- -MaNkaasak,(apl well woman. I auw it UllvHrtllual In 1hg paper and tried it mill t.Vfliu V. PlnL. ''' ttive v,,sii. 1 hu refoin- HUNCR KUPKKT TIHES Thursday, October 25 Uih U.02 a.m. 19.3 ft 23.12 j).m. 19.3 ft lM m aim. f.2 ft 17.12 p,m. 7.2 ft Friday, October 20 fKh 11.41 a.m. S0.G ft lw 522 a.m. 5.5 ft 17.67 p.m. 5.8 ft. 1. w TIMIIKH SAI.B X-10519 BmM TenAwi will be raoalrad by the District Poiwatcr. Print Rupert. Bj not later thaa noon on the 1st day of November. -1038. for the purchase of Licence X10MS Laboucbere Channel. ; Ccoat Bange 3. to cut 1.164.000 feet ; Board Ueaaure of Cedar. Hemlock. ! Spruce. Balaam and rlr Bewloga. Two (9t Isra will be allowed tor removal of tUr.ber. Further partkculan of the Chief Forester, Vletorta. BC the DUtrlct Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C.. or Ranger L. B. Webster, Ocean FatU, B.C. Ten Years Ago In Prince Kupert October 25, 1918 The Imperial Munitions Board as placed $1,300,000,000) of war orders in Canada to date and next year another $500,000,000 will be placed. The Taylor Kngineerlnsr Co. has dosed down work of construction of U Dolly Varden Hallway at Aiiee Arm and nearly one hun dred workmen who are stranded are putting in wage claims total- ing some 475,000 as a result. The death occured from influ-jata this morning of Mrs. George Chureh whose husband succum bed a few days ago. Mrs. Church who was 89 years of age and lived for some time in Port Es- sington and Haysport is survived a large family. REAL ESTATE VOn SALE) Hath. tub, hot water tank & heater, 30 yards cork linoleum. Cheap. Aply, St. Louis Ilaths. ' 253. VOn SALK Lot on Third Ave-' nue opposite Firt Street, $2,101 Rosy terms. Box )37 Daily Kew Office, FOR SALE Special. Lots 29, 21. 22, 23. block 7, Section 5. Ondlcated 1 Worthmgton Pump Sail 4. afeetr Light Ratine sad Search Light. Main Engine and auslllsry mash troy in good condition. -Apply- , C. C. LABBIB. Pudehaetat AIM. 48 less. Canadian National RsBw CJJt. Dp. IN PROBATE IX THE HI I'HBME rOt'KT OF ltKIT(l. rOLUMIIIA. In the Matter Act; and of the AosvJoJefcfatton In the Matter of the Tyson, Deceased. C.N.R. TRAINS Of HsKph FAKE MTITlnr that hw nniM ot U1. Tor I he Eat Dally except Sunday tt 11 J0 am. From the EiM Dally esctpt WednmSiy at 33 pjn BRINGING UP FATHER FOR RENT FOR RENT furnished housekeeping rocms by the day, week, or month. I'hpne Hed 607. tf FOR RENT Thjee roomed house partly furnished. Moderate rent Close In. Phone Red 628. 251. WANTED CALENDAR Salesman : You can) make a success handling our line as our samples are specially designed to suit every class , of business. Calendar season ' commences shortly. Reply at 'once and state territory can cover. Give references. Apply Box 148 Daily News. lory covered. tunity. Splendid oppor FOR SALE Honor. F. McB. Young, the 10th day of FOR SALB-PeMtgreed uujLniEr, aji. ivn. i was appoui(ii , Administrator of the estate of Ralph Tyeon, deceased, and all parties having 1 claims against the acid estate are berrby 1 reatiired to rumbm same, properly vert-1 fled. To me on or before the 18th dsy of, Noveeaber AD. 1S3S. and all mrtle in- FOR (Mail tr. tttM Mlal. M miiM tA u kh 247 FOR SALE Player piano in good condition. A, bajrggin. Phone Blue S48. , U the amount or their indebtedness to mei range, heater, wicker baby car- raruiwiin. THSO COLLART. Admlnlstretor, Prince Rvpeet. BC. Dated the ITth day of October. A D. German police dog pupfrfes eleven weeks old. Price $35.00. Phone Red 392. 251 SALE Cheap. McChry riage. two beds couch and table Phone Green 252. 281. TUITION Candidates 'prepared for all University and Professional entrance examinations, in English. Mathe-mUies, Latin, Greek, History, Geography, Individual tuition. particular attention to those learning English. Terras on interview. P, McKenna. B. A, T. C D. SALVAGE AND TOWING fronting on McRrlde Street. WANTED Dallf work, sewing or I a.m. till 8 p.m. Price $1,000.00: ?100 cash; bat-! ance $200 yearly at 7 pr cent, Annlv owner. W. Arnett Dan-; FOR SALE .. sti Tut. "ti.uxirir ! Ltngtli S3 ft 5 inches, BcMB ; 16 feet 8 lneh-sl Braft II feet! omas tons 105X4 1 Met tons ,. 17X1 fms water oaoacito 6 torsi Hull ..71..." steel: Uietxttta Bnftnss . HP. -nominal Triple rxpanskn '.'.'.'.'.'.'.. P.. . 89 ssq house work, good plain cook.1 Box 151 Dally News. 258 Thin. Man. 247 ALL STANDING TIMBER on my acreage at Shames, B. C. can be ' Co., Rupert. Prince Rupert Salvage & Towin? Co. Ltd. BARGAINS IN (IAS BOATS Agents for Easthope'' Engines, Coolidge Propellers and Texlube OU Boats of all description for Charter Salt Lakes Ferry Service Week Days on 'the hours l.p.m. till f p.m. Sundays and Holidays, 11 logue. 5C4 Phone WANTED Sitfe, line salesman tojj'hone 310, 564 CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. Zumkehr r 1 1 r i. r had free By applying to Wong;- u.bW.. Lee Prinoa t.'i-.I n 4 a.r Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phene 3 Prince Rupert, B. C. AGENTS WANTEDjKQWEs gnEET MBTAL WORKS (Established 1000) Agents for the Bull Dog Plpeleg Furnace Easy Payments. Arrives set up. I rooms ; Mrs. John Dulberg Box 467. sell on commission, Counter: Sales Books and Business! THE S1IAMUQCK ROOMS Forms in rwrfhern British Co 8th Street and Second Avenue Iumbla from Prince Rupert to j Under new management. clean Princ George. Stat ne car- L, Ie and doub,e h,UM,kwplng PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART Auction Sale on FRIDAY, AT 2:30 P. M..: ..... ' Efeetric washing macMire, large cabinet grafonola, 2 dining DRIVURSBLF TAXI For Hire to Reliable Drivers Phone Blue 3d WALKER MOTOR CO. LTD. -day. October 25, 1928. THE IMILY NEWS PAGE SEVEN NUMBER OF CARS IN CITIES BRITISH AND TOWNS COLUMBIA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND v ;r f ollowing are tfie number ir ri'tri tcred last year in all THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEIIEST TO YOUNG 'AND OLD. :r;int districts of British, Co- jcrij , 527 v X 17 "if 249 ............ 18 ;'-'n 83 ....... 1,420 Hi mil 1,888 'i 1,491 77 i r.i scr t 265 w . 818 a lurks ...',' 3fU 1,860 75 ' 104 site '' ,8l 1.21S 11 hut . .' 96 V . -t minuter 10,006 1 ''I , Count 108 ' tieorge 464 liupcrt 417 .11 harlottg s tnf. ... .. . . 7 1 1 uiiit'l ,. . M . ...... its Moke 475 hurt , 04T li'iK 454 rt 68 river ...... 34,006 .'..,,,'.... 3327 1 a 10,552 ..ins Ijike .......f..i. 110 1 181 Total. 77,148 Man in the Moon lir 1'. S. Hhould happen to iMith Hoover and Smith, u uld happen then? r:i I of thg coast cities jx-ct a stiff contest for We hope no stiffs will bo njf here. Kir!i all know their onions iMiutrh they never weep, Ik; price they pay (or a few xlad rags 1 rely verjr steep. randy shop is on the ii I floor with plenty of win-li -play but the office of the 1 is upstairs where few see hat's modern development u that we have good theat- us see what we can do to - me money to our way to 'in pictures. ' - pretty hard on a man to b "iiiy really righteous person !,,. , j(y. k'. net te used to be coffin Now they have developed i.tfh drops. .OVKHX.MK.VI' (.iqUQIt ACT mivici; or .uti iruidN ton niiiM Mf ENVE '"ikk ta hires uryw iat m h day of November. ISM. UM Uw- l intend! to sonlv to the Llauor i Brd for a licence In respect being part of the building w .m i. tt tel. mumiv uraneoi itua at Ueeictt. Graham tv 'iiit bf unda described at Let H -V Nn 14 SuhrllvUIOn Of L?t . ' n etiartotte Islands. Plan No. US. " Townnite Prince Runert Land 'ra ion District, in th fmtm of 1 I 'lirnion, lor ine sale 01 eeer :.i.v- or by the open bottle Tor imption nn the prvmlsss. 1 i n tins lat day of October, tfltD. PORTER MNfllU. ATTENTION, WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE! Mrs. Goodkey Tells Her Experi-tnce with Pinkham's Compound itv, 1 ' it mw.t. Alberta. "The Change " ' rouble with me and I run-down, thin, mul woaknnd could not Bleep, had s IXHir aiiiKtitA anil could not do much rk. I am taking I-.wlia E. I'ink-hum'l V'eaivUliIe Compound now nl I 1ev like n CHIROPRACTIC DR. W. C. ASPINALL, Chiropractor and Electro Therapeutist , Exchange Block. All Diseases Successfully Treated . Phone Green 211 or Black 283. CHIROPRACTOR DR. R. E. EYOLFSON 623 Thir4 Avenue The right adjustment at the right time produces the best results. Our new ANALYTE Indicates the right adjustment. Phone Blue 85 Residence Phone, Black 252 r - Form No. IS t Section &?) LAND ACT. NOTICK OP IN'TENTIOX TO APPLY FOK LEASE Of KOUESIKIRE In toe Skeena Lnd BecerdlDg District, and situate, fronting on lot 137. Range S. Coast Dlstrlet, Invetmeas Pa- TAKE NOTICE that the British Columbia Fishing tt packing C Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation fishing sad Peeklne. Intends to annlv (or a teste of the foUowlng described foreshore: I I Oossmeoeiag at a post. planted at the; i northeast corner of said Lot 121; thence ) west, twenty ehnlna, mere or lees, to : x t 1 r. 1. an mieneciion wun u wen ooun- ev wtwnat lur ineutiung. no it of m produced north; tbenoei yourself! Write or call for cat- following uui production ot the west irnnniT. j u. uvi . m , m,uw m. mm i uw water mark; tnence easteny. louowtng the mean high water point of mark tare to to pu containing containing commencement, and ten, acres, more or lees. ; BRITISH 0OLL113IA FISHIKO Jc PACKINO CO.. LTD. ! 1 By James Henry Busnni;. Agent. ' Dated August 3f, 1B28. ibt Form No. 16 (SecUM 68) LAND ACT. ' NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APrLV FOR I LESE OF lOKLSIIOIIE In the Skeeoa Land Recording trict. and situate, fronting an part of Lot 34. Range i. Ocaat Dtstnet. Tele graph Passage. TAKE NOTICE that the British Ooi-umbht Planing it Packing O. Ud-. of , Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Ftetilng and ' ncKina. invenas to mhi tor a tees ot the fouowtae d ascribed toreehore: Conninrlng at a pust planted abont twenty chains acethwttterft traea th southwest corner at ssid. Lot 39: tbenee west, ten chains, tnenoe northwesterly, parallel to the general run or the snore o i. r . line, niwrn caains; uxence ea. ia bkmi 3 .. 6 room suites, couches. store bi-h water tn chains, more or tables, kitchen cabinet 7 beds. ' tees; thence southeasterly, foiiowtnt chiffoneer. dressers. 2 buffets. 2 rnnt. nummK aV buggys, showcase and miscellan eous articles that must be sold for space. Start on time. GEO. J. DAWES Prince Rupert Auction Mart, Federal Block. more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA F18HINO St PACKINO CO.. LTD. By Jsmes Henry Biishnell. Agent. Dated August 34. 138 3S Re -certificate of Title No. 14S-I to Lot 6. Block 8. Subdivision of Lot 080B. Hans . Coast District. Map I ISO. WHKHBAS proof of loss 01 oe above Certificate of Title issued In the name of CBAitLBS OORDON. has been filed la thai office, notice is hereby given thai I hsll, at the expiration of on month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a provisional Certificate 01 TtUe in lieu of the said loat Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me la wrtitag DATED at the Land Registry Otftoc. Prince Rupert. SC. th 3ed day el October. Ail. jew, H. F. MACLBOD.. Registrar Form No. 18 (Section 86) IrVND ACT. NOTICt; OP INTENTION TO APPLV FOR LEASE OF lOKEHIIOItE In the BVeena Lena rteoordlng District, situate and fronting on Lot 11, Rne 5. Coast District. Oxtail River. TAKE NOTIC that fM British Columbia Fishing ft Packing C. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Pishing and rucking. Intend to apply for a lease if the foUowlng described tormhore: Commencing at a post planted at the nprthwest corner of said Lot 11; thence west, tan chains; thence south forty chains, more or lew. to an intersection with the south boundary of Lot 11 produced west: thence east. foUowlng said production of the south boundary 3! Lot 11, six c. hln more or less, to mean high water mark; thence northerly, following trt mean h:gh water mark to point of commencement, and containing thirty acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA PISHIMO It PACKING CO.. LTD. By James Hp-iry Bushnell, Agent. Dated August M. :9M 366 Form Bo. IS (Section SS) LAND ACT, NOTICK OF INTKNTIOK TO APPLY FCit LEASE OF FORKSIIOKE In the Skeena Land Recording District, situate and fronting on Lot 3, Range 4 Coast District, Lowe Inlet. Take Nonus that the British Columbia Fishing 41 Packing C. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Fishing and Packing. Intends to apply for a lease of the f"tlowirg described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast comer of said Lot 3; thence wn. two mains: thence vest forty chains, more jr less, to sn Intersection with the west boundary jf Lot 3 produced south; thence north seeji chains, mere or less, to the southwest corner of Lot 3: thence easterly, follow ing tne mean nign water mars to the point of commencement, and containing eighteen aoras, nm or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA F1BHINO PACKING CO., LTD. By James Henry bushnell Agent. Dated August 38. 1S3S. 3S3 Form No. IS (Sect tor. SS) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LEASE Of FOKBMIOKE ' In the Skeens Lend Recording District, situate and fronting on Lot of the British Columbia Fishing te Paek-.ng Cos Cannery Site. Townslte of Port sington. Skeens River. TAKE NOTICE u.at the British Ool-umbls Fishing Packing C. Ltd.. Of V ancouver, B.C.. oocupstlon Fishing and backing. Intend! tc apply for a lease ,f the following described foreshore: Commencing st s poit planted at the -.orthesst corner of the sstd Cannery ite: thence northerly, following the pr:ductlcn of the easterly tounds-y of tbe B.C. Fishing a Packing Co.'i property, six hundred feet: thence westerly, ' right angles to the said easterly boundary, tour hundred and fifty feet, more or lees, to an intersection with the westerly boundary of the B.C. Fish ing a Packing Co.'i property produced nortneriy: tnence wutneny, following said atcly ooundar produced six hundred feet, more or lees, to mean high water mark; thence easterly, following tbe mean high water mark to point of commencement, and containing six acres, more or lees. BRITISH COLUMBIA P1SHINO Ac PACKING CO.. LTD. By James Henry BuahneU, Agent. Dated AUKUSt 37. IMS 368 By George McManus I J tb THAT 40? WRUU.tP I ( I OlDKI'T feArt" A OOM'T TELIA. Mti i 1 ra S f " VOO ENO OVER AMY MvIVTHlMG OF TALK SH-UT'- TOO fe&KtqB5 HOW OO tOO DO-MR HONE r i MORS RQTTEM THE. OR,T ARE dE.TTlN MORE. riCWBsSaBl JtCOtl?HOW AE tXDOfV J, TOMr,TOE)-rLLCOMS DON'T TALK UKEKDURFAW , THtN c, AT HOME Ji 1 CAJWNE&'b: jgili ( I IVlVltCOULP Tl I Ii III II ii kftljugf rs-irar 3 II I I THtNCAK.HE I I r?.lrMJORE Icnt I MCCOHtwHERE v H I even out now to mawe. - I M I rr. ll-ill lock hij or ht room- -J WOULD TH'N I J)f . U , J ,Uer. . I TaVT'i, fORAN0 HE VVOMT 5j , r-5 OOT-TrCN-iHF. 'A' 'LSIm. fEMtlNOW ROOM WITH OUT tf i " f j"" H j0& (r'. (5vse w, s,n. ISLv