CLASSIFIED HABIT w nl viiu Hrc CONFUSION IN ui ilninir and what vour orosuects are i ml of Litchfield, with u need tendency on reremosiaJ matters, tavor of the blaheps' thnl it seems difficult 6:30 this morning gutted tho (Lord mR rod houac to the rear of ; shaking last night at a dinner closing a con- ome whirh Mon! f uith major industries, asserted that England did 77Jr:; sire to reopen the debt settlement with United owing to the city's cevat:on o,-.mfl asked that this country, if it wishes to take no orations in that vi-inty. Both ! in the settlement of the German reparations prob- Fire Chief D. H. McDonald and, id least would not get in the way." orrMr "P8 th: th,t j speaker said "our difficulties in Europe are great tSZTJS fthJ" tut we feel competent to deal with European prob- that the house ha been vacant I Whenever an attempt is made in Europe to come for mm time. Mr. James state i ; we are alway greeted with suspicion and hostility fot M doors and window but part of the eople on this side of the ocean, who on" wepe Bf nd j .,.: to uh all kinds of motives which never enter our ..IK '"1 umm in mic HiHiua iw.-t bale paper and cheesecloth i .bat ' ' room being bcroed off the walls Prince Rupert Should Soon Play XfJiZfZftZ'JS. am a t t i Important Role In Pacific Trade mVjrZ&tZfo led the interior of the house was Scrys British i rri Trade i Commissioner t "'t'iJS blocks. The department, how- rtH5 th ipe tin' i trade on the Pacific Coast is making great strides at v'r?00 .md Prince Rupert, now sharing in that trade, should soon u . , . . , a much more important role therein." declared A. E. Pollard The house is one of the oldest commissioner for Western Canada, in an interesting city, bavin been built . the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon yesterday Vrt tweBt n by.JJ! "But as I see it the open spaces behind you must be filled Christiansen, it was purchased n... country will ever do the volume of business of which y Mr. James from .lame Pos- was ,tulo a little over a year ago. Mr. Pollard's explanation of hi. TALKING PICTURES I presence in rnnce nupen. nej had been here twice before but 'had never been afforded time to, : mm the Place as he would like. I That was why he had come tiack. Mr. Pol.ard nude a plea for Canada to IlrRUh Affairs Mr. Pollard referred briefly to conditions in the Old Country. So much prominence had been given to the condition of unemployment there that that he " felt there ' was pn.,- true that there were a million un employed there today but another factor not so generally known was that there were far more people emploved in the Old Land today than there were in pre-war days. Therefore, the question seemed more of over-pulation than unemployment and that brought up the matter of emi- ( continued on page 5) YUKONOLD TIMER DIED YESTERDAY 8KAGWAY. Oct. 25.-8. Scott 61. resident of Whitehoree and an old timer of the Yukon and British Columbia, died yesterday For the pat several vears he has been fuel agent for the White Pass route Me is survived I' ; ill' V iilhl ARE BEING MADE 3Y Boston Grill i r . i vine reads the Claimed Ada LAUOE CABARET j ; j.,u lo. advertise for It. Special Dinner TUuradaya aad j n , .tt find. locate the owner. Saturday Dancing every Saturday nlgai v; ..I'rvf.r yu need, ad vert for It iruiu io ii. PRINCE RUPERT Dance Hall for Illre. ;r.T THE CLAHHIHEII Accomodation for PrlTae Tartle Northern and Central British Columbia' Newspaper Phone 457 - IK. No. 251 . ft PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1928 WELL KNOWN ARTISTS HOLLYWOOD. Oct. 24. A make greater efforia number of prominent movie art 1 1 IK I H K I I I A I 10 upily Great Britain with theiists are gotng into the talking pic-,AJ W ill i UlilJ natural produce or food which, asiturs business. Douglas Fair- a manufui-turing country, it re- j banks and Mary Pickford are uuired. He told how steps were both using speech in pictures V Oct. 2ft. The Anglo-lbejng U,en jn the Old Country to they are producing and Charlie - mid of London and the 1 encourage the use of Empire prod- Chaplin, while he will not talk nod, which is more orjUct5 j tnat connection, the Eng-i himself, has several of his char- nKfiicai. nave ooxn re- j jghm.')iii. formerly rather indlt-ciers ao so. proposals of the bishops ' ereni to where his produce' " ..: "T. ZSSttrrJrrt I'SAm MADGE RUSH IS , ...... ... euucaiea io w bbiiwihvj - jng products of the Empire. STILL AT CAPITOL Miss Iadge Rush, danseuse, who was reported to have been leaving for the south, is not go ing. She is taking part in the nrnuru tn u t t K f 'u rit t 1 TKaut ttu ..- ut guidance can bajthere to tfce!-h night until the end of .r .he remainder of the j era w'0" Itwo weeks" engagement. of affairs. It was, I real condition a like confusion. DEFINE WHO ARE CANADIAN "iiition to Come Before Par-" niu ni (Jiving People of Country Right to Name UVA. Oct. Dr. Ilis-' ')' the Liberal members Mol.u will at the coming "t Parliament move that ' '"I documents any per-wn as "Canadian those whote ancestorH for '"rations have been. Can-' II be known officially iiinl nothiiijr els'. FIVE YEARS IN PENITENTIARY Attendant Who Caused Death of Mental Patient is Convicted EDMONTON, Oet. 26. Walter Scott, formerly an attendant at l'onoaa mental hospital, was found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to five years in prison at Prince Albert by Mr. Justice Ford at Red Deer yesterday. Scott was found guilty of caus ing the death of a patient. Ir Arthur llobbs, formerly a veteri nary surgeon nt Calgary, by viol put treatment which resulted in pneumonia. Grain will soon !, STEAMER HITS ROCK ' . YANCOUVERilSLAND Seapool. I'nroule From Victoria to Port Alhernl. Had Aitldent Iast Evening VICTORIA, Oct. 16. The British freighter Sea pool, en route from4 here to Port Atberni, struck on uncharted rock on the West Coast of Vancouver Island last .,,1') in for .-.t":idy Railway Collision In Scotland When Jwo Engines Roll Down An - " Eiilbanlfment Killing Engine 'Men LOCKKIIHIE, Dumfries, Scotland, Oct. 25. There was a train collison near here this morning, the London to Aberdeen passenger train colliding with a freight. Both engines rolled down an embankment with the result that both engineers and two firemen were killed and three passengers slightly NO POLITICS IN ADMINISTRATION MACHINERY FOR NL'W IIILLMOU SAWMILL IS COMING AT WEL'K-KNl) 1 i Union freighter Chilliwack T apt. jonn atuir, uue in port t 1 this week-end from the so'jth, will unload a boiler ! a i in a t m as .a. llv Suvn Ki,me RmnliM, Arpi "a m" macnincry lor in 1 I A Mill CI- , VxaT J 1 1 lting I)imwd for Pulilital ! npw -Pce sains AciiviliiM ' L,-!. sawmill near the city wh'ch will aoon be ready for operation. The Chi Hi week. VICTORIA. Oct. "As longj whk-h is callinjr at Kitimaat as I hold the office of attorney on the way north, will proc- general ..of this province there PCj frm here to Alice Ann. will be a divorcement of politics 4 from the administration of just ice." said Hon. R. H. Pooley, before the annual mooting of the Esquimau Conservative Assoc ia- ion last night. "I preached that doctrine in opposition and heard no objection raised to It There are a few now th it object but as long as I hold the position this policy will be curried out" Di.icusing the ( ivii service, Mr. Pooley said it was tree Afaat some of those in the service had intro duced politics into their work. Some of thene hud been removed and there would be others who would be discharged. RUFUS ARGENTA NOT ABANDONED Work on R Will he CotUiHiel in Spring by J. putkltijBuyo eriiry': ? ' VKTOMA, Oct. 86. "There is j absolutely not a word of truth in ' the report put in circulation that the Rufus-Argenta mines have I teen thrown up by J. F. DuUtie o' ' Seattle," said F. Bliott, secretary i fnaiiMii of tk nomnanv. here last rigt. Bllloat explained that there had been a dosing down of operations for the winter months during the season of snow. Affairs at the mine were in excellent condition, he said. YESTERDAY'S WHEAT one and also a number of other 'properties, lie is carrying with ihim ! MYSTERY ON VANCOUVER ID. Aquariam Foundation Now Under Arreat NANAIMO. Oct. 26. Edward Arthur Wilson. President of the Aquarium Foundation at Yellow j Point near Ladysmith. was last night released on boil of ICO.eOO on a theft charge following his arrest in Vancouver yesterday He Wilson's accuse i, was recently PRICE FIVE CENTS "RAIL $A Y COLLISION II " S CO TLA !ND SIR ARTHUR Lord Melchett Rebukes United States For Its ,VV YORK, Oct. 25, Sir Alfred Mond en MOND ASKS U. Suspicions Of Europe1 MORNING FIRE GUTS DWELLING illouhf Belonging to George J ami Believed Victim of In- j ccndiarlsm Fire of mysterious origin about S. NOT TO INTERFERE EUROPE PRINCE RUPERT ELEVATOR Laughs At Tales That Prince Rupett is Nol Maki g Pi ogress Shows Faith By Opening Here, ' It ni;'ke i mc If ugh when 1 hear people talk of Prince Rupert not making profit ' staled Frank 1). Ki- this morning. "1 came wiiul i.i now I'unce Rupert in building a city looked almost an impossibility here then. sow nee what has been accom-p.i.shed. Considering the time, 1 think wondrful progress has been made. AIho I think the future looks very rosy. As an earnest of my faith I have decided to open an office here and to mrke this my headquarters." Mr. Rice Hurvcyed the town of Stewart in 1907 and the same visir surveyed the mining proeriy t khuUe Inlet where there irrcii: activity today under Detroit control. He also surveyed about the same time the IlaaeHon nnd Massett townsites. )Ie has lived in ine district mucn el tne .one Awe then and knows it well and Bees areai uroKresn ueinK maae. i "I have great faith in Alice ; I'wW ' Token Ground Arm." declared Mr. Rice, "and ij a Co expert great things there." The Toric mine he expects to be a great MILLSITEIS NOWSECURED 'National Airplane Lumber Co. Re- While the principals of the concern, J. R. Black and Robert Armstrong of Kewanee, Illinois, are jDv,, fr,m niboth in the south just now and Tfcer where work is beta carried TZ " 0T? lea undeeipsMlilaT.g eoMWon. V ' nal Lumber Co. I According to Mr. Rice there r-e Airplane Inc. which is the contemplating ninety men in the bills around Alice Arm now and most of them rec"on of "P"' mil1 re for he manafactunng will continue to work all winter. PP0" More work ha. been done there .,rP 8Pruc ,or P?rt frm " BK f"B Crwk the this summer than has been the !!m,tl" P ' . , Lcstall River, has secured a site dWD f ""fVln I for the plant just across the cove (the Dolly Varden. . Mr. lUe.toU ehsi.stic To give that over the Pe.ce Rivw country ; ,w. would better the farther you go. He h (t( fu, of jbeen there both winter and UBHgnue tnere and knows conditions well, j mer j MtwwhH lofing operiltjon8 He says it will be a great thing to. M . ,,, . whl, have it oM-ned up and will mean . - r . . ,..,w much to the coast of men there is engaged in putting In a two-mile light railway which will connect the limits with the Ecstall River. Over this supplies will be taken into the operations and logs may also be carried out by that means. National Airplane Lum'er Co. ... ,V. ,, , i reported to have acquired con- President as ell as Secretary of mu on tne lOueen Charlotte Islands as well as j those up the Ecstall River. URGES POLICY ROAD BUILDING is charged wrth te theft of $16.- Premier Tolmie oukt Jlae red- 000 belonging to the Foundation. ; eral Government Return to Robert Enland, secretary- rormer scheme treasurer of th foundation and VISITING IN ONTARIO il SARNIA, Oct. 26. Clifford Brown, 21 years of age, son of Judge Brown of Grand Forks, B. C. was found dead in a well on the farm of his uncle at Camlachie. .Ontario. He was staying here for VANCOUVER, ' Oet The barged by Wilson with the theft . , i ol iz,wv ana a-fo oui on pm. . , The cases w'll probably solve what haa been regarded j as a local I mystery concerning ideals and ideas of members of the socio who fenced in land at Vol 'Mr Point, built a small village -iS) I themselves from outsid ers. YOUNG MAN FOUND DEAD IN WELL WHEN the policy in effect be- "I and 1988 whereby the ... . could earn grants of as sistance :a the building of trunk Mads. I -emier Toitiae said yes terday nddiesajr I the Vancouver BoarU .f Trade. Research work which would enable British Columbia to utilize the waste from logging operations and a vigorous policy of forestation would form part of Uhe provincial Government's pol- y, the Premier said. POOLEY ANNOUNCES CHANGE OF POLICY VICTORIA. Oct. 2ft. Hon. R. H Pooley today announced that VANCOUVER. Oct 26. Theithe benefit of his health and is, the proviucial police would not night and in returning to Victoria price of wheat at closing yeater-, believed to have suffered a weak in future be allowed to use "stool ..lording to wii- ' -sx advices. day va SI.l'i" j. ;j.ll and fell intu the well. pigeons to secure convict ions.