diiV, January 17, 1028 THE DAILY NEWS PAGS THREE THE ACME'S Local and Personal BRITISH COLUMBIA nii;atioii Sale Price Annual Continues with an unabated flow of the Diggest Bargain in H.C. MEN'S CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS i -iil- in this lot of Men's Chinchilla Overcoat. These .a of pure wool materials, eut in the very latest style, h f.-k back. They ure beautiful'y tailored and very smart , i iiiK Raiments, and a credit u the wearer. Ketfular value . r 1 worth it, too. $90 QC station Sale Price $4VOD CIMR HLANKETS ll n- is a nice lot of pure wool Crib Blankets, measuring 36 by 18. They come in pink, blue, and white with a animal pattern woven throughout, which will interest in If ones. Regular value $2.50. ijtation Sae Price Like Sterling on -it. Thor Johnson (JOES OUT OP THE SHOE Ill'SlNESS DRASTIC REDUCTIONS On every Shoe in the Store fiREAT 1IAKUAINS COME AND CET 'EM! 1.45 HOYS' PANTS r,n V Pants, knee length, in hard wearing strge: and and corduroy.", and in ai.es up to 28. Qfi!r MEN'S HOSE Mi'c's Black Cotton Hose. Regular "ftc value. No one I i.n k whole hose at this price. And besides, no need . ! ..i m stockings. Q?C !'. i!.;i!ation Sale Price, 6 pairs for U MEN'S SWEATERS I!, ic is a beautiful lot of Four Pocket Coat Sweaters for ' the very latest. They are nvt comfortable garments !il weather and yet not bulky to wear. Pure wool, in all i r.d sizes. Regular value is 8.50. QQ Aff i ;"..tin Sale Price Acme :: Importers Nai .0.1). Orders Strictly Cah No Charge Accounts Mall Orders Forwarded Express Prepaid Silver 1 '"day the word Rexall on a drun is fike the word Sterling silver. Most firms havinir achieved such a reputation i Id satisfied but not so with Recall. Each year every vu- one of the hundreds of Kexall Articles is urouirni out 'he Rexall Chemists for examination, to he surveyed. 'Ii d, elaborately tested to see if any possible improvement be matte.' The Ingredients are rigidiy tested can any he (l that are better, purer? The met nods of manufacture iutely none over is there any way to make them better? "(tain Rexall Leadership was a bir job but Rexall eunsid-it an even bigger job to maintain it. ORMKS IS PRINCE RUPERTS ONLY KEXALL STORE! Or mes Ltd. Jfic Pioneer Druoet'sis THIRD AVE. , SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES ?v200 Canadian National rtlic Largtii Kailway SyJltm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Hulling, from ritJNTi: UUPKUT for .Nroi run VU TORIA. sK.ti UK. id intermediate points, aacb t'HUMY. 8 oo a.m. "'" HTKWAUT and ANVOX. each Hl:lKsliV. IP 00 p.ru f "r SOUTH iin,l SOI'TH (Jl tl'.N I IIMII.OTTr. isl.ANIM. Fortnightly IW.SSKMIKll TRAIN" I.KAVK PNIM'K Hl'PsWT Kth MONDAY, V):i)NLl.V and sATl'HItAV st 11 30 a m Tor NIIM'fc (EOKOE, tlllMO.NTON, WI.NMI'KU, all point Eastern Canada. Uu.ieil States. AOENCV AIJ. OCIIAN STK.IMSIIII' l.l. .i Canadian National lUiinss fnr lsne) llrdera. I1rlge rtiMiues. " lM '" your neit shipment. r'IV TICKET OFFICE. Btl THIUtl VB.. HMINI'E Klil'RMT. rbte Imported f NO! It' both older and bitter 1EH YEARS OLD This advertisement ia not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia BERNARD SHAW TO PLAYWRIGHTS Rub a little Zam-Buk over your hands and arms to check and heal all roughness and chafing. It's wonderful. Zam-Buk contains valuable herbal extracts which lubricate the tissues, soothe pain, allay inflammation and grow new healthy skin. Cold-sores, 'chaps , frost bite, chafing and similar troubles are quickly ended by Zam-Buk. It provides the handiest and safest antiseptic dressing for all pjuries and skin troubles. CQLDS - For tpld in the head, arstar a llllle Zam link over (he ialms of tin hands, arid inhale, I'or i olds in chest or back, rub biUkly with ilikliilyuarmed am-Hnk night sail morning SOOTHES PAIN - PREVENTS ULQQD-POISON. so. s ; U or .... .,.,, B.C Undertaker. Pbon 41. Dentist. Or. J. R. 0mm. phone 686. Skating GU. p to 4 and 8 to 10. . Tommy Cafe. fhjl Phone 790 tl Zenith tt Zenith Cate. the place to uit everybody's pocket. tf Basketball tonight. 7.30. 26c and 10c. Oct the Big 4 hablti of a Taxi, phone 4 Exhibition Hall at When thinking tf Elks' Leap Tear and Novelty Da ace In Moose Hall Friday night. TM afternoon' train, due from the east at 3.30, 1 reported to be on Urn. Bk' Annual Novelty Dance In Moose Hall Friday, January 39. Small' Or chesrtra Orand opening of their enlarged Hall; Moose Whlat Drive and Dance. Tuesday, January 17. Cub prlaea. 13 Monthly Meeting of Prince Rupert Players' club in Kays' Block on Wednesday, January US, at 8.30 p.m. Prospective members invited. 14 You are Invited to the Anglican Tea and 8ai of Hotue Cocking at Mr. Le- Plae'a, 345 Fifth Avenue East, on Thurs day. January M. from 3 to 4.30. Passenger sailing tonight on the Camosun for Vancouver will Include Paul Brook. W. L. Blackburn. C. Hor ner. Mr. J. A. West and J. A. Co. airs. John A. West will sail this even Ing on the Camosun for Vancouver on , a holiday trip. Her daughter. Mia Joan I West, u attending school in the (live Them Few Rules for Their! utherti city. Own Guidance in .Submitting: - Manuscripts A meeting of salmon fishermen will -- be held in the DB F Hall on Satur LONDON. Jan 17 -Ceorge Bernard I d- Jsnuary 31, ml 3 pm. for the pur-Shaw, deluged with requests to "read" i I 01 ejecting cMegates to a convention unacted flrat plays no taken "112.000! 1-3 he held during the first week In worth of tune" off from writing hi own plays to draft a lor: leier on "what a young playwright should do with hi llrst play." This he now encloses with each play, ail of which go back to their authors by the very first pot. "As a beginner generally begin by doing the wro.iti Ui.i,. it u necessary to tell him at one what not to do." is the promise outlined by Mr. Shaw "First, and very eirpi-...Uca!!y do not tend your play to anyone but a manager. Above all. du uot send It to your favorite playwright with a request that he will read tt. The reaajiu. fur this piece of advice are: "(a) That nobody but a manager can produce it. "(b) That If your play con'.alris a valuable dramatic mothe every born playwriKi-: who reads It assimilate It and us It himself, consciously or unconscu uiv "(rl That his opinkm. if unfavorable may discourage you needlessly, as he knows no more thin you do what, the public will fancy. "id) That when managers come to him. they come tor his own plays and would be infuriated If he advised tbem to try a be,-Inner Instead. "lei That as dramatic authorship la a public profession itie business appro priate to them is no; conducted by private Introduction and 'Influence.' but la transacted In the open market in v.-1 :ch the demand for promising plays Is greater than the vupply "(f) That when mi liHioducUon Is superfluous. H is ra,?hlrvoii and often extrcmc'y anroying. a it ro'jt thr msn- irer of such endit u:id gratl'itde a to i lie discovery of a r.cw genius." February. Members of committee. acbert and M. AMknon. J. With two police matrons tn charge the local women, who became demented on Sunday afternoon and caused considerable excitement on Eighth Avenue Cast, will be taken a&oard the steamer Camosun tonight to New Westminster where he will be placed In mental hospital. In connect ton with the reopening ser vices of tne Beptunv , Cburch. supper will be served In the church lecture hall tomorrow Afeditesdsy at OJSO pjn followed by a fine program of vocal and instrumental music. Short addreMea by Revs. J. R. PrlHU and A. Wllaou. rickets 74c Children SOc. H. W. Birch, manastng secret anr e. the Prince Rupert Genera! Hospital. expects to leave shortly on a trip to England. He will travel by way of the Panama Canal and. on his return to the city, will be accompanied by Mrs Birch and daughter who have been visiting in the Old Country for the past yeiar or more. Walter Smith of the local CNJt. ticket oflees. who ha been on a holiday trip a far south as Portland. Oregon, la expected to return on the Prince Rupert tomorrow morning. R. P. Mc Naughton. district passenger agent, who has been on a trip to Meotreal to attend an official conference, la expected beck on Sunday. The Annua Meetisw and Dinner of the Board of Trade will be held at 6.30 on Tuesday at the Oommo-. . dore Cate. The election of offloers will take place, also discussion on the Peace River Railway outlet and the New Province. Tickets from members of the executive, secretary, and Ormes Ltd. tlAO. Full attendance requested. is li ven sera sailing last evening on tin- Pr!iM-e John for the Queen Charlotte :.-!:. mis included Johnson Marks. Constable Andrew Oram and L. J. Leonard or Maasett: A. Poison, a D. Hsmmond. i Polon. Charles O. Stlmpson. O. Frlckson, Jo Peterson and A. X. Carlson for Port OnirnU; lit. and Mrs S Taai I i . B..-l . aas... . . The Mineral Province of Western Canada Has prodqceflIinewls as .Silver, WJS7mM0W7G, Coke, ?284,599.133; Structural m i. ... . " CT aPk words of aym- .... .wumni, nm o. .SM.IWVI1, UOflU Helllwell and Paul Helliwell for Skid gate; O. Gillespie and Joseph Slgmund or queen Ohsrlotte City. test opportunity to get your fur coat for less than cost. For three days nly vc arc offering all our coats at 'ialf price. We stand by every coat we uara.itee and the guarantee doe not have to b in writing. W do not guar- n tee Klrctrtc Seal Ooata that may last liree nio.iUia, for five years, nor do we oharqe two hundred dollar for a coat hut la W'.irth seventy-fire. It you are Kt -.Mailed yen have U .option of 'XohangliiK or net your money back, ilemcmber this u UuldUtptt,,'th Old Reliable" whom you tOTtfibown tor vear. o do not ml tali opportunity. W. Ooldblcom. Second Avenue. is WIIIII.KSS ItllPCIKT. 8 " in. OIUBY ISLAND loUdy. southcist ale; bauiiiirt.'r. ;io 08; teiuperaturr. 4A: J rough; u:m p.m. spoke steamer Camosun. left Anyox. bound for Stew- i''r pin. sKikr xiramfr Prince John, li-n Piinrr Riipii bound for MasscM. pin ..poU' hi; Pacific Moiinrcli. off I ' i . i.;..l f .' M.ir-.it'. ,i With friends of the family in atten dance to thus express their condolonces. funeral services for little David Allen Oay. two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. oseph Gay. 1144 Hays Cove Avenue. To the end of December, 1926. j Materials and Miscellaneous Minerals. 850.175.407: maMntr its mineral production to the end of 1926 show an AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,470. PRODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER, 1926, $67,188,812 The Mining Lawn of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers .for nominal fees. . Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which Is guaranteed by Crown grants. Full information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. N.B. Practically ail British Columbia Mineral Properties, upon which development work has been done are described In some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. apoke motorshlp Aorangi, 1870 miles out I of Victoria. ! DEAD TBEE POINT. Raining, light! southwest wind; barometer, 30.00; tern- j perature, S3; sea smooth. BULL HAItBOR Part cloudy, light! scuthwest wind; barometer, 30.15; tern-1 perature. 45: 'heavy a well; 8 pjn. spoke ' teamer Cape of Oood Hope, bound i Frarer River from Shanghai. GUU miles from Swlitaure Ughti.hlp. NOOS DIOBT ISLAND. Raining, fresh BE wind: barometer, 30 10; temperature, 43: sea moderate. DEAD TREE POINT. Snowing, calm; barometer. 30X12; temperature, 83; sea amooUi. BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy, light south wind: barometer, 30.11: temperature. 48; heavy swell. MRS. ANDREW IS AGAIN PRESIDENT Elected Yesterday to Serve Fourth Year at Head of Women's Auxiliary to St. An- drew's Cathedral J Meeting yesterday afternoon in the j Cathedral HaU. the Women's Auxiliary j .'- St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral . elected Mr. Thomas Andrew for berj fourth year as president. The full lleti of offloers is as follows: I Honorary President Un, 9. H. OuVer-' net. I Honorary Vice-president Mrs. O. A. Rlz. President Mn. Thomas Andrew. First V toe-president Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. Second Vice-president Mm. Wallace C Orchard. Secretary Mrs. w. A. McLean. Treasurer Mis. O. H. Arnott. Dorcas Secretary Mr. George Rorle. Olrl' SsMwtary Mrs. C. C. Mills. Juniors' Secretary Mrs C. V. Kvltt. Little Helpers' Secretary Mrs. E. W Tucker. Box Secretary air. Dal by. Envelope Secretary -Mrs. W. J. Oreer. Leaflet Secretary Mrs Alex. R.x. Literature Secretary Mrs. A. T. Par kin. Diocesan Delegate Mrs. R. V. O Le- Plne, Mr. Adam Mackie. Mrs. O. A. Woodland and Mrs. C. P. Kemp. INFANT BOY BURIED TODAY AFTER BRIEF SERVICE IN CHAPEL To Cle whoso death occurred vestsrdsv follow. The monthly devotional meeting of ng a brief lllress, were held this after-. ths Fireside Club was held In the lec- noon at 3 o'clock in the chapel of the ture room of the Baptist Church last B C Undertakers Rev W P. Price ofjnajht. The President. R. W. Howard, was F rM Baptist Clin ch ofllclatins:. The In the chair, pnthy and comfort. W. Vaughan Da vies prtslded at the organ for the hymns ANNOUNCEMENTS Elk's Leap-year Dance. January 30. Legion Novelty Dapce January 27. Prince Rupert Olrls' Drill Team dance February 3. CNR Annual Ball. Friday. Febrary 17. The speaker of the evening was Mrs. Masttn. the subject of her address be ing "The Rich Young Ruler," Mrs. Mas tin presented to the members of the club the serious side of life in her address and made a deep impression , on her audience. The Fireside Club la en dea voting to present the foursquare plan of Ufa and Mm. Martin's address stresses the Importance of the devotional side of life. A solo and recitation by Mr. H. S. Pellet ler concluded this part of the pros' ism. Refreshment and social time wore theisWBB.il t all. - .rr-1'.'- . M NICKERSONtLECTED PRESIDENT OF FISH CO-OPERATIVE ASS'N. I At a meeting yesterday afternoon, dl-1 rectors of the Prince Rupert Kbtr- I men's Co-operative Awclat I jii.. I ere elected last week, chose offloers fur the year as follows: Pn Midi-lit -Q. W. Nlckerso'n. Vi i c I'rwlrlent J M Morrison. , Tvc tt: T!i : .t !:: n OHIO arance GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER COATS DRESSES HATS Hosiery and Lingerie Every Woman who is eager for new ideas in home decoration new color combinations for the sun porch, new color schemes for baby's room, new color beauty everywhere in the house "61" Brushing Lacquer comes as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 j Interment In Palrvlew Cemetery following. Mitchell Gag. Garnet Quick. Harry Quick and Robert OUker. young boys, were pallbearers. Those sending flowers included Capt and Mrs. J. D. Thurber. Capt. and Mrs. R B. Oreen. Mr. and Mrs. John Llnd-sth. A. R. Phillip and ton. Reat and Ocdwln. I. Mitchell and Josephine. Mrs. A B. LUney. Mia Molly Cross. Baptist Women's Mission Circle. Mr. and Mrs J. L. Mcintosh. Mr. William Sim and family. Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Johnson. Mr. and Mr. W. Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Collins. Harry and Garnet Quick, Mr. and Mr. A. Halvar-aon. Mr. and Mr. Jaxvla McLeod and family. DEYOTIONAL MEETING OF FIRESIDE CLUB AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH j New Blankets for Old OF course, we do not actually trade new blankets for the soiled ones you send us but one would almost believe them new when they are returned to you. Soft and fluffy. . . and clean 1 No home equipment can possibly fintah woollen blankets, nor in fact, any woollen trarnienU, In the superlative manner of the modern laundry. And our prices are moderate for this invaluable service. The , , LAUNDRY Does it best Canadian .aundry and Dry Cleaners l'hone 8 w '. I Q WSjPjatWPW3Wgftggss