PAGE SIX Visitor To City Had Perilous Voyage Coming From Arctic After Going Down Mackenzie A terrific flve-day storm in Behring Sea while coming out on oammeiost. th Hudson Bay trading steamer Baychima and several encounters " with the tee in the Arctic Ocean were the most thrilling: experiences of a trip- made- to the north coast of this continent during the past summer by Dr. R. Agnew, well known central interior dentist, who arrived in the city from Vancouver jeslerday and proceeded this morning to Terrace and other interior points to resume his winter work. Dr. Agnew spent over four four months- in the Far North dur' ln the summer and estimates that reached. At Herschel Island, where Dr. Agnew met the Philadelphia bird specimen seeking party headed by Capt. Perfilieff which was here ten days ago, he boarded the steamer Baychimo aboard which be travelled to Perry River, 1500 miles east of Herschel Island on et the various trading posts which are visiting thus but once- a year he travelled 10,000 miles. He; by the ship which, takes in their t- t!. fotjp to give denial ser-: supplies and carries out the vice to Hudson Bay Co. employees j twelve months collection, of furs. ., . various points in the Far , On the Baychimo, which encoun-Xbrth- ! tered much ice in the Arctic Leaving Edmonton on May 22 Ocean, Dr. Agnew came right out for Water Ways, Dr. Agnew went to Vancouver, reaching the south t6 Lake Athabasca and thence ern city on September 21 after down the Mackenzie River to Ak-lavik near its mouth aboard the river boat Distributor, which for having left Herschel Island on i August 1. The whole trip-was one of much formerly piled from Prince Rupert interest and experience, stated Dr. the price is rather high at Sl.lOj Roasting chicken. per basket. Depending on- the supply, there may be a slight decrease soon. Prices current are aa 'ollow: f APPLES Mcintosh Reds, fanty 12.90 ' 9" gMde 12.30 Jumble, paek 12.10 Green cooking applea (B.C.), 4 lbs. 25c FKL'IT California peoehes, dozen Oranges, Valencia, dozen . Umon. Qunklat. dozen . Imperial Valley grapefruit Hunanna. 2 lb. Extratted honey Comb honey pales; bulk,' 2 lbs. for Raisin, bulk, per lb. 25 lb. box Evaporated peara, 23 lb box .... balves.15; ........ v FMUR Flour.. 49's, No. 1 hard wheat Pastry flout, 10' ..... . M. 35a to SOc . 60c to 85c California Dainty Dates, package .. 3it Calitaioupeas 15c. 20c and 23c Brollef , 450 Ham, allced, first gradt too Ham, whole, first grade Ham. picnic, lb. Cottage - rollis lb, ..... . . Bacon, back, sliced ... Bacon, aide, allced . . . Pork, dry salt .... Ayrshire baton, ib. . Veal, shoulder ... Veal, loin Veal, leg Pork, shoulder Pork, loin .... Beet eti roast, Choc tami mb.'. aSt,Lam, WW,, rjb. . . . . , 35t i. shoulder. 14 Mutton, leg Lamb, lnfo, leg leg CocotDuU ...r..i. asuTla1J5uy,5' oreen ooking Apple ( 3 lbs 25c Seedless grapes, lb 25c Toksy Orapes, lb 25c Bartlett Pears, doz. Box Beets, lb. 33c to 50c seeta, sack 3.73 Carrot, lb. . '. t ... i 1 4 60c 38c 24? 40r S&e 33e 45c Pork. 1 ark. 40c to 80c pot r0Mt ; , isa. t 20a 8 ,or2Sc Beef. boUtnt lJUe to lie per jar sue -3M 'a Beef, steak 30a to 45c ..m,,,...,, ;8c5 MuHoicjjir VBOETAHLKR ceneera orape. Daaitet tl.ll pottoea sack ....... Itallau Prunes bex r.t5 parsley buneb lb Qarllc. Imported, per No. 1 creamery No. 2 creamery m.w taDoage, id. ... . ... . , lb. .... , w Kmu onions, per ountn . "'.,,. TunUps, lbs. ' " Crated onlnivi 1 Ihi $2.80 Pumpkin, lb 7c . 25c Citron 7c $30- 8w poUtoes. t lbs. 25c Corn on. cob (Oelden Bantam. . I .. 35c Parsnip, 4 lb J5c 82.80 Sack 13.23 . 65c Spinach. 2 lbs 2JC Pastry, flour. 4Ua 2i'j Local Radishes, bunch . . , 5c LAUD f tlir.CSE Pure ...,.... w. ton Camemb.ra, cbe-t g, ov ,1. s.. 85. Compound JOc Kri" Lberger.u-,,MW....... 85j Ontario loUds, S5o KOU!' New Zealand solids , ,...38o B.C. fresh pullet 50c 8tlltoru,ib 40e BO. fresh firsts 159 Kraft w. 45c BO. frenh extru 60c Norwegian boat 8! Napoleon Llmberger 70c Boquefurv . , . . a 79o Swlfta' Brookfleld. lb 43o Uorgonioiu. lb 75c MclAren'i Cream. Jars .... 45c find 85o Brookfleld Swiss cheese, Vi lb. pkg. 30c Gruyere 45o Brookfleld Canadian cheese, Vi lb. pkg. : ..... i..., 25c Golden Loaf, 15, ,, I RSmijicI'rlhlS Kwr-" si run White, per 100 $7.28 Yellow, per 100 ..(' 8.75 STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS For Vancou.ei Sundays as. Prince George . . 11 p.m. Tuesday si. Caudu 3 pjn. Thursday eg. Prince Rupert. . 11 p.m rrlday as Princess Royal . ...i0 p.m. Fridays-. Ostdena 12 midnight Oct. 3 as. Princess Louise .... p.m. l rnm Oct. 14 as. Princess Alice pjn'. Oct. 24 as. Princess Alice pjn, From Vancouver. , Sunday as. Catala 4 pjn Wednesday as. Pr. Rupert 10.30 ajn. Friday as. Oardena pjn. Friday as. Princess Royal . . 4 p.m. Saturday as. Pr. George 10.30 a.m. Oct. 10es. Princess Alloe ajn. Oct . 20 -a. Prlnoeas Alice .... a.m. Oct. 31 ss. Princess Alice a.m. to Hazelton, and which makes the Agnew, and one which he would For Port Himpon and xaa uiver trip once a year and proceeded not mind at all making again, thence by native schooner to thej Speaking of the teeth of the mouth of the river and into the , Arctic Eskimos, Dr. Agnew says Arctic Ocean to Herschel Island. 'they are perfectly good, though Ice and fbg was encountered on never cleaned, as, long as the Esther trip, and there were times when kimo remains in his aboriginal it looked to the tenderfoot that state. Coming in contact with they, could not get through. Her- , civilization, however, there is a schel Island was, however,- safely tendency to decay and pyhorrea. The teeth of the Eskimo are often worn right down to the gum by reason of the biting of the hide in the making of mukluks, their footwear. The northern Indians have lived in the vicinity of settlements so long and eat candy and such sweets so generally that their the Arctic coast. Stops were made teeth rapidly decay. LITTLE CHANGE LOCAL MARKETS New Fruits and Vegetables Appear While Certain Other Lines are off Local new laid NUTS , Almonds, shelled Valencia 85c Braxils as Walnuts, broken shelled .......... 43c Walnuts, shelled halve 65c4 Almonds 36c Peanut 20c Manchurlan walnut 25c California walnut 40o No .1 mixed nute ...a .,.-.. 25c " " .lNewllr",2 I Black Diamond California soft shelled . 1 . 114 1 1 . . inere nas oeen miie cnange, walnuts, lb. ...... 40c during the past week or so in . local market prices and condi-1 Jppert iiuub. ic muic ocaouiioi vctsc- Kippered salmon, lb. 26a tables and fruits have made their smoked black cod, in 20c appearance and a number of lines j Finnan baddies, lb. ....... .......... 23o are- on. rne popular concord grapes are now available though I p0wi. No. l, lb. From Port Simpson and Nans River Tueedjy M. Catala. 11.30 am. Fwr Anyox and Ul Arm Sunday m. Catala- fi pm Saturday as Prince George 4 p.m. I ' from Auuk ;ini Alice Arm ! Tuesday sa. Catila 11:30 ajn Gundav as. Prince Qctctree . . 7 P.m. 8':jFor Klfiviirt mill Premier , 60 ' aundsiy a. Caiala ........ V pjn; Wednwitiy sa. Prlfife hupert 10 pint 800 j From Ktewiut und Pinrtler .ruasaay as. uataix am. Thursdays- hs Prince Rupert 8 p.m. For (ueeil Charlotte Islands Oct. 8 as. Prince Charles . . 8 p.m. Oct. 20 as Prince Charles . . 8 p.m From (inert! t'liarlulte Mumls Oet. 4 as, Prince Charles a.m. Oct. 18 as. Prince Charlee .... a.m. For Alaska Saturday- as. Prince George . . 4 pjn. Oot. 10 -as. Princess Alice in. 0:t. 20--as. Princes Alice ajn. Oct. 31 as. Princess Alice ajn Alaska Sunday as. Prince George . . 7. p.m. Oct. 3 as. Princess Louise pjn. Oct. 14 as. Princess AMce .... pjn. Oct. J4a. Princes Alice p.m.- MAIL SCHEDULE For the Et Mondays. Wednesdays. Saturdays, mall closes l rnm the Kst 10:30 ajn Sunday at Catala 8 r Suisdaya. Ti. d'y.s and Thursday'.svV'" mall due 3:30 pm To Vancouver "(uidaya . ' 10 pjn TXitwlays J H P m- Thursdays 10 l'm Friday P '" O.P.R.- Oct. 3, 14, 20 .. pJMk syidays 4 Pm- WedhesdsVs ' . V.-. Feidays .: .'.Av.-V.. p.m. 3trrday .v. . . to " cpjt. Oct. 10, 20, 21 , n For An)o ii rid AlUe Arm j Sundays ' Saturdays P"1 mm Aiijox ami .Wire- Arm Sunday. 1 P Tuesday ' U.50 a m For Stswart audi twiner Sntai 7 PJ Wednesdays ' P.- From Stewart anil premier Tudey 11 JO am. Thursdays 8 pm. In an KUrr iulula Sunday i... . . 7 p.m I mm Mh art K'lll. , i THesaays SO a.aa. To Aliuika Poinln Ott 10. IK). 31 am ' From Alaska l"olnti- Oct '4 V4 p.m. To (jilren Clinrlnli.. Oot 8. 20 7 pj& Th:ir.-l.iy 8 p.m. From tlueen Cluirlollf Oct. 4, 18 I.KTTI.H HO rolJ.F.eTMINM AM. PJs urahaot & AUln Ave 90 rrt Ave it 8th Srt B.M ttlb Ave. Fulton St 9J laals Ave. Thompson St .. t.lo ntn Ave. it HoarooH .... 9.W lkh Ave. & OosVt4 8th. Ave. Bafa Uve Ave . M 8th Ave Maya Cote Circle M : SikV Ave. ftttM M 8.00 6tk Ave. Oeeaa at. (HspOi. . Btb Ave. Si MoBrtdb It. "-4 1M 7JO T,4t T.4. 7.0 f.4. -.(' H 7.O. H : a ' ff 329-l5t,al,uneaofrW,Lrowft. ' liSiIX.fe I niostex.iui.1leu,a..uen If Tho Incomparable standard of Salada quality j never sacrificed to price competition. Flno teas arc not cheaper but poor teas arc considerably $0( Contains only the Finest Teas Prov. Oott.. Building g jj Prov. lW Wbarf Q.T.P. Wharf OTP. Station ... 2nd Ave. it 2nd St 3rd Ave, & Fulton at. . . . 3rd Ave, & 6th St. II 10 (W li in in 1123 , 111. 10 It Buodsysr One collection only, nIUa pm. collectten C.N.H TRAINS For the Rant-Bally eaaaeja Sumtay l inn an FNim the Bast-Bally aaoep Wednesday ., asanas immmamuMamm , n 'jm. r a .:::::: s y mWW& jfJWW ' JAJ CW- thm new .. 3J .Tt 2.00J - 05(, . 25$ . 5c .. 3c . 250 25a UltlED FBtlTj Vancouver local lettuce lOo Lemon, and orange peel 35o Oreen peppers, lb 25s Cltroo peel eoc Hothouse tomatoes, lb UH Black cooling fig, lb 15c ri1 Cukes loo Wbita figi, 2 lb 25c B0- Cery for 3c Currant. 2 lbs i.... 85c ""now's 3 ani 33o Apples 250. 0len Beans, 2 lbs 25e Peaches, peeled 25 Hwbbard Squuh. lb 7o Aprleota, lb 25c F'11 Tomatoes, lb loo Pr-iner. 80-100. 4-lbs. S5q. Browa "'n Oulon. i lbs 23c 23 lb. box 1.85 Pickling Cukes, 2 lbs.., 25 Prunes, 60-70 lb. 2 lbs. for 25t v8uile marrow, lb. 6c 30-40, Jlx, 16a Caaaba melon, lb 15c 40-80. 2 lbs 25. Hontydew melon, lb. I0c Congoleum Cohl Seal Hug ilcsigners have "gain triutnpheil in Ihe introduction of the two newewt rug patterns, EVANGELINE and EMERALD A . . . master designers they arc, men whose talent and ability have created the host of inagiii-ficent Congoleuiu patteriiit, at your dealer'H . . . now. Wliat's more . . . these Iwo new patterns, and all the other beautiful patterns are now priced at the new remarkably low prices . . . never before has such outstanding floor-covering value been offered at such bargain prices . . . it is your opportunity to bring fresh charm, new colour to several rooms . . . for a fraction of what you would expect to pay for such beauty. Of course, all genuine Coiigoleum (with the Gold.Seal tin the surface) hcars'lUe positive guuratitco of "Satisfaction or your niOhey back". BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME NOW AT LITTLE EXPENSE CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAI, CANADA Srwl tliis coupon to:lay for a booklet .showing these bountiful rugpatturns in full colours . . t-it is lViEE. Congoleum Canada Limited. 4 1270 St. Patrick Street, Montreal. Send me. wUhout cost or obligation, a copy Tat your latcat pattern booklet entitled Brighten Yourf Home at Little Expense". Name Address &toVC, Prov.