quar ters there ssjd they arrived ui the middle of The fuss. Senator Dnndsiraaa was sdviwd t to live Urere t did not change his quarters however. He Is .id to have remarked "If we do ,-ct n bullet Intended for somebody else. I Mipprtae Canada will be entlllt-d to ilwloKinti.'' LONDON SOLICITORS JOIN "UNDERWORLD" When "Nlriick Off The Rolls" The are Ini'Hneil le Jieeji on the lioun ira4le LONDON, Jan. 17. What becomes of solicitors who. hro'.ifih prjfMslonal nisl-prrtctloe. are "struck off the rolls?" A prop'jrtlon of them. It. is to be feared, loin the unrVrrworld mow or lew rapidly H:l;herto. however It has been fairly i-usy for surh a oive to make a Uvlag by jecialng employed with firms ol soll-rltsrs. This latter practice, though, will be gravely laterferesl with U the ijollcltsrs' Bill, new befc-c rrliainent, uer-mes law The bl'l. which U bacltsd by all three parties, provides that without the writ-ten permission of JgWir- Agjiety no solicitor shall plojlhrwpUs any person, who. to tht knowledge of mcb solicitor Is atruok off the roll of soU-clton or is suspended from practlstag as a solicitor. Power Is alveti use sn. clety to deal with any breach of this I prohibition, which does not apply to a ' vIl"lt!)r struck off ut his swii request. I P.-)ties are prjvlded for auy "strurk off" person who seeks or ac-, ivpts rninlnyinent with a solicitor without ells-lnstiiis the fact t)il 1 has been , stir.tli off or iUbpouaed. TOR SAI.B FOR BALK.--FIVE HP. PALMER EN-gine, Atwater-Kent ignition, first-class condition. Oles-Putmae clutch; Inch and quarter bronze shaft, Palmer wheel; 39 gallon gas tank Price 260 JM. Apply Chss. Lord. Port Simpson. B.C. ti FOB SALS. MODERN SEVEN ROOMED house with basement. Two lots. Handy to dry dock and sawmill. Apply A. Akerberg Phone Red 833. IS FOR SALE S1600 BUYS A NEWLY Finished house. 8 rooms, bathroom, pantry and basement. Handy to sawmill. Phone Black 631. tf FOB SALE SECOND HAND CARPET In good condition. 16 ft. by 13 ft. Apply Dally News tf FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPER, large bundles for 35c. FOR KENT Two tf FOR RENT FOUR ROOMED Hons, fully modern; splendid marine view: Fifth Avenue W. Apply Thao OorUrt Ltd. U FOR RENT ONE GOOD APARTMENT with three bedrooms. Down town. Stork block. Apply Stork's Hardware. tf OR RENT ROOMS WITH OR WlTH-out board. Central location. Phone Blue 1M. ft lOUSB FOR RENT. 6 ROOMS AND BATH. Apply Muaro Bros. tf OR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE Apply Sit Fourth Ave East. tf FOUND OUND PAIR DARK RIMMED OLA8-'ir In vicinity of Seal Cove. Apply Dally News Office CHIMNEY SWEEP II. 4. 71 MKFIIIl Oeiiersl Handy Man '"tirnsees sad Stoves Cleaned and Repaired. ChUnnles Swept. Cemetery Plots Cared For. Phone Red U. Prince Rupert, BC riitXITI'IH: AMI K4Nm.N WE HAVE IN STOCK BIDS. BFRlTtOS. mattress, linoleum and linoleum rugs, carpets, window blinds, curtain Mas. curtain goods and drakes, dining room suites chesterfield suites, chairs, tables, floor lamps, blankets, sheets, bedspreads, quilts, ranges, skuttles. kitchen, hardware ane nlostty all hotise-.hokT articles Atl goods. A. M40KMKB, Furniture. phoM TM. kkh' -ami o5:rrfi IM FtlRMTrili; bought and sold and exchanged Player Piano and Two Cash Registers In stock. rAp.tnorri.0 x- m.iiiah M9 Third Ate. Phone SIA PRINCE RUPKRT TIDES Mtlt4tvi4 TIKSIIAY. JANl.UIV 17 H'Kh 9 J3 asn, 18 J ft 2:30 p.m. 15.7 " ' 3 54 a m. M. 18:18 p.m. 7.4 " m:iim:miv, jam tnv ir High in ia am. its ft. 2.1 33 p.m. ie.4 " S-8S a.m. io.4 - 17 0B p.m. 6.4 " TIIIUSIIAY. JANI'AHY 19 HKh 1 1 03 a m. 10 8 ft. 'w 4:54 a.m. 10.4 " 17:55 pa. 54 M I II III AY. JAM'tltv sn ,uin 0:08 am. 17.0 ft. 11 ;sVfl D m on a low 5:47 am. inn H:M p.m. 4.3 " SATI IIIMY.UAM AUY II H'en . 0 S3 a.m. 17 n ft. 13:37 D m 91 n fOW t-M . m a . ... ... v wmMi, VU 18:18 pn. a.S " M'XIMY. JAM AnV Hfn 1 SS a.m 18.4 ft 13 08 p.m. 31 R " k" 7:17 a.m. 8.7 " 18 59 p m. 3 4 " MONDAY, JAM AKY 33 HlKh 3:10 a.m. 18.1 ft. 1S:44 31. 9 " U'w 7 .17 am 711 " 30.31 p.m. 3.0 " L U l DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. ,S 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for teat than 50c noof last week from holiday trip East. The school tax rate In Vauderbooi his been dropped from 19 'j to 17 mills .y the provincial government. The Women's Auxiliary to the Iocs) urancb of the Canadian Legion has ircted officers for the year ns follows: president. Mrs. A. V. O'Mears; vice-president, Mrs. R. H Moore, secretary treasurer, Mrs. Roy M. Taylor: executive, Mrs. James Silver and Mrs. Owen 'I'.irrtttle The annual meeting was held last week at the home of Mrs. Pinnlger. Miss Sadie V Cairjtbell left last week lor Vancouver where she will take up issldrnce. On the eve of her departure, presentations were made to her ay both '.he married ladles and young pejple of the town. She has taken an Active part connection with the school and iung people's societies. The O.K. Hotel has Installed a new engine and electric 1 gluing plant. E. A. Mitchell Is now well on the way to recovery following a recent severe .Uncus which confined him to his home. Mrs W. H Dickinson of Port Bt .'smes has been under the rre of Dr STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS for VsnrouTer Tuesday as. Csmoaun Friday- ss. "Prince Rup n Saturday-as. Gardens " SS. PrlflOCM Bl n t r Jan. 4 -as Princess Mjr Jan. 18 sj. Princess M Imni Vanroutrr Sunday ss. Csmoaun . Wednesday- as. Pr. Rupc Saturday, as. Cardena Saturday m. Prtncess Bwi-Jan. 14 as. Princess M - -, Jan. 38- sa Princess M: I'nr Port Simpson and Naat Rl Bundsy as Oasvosun freui Port 8lmMin and Vans Tuesday s Oamosun . Per Anjox and Stewart Strnday ss. Camosun Wedneedsy as prince Rue: Ittmi An)ot and Slewsrt-Tuesdsy m. camosun Friday -ss Prince Rupen IVf (tieen Chsrlotte Jan. 14 ss. Frtnee John Jan. 88 ss Prince John mi ((neen 'hsrlties Jan. 13- as. Prince Joht Jan. 36 as. Prince John Kvr Alsika Jan. 14. sa. Princess Man Jan. 28 -as Princess Msrv ' mm Alaska Jsn. 4 as. Princess M.m Jan. 18--da Prlneeas Marv ITrsHler m- MAILJJCHEDULE JNU.ItY. 1M lor the risst Mondays, Wednesdsys. Ss'-urcis closes 10 Irmn the Rstt " Ml Rim- Tueeowys. Ttrursdsf andAunrisy si shie Te Vaeuter Ttissdsys 4i' FTIdaya Saturdays CJR.-Jan 4. 18 Trains. Mondays. wedneii -I Saturdays loi ul I'rwn Vanroutrr Stmdays r'l Werineedaf 0s" l tlaturdays CP. Jan. 14, 38. Trains, Bsuutsfa, Tuesdays ami asm i ' pI To Anyet, Allee Arm. Hlrwsrt u "reniler Suadars mail clone. : ti wsdneaalsys ' ? from Astfov, Alice Arm, hirwart TnesdAvs l Fridays To Nsss Kltrr Points Bundsvs it I from Naaa Klver rolnts Tue'day mail it " s To AUska rolnts Jan. 14 and 98 rreni Alaska Points Jan. 14 and 18. To ((neen Chsrlotte Llnnd l'..lnt- Jan. 14 and 98. From fjiieen riiniii.lle Island r"lvl Jan. 13 and 89. CHI TRAINS lor the -Mandaya. Wednesdsys. ami h ' at M ant. From Mie Ks - TUMriaM TKnuM... .nit s . 'sf I at J.JO pn, IN PROBATE IV TIIK HITKRMK ( III IIT OF imlTI1! ttll.t'MlllA IB taie Milto . u. srfn.ii. -I . Act; and ,, In the Matter ol the ltte Huaa, unoeasea, intestuK' UJi ITnnnj IS n.n . i. .. i ,i i r . . ram, luuilK. inr i ( ... rt,lnl... . . . . , r'l Btidd, deceased, and all pm' Inv nl. I n.. .... ... . , ' iirt'wj requireo to hum properly verified, to me on " 'j lire srq qsy or Jsnuary. A I' ' ' all parties indebted to the rroulfed to pay the ainun'' Indebtedness to me forttiwi' ! NORMAN A WA'I"! Official AdmiiH- ... Prince fin ' 1P37. " " A