83 11 rlf'l' V prm K' 1. (I miiiry 17, 1928 W ATER NOTICE DfVKKKION AMI HSR voi ice that Robert address in lsuu Bin Ave . ;,.r. B.C.. will appl? far ; and UM 20.000 gallon-, ' ,, u.iter out of small cm": . , ,r ii Hum southerly and H union Inlet, Q. islands ,,, ,, (,. ! westerly westerly irom irom mir.er. mir.er.i - my hand al City Hall. .I..-, of Deoamber. IM7. E. P. JONES. Returning Offi.er. LAND ACT. Of INTENTION TO TO LSAHK I.AMl :v tnanre 4 mains nor irellre; '.hence fnllowfrig to point of commenc talnlng 3 a-reii more o edi A a IM7 11 seres, more or ROBEHTBON Applicant LAND ACT 1 I 01 INTENTION TO APPI.V TO I.KAHE I.ANO 1 -en Charlotte Islands. Ora-I.tod Recording District of and alluate on the west I! Harbor at the He.ul o: t Queen Charlotte Islands 'til' Columbia. iil'K that Brltith Columols K::.g Company I .United of ' " occupation Salmon Can-1 to apply for a leuse ol described land. ' ISHINd At PACRINO CO I,Tl Applicant. M. M English Agent ' "-t!K.r 33. liT. LAND ACT V"llil 01 INTRNTIItN Tfl TO LEAJtC J.T nnd about da. BO- M NEW ORCHESTRA AM1.Y ' - i ir Land District. Land Record-! '''' u( Telegraph Creek, and northwest ad of O'.adys, " 40 miles nortiawst of the At un, in about tasdea. 10' we north 1 FOR REGIMENT i t Huston mid. The 'arKe i Organization Planned ... . and i ilveru-a lruju mc sircan: J im 1 raCUCP HfM I nut hi. tfuu leei :r;ui snore 1 1, rough twenty, four ncres under lease, and will tc ... rial f unjoj - upon tl- - NiRht at Armorien I wMiuni.ioii in - lhf "Ky " K. Inlet More Promt- to be-, f;jm' 11,1 Important factor ' In the life of and Ue ""I'1"1" of the First Battalion ' , notice an application -Hi) and ut the "Water Act." N"r!1' M c. R (riment. Thu is a Regiment i . felat. &' 7 T''' " ,U " pr" ; ,, the application may be lpM',,, n,2ht at the Armories, eighteen -he raid Watw Beoorder or urong. under the leadership of Profes- i . of Water ' UI" I Right. r.mptroller ; or A n " p,.. Pryue' Bntl a number ,.., BuUdlnga. Vlctorta. B.C. ,, more; i r v day. after the firat ap- application to join and Inquiries have , r nt I his notice In a local new- been received, the crcmowt h.in,. ' prospect Being n, that , ... n.t.nf th first mihllnitlnn .. k iw7. inP ,r-""it ROBERT M. OURRIE. P' 'Portion. I nnlln. n . NOTICE attain considerable All the members present ?fKf' isi :iikih ere men but a number of NOTICE Is hereby given to admimnv ladies as well as men - of the Munlelpallty of the . . 1 ..,,. ukT -1 'kra tnoee nunM-t t Mnuini attending, i nomination of ran-l:-ii" as follow: i 1 '(, shall be nomlna'"! ii' writing shall be w J': elector, of the tnunicip,..'--.1 r and wonder, and rhi1' n to the Returning Officer al H?n the date of the" no-"i I'M of Die day of nomin--ald writing may be In he imd 3 lii the Schedule : p.:l Elections Act." and shall i .lines residence, and ccu-- rrtption of each person pro-!i ma: ner a s.jfflck'ir'v . h randldate: and In t)i" oein necessary wen xll nd e-, have mad Inquiries and pr posed to form Man in the Moon .WM.V; DOHT be a crab. Rupert Land Recording Dls-1 It Is mixed orchestra No o only a of the said electors at City pl'de tf fa thful adherence to duty . Ninth day of January. 183J. and determination to practice reu- 1 1 1 111 k nuuu. auk uw uurjmr I -lv oerMns to reo recent them aj '"T x:"r violins, a I Aldermen, or aonooi this- -it, sax pnor.-.s. c-ornet. trjnib ' :i:cs. pair of skr. 1,11 1 1 1 :K Crab can't go e on in- soutnwem cor-: A U7T or people would no; be sick Zn2Jr'oSStJ'1S?,a th' "H-tor really ' tf blande. In the Provlnrr t'ight o! the.-n. (' lumbla 1 '"?.tSJ?!E. WWW h" noeV '0 bum 1 '(. ippltfor a lease ofl,n,rt u possibility of his using It on . described lands:-- some old flame. at a post planted about erly from the mouth cf rerk flowing nto an un-' are saia 10 oe people in tnis o trie south Dana or Port city ano are so busy Ming religtoua rZ?Vnc5'lT th'y 1",V' n ,0 thelr tlll 1.1:1s southerly; thence 30 1 THE firt commandment is -pay your b.ll'' and mi?t of the others follow :r m it MILK is rro.;ly water, but it should be mixed by the oow THE question to decide la not so much whether 11 is to be a Ford or a ('hex- but how small can the payments be made m at a post planted on Uie to crack hi tliell ' 1 creek called Twin R:ver; 1 us west; thence twenty-one I BOl'OHT myself . daisy car. T. ntut and smart and gay; It com mr fifty dollan down With a few more notes to pay. IF a person Is hard boiled, try no' SWEARING u wicked escapt when wing contour of ehore line ycu cut your face shaving wfth a safety o.nmenoament. and con- liw,or n, wu oreak your shoelace when late for the party and there Is not aiDth.r 111 the house DID you ev-i break a shoe string Did you ever cut your face? Did you tweni with great precision When you could not find the lace? No my dear Alphorue I never S.ild n i rd that might he wrong. Fi-r I use an old time rarer Any my lct all are strong. AX Prince Rupert people are willing ' Kh notice that I. John Alfred Some are wili ng to work and the other x "f ola5v Uto- nr Atniare willing to let them do it ipt ion Trapper, intend to apply "y wheV ,011 tint dksVt-tts ut, pw h,m ' dr,wr Vbts5ra,,,,c,B" rh1"u.r:.:"1 III, I.. rorth nf th mnttth isf Win thence one mil weat; thence , PRINCC Rtipert hs its upper class, outh; thence on mile east; ,.,, ..,w.ri. .it n im 1 cat and lick "tie mile north, and containing ' , , . r-s. more or lest , ihrmnlica aud admire the glons. "' JOHN ALFRED UBATRUX ' 'd December , 1337. LAN!) ACT ';r.s "!nd to apply for nermtsslon to 'art. .' " lh. tollwiag de&ibed landa: omencing at Boat pUitted at the 1,1 corner orTotnil. ' Ranee 8, 11 tlD-'cf. ce so chain chain at tkum thanre M an ih' I; .irk ' ,ltT 'hence southerly along high "mrk to the nolnt inlmauv. 'nl Hl,( lvrn) ' containing so acres, more or J H. TODD SONS. LTD. rati n, Applicant open bottle '' the premises. ;' ,,rce htltiert. B.C. '' -'-siis.si. v. A 11. I'JZD. Ida m Appluaut. THE only remedy for csting rrarkers in bed Is in have twin beds i: OPIVWfO AfPLT toLZr " towT Z -I KITIAHE LAND 1 mum ,Bhr Is so mannish thst it she oroml.se. I'",',"" 5 Und "wording District of . ,u mee, vou ,hP 1, there on the siroke. , " H'Miert. and situate at the nor- 'I'V I' II 1 1 nf TlJ.HHkUu.M DbAAna ' n iimivh 1. is. mrk nl the irtlst tONORANTE Is bliss and vou are luekv not to live among the wise onea. th. more or leas, to high water MOarotV OOKK ON UKATE MOSCOW. Jan 17. An energetic campaign to encourage akatitm lias been so succeiul that Moeeovite are "(:rt'i.iii...., . ' . ! Mandlne In l'"e line In front of sport oui- -'n.Usijir.Al' UUUOK Al-1" flt tU)t llWn,tlllg their turn to my 'r. i AI'Pl.U ATION 11)11 IIKllR MCEKCE LAND ACT ' h day of FBhniary next the under- IJ.ASh L.M In 1 end ui ni.i T vT r.-.T... ,i." V imhi in rsDss-i In Pr nupert Land Recordin. ris ate at at Ruaton """' miet, w" - 1 1 .1 , Mor,n P" the bttlmlnt trlct. and altuate J&JF&i I CN that .H. "y the ; -..'::'::: VMain? .i. ..iiiv M chains: inenor i"n- thl therlv ah -tit f: chains, and contuln.iig , 1 M acres, tn" ItolltfM M ftntltlt-: ApplKiiut Kl RAUr VAMDMI;m Rf DKtAU YA 1 fSt ni. drum', and piano. More'bwn so gre 'iii.-vii insirumet'ls i't l"ire fl'i'" and clirunet Offiiers for tlje NlL-tialls. President O V. Wilkinson. Vi re-President A. J. Lancaster, terretary- C Hrtwie Treasurer -R. E Ky.lfsen. Leader Professor Pryce. k s hiwhv hereby TMtmlrmA required t- to take taA ...... K iveri himself accordingly Prctlce are hrld at 8 o'cl irk Mon- iH: with m AMTK K ItHOMM AMTIMl Editor Dally News. rM ii w.j Me standard I of Quality J ; ' for over soy ears and transmission of fake distress signals In the first place, we wish to potat out that fifty per cent of the radio 1 ntMTf HTMlfSd rrtitaV I fnnmmA k Ik. I ,. crw.ro.. Ihcy -Ide.tep .11 the time. lmtntn through re-r-lat. I Ing seta; bloopers or squealers aa they I are sometimes called not rnentlanln t tatics. power leaks, violet-ray muchlnea, and counties other modem devices of rue, nature; which constitute interference of the worst kind. In no s nail a?rre either Is the Interference caused by commercial ship and coast stations. This Is very trying end taxes a persona patience tj the limit, especially when these stations are close In. Moreover, the cld stations invarl-rhly operate on a wave which la In cli.se proximity, and often within the broadcast band Itself. They use, too. transmltuirs it the spark type which crr.lt s very broad wave In comparison .0 the continuous wave seta used by -inaleurs and broadcasting stations. The greater majority of the radio amateurs to-day. operate on wan-lengths of 30 meter and below, which are over 100 meters below the broadcast ' band Itself. Therefore it la highly improbable for any amateur to cause In-urferenoe with the broadcast listeners. With reference to the transmission of fraudulent distress signals, may riMie us 1 11 is -in onence punisnaote by law face Radiotelegraph Act. Chap. 43. Far. Tt and subjects the station1 to a heavy fine or Imprisonment, as I' well ss cancellation of Its Hcenae. Now these licenses are not issued haphaaard ly to "young boys and others," But frly ohlaet after having passed an official examination given by the Government Radio Inspector. A radio ama teur values hla license and certificate very highly, and 1 not very desirous of suffering the disgrace of losing It, through abusing his privileges; as In timated la your editorial. Regarding the signal you mentioned aa received from the 8.8 Oiiffco; they were spark signals and within the Com mercial band. It Is absolutely pro- hi hi ted for any amateur station to use transmitter of this type; and aa far ..s amateur signals being In the other band. It Is impossible. Sire a has bean abowa that a interMrMbe m'thvTrroadett band 1 highly Improbable, and very seldom occurs: and since the commercial band is above the broadcast band, therefore It Is evident Indeed that Amateur Interference ' on Commercial bands Is positively absurd. (Slg.) AMATEUR RADIO STATION SOT IIOTKI. AttltlVAIJs. Hatov Charles Reddeck. Houston; Mr Locker. Porcher. Mr. and The "Flu" LEFT HER WITH A VERY WEAK HEART Mrs. Cenlaa Demone, Pleasant River, 2iM., writm: "Having suffered wflh tn 'fin' a few years ago, I was left with a very weak heart. could not da my houeewotk. ' ' I would get Uuuy sjiell ana would hare to p and lie down. "I could not sleep at night aa the least little ttolie wonld wike ma tin. ' ' I trie! di fferrnt kinds of medicine, but they sreimsj to do me no ttoJ. 'A friend recommeuded I hare used firs boxes and am math better; do not get those diuy spell., and can do my own work aa Well as eve.,' Price 60e. a box tt all dragg-lsts and dealers, or mailed ilireet on reelr.t prico by Th T. M ilb urn Co., Limited, Toro&to, Out VHK PAILY RJ5WS PAGE FTVa LADIES' DOUBLE EVENTS PLAYED Interest fn Cathedral Tournament' Continues With Maying of ; KxcitinK (iames The ladles' doUbeK In the opim 'city' badminton totrraeatent be:ng held by t)ie club of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathe dral provided their meed of Interest hist evening. Feature 15a me were that 111 the first round In which Mrs. Bradbury and Mrs. Jobifton defeated Miss Mercer and Miss Hsrtlu by a score oti 21-13 and the second round match oti Mrs. Limey and Mia. Wlnstow WAvwerH name a lead of 18 to 10 to defeat Mrs. Kvltt and Mrs. Johns by 21 to 19. Tor morrow evening, asail-flnals and finals of all events will be played. St; res in Um ladies doubles were as fr.llows: MUST ItOI Ml Mn. H. j: Bradbury and Mrs. Thor John- an keat Miss K. A. Mercer and Msh liartln.. 21-30. Mha Frances Crocs and Mm Lucy Pllli- wury beat Miss Aaaniia Pillskury and The n:,l, far skater has Mlas Margaret OiWirlv. 31-13. at that sp..rt store, unable Mws Caroline Mitchell and Mr. Douglas as !! : to M'lWy th- dema.nl of their custom- 8tcrk beat Mlas N. ra Rlvett and rs v .th i..):..e-madf orodurtlnn have Mis Lillian Cross. 2! -14. organization wcr - ix n forced i ulacc- hurrleri onlm Mlas L. M. Ellett and Mr, R. Bartiett " ' rwviii meeting ax follows abroad. H 'i: I'rL-s'. A-n'. L.eut.-Col J. w s I beat Marjorla Sbie: and Miss Molly I croaa. ai-fc II Mrs. A. IL Llsney and Mrs. r. m. Wlns- In The Letter Box j Tf ' 11 T 1 " at and Odd sttoraga .. St. Aodiww's ... C. M. OgwraUng Prince Rupert Itajtel. Caaadtan Legion Oranne Lodge Moose Knights of Columbus New Rmprea N. Mechanic. Orotto Darton and Mrs. B. Mrs. J. C. Johns. oya te second round. NF-COyi) (IOIMI Mrs. Bradbury and Mrs Johnson, bye n 1 1 n a In the interest of wnateur radio, we fr ta ralu . . .. . .. Mlas France. Cro. and Miss Luc, PIU,. Wtah nnrtrjw. leu by your ediu,r.;.' In Saturday . to- i Xl rue ucwiuqi wiw imaieur inieriereswe ' and Mrs. D. Stcrk beat Miss Blett and Mrs. Bartiett. 31-17. Mrs. Llaney tad Mrs. Winslow seat Mr. 1H and Mrs. Johns. 21 -IS. crIbbage" league Uf! Kletage. St, Andrew's and C. X. Operating Leading in necum Half Prince Rupert Oribhage League result' last night went aa fallow: Odd Storage 14. Bobs of Canada IS. Moose If. Of. Mechanics 13. St. Andrew', lg, Pruioe Rupert Hotel . C. N. Operating 19. Orange Lodge B. New Empress Hotel 14. Canadian Legion 13. Knights of Columbus 16. Orotto 11. IJSAUt'E TAW K ; w L 0 t 4) 1 I 1 1 1 3 a a rwya ana tMsrs win xwaa on ttMalngs. Pta. t 1 a 0 0 0 jjj SPORT CHAT I 4. mw TMy ; day mrttee, composed of M(. Roy Taylor. I E. smexlley and C. Steele, was appointed 1 "I . enable to Co about, tui tointorvlew tle executive oommltt. of B t the ha Vanderhoof Vjkatamiarvnr Athletic 1 1 hint U l.u.l.n.. a - . Association At this meeting the rsspommandatlon of I the Hockey Club wo accepted: that fee ; fcr nott -members or the association be ' ."' 00 for gentlemen and 11.00 for ladles , for the remainder of ttie akattat aea- j son. Members of the aMtsoHtion are : reqalred to pay a fee af tim. By al prttlotM arrtnflement the Hotkey Ohlb baa the management of thst skating rink CHICAGO IS SPENDING HALF A MILLION TO IMPROVE RACE COURSE OHICAOO. Jim 17 The 2.000.tKn 1 ' ' Plsni t. ! uuHiln tfieUis one f ti.e lui'.'i ...id ii.ii. . ui Anuia. '. to. m 6c enlarged and Improved at a cost of 00.080 eaore before the racmi season Twntgbt basketball fmgram abould , op. m Jutj. ba an intswsjstlng on HsadllasW- on) The stawda. clubhouse, lawna. promen the bill wiU be the Staa and Orand Kda, and geaeral lanetocape are to be iwrawlnala In the senkgr League who. aylOTd to oare for the crowds which during the IBM half f the aeasoa. h,w increased rapidly since the plam 9rawd a spirited battle lor second pteoe wal opened two years ago. An ambl-hoBors aad who are BSW reported to . ti0Us racing program h being formulated be la tin fettle. The lateeaneeUate (or rlltst summer. League game will be Bteen the loatg j suffering Btevator and Dig Ptmr which !w ... .. -- . basi been showing conldrabl form Iwse-1T and la aaw close on the beets of the High Be haul for tia taasJirihlp. a JBBtor Iara. aigageniB htwea TBam Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert JAM .III v 11. iau. police was advBed to- ITmrnfe o s sktsVit.a a' (B tsoipt of an sateaBM program tor mul ou , amii inland between Walex tB fowtawathannual Vliam Carnival Wwid lhr AIk. twrd.r. A dog t ha BaM at Ii seal aol bsbb Jhhruary , wm tne mn Wltl stln t tt 0 to 10. This event has gradually grown J ftuM that Dr R W Large, coroner, to be probably th most popular of ltajwtll have some difficulty in getting at kthd rn Brttlah Coinlama. While tt ' the scene In order to make an Invest! -faurea ttte specucvimr ski aport. ! gtion. RavwUtoke being the hBBtt of NeUj Nelson, for many year world', chant-j VV. P. O 'Conner, general returning ploa aU hunpsr. ttwr WW also be : officer for Canada, denies that the many other features on the llat In-! government has the power to allocate eluding ettrllng. hockey, breom hail, to- SOldler- vote. In the recent federal bogaaning. grand Ice carnival and fire-! election as It denlres. Tlte soldiers, work. Rvvautoke will no doubt be once I however, had the privilege to designate again the meoca for world championship ( wnlcn rver constituency they desired to atptoauVs where the foremast exponent."' 111 of winter .port meet. j M .r. A nsewttn. r .. . rainged before Magistrate MeClymont cnargssa w 1 1 11 ui i 1 nh i..w mm tsuw Poolroom and Bpurr'a market. The case was adjourned so the boys' parent Your Children's Cough can be quickly and safely relieved with PERTUSSIN, the pleasant and effective Cottgb medicine known to physicians and pharmacist, for many year. Fret from b.rtnftil drag e " Cos," PERTUSSIN I th .ft cough rem? for vcr? member e( th family. Al all drag itorea, bottle 0cndtlJ0 p' Sate am for Every Cough of your copy of The Daily News every night by having it delivered to your address by carrier paid In advance will bring it to you every night-for a year Keep Yourself alwut world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Kupert, , your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading rcgularly- WED nr-.i 1 mil 1 wkjg-isj llll.atn-illiwiw AILY NEW! IT WILL PAY YOU! uy 1 Hour Guaranteed to please you better. For Sale by all Good Grocers. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OpemlinK (5.T.I. 20.000 Ton Floatlnir Dry Dck Krvnineers, Machinists, Boilermakers. Hlackamilha. Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc. ELKCTUIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plnnt is equipped to handle all kinds of MAItlNE AND COM.MKItCIAL WOKK. 1'IIONLS 43 and 385