PAGE FOUR The Daily News PRl.NCE RUPERT - BR1TI3H COLUSIBU Pub'Ifhcd Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily Newt, Limited, Third AvenueJ II. F. PULLEN - fit produced to Cu di Managing Editor SUKSCRIITION RATES City Delivery, by niU or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance J6.00 For lescer period, paid in advance, per month -60 By mail to all pnrtf of Northern and Cenual British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $!UXJ Or four months for $1.00 By mail U all other parts ot British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per ysar .... $&0v By mail to al! otfter countries, per year J7-.VI Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion Transient AJvertiaiug on Front Page, per inch $2.0 Local Reafltrs, per insertion, per line ;.. Classified Adn'rtisii.g, per insertion, per word Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line IS i Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone -9? L'd'tor and Keporltrs Telephone - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Thursday. October 25, 1928 I'MNCE RUPERT AND MINING Complaint id being made continually that Prince Rupert does not take sufficient interest in the mining possibilities of thf district There is activity all around. Stewart, Alice Arm, Anyox, Porcher Island, and along the line of the Canadian National there is real work being done and results being obtained. Sometimes the mining is slow and people get tired of waiting for results. However, the work is proceeding each year, and each year will see more real producing camps which w ill all tend to improve conditions throughout the district. All we suggest to the people of Prince Rupert is that they keep in close touch with activities and lend a helping hand whenever possible. BETTER SPIRIT HERE Prince Rupert is subject to fluctuations in the men tality of the people. One day they are all enthusiasm and the next they are away down below zero. As we develop we shall take or. a more stable atmosphere. Citizens will not think the city is going to the dogs because things are a little dull for a few veeks. Today Prince Rupert people are feeling in much better spirit than usual, judging from what one hears on the street and the general conversation of the people. There is a hopeful disposition everywhere and this it is possible presages real development. There is nothing to be gained by talking blue ruin, especially when there is no cause for it. TAKING CHANCE HERE A Prine Rupert citizen of long standing in conversation with th$ Paily News stated that he had been in four cities duririg their early periods and had left each just before the movement commenced. The result had been fatal to his success. He stated that he expected there would be a move in Prince Rupert soon and he intended to stay and see it through. He was not going to repeat here what he had done at other places. This time he expected to reap the reward for his faith in the city. He is a propertv" owner here and expects his property to increase in value. For Anything Creamed WHETHER it's creamed vegetables or creamed fish creamy Carnation Milk makes all the difference in the results. Keep Carnation always on hand for a cooking. It keeps. It saves butt a r. Just pure, whole milk evaporated to double richness. Writt lot tree Cook Book Carnaticn Milk Products Co. Limited 114 Abbott Stmt VANCOUVER, B.C. Carnation Milk "From Contented Cows" In The Letter Box MARRIED EMPLOYEES AND .MAIL ORDER HOUSES Editor, Daily Kewst. As an association privilege of answering a letter which appeared in your column regarding employment of married women, and dealing witn man order houses Without entering into any con troversy as to the ethics of ploying married women we might state here a few facts. Most employers would infinitely pre fer the single girl for these rea- sons; A girl starting in can be train ed more effectively. She is more aaBaadable to dis cipline than her independent mar-. ried sister. She can be corrected when nec essary wtuiout leaving any per manent hard feelings. Practically every girl today takes a business course and is not content to work behind the counter. When she does do so, it is only in the nature of a makeshift until the opportunity occurs to get into something where her training will be of use to her. The schools are turning out girla faster than they be absorbed in office work they are not looking for ent positions ,in our local stores. The percentage of married women employed is very small and does not warrant the attitude of your correspondent. .Mail Order Buying As regards mail order baying and the difference in prices; we would point out that the mail order houses do not as a general rule carry the ansae line of mer chandise as the local dealer, and where it can be shown that the mail order house really has the same article, the local man frequently meets the price. Enquiry ! among members shows that this is often done. As far as boy cotting any store for the help ft employs, married or single, that store is performing a service to this city and the money earned goes to buy necessaries here in Rupert; pays light, rent and, gen- eral city upkeep and is a benefit to the community. On the hand the confirmed mail buyer is keeping someone claw son or daughter in Winnipeg " wherever they do their purchasing. Without the much abused mer chant railways would lack freight. the stores tenanta, and the city revenue, and as a city 'would soon cease to exist. Those who would be responsible for thin would have the satisfaction of moving to the mail order they have made so prosperous and filling in an employment form. In the end it comes to this, if we would have our children employed we must have a prosperous city. If mail order buying today and all purchases made locally, every store in town would be busy, prices would be lower, and everyone would have a job. Why does not the Rupert Moth er send in an application far position with the sends out? It might be ered. Another angle rarely consider ed is the fact that local chants as a whole are carrying mi their books 1200,000.00 all w time in credit accounts. Some people pay in one month, others take twelve months. These pee pie only buy in town when they want it charged. When they have the money it is sent out of to. They pay the mail order cash -before they get the If local merchant had the caab before they supplied the they would be in a much position to buy In larger quantities and so give better prices. No mail order house, will give credit, they insist on the mpaey before they part with the jreos, but a Rupert Mother anS her many sisters demand credit sad sometimes a very long crestft from the local stores. The local merchant is sity in the community, a convenience and is need and very imeh abuses'. Yours faithfully, retail merchants association! THE DAILY NEWS ST. PETER'S W. A. HAS TEA AND SALE i Function YesterJay Not as Well j Attended as Expected so An other will be held 4)wing to Inclement weather itd we beg the tether attractions in town, the tea and sale yesterday afternoon by the Women's Auxiliary to St. Peter's Church, Seal Cove, was not as well attended as might have been hoped for. In view of this, it is planned to have another sale to aid the Sunday School funds. Mrs. G. A Rix, wife of the Biah- ip, opened yesterday's sale, the rollowing ladies being in charge: General convener. Mrs. C. Brewerton. Sewing Mrs. i. G. Viereck, Mrs. J. W. Hurra- and Mrs. David Cox. Home Cooking Wr. W. C. today. Oakley, Mrs. C. Sunberg and Mrs. A. Frebourg. Brand Tub Mrs. W. H. Refreshments Mrs. George Kel-; sey, Mrs. W. 0. Viger with Senior girls assisting. ) W A. Eaton, well known Jun-, Sfji iminingfnun, was a passenger i going soutl aboard the Prinoess Alice yesterday afternoon. Dr. Alexander PHONE 573 HfM.K HI.Ol'K DENTIST your mufcic irum one cabinet! kOkpiA I proAiota. oW keeron fixe i Victrola Canadian National Steamships Co. failed Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating ti.T.I' Kn.tinrerm 20.010 Tun l loetfnr. Dry Dock Machinists. Btiilermakert. IHstkumitliw, makers. Founder. Wnodwurkera, Ktc EI.KCTHIC AND At" 171 WKl.DING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MAIMNE AND COMMKIU IAI. WO UK. ('HONRS 43 and 6 and Lxadio I 1 1 in Vne cabinet Music from records or from the air . ' at command both at a most moderate price A new Victor instrument absolutely complete What? A new mode! Vinmla with Othn-phanir type sound box and handwune clorH awums. The New Victor (plug-in)' Radio, sfl its tubes included, (7 tubes and rectifying time). The new Victor Radio Sneaker. AJI buflt-in together in a new and graceful walnut cabinet complete with plug-in cord far only $J45! Believe it or not. it's true! This wonderful new VVtqr combination Rives yesj just mrytkini your home needs in music Virtrola has rcmark-itue quality and is sHf-stopping. The new Victor Radio is full Mae -standard with single station selector just as sold separately everywhere and ft is completely equipped.. The New Orthophonic Virtrola and the New Orthophonic Electrical Reprodudnff Vktmla are made in a ranee of beautiful models with dr without radio In cabinets artistically designed in walnut or mahogany. Whatever your musical wants, His Master's Voice dealers can IN them with Victor Itfces from SI 400 to as low as Mtf on omiv-sJeiit lutymeats. - onic Trade Mark Ite.'d Victor Talking Machine Company or Canada, Limited , Montreal Orrtuytfioriicvnly if it lears the dog Trademark 'alters