rruC.dV. November 6. 1928 THE DAILY NET73 PAGE SEVElA Man in the Moon Today is the greatem election CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND the greatest president of the wnir-tt fc- country the world has THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. ever seen, even if we don't Hay it KiurtMjWi'M ' . ; - The only real"' va I tie ' of an cii :,lon is to give studentu an op-, or.uniiy to $ydy human nature ,-ow a new angle...; '$K . . t !'hc average AmerfWh known atj iui as much about the real ev 'tioii i.fc .sHues ail tfoen he aver- a i Canadian about the Canadian 1 lit - at a Canadian .election 'opular songs are all right in own way but it is a relief now that in six months from Ui will be forgotten. nnie Americans are disliked .iwns lis am rn, -t rr-T-.-:- . . j NOTICE ' rjr,jj FOR SALE FOR RENT j ise (if their Americanism; operate steamships and otbw vessels' i. hmen are disliked because i2 ???u ViZ T S" privilege grnnt-mt i l a i ii , .v "V iral. Provincial or muni-national Characteristica, Opal authority: to acquire and ue -..nlc " (lav Canada w will attain aualn P"1"1 "gnu; to advance money to any ! Z , corporation, company or pmow for pro-'! l Where hr people may vMlne. butMIng or ejcwratliuj any tele-likcil phone 7lenr: to do anything a con-...Hhfcl tuwiuiap Dca4ITC OI of thoir xneir a ex- tractor qf tUwrs which It mitht do for ; I anadianism. Its ow purpotca; to Invest and deal , with Its auroliu funds: to enter iiTvin i . will be no movies in (because the movie artists jri't therw. If iwpular to be crwIHetl. he United United States States they they took took out of the national bev-tuit they allowed it to :n football. r drivior through the ,i local eithcn was sur I . i, t.. se placards everywhere ni' the inscription "Canada I lr came to the cofreluwon ' s. placard lil prodig al f 7 PRINCE RUPERT TIDEJJ Tuesday. November 6 . 0.34 w.m. 18.4 ft. 21.38 a.m. 17.8 ft. . . 2.44 a.m. 6.7 ft. , , 16.46 p.m. a '4 't. I Wednesday, November 7 . . 10.28 a.m. 19.2 ft. 22.36 p.m. 18.2 ft 3.46 a.m. 6.8 ft. 16.42 pjn 7.9 ft. THROUGH SLEEPERS TO THE SHIP'S SIDE r- aiiadian National Rall-! ,r . e made arrangements to a'.c sjiocial trains and through - ;ng cars from the Pacific the ship's side at Mun-;.ud Halifax in connection .ilings for the Old Coun-tl; i mg Nivember and Dcem-l-'ull information from City T Office. 528 Third Avenue, I' Rupert. Phone 260. 28t ' SitbC r -' service j industry The Three Important Points VTicn buying an engine, there are firce tjungi to look for: Reliability, Lc onomy of Operation, and Dur. , .1 :;;tv Lafje corporatlorit. who f keen buytn..are uteri of Fair-t mks Morie Diesel Engine!, and ' r' letting very Mtitfactory service. V, Cot"Psniei the Laurentide 1p fit Paper Co.. the Canadian tntemutional Paper Co.. the New. mdland Power U Paper Co.. uie m for tog boat service: the targeit yf 'y companiei on the Atlantic ' w use them exclusively, and d'. ure ni"berdu owners on the F-ufie Coait. When comidertng "unej, atlc ui fQr. a lint of ln,uk '-font in your vicinity. '"''"" -.Won Mmttnt DUtfl Cnlln.i ' mudt In irnitir tilrl from iS iu tot II. P h,t b0IHrom our nearest broncA FAIRBANKS MORSE Compsny Umltsd iiit' vvtoS"' M?"""'. V"'--'V, Edmonton, V.ncm,vc f, i ' Tn 4 Kat t .j4i. a J3?Tic' JB'HEtfeBV OIVEN that an nJSrJS ?.,.l.hS iff""" of .-the prov inlXl. . " -u,umoia ror an Act to lifctornorate fi etmiun. wu.. n f'??',i T,M conjiny with .... nivu ih nsaq pmce in the City of Vancouver and WUn th foi,Jj,lng To operate telephone, wireless teJe-pfli!''. ldto--lr.one and almlUr services Including services (or tlx trans mUslon of sound, picture, wrltlnc or signals; ,U bold ami dtspese of land. vcuvuivnia ana riereatteinenta of any ueacrtptlon; to provide and maintain all aueh ucn Duuaing. idlngs. w worka. works, plant, plant, ap apparatua. material . orflota offices and eichsns. ' - mm mmw be necessary (or IU business: far th nl I TTra am nf is- W....1 , . . and break up highways. atrund public SI?? ."2 w pJone linaa am inn tr flrMt rar tta aMsMat under or over watmounas. hvera and ! aaa. auoject to the approval of to I city or municipal council whore the i pi.pc.td works are to be situated within ! a city or municipality, and In other Carat SUblect to th annriatl nt tim I Minister of Unds: to comtruoTworiu o I iia .own prcperty; sublect la oMainltia consent under tbe Navlaabis Watass r-rue?tlon Act of the Dominion of Oan-acta, to eonatruot. lay and opfrate sum- ; marine telephone cable or cabios tn j any lake, river or water to which that Act teh ColumMa and between such Islands aJsd ttte mainland: to cut a passage for Ma Iteca where such lines pass through woods subject to compensating tbe owners trwncf for damage, and to trim ta on or esteavdlng over highways la order to prevent imarferdtet with goad telephone service to purchase the whole or any part at tbe undertaking of any other company having eercU Tn whose or in part similar to those of tbe company, or to amalgamate with such other company, and to transfer to the anr or to the swssasiwitri s the ease may be. all or any of such franchises or statutory powers as may be presesred by sues ottoar company: to enter into and carry out any agreement wtth any company whose undertaking la purchased as aforesaid In the nature of aasumlng the payment of or guarantew-ir. i tbe payment of prtnettpsl and Interest, or either, on bonds, debenture nock rr debenture, or aasumlng or guaranteeing the carrying out of Its oto lga tlcns or any part thereof, to eater mto agreements for cotUMCUng IU ayaw Ml or Unas with those of uWsii eie ptsceif seerasota to exftroawiate lands under tbe posses of the band Ctauees Act: to mas regulations for Its Internal ent: to tlx rrom tax to uane a tariff of charges for Its serilees. and to ostlect. sue far and recover the same: to borrow money: to Issue preference ajtaarea debentures or debenture atook. either rvdteinable or Irredeemable: to hares with or without iroMinoT or par valae. te change Its name pursuant to the Companlea Act. and other DATBO the Ht day of November. tSSaV MOPHILUPS. DCWCAK slc7HlLUF. St Seymour street Vancouver. B C. aalleltom for Use Applleanta. Turn. MS C.N.H TRAINS r Ilie Eal Dally except Sunday at 1IJ0 am rrom the I1 Dally sxsvpt Wednesday at 330 p m BRINGING UP wavL.U ALU t. A.D-r' TC TAKS THB BAB-y TO SCHOOL. r-row 'J mt BY OUL" I'H CUD we COT ' OOT OP THAT CACVE VlTHOOT THEM -aCEIN m jml Mr 3 - FOU SALE Raincoats, for men I and women, a great asnortment! of the finest imported English make at a very low figure. Montreal Importers. tf FOR SALE BY TENDER A 40! ft. cabin qruiner P.M.L. 2. Ap-I ply Officer Commanding B. C. I Police. Prince Rupert 2C2. 1 FOR SALE Gray wicker baby carriage in good condition. Ap-! ply 445 Fifth Avenue West. Phone Green 108. tf FOR SALE Rubbers and Rubber Boots for men and boys. Montreal Importers. tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Lot or. Third Ave- nue opposite First Street, $2,100 Easy terms. Box 1S7 Daily News Office. . . M Aht an 0Iler for y nouM and two lots. Good garden, all fenced. Frank Moore. Blue 18G. 2G1 HOUSES FOR SALE - Section Six SIX ROOMS and tth, Fifth Avenue. $2,000.00. FIVE ROOMS and bath, hardwood floors in main rooms, 12.800.00. FIVE ROOMS and hath, corner lot, new house, 33,800.00. Terms Arranged Section One SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, comparatively nr Fine view. $8,000.00. McCaffery & Glbbonx .Liroited 2fi2. Another Scot A man Mfed up to a cigar counter and bought two ten-cent cigars. A Scotsman, waiting to be served, pushed forward and said: You sell those cigars three for a guarUr, don't you?" HYs," replied the clerk. "Well." replied the Scotsman, placing a nickel on the counter. "I'll take the other one." Safe for ClllLDRENS v Coughs askskBaJn FATHER IT SEENfTor-E I HOPS THAT You ArKH. "ttoo'uu llSSr' lATfeU-V TO TAKE J. C. McLennan. tf! WANTED WANTED Furnished or partly furnished four or five roomed nouse witn oain. Appiy nor. 154, Dally News Office. tf. WANTED A few more roomers. The best room and board, $40.00 a month. Ten minutes from Dry Dock. Close to mill and Cold Storage. Seal Cove HoteL Phone Red 461. 2G4 WANTED Young man or young lady with knowledge of window dressing. Apply Box 1G0 Daily News Office. DRIVURSELP TAXI For Hire to Reliable Drivers Phone Blue 389 WALKER MOTOR CO. LTD. IN PROBATE IN THE SI THEME TOIUT or IIIIITISII COI.IMIIIIA. In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In tbe Matter of the Bstate of Ralph Tyson. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McB. Young, the 10th day of September, AD. 1926. I was appoints Administrator of the estate of Ralph Tyson, deceased, and all parties having claims against the aald estate are hereby required to furnish aame. properly verified, to me an or before the 18th day of November AD. 196. and all parttee In SeMed to the estate are required to pT the acaouat at tkeer indebtedness to me fortbwtth. TIIEO. COLLART. Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated 17U day of October. AD. ISM. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage. Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. like TBACHCF3 TOO", 10 tfKjA ( oood noRis.iMc, ood O ticket onT?- -3 laTdoarri AliiaM ,11 III II I aassssstl - 1 iiumh 1 3:(fHWssssslBBslBBBn --i'-w. iLDTp 1 0 II L . n rTiJBirt Jnl I f H V c- li 14 1 i K MO Int , Frriwa S..v.c. fCn-OOT I'O LIKE TO KNOW Inc 0.i IImsw rhu ' - V j" jj " 9 ISSSSSSSsf r m T I FOR RENT f urnished housekeeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf 1 FOR RENT Thirty three room 'Agents for Easthope Engines, hotel, partly furnished. Apply! CupIJdee Propellers and I we ARC RE OOT or U VmZ: UP MCRf SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Co. Ltd. BARGAINS IN GAS BOATS Texlube Oil Boats of all description for Charter Salt Lakes, Ferry Service Week fttiys on the hours 1 n.m. till p.m. Sundays and Holidays, 11 j m. till 8 p.m. 561 Phone 561 CHIMNEY SWEEP H. J. Zumkchr General Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phone 2 Primse Rupert. B. C. jROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS (Established 1909) The furnaee you have been : looking for has just arrived. I j CO.ME IN AND LOOK IT OVER I I Phone 340. Box 467. 227 Second Ave. THE SHAMROCK ROOMS 8th, Street and Second Avenue Under new management. Clean single and double housekeeping rooms Mrs. John Dalberg TUITION Candidates prepared for all Un- iversity and Professional entrance , ., . ,, , T examinations, in English, Mathe- matins , l atin Rrulr Hi.n-v . 1 Geography, Individual tuition Particular attention to thooe learning English. Terms on interview. P. McKenna. B. A T. C D. Care of Box 163, Daily News Office C 0 VERNM ENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ItF.EIt LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIV8K that on tbe Sth day of November. 1MB. tbe un dersigned Intends to apply to tbe Liquor Control Board for a licence In respect of premises belnc part of the building known as Queen's Hotel. Maseett. Oraiatn Island, situate at Uassett. Orabam Iv land, upon -Sk tbe lands described as Lot No. 6. TT-WW? J? 7. Queen Charlotte Islands. Plan No. 94. Massett Townslte. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, m the Province of British Columbia, for the sale of oeer by the gtas or by the open bottle fat consumption on the premises. DAIS.U wis 1st oay oi uctooer iavi. 233 PORTER SINGS. ah: CEtHTLEMEN- HAVE CCCr FOR. THReE A.w: bENice- U DON' TAK.P o CACK'TO OAU CHIROPRACTIC DR. W. C. ARPINALL. Chiropractor and Electro Therapeutist. Exchange Block All Diseases Successfully ' r Treated , V 'Phonef Green 241 or Black 283. CHIROPRACTOR DIt. II E. EYOLFSON 623 Third Avenue Tne right adjustment at the right time produces the best results. Our new ANALYTE indicates the right adjustment. Phone Blue 85 Residence Phone, Red 589 Form No. is tSeettoo 84) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LEASE OF FORESIIOItE In tn Skeena Land Recoraaur D.-trict. and artoate. fronting en im 197. Range S, Coast District. Inverness Paa-. TAKE NOTICE that the Brtttsf Columbia Fishing & Packing C Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Fishing and Packing. Intends to apply for a lease of 'the following described foreshore: Commencing at a past planted at the northeast corner of amid Lot 127; thence west, twenty chnlna. more or leas, to an interaction with the west ooun-dary of Lot 127 produced north: thenoe following aald production of the west boundary of Lot 137 south to mean high water mark: thence, easterly, following the mean hlgi water mark to point of som men cement, and containing ten acres, more or leas. BRITISH COLOMBIA FISHINQ ji PACKING CO.. LTD. By James Henry suinrxt.. Agent Dated August 25. 1028. 266 honn No. 16 (Section 88) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LEIME OF FOItUSIlOKE 1 In the 8k pens Land rteenrding Dts-trlct, and situate, fronting on part of Lot 36. Range 6. Coast District. Tete-i arson Pasaaae. :.....T"!-,wg"CE. tbLt.h Co1; uiuoia Pishing & Packing C. Ltd., of Vancouver. B C . occupation Fishing and I Packing, intends to apply for a lease i tiu ittiiAnfin njwwirvd foreshore t OKumetiClag at a post planted about twenty chains northwesterly from tbt southwest corner ot aald Lot 96; tbence welt, ten chains: thence northwester!" pirallelto .the general run of the afejore line, fifteen chains: thence. e&st to mean high water mark, ten chains, more or lees: thence southeasterly, following mean nxgn water mars to point oi com mencement, containing fifteen acres. more or leas. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING St PACKINO CO.. LTD. By James Henry BushneU. Agent. Dated August 24. 1828 266 Re-eertlfloate of Title No. 14346-1 to I A)t 6. Block 8. Subdivision of Lov I fetes. Range 6. Ooast District. Map HBO. WHEREAS proof of loss ol cne above Oetiflcate of Title issued In the name of OHAatLBB GORDON, has been tiled In this office, notice at hereby given that I thaU. at tbe expiration of one month from tbe date of era. ...t.li.4in 5 VTSTSSSSLS Title In lieu , of the said lost Certificate. unices tn the meantime valid objection be made to aw In writing. rt.isr. - . w- . ..i. - unicu m to. .win, nnMHl UUM, Prince Rupsrt. B.C.. this 2nd day of October. AD. 126. II. MACLEOD. 266 Regtatiar. By . Tl i. I JAtU? fiAH- OU ARfl t-R,JCi3-TMC TRANe.UrC ArDaAOOH EVEW 0""CAU IN iTAUTf LOOKINC. rc XOO TO WELCOME TOU TO ITALC - COME -1 HAVE 3pECL. TRMM 2r .ftW5 r V IMS i r vf . .I l aim i a :wn Form No. 16 (Section 86) LAND ACT. NOTICf; OF INTENTION TO APPLV FOB I.KAME OF lOltESIIOKG In the Skeena Tana Recording District, situate and fronting on Lot 11, Ranee 6. Coast District. Oxull River. TAKE NOTICE that the Brltlnh Col umtKa Fishlnc & Packing C. Ltd., of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Fishing and racking, intends to apply for a lease uf the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of aald Lot 11: thence west, ten chains; thence south forty chatae. more or leas, to an Intersection with tbe south boundary of Lot 11 produced west: thence east, following said production of the south boundary of Lot 11. six c alm, more or less, to mean high water mark: thence northerly. following the mean high water mark to livg thirty acres, more or leas. BRITISH COLOMBIA P1SHINO it PACK1HO CO.. LTD. By James Henry Busbnell. Agent. Dated August 25. !28 2ftd Form Nu. 18 (Section 80) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY Ft It LEASE OF FOKDNIfOfCK In the Skeena Land Recording Die net, situate and fronting on Lot 2. tange 4 Coast District. Lowe Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that the British Col imhla Fishing St Hacking c Ltd. of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Fishing and backing, Intends to apply for a lease of the foilpwlng deaeribed foreshore: uommenefng at a post planted at the southeast comer of aald Lot 2; thence nth. two chains: thence west forty chains, more yr less, to sn Intersection with tbe west boundary of Lot 2 produced south; thence north seven chains, mere or leas, to tbe southwest eurner of Lot 2: thence easterly, follow-in the mean high water mark o the potit of commencement, and contain mg etgmesn acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING & PACKINO CO., LTD. By James Henry bushnell Agent. Dated August 26. 266 Form No. 16 (Section 88) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LEASE OF FOKDMIIOUE In tbe Skeena Land Recording Die -rlct, attuate and from Una; on Lot ot the British CoAnnWa Ptahmg & Pack :ng Cot Cannery Site. Townslte of Port Islington. Skeeua River. TAKE NOTICE ti-at the British Columbia Fishing & Packing C. Ltd., of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Fishing and Packing, intends to apply for a lease A the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the tortheast corner of the aald Cannery site; thence northerly, following the production of tbe easterly boundary ot the B.C. Pishing it Packing Co.. property, six hundred feet: tbence westerly, at right angles to the said easterly boundary, tour hundred and fifty feet, more or lees, to an Intersection with tbe westerly boundary of the B.C. Fish Ing Jt Packing Co.'a property produced northerly: thence southerly, following ' to westerly vwuuuea-t oounaary j ,u. produced uuuvtu ail aix A ! SS." eaTurl, following LBmlM,rSr .i roMn. X, . I i- ' mon WW" OT leas. BRITISH COLOMBIA FISHINQ A PACKINO CO.. LTD. By James Henry Bushnell, Agent. Dated August 27. 1928 266 George McManus WAITINC POR, AH WE HSVC xoo: