PAGE TWO This advertisement Is not published or displayed "by the l.iouor Control Board or by the Government or British. CoumbIa'i! $ THE DAILY NEWS News and Views In The World of Alii Y aH KID ROY IS STILL CHAMP Wins Decision over Vic Foley in Twelve Hounds or Fierce Fighting VANCOUVER, Nov. 6. Ia (Kid) Hoy of Montreal sucess-fully defended his Canadian featherweight title when he won the decision in a savagely fought twelve round battle with Vic Foley here last night. Hoy came from behind in the last five rounds and battered the Vancouver boy with solid smashes to the face and body. Foley's right eye was closed in the seventh and thereafter he j was at the mercy of his opponent who lore in with savage fury to take advantage of the break. Roy floored Foley in the first round and again in the twelfth. The weights were Foley 126, Roy 1242. ELKS' WHIST There was the usual large attendance at the Elks' Ledge weekly whist and bridge tournament last night. Mrs. H. Skattebol won the whist prize with a score of 204 and Mrs. Joseph Howe was high in bridge with 2426. Three hundred carloads of grain were reported this morning to be on the railway division west !of Jasper Park bound for the Al-iberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert : elevator with 300 car east of (that point cortfrnrg this way. I Twenty-three ears arrived here overnight and., nene are expected during the, next 34 hours . Close Games Feature Opening of Badminton League Season at Cathedral and the Armories The opening games in the Badminton League were played last night, the Prince Rupert Badminton Club winning from the Cathedral and the I.O.D.E. beating the Regiment. All were very well contested and a great deal of enthusiasm was shown both by members and visitors. The Prince Rupert Badminton Club met the Cathedral Club in the Cathedral Hall and won in all three matches but by very slight margins. Hearty applause was given each exciting rally, winners and losers" sharing equally. The following were the scores: Ladies' Doublet: Mm. H. L Shadwell and Miss Margaret Pal- hall was entirely strange to them, mer beat Miss L M. KJIett and Kent Mtttday nifnt, being Miss Francis Cross 16-1 Thanksgiving, there will be ;an(f 10-14. . Mixed Doubles: iHllcncll ucai ii. i. Liusn niiu a, C. Brand .15-8, 10-15, 15-14. At the Armories In the game between the I. 0. D. E. club and the Regiment the competition was not quite as close but the men's doubles was particularly well contested scores were: I of France! . zJMM 77 Ow'' Keep, it Handy Emergency Measure - mm t - 1' .f. THREE STAR had not been practicing and the Thrust and)arrr 'and the rine of: sreel on itcel. Such b . n , T scenes as ttys werej s common when the Musketeers of the King roamed the streets of Paris. Days when every man placed his faith in his glittering sword and his lady's favour. Athos, Porthos and Aramis . . . one for all and all for one , . invincible then as always. HENNESSY BRANDY Bottled at Cognac, France HSR Thta advertisement flpt published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia Around The World With Sport Fans (It; The Traiap) no i gamea but the following Mendav Frank Russell Cathedral will nlar the I. 0. D. IJlrs. Shadwell beat Mr. and Mrs. E. and Regiment will play the j Robert Uartlett 1S-7. lo-is. Prfrwe Rupert club. ! .Men s UouWes: Kussell ana 1 , r i i 1 1 i a tt t n .1 a The opening of the Badminton The kea8ue ,art night was sprung ratner suddenly and a number of Ladies' Doubles: Mrs. Thor the. Plarer8 had not been prac- Johnson and Mrs. Long beat Mrs. HC1? "r the event In two J. C. McLennan and Mr. EvIttP wnen lDe xl mes 15-3, 15-7. Men' 8 Doubles: Darton Norrington beat Johnson Nicholls. 11-15, 15-14, 15-10 are played, there will be quite - A . 1 1 - j a umcreai taie u veil, nayers at ttvs expect to be in the games will be 'preparing tberaeelvea so UxA DmiM.? P Stuart and t' tem the best Mrs. Self beat E. E. Greig and ' ,B them- u a, P-Mrs. J. S. Wilson 15-1, 15-8. ,We "rrangemenU may be raade iw PponBU to the The visitors were playing under difficulties in that some of them ioart on.,whlch th are u X- ine RMitaess oi wte attendance last nigfct was due to the fact that few- people knew the games were being jslajrad. Although his next appearance in the ring will be u a junior welterweight, Jimmy McLarnin, Vancouver boxing sensation, prefers to stay in the 135-pound division, says an Eastern writer. For the past year he has been putting on weight wry rapidly. In stepping out of the lightweight class McLarnin will leave the scramble for Sammy Mandell's world title. One match sought by the Vancouver youngster, who is now in his twenty-first year, will be with Joe Dundee, who at pre-! ent holds the 147-pound crown. Two weeks from today he makes bis debut as a welttr, when he fae Tommy Grogan in Detroit, la the event of a victory over Grasan he will be matched with either "Baby Joe" Gans or Ruby Goldstein at 140 pound. COLD STORAGE STILL AT TOP Resvtar Weekly Crlbbaie Fix tures Played Iast Evening Prince Rupert Cribbae League traaaists last nsgbt: C. N. ODeraUnsr. 12: Prince Rnpari Hotel, II. CL It, MechMriea, lot Kaglea, 11. Nnoae, IS, K. af CalmbH, IS. CaU Stonmw, 11; GraUa, 16. Canadian IHsrion, 17; Orange ntee. 10. . X. Sons of Canada. 12; Xew A. C If. (League Table) W CaM Stonwt 75 N. Sans of QaMnsm Tt Priae Knpett llntd . 78 Grotto 78 K. af Cola mom .... 71 Can. Legion 67 Moose 65 New Empress M C. N. Opersltoi; .... C. N. Mebana OS 0 ran ire 08 Eagles CI L Pta 60 75 9i 73 62 78 62 7S 72 OS 72 OS 7S 02 j 74 01 "Why should axle grease tip?" demii nded the farmer. "It is now tift HiMl or swim ming suits." SPORT CHAT Tex Rickard says he feels certain that Jack Dempsey will box again. 'The rumor that Dempsey will return to the ring has a good foundation despite his present shyness in regard to future bouts," Rickard say. He ready wants to return to the ring. Whan a good young man comet along In the winter campaign, you will find Jack ready to prance through the ropes again. He will be a big card tea. I am sure the ex- chamfrfefl will again Jkn the glove." I Although the comeback campaign of Luis Angel Fin. hy hair-'ed Argentine who lost tile great est of modern ring battles to Jack Dempsey in 1928, already has reached the stage where he is negotiating with Jack Renault and Roberto Robert! for boots in Buenos Aires, Tex still ia not sure that the South American's Sport HOCKEY CUTIS TRADE A Alit i?H REATFST CO A'L'IES IH THE SPORT ohn Ross Roach i right i net ten Chabot of the New York er for the Toronto Maple Leafs, was exchanged fur Hangers the Leafs getting $20,000 cash in addition intentions are serious. Firpo will have to come back to the United Statu to prove with some real fights that be is an available contender before he can be taken seriously." said Rickard. He made mention of the fact that Young Striblin. Atlanta heavyweight, 'continead to show tint he is one of the st roar est contenders for the heavyweight crown." (IWImrd SUndingM) (Second Divfrfen) G T Av! Grsati Terminals .... 2 ISM 90 Cold Stoiasre 2 1889 945 Grotto 2 lfM 848 tlrvdlv1dnal Average) M. M. MabHteMnn (G) 2 400 206 John Bulger (GT) ... 2 S9 20 W. H. JarmanfW) tW) 1M J. Hilbnaa (C8) .... 2 80 186 J. iy (C8) 2 400 200 C. Baptie (CS) 2 400 200 ; J. Campbell (CS) .... 1 200 200 C. L. Youngman (GT) 2 207 149 Ben Self (GT) 2 872 1S S. D. Mac Donald (G) . 2 S68 1S4 W. K. Williacroft G) . 1 176 176 W. Bailey iCP.i J. Bee ley iGi' W. Mitchell GT G. Howe (G) G. Krause iCS Bert Morgan i (i i BASKErBALL GAMES FOR THIS ELK Players' Club aii: i son, considered t' teams as any in tii? ' meet tonight in the s. ball league. The i iii aa felewa: 1 "layers' Club i,e .: BMI Mitchell, Eddie -Howard, Joe Gosoe. T :: and Louis Smith. Port Simpso Roljct S Pete Alexcee. R. M. White. D. Musgrave Wells and R. Cooper High School vs I'. .: Toe H. vs Eagles Intermediate game? mating their first aw -'' the season. Cork Tipped RED package Plain Ends BLUE package m:!l -n0t Wended