j Fishermen f AGE SIX A ew Questions for you 1 Is there anything. wrong with your eyes, ears, nose or throat? If you have been blind or deaf for years, have lost voice entirely, don't give up hope, but investigate Chiropractic. 2 Have you so-called Rheumatism, Pleurisy, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, Goiter, Paralysis, locomotor-Ataxia, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia, Cdnstip a t i o n, Piles, Insanity, Appendicitis 01 a Constant Headache? Chiropractic will adjust the cause and permit nature to bring about a cure. 3 Have you stomach, lung, heart, liver, kidney, bowel or bladder trouble? 4 Have you Sciatica, Gallstones or Diabetes? The results are wonderful. Try Chiropractic. ' 5 Perhaps you have stiff joints in the arms or legs that you cannot use naturally. This system brings forth a transformation. C Our methods not .only stimulate, but eliminate the cause, thus permitting nature to perform her work. Health is the greatest blessing we can have. NO DRUGS OR SURGERY USED NATURAL METHODS ONLY W. C. Aspinall CHIROPRACTOR Rooms 6 and 7 Exchange lllock Phone Green 211 Lady Attendant Before buying your next engine, come and see us about The Gardner Semi-Diesel , Engine the most satisfactory on the market. Governor has control at all speds, making it most suitable for halibut boats. Sizes 12 li.p. to 300 h.p. The Acadia Gas Engine the most modern designed and best built 4 cycle engine in Canada. Sizes from G-8 h.p. to 40 h.p. medium and heavy duty. Ward Electric AND MARINE SUPPLY CO. Phone 6H0 Cow Ray Prince Uupert, B.C. OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE of MEN'S AND ROYS CLOTHING AND FURNISH INGS is still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II. Miller, Proprietor WILL COMMAND MOUNTIES HERE Inspector Tupper of Famous Can ndian Family to Reach City .Tomorrow i-ri l tii.j. has beowtrantferred mounted Police garrison in this, clfy n4 district, Inspector J. M. Tupper froirl Vancouver will reach the city on the steamer Pririe Rupert tomorrow morning. With the arrival of Inspector Tupper who Is slnale nun. headmurtfm of the force In the, city will be taken up u' iae upseii nouse at 433 Iurth Avenue West In which Inspector Wood, wnue nere. made hi residence. The offices and llvln uuartera of the i..i detachment wljl be there. An old "Nerth West" man. the r.w commanding officer here of the "Red coats has seen service with the force for many years. Before the war. in which he served, he was In southern Saskatchewan. He has also seen ser vice In the Arctic. Inspector Tunner if a son of the late Sir Charles Hihhrt Tupper. K.CJil.0.. K.C.. L.L.B.. of Vancouver, and a grandson of Sir Charles Tupper. one of the Fathers of Confed eration and a former premier of TOBEY HEADS SHRINE CLUB Will Succeed R. V. G. LePine as President of Local Organization of Nobles At a business dinner last evminv m the Commodore Cafe, the Prince Ru-frt Shrine Club elected officers as follows for the coming year: President. W. II. Tobey Vice-president. S. E. Parker. Sccretaty treasurer, Alonao Haines. Executive M. M. Stephens, a A. 'Jrecch ar.d John Dybhevn The meeting was presided by by the .curing president. R. V. O. LePine. PITTSBURG WINNER NATIONAL HOCKEY CHICAGO. Jan. 17. The only National League hockey game scheduled for laat night was played here between Pittsburgh and the local team, the "is: tors winning two goals to one. CAIRN LINE BOUGHT BY FURNESS WITHY MONTREAL. Jan 17 -The Cairn Line one of the oldest companies plying the St. Lawrence, has bcel bought by Pur nss Wlth. according to cable report received here. Scientific Insnection Willi (he Latest Instruments of Precision That's the kind of eye service you can get here now. We give you a conscientious and careful test. Jack Bulger, two years ago passed the IJ.C. government exam, for Optometrists and during the last six months along with moat of the leading optometrists in Vancouver attended a course of post graduate lectures. We do not supply or advise glasses if not of benefit. Our tests are not uncomfortable and our prices are fair and reasonable. 1,3 THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnltuni Moving. Vice-President Coleman Will Dis cuss Pence River With Alberta EDMONTON, Jan. 17. Definite progress is being made y the northern development committee of the Edmonton Board of Trade In its campaign to secure as soon as possible a Pacific coast outlet for the Peace River country. In raply to a query ai to what development the CP.R. Intends to carry out in the north In the event of its securing the Alberta government railways, the following telegram has been received from E, W. Beatty. president of the Canadian Pacific. "I am sincerely sorry that owing to "ny absence from Montreal your telegram of December 31, was not promptly acknowledged. Vice-president Coleman, who 1 now here. will, on his return to the west, be glad to give the northern development committee of the Edmonton ! Board of Trade all the available infor mation i aspect lng future developments of the Peace River district." The northern development committee will meet on Friday afternoon to discuw the latest developments In the northern railway situation. DAUGHTER OF JUDGE HOWAY DIES IN FRANCE INFANTILE PARALYSIS WEW WESTMINSTER, Jan. 17 News was received today of the death In Parts of Miss Undine Howay. 21 years of age, daughter of Judge F. W. Howay. Who had been studying in Parts, having won -he Frenuh Government scholarship of 10.000 francs awarded laat year by the nlverslty of British Columbia. It la believed that death was dua to Infantile paralysis. PRESIDENTCOOLIDGE RETURNEDHOME TODAY HAVANA. Jan. 17.-President Coolings, who yesterday opened the Pan-Ameri can Conference, returned to the United States todsy. I1UILD WORDS OUT OF Hams" 5 175.0(1 in prizes given as follows 1st $100.00 2nd $.-0.00 Hrd jjtt.".00 In addition we will give a 5 lb. Ilox of Chocolate to the winner if the ham label is secured from us. SPECIAL PRICE ON WHOLE SHAMROCK HAMS Per lb. tEif $1.60 China Tea Set for ... . (10? With two pkgs. "Jif." See our window Sunkisl Oranges, new stock, 3 dox. for fj.-jjk Have you (teen the new ChlnaWare in Robin Hood Quick Oats. It's pretty nifty B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 15 'and 57 1 .THE. PMLZ NEWS Tuesday, Janunr, 17, DISTRICT READERS Of The Daily News Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit 3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. All the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still" think of it! C.P.R. TO TELL OF ITS PLANS hamrock HUDSON STRAIT PATROL FLYER REPORTED MISSING WINN1PEO. Jan. 17.TA Free Press Ottawa despatch says Flying Officer T. A. Lawrence of Toronto. Ontario, one of the flyers patrolling the Hudson Straits, is missing. NEW SOUfTwALEs' RUGBY TEAM WINS TOULOUSE. Prance. Jan. 17. The New South Wales Rugby team defeated the Midi fifteen yesterday seven to three. PRESIDENT COOLIDGE IN SPEECH AT OPENING PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS DE FINES UNITED STATES POSITION I continued from page one) among the nations or this hemisphere only to the attachment ta the principle of self-government. "Their chief effort-, have been devoted to the arts of peace." he continued "They have never come under the de lusion of military grandeur. Nowhere among these republics have great mill tary establishment ever been maintained for the purpose af overawing or subjugating other nations. "We have all nourished a commendable sentiment of moderate preparation for national defense, believing that for a nation to be unreasonbly neglectful of the military an. even if it did no invite and cause such aggression as to result either In war or in abject humil iation, it must finally lead to a dis astrous disintegration of the very fiber of the nation. But it is one thing to be prepared to defend our rights as a last extrtmlty and quite another to rely on tone where reason ought to prevail t:TENIt HUMAN IKKKItOM The form of our governments guaran tees ui against the Old World dynastic wars. It la acaroaly too much to say that the. conflicts which have been wagea oy our republics for ISO years have been almost, entirely for the pur- pose of securing .'independence and extending .he domain of human freedom. When theae have been accomplished, we have not fa. led to heed the admonition to beat our swords into The material vehicles for the Brum. Hon of a c ii r union of American ntHiea enunirr.ued by the American Cash and Carry Grocery FULTON AND SIXTH AVE. We are Selling Smoked Meats Cheaper Today Than Ever Be-fore. Just Think Swift's Bacon in the piece or half slab, per ll :r? Burn's Shamrock Hams, whole or Half one, pr lb :r Swift's Circle (S) Picnic Hams, per lb air? Capitol Butter Bricks irr H's 0.17 E.C.D. Butter Bricks lOr? H's $0.07 Canned Milk has advanced and we are forced to raise ours one cent per tin. Our price now . . V2t ntArlltlnl.,l 4J u f I t as..j ,f, -II., U Flour, any Jdrid, lb. sack tfajml MIZ rotmdtng fathers ol J I'astry Flour, 10 lb. sack r7f China Oats, package iWt B. & K. Oats, 7's r:c We are saving you many a cent. Give uh your whole support. ?3.00 orders delivered Phone 30 1 'Mh.. President were highways, railroad lines, ocean Ones, transportation of mall bv air and the press of ail countries. lie noted that "great progress has been made In the publication of fuller information and unbiased views." but he expressed the hope fcr a still better exchange of news service between the various countries, contending thai "what happen in this hemisphere is of more vHal Interest to aU of us thau what happens across sny of the oceans." Mr. CJoltdge portrayed his Interest in the development of shipping between North and South America and the con struction of railroads and highways to serve as feeders. He disclosed that be Is asking the United States Congress fur authority to send American engineering advisers to whstever Otntral and South American nations request their services All! MAIL ItOlTIM He predicted that air mail routes wiU be established soon and told Uve con ference that the American Oongreas was considering supporting such routes and that private cltkawns of the United States war considering their establishment. "In the domain of commercial relations." the President added, "the last few years have witnessed an extraordinary strengthening of the eccAoanlc ties binding together our Republics. In botn agricultural and Industrial production the countries of America are now com plementing one another to an unusual degree, resulting in an increasing ex change of commodities." Although he did not name the Taenav Arica boundary dispute. Mr. Ooolidge did point to the delicate and difficult nature" of boundary problems and declared that the past record of achievement in this respect "places heavy responsibility upon the present generation to advance the great work that baa been so auspiciously begun." iu:i(i or law Finally. President Cooitdge commended to the Oongreas a dissuasion ol means to bring "an of our people more definitely and more completely" under the retgn of law. "After ail." be said. "R la in lhat direction that we must loo with the greatest assurance for human progress. We can make no advance in the realm o economics, we can do nothing for education, we can acoompllih hut little even In the sphere of religion, until hums.-, affairs are brought within the orderly rule of law. "The surest refuge of the weak and the opp rosed Is in the law. It Is preeminently ttoe shield of small nation. "While the law Is necessary for the proper guidance of human action, and will always remain the source of freedom and liberty and the ultimate guaranty of all our rights, there Is another element in our experience which must always be taken Into eonalderatlon. We read that. The letter klDeth but the spirit glveth life.' Of ten-times in our International relationship we shall have to look to tde aplrlt rather than to the letter of the law. We ahaU have to realise that the highest law is consideration, co-operation, friendship. and charity. Iltltimit Ol- JINTK'i: "The light which Ctoltunbu followed lias not failed. The oourage that car' riea mm on stui lives. They are the heritage of the people of Bolivar and of Washington. We must lay our voyage of exploration toward complete understanding and friendship. Having taken that course, we must not be turned aside by the fears of the timid, the counsels of the ignorant, or the designs oi tne malevolent. "With law and charity m .ur guides, with that ancient faith which la only rtrengthened when It requires sacrifices, we shall snrhor st list In the harbor of Justice and truth. The same 4W,t which stood by the side of the Ii4li Sin Uir repuMlos, will continue to abide with Line-ups for tonight's billiard fixture between the Maple Leefe and Grand Terminals will ! a follows: Major MrMordle iMspIe Leafsi va. P. O. Pyle (Orsnd Tcrmlualst. J Hamilton vs. P Zlernan. M. M Mrl,a'lilHii vs J. Andrews. M Andrews v. W E. Willis, roil. ' " ' U. .; MU! SALE SALE !f USCAN NET " Window Panels Imported Direct From Nottingham, Knglnnd A Special Tuscan Net, SG inches wide and 2'4 yaul fringed ends, each Heavy Tuscan Net, a new deaiifn, :u inches wide, 2' , long, scalloped and fringed end, each Tuxcan Net, fringed ends, tape edge. Very pretty i. Heavy all-over borders. SG inches wide, 2'i van! Each '. . . . . Tuscan Net, scalloped with knotted fringed end. Mi,. I tern, 40 inches wide, 2'4 yards long. Each $ Silk Tuscan Panels, pretty all-over design. Will wa h wear well. Silk French bullion fringed ends, :;r, wide and 2'4 yards long. Each s Silk Tuscan Net, silk bullion fringed ends, cheiuK ! Guaranteed to wash. Size 42 inches wide, 2 1 y.in! Very special, each ju. Our Sale of Household Sheetings. Towels. Blanktl -. t continues Fraser & Payne The Universal Trading Co. i ! 'I 8!) WESTHOLME THEATRE TUESDAY ONLY. 7 and 9 p.m. Adapted from Peter B. Kyne'n famous Novel. TIM McCOY, DOROTHY SEIIAST1AN. MAHC MAD)! I, MOTT, FRANK CURRIER, FRED WAHREN. EDWIN TERRY, LILLIAN LEKJHTON and othen. JUVENILE COMEDY - "GRANDPA'S HOY" Iletvyeen Shows, at 8J0 p.m. BRUNO NORDBNSTROME, Vocalist, in Swedish Song Admission 3JC anj kjc DEMAND "Rupert Brand" uppers THE DAINTIEST UREAKFAtJT FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C ., Ui Prince Rupert. U.C. JANUARY Clearance SALE Special Bargain Tables 25c 50c 95c Phone 9 DRESSES AT COS1 PRICE Bargains In all Lines H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. 3rd Ave. and Full'i" ".. , Kitcnen'Cloihes jr Drying Racks To Hang from the Celling F,ubne;.ldconfeelonK;. CompIete w,th '"":.,':, 25?T1n?inJpson Hardware Co., Ltd. 2,5 Third Avenue uprf